CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C653 Fighting Against Each Other

C653 Fighting Against Each Other

Lisa, who had no idea that her head had turned green, was with Tong Si at the moment. Before "Ning Jiwei" came, she taught her how to deal with him.    


"Ms Lisa, do you want to go back?" Tong Si asked.    


She actually hoped that Lisa could avoid it a little so that she could have other opportunities to use it.    


Lisa looked at her as if she knew what she was thinking. She asked with a smile that was not a smile, "What, are you afraid that I will hear the content of your conversation with Ning Jiwei?"    


"No, no." Tong Si hurriedly restrained the various expressions on her face and obediently shook her head to guarantee, "Ms Lisa, you are thinking too much. What is there to be afraid of?"    


Lisa smiled but did not say anything. She only patted Tong Si's hand with a profound meaning, "Si, you must know that in order to help you ask for this opportunity, I said a lot of good things about you in front of Second Master before Second Master reluctantly agreed. If this matter is messed up or something else happens, If Second Master really wants to pursue this matter, I won't be able to protect you."    


Lisa paused, looked at Tong Si and said, "As for Soong Wei... Do you think he is more loyal to Second Master, or will he choose you?"    


Tong Si's body slightly stiffened and she subconsciously swallowed her saliva.    


She knew that although Lisa was smiling and talking to her, it was not to scare her.    


If she messed up this matter today, Mo Sheng definitely would not let her go.    


Tong Si immediately put away those little thoughts in her heart. Although she had some thoughts, the premise of all her thoughts was to live well.    


Thinking until here, Tong Si took a deep breath and looked at Lisa seriously, "Ms Lisa, don't worry. I will definitely work hard to complete the task."    


"That's right." Lisa smiled in satisfaction and patted her shoulder as if comforting her, "Si, as long as you do well, Second Master and I will not treat you unfairly."    


Tong Si reluctantly hooked her lower lip but she only felt a cool breeze from the place Lisa patted.    


She had never felt so clearly at this moment that she had already boarded the pirate ship.    


Other than going all out, there was no other choice.    


After Lisa knocked on Tong Si, she did not stay in the private room for long. Instead, she led the people to the suite on the roof to wait.    


This was Mo Sheng's territory. It was not easy to arrange something here.    


When they returned to the suite, Lisa leisurely held a glass of red wine and sat on the sofa to rest.    


The image that was projected on the wall was coincidentally Tong Si's room.    


The camera on the side could clearly see Tong Si and "Ning Jiwei" in case one of them had their back to the camera and did something to it.    


Lisa was resting when Soong Wei knocked on the door and came in.    


He took a glass of wine from the door and sat in front of Lisa. "Ms Lisa, you scared my Si badly just now."    


"What, your heart aches?" Lisa slanted her eyes at him and asked with her lips curled.    


Soong Wei's gaze swept across Lisa's red lips and could not help but roll his throat. His eyes were deep as he said, "Do you think I will feel sorry for her? If I feel sorry for her, I also feel sorry for Sister Lisa."    


As he spoke, Soong Wei's large hand quietly rubbed Lisa's elbow and faintly caressed it.    


Lisa paused and glared at him coquettishly. She raised her hand and slapped his hand off his back and said, "Stinking brat, you have no manners. You are also messing around with me here."    


"Hehe, that's because I know that you are the best to me." Soong Wei saw that although her tone was reproachful, she was not really angry. So he became more daring. He smiled and went over to drink with Lisa. He toasted with Lisa and said, "Ms Lisa loves me the most, and I also love Ms Lisa the most."    


Lisa's eyebrows slightly raised and her red lips curled up. She turned her head to look at Soong Wei and poked his forehead with her index finger. "Don't come with me. Be careful, I will tell Second Master later and let him treat you."    


"Don't." Soong Wei pretended to be scared and waved his hand to kneel. "Ms Lisa, spare me. Don't tell Second Master, or I will be in trouble."    


"You also know about misery?" Lisa stepped on his leg with her high heels and said, "I thought you were not afraid of anything."    


"Hehe, sister, you love me. Don't tell Second Master." Soong Wei touched Lisa's brother Gao's shoes and said with a smile.    


"Humph." Lisa snorted and pulled her foot out of his hand. She did not continue to pursue the matter.    


She was truly loyal to Mo Sheng.    


But... after a long time, who could not make a small mistake?    


Soong Wei looked at Lisa, his eyes turning slightly as he slowly came up with an idea in his heart.    


It didn't matter. There was a long way to go. As long as he could take Lisa down, it was equivalent to having an additional layer of protection for his life.    


In the future, even if he made any mistakes, as long as Lisa was willing to help him speak in front of Mo Sheng, he would be fine.    


At this moment, Soong Wei still didn't know that his good sister Soong Lu had already boarded Mo Sheng's ship ahead of time.    


When he found out, it would be another storm.    


Let's not talk about the aftermath for now. Let's talk about the meeting at the teahouse.    


Not long after Tong Si arrived at the teahouse, Gu Chenyi and Mo Xiuyu arrived as well.    


The two of them entered together, but were stopped by someone at the door of the private room.    


