CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C7 It's Time to Find Someone to Rely on

C7 It's Time to Find Someone to Rely on

Sung Lan scolded Jian Haixi.    


After leaving Ning Jiwei's company, Sung Lan hung up the phone angrily. When she called again, she found that she had been blacklisted.    


She was so angry that she stomped her feet. At this moment, her phone suddenly rang. She thought it was Jian Haixi calling. She grabbed it and scolded, "Bitch..."    


... "Daughter..."    


A familiar male voice entered her ears and Sung Lan quickly stopped talking. She took her phone away and looked at the caller ID. Her father    




"Who provoked our precious daughter again?"    


"Dad, you don't know what happened to me today..."    


As she spoke, Sung Lan exaggerated the matter of Jian Rui leaving a note today.    


"That slut actually dared to hang up on me and even said that she wanted to call the police. I'm so angry!"    


Sung Lan pulled her hair in frustration and continued, "Forget it, let's not talk about that slut. Dad, what do you want from me?"    


"Nothing much. I just want to ask you about the progress between you and Ji Wei. How is it, daughter? Are you going home tonight? Are you going to stay at Ji Wei's place? "    


Sung Lan's face darkened again when she heard her father mention this.    


"I'll go back."    


"Go home? Daughter, you can't do that. Ji Wei is so outstanding. You have to seize the opportunity. Besides, dad has a project that is about to start bidding. If not... "    


"Alright, I understand. Stop talking about it."    


Sung Lan hung up the phone in annoyance. She also did not want to go home, but Ning Jiwei did not want her to live at his place!    


The next day, Jian Haixi woke up early in the morning.    


At seven o'clock, she punctually received Jian Chenrann downstairs.    


The two of them had agreed yesterday that they would pay their respects to their mother today.    


The two children were both curious and happy to see their uncle for the first time.    


Jian Chenrann also loved the two children and brought gifts for Jian Yi and Jian Rui.    


After they left, Jian Chenrann drove Jian Haixi and the children to the mausoleum.    


This was the first time Jian Haixi came to see her mother in six years. When Jian Haixi saw the picture on the tombstone, tears flowed uncontrollably from her eyes.    


In these six years, she had encountered countless difficulties. Every time, she told herself to be strong, but at this moment, she could no longer control her emotions.    


Jian Chenrann sighed and comforted her, "If mom knew that you have two such cute children now, she would definitely be very happy. Don't cry, the children are watching. "    


Jian Haixi nodded and turned to look at the two children standing by the side. She then turned to look at the photo on the tombstone and smiled with tears in her eyes. "Mom, I am very happy now. Did you see that?"    


Jian Haixi pulled the two children over and kowtowed in front of the tombstone. She then let them go over and play first.    


She talked to Jian Chenrann.    


Seeing Jian Haixi's sad look, Jian Yi frowned but did not go forward. The little child did not understand what adults meant by "leave." He could only play the role of accompanying her by the side.    


Jian Rui was not as sensitive as Jian Yi. Jian Haixi's crying face was also not seen by them, so she did not feel much. At this time, she pulled Jian Yi and whispered to him.    


"Brother, let me tell you. I introduced a blind date to Mommy. He is very handsome and handsome!"    


Jian Yi rolled his eyes at her, "Idiot."    


She couldn't tell what was going on, but he still wanted to be a matchmaker.    


"He is really handsome. It was yesterday..." Jian Rui thought he did not believe her and told him what happened yesterday in detail.    


Jian Yi casually said, "How handsome? Is he as handsome as big brother Mike?"    


"Of course!" Jian Rui exaggeratedly stretched out her hand and said, "He is even more handsome than Big Bro Mike. He is the most handsome person I have ever seen!"    


Jian Yi coldly snorted and poured cold water on her. "Mommy doesn't like Big Brother Mike, so she won't like that handsome Big Brother of yours. If you randomly introduce someone to your mommy in the future, I won't teach you to do homework anymore."    


Jian Rui curled her lips and muttered discontentedly, "Anyway, handsome big brother is the most handsome. Rui wants him to be Rui's father."    


The adults did not hear the conversation between the two children. Jian Chenrann looked at the two children and then looked at his sister and sighed.    


"Haixi, it is too tiring for you to take care of the children and work like this. You still need to find yourself someone to rely on."    


Jian Haixi did not think it was a big deal. "I am their person to rely on. I don't need to find anyone else."    


"I know you are very capable and strong."    


Jian Chenrann said with heartache, "I know you can become a very good mother and also know that you can become the reliance of the children. But Haixi, who will be your reliance?"    


His words stunned Jian Haixi. She fell silent.    


Who will be her support?    


She had never thought about this question. Perhaps she had thought about it before, when that reliance betrayed her.    


Since six years ago, she had never thought about who to rely on.    


"Brother, I don't need it. Useless reliance is just a burden to me. I can become my own reliance. I can take care of myself and take care of the child. I don't need what you said."    


Jian Chenrann sighed again. He wanted to say something but could only give up.    


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