Mr. CEO, Please Control Yourself

C276 My Dear You're Finally Here

C276 My Dear You're Finally Here

Mrs. Mo and Mrs. Ou saw that Soong Yan was not easy to deal with, so they each found an excuse to leave in a hurry with their respective daughter-in-law.    


They were actually people who knew Wu Yuvyuv and were usually close to her. They just wanted to help her find some unhappiness for Soong Yan. They did not expect that they would actually find some unhappiness for themselves. It was really not worth it.    


After they left, Luo Suwen looked at Soong Yan in disbelief, "I did not think that you would let me scratch my eyes. "    


"May I ask if you want to continue shopping or go back?" Soong Yan smiled and asked her.    


"Hmph, what's there to stroll about with you?" After Luo Suwen finished speaking, she got into the car and got the driver to directly drive her away.    


Soong Yan knew that she would have such an attitude but she did not take it to heart. She hailed a taxi and prepared to go home to accompany her precious son.    


Qin Ximan and Duan Chenhao had not seen each other for a period of time. On this day, her friend asked her out to go shopping, but she did not want her friend to have something urgent to do. She abandoned her halfway and could only wander aimlessly alone.    


After strolling for a while, her mother called her and asked her to go to XX restaurant. XX table number to see a person.    


She knew her mother's intention. It was nothing more than asking her to go on a blind date. She had pushed this matter aside several times, but this time, her mother did not give her a chance to refuse. She directly said that if she did not meet the other party, Then she would not acknowledge her as her mother anymore.    


Qin Ximan had no choice but to agree to meet the other party, but she would not force herself to befriend the other party just because of her mother's threat. If the partner she wanted could get along with her, at least they would have the same three views. Otherwise, they would not be able to live together.    


When she arrived at the restaurant, the other party had already been waiting there. When he saw her coming, he smiled and greeted her, "You are Miss Qin Ximan, right?"    


"Yes, I am Qin Ximan. " Qin Ximan politely replied to him.    


He introduced himself again, "Hello, I am Qian Jin. Money, money, progress. "    


"Hello, Mr. Qian. " Qin Ximan did not know why she wanted to laugh when she heard his name, but she did not want to laugh in front of him. She could only force herself to hold back.    


After the two of them sat down, Qian Jin stared at Qin Ximan with burning eyes. "Miss Qin, you are so beautiful. I am very satisfied with you. I wonder what you think of me?"    


Qin Ximan,. . . ""    


She had just met him and he asked her this kind of question directly. She did not even understand him, so what opinions could she have?    


Qian Jin continued, "Miss Qin, I think we can try. I have my own apartment with three rooms and two living rooms. I also have a car with more than a hundred thousand yuan, which is also considered a car and a room. The income is also not bad, being a department manager in a branch company under the Duan Corporation. So you move in with me first, I won't restrict your freedom. As long as you help me clean up the house and cook, that's all. These are all things that you women should do, right? "    


Right your sister!    


Qin Ximan really could not tell where this man's confidence came from, thinking that she would like him.    


Having a room and a car?    


Hehe, she had it herself, and it was many times better than his. Did he need to live in his apartment and sit in his lousy car?    


"Miss Qin, how about you move in with me today and let me take good care of you?" Qian Jin thought that her silence meant that she tacitly agreed, so he spoke again.    


Qin Ximan smiled faintly and slowly opened her mouth, "Mr. Qian, who said that I want to move in with you? You are thinking too much. "    


"You. . . " Qian Jin's expression became somewhat ugly.    


"Help you clean the house and cook?" Qin Ximan continued to speak, her expression full of sarcasm, "Are you sure you are looking for a wife? Not a nanny? In my opinion, you don't fit my standards at all. "    


Qin Ximan looked around and then saw Duan Chenhao. He had just walked into the restaurant and she waved at him with a bright smile. " Darling, I'm here. "    


Duan Chenhao heard Qin Ximan calling him honey. He suddenly had a bad feeling.    


The corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably. He saw Qin Ximan hook her finger at him. He had to walk over to her and see what she wanted to play.    


Just as he approached, Qin Ximan stood up and intimately held his arm. She used a coquettish tone to speak to him, "My dear, you are finally here. "    


Her coquettish manner almost made Duan Chenhao have goosebumps all over the floor.    


"What? You actually have a boyfriend?" Qian Jin felt that he had been deeply deceived. "He's the gigolo you raised?"    


When he heard the words gigolo, Duan Chenhao's face instantly darkened. His eyes revealed a cold and sharp glint. "Gigolo?"    


His aura was strong, and his eyes were filled with killing intent.    


Qian Jin was so scared that he couldn't help but shiver.    


"I'm her blind date partner. You're the one who suddenly came to cause trouble. If you're not her gigolo, then what are you?" Qian Jin still had the guts to choke him.    


"He just said that he's the department manager of a company under the Duan Corporation. How do you think he should deal with his actions of openly insulting his boss, Director Duan?"    


Qin Ximan suddenly added.    


Insulting the boss? Director Duan?    


Qian Jin was scared out of his wits. He said in disbelief, "You are CEO Duan?"    


"He is the fake Duan Chenhao!" Qin Ximan smiled innocently.    


"Later, I will ask my assistant to look for your leader. " Duan Chenhao said coldly.    


Qian Jin collapsed on the chair.    


After leaving the restaurant, Duan Chenhao stared coldly at Qin Ximan. "Did you do it on purpose just now?"    


Qin Ximan smiled elegantly. "I did it on purpose. What can you do to me?"    


"Don't involve me in your matters!" Duan Chenhao felt very unhappy when he thought about how she had inexplicably used him as a shield.    


"Director Duan, I just want to involve you. " Qin Ximan was going against him. Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed his neck. She pulled hard and their lips tightly pressed together.    


This sudden kiss made Duan Chenhao's mind go blank. He even forgot to resist and temporarily lost