Gu Chenyi looked at the hand that was stretched out in front of him, raised his eyebrows and asked coldly, "What does this mean?"    


"Young Master Gu, I'm sorry. Miss Tong said she only asked Mr. Ning out. So you can't go in." The waiter at the door said.    


Gu Chenyi sneered and looked at the two waiters in front of him who did not seem to want to move aside. He was not angry. He just stood with his arms crossed and turned to "Ning Jiwei" and asked, "Ji Wei, they don't want me to go in. What do you think I should do?"    


"Ning Jiwei" flew over with a cold look. The powerful aura scared the two waiters and made them shake. They subconsciously avoided his eyes and did not dare to look at him.    


"Does Miss Tong think I am doing charity? Can you tolerate her looking for trouble again and again?" "Ning Jiwei." His voice was as cold as ice.    


As he spoke, he had already turned around and called Gu Chenyi over. "Since the other party has no doubt met, then we don't need to waste too much effort. Let's go back."    


"Alright." Gu Chenyi smiled and followed. "Anyway, I just felt that the tea here is not to my liking. If I had known earlier, who would waste time coming out to meet her? What a waste of time."    


"Ning Jiwei" did not say anything. He just walked out with a cold face and did not have any intention of stopping.    


In the suite, Lisa, who saw this scene, immediately changed her expression. She took the headset and instructed Tong Si, "What the hell is going on? Hurry up and get out of here!"    


She had people guard the door, originally to give Ning Jiwei a scare.    


However, she had never thought that Ning Jiwei would leave just like that, leaving no room for retreat.    


Tong Si only knew that Ning Jiwei had arrived when she received Lisa's order.    


Afraid that she would go out too late, Ning Jiwei drove the car and left. Tong Si did not care about her manners and quickly got up and ran to chase after him.    


At this moment, the two people guarding the door also knew that they had made a mistake, so they did not dare to stop Tong Si.    


Tong Si chased out and saw Ning Jiwei and Gu Chenyi getting ready to get into the car from far away.    


She hurriedly shouted, "Ning Jiwei! Wait!"    


"Ning Jiwei," of course, would not wait for her. He opened the car door and prepared to get in.    


What a joke. He wished that they did not meet today. Since Tong Si dared to come with him, of course he could leave if he could.    


Gu Chenyi also sneered and did not care about the voice behind him.    


"Wait, wait!" Tong Si ran too fast and accidentally slanted her body when she touched the corner of the table.    


But at this moment, she could not care about whether she was in a sorry state or not. She just took off her high heels and ran out barefooted.    


In the suite, Lisa saw this scene and laughed. She turned to look at Soong Wei and said, "Si is still very hardworking, right?"    


"Huh." Soong Wei sneered and said, "She is afraid of death."    


Lisa shrugged and said, "That is why it is said that it is not bad to have some weaknesses. A snobbish and afraid person like Si is really the best chess piece."    


Hearing Lisa comparing Tong Si to a "chess piece," Soong Wei did not have the slightest bit of anger.    


Not only did Lisa and Mo Sheng treat Tong Si as a chess piece, but he also never saw Tong Si as one of his own people.    


It was just an idiot who thought he was smart. If it was not for that face and that figure, he would not want to waste time with Tong Si.    


Tong Si did not know what Soong Wei and Lisa thought of her. At this moment, she used all her strength to stop in front of Ning Jiwei's car. She leaned on the car door and panted, "Mr.... Mr. Ning, let's talk..."    


"Ning Jiwei" looked up at Tong Si outside the car window and sneered, "Miss Tong seems to have misunderstood something. You are the one who begged me to come out to see you today, not me wanting to see you more."    


"I..." Tong Si was ridiculed and could not keep her face straight, but she knew that she must not let Ning Jiwei leave just like that. She gritted her teeth and said, "Sorry, I did not mean that. I just wanted to have a chance to talk to you alone."    


"Oh, so I don't deserve to appear?" Gu Chenyi glanced at Tong Si and shook his head and sighed. "Miss Tong, being a person is not something that can be done. Do you still remember how I saved your life today?"    


That day on the street, if not for Gu Chenyi reaching out to save her, she would have been forced to follow David into the hotel. There would not have been so many things that happened after that.    


The favors she owed in the past should have been as heavy as a mountain, but Tong Si was not a person who would remember gratitude.    


Now that she thought of this matter, not only did she not feel grateful to Gu Chenyi, she even thought that if Gu Chenyi had not been very busy at that time, perhaps she would not have been bad following David.    


If that was the case, she wouldn't have offended Soong Wei. Her Tong Family had risen to power a long time ago, so how could she still be in such a sorry state?    


For someone like Tong Si, she would never reflect on herself. She would only repay kindness with ingratitude.    


Gu Chenyi took a look at her expression and could roughly guess what she was thinking.    


After all, they had been in the business world for a long time, so what kind of people had not seen before?    


Too many people were like this. If you gave him a little help, he could still remember your kindness, but if you gave him too much help, he would take it for granted.    


Shen Mi En, Dou Mi Chou.    


That is human nature.    


It was unbelievable, but it had never changed since ancient times.    


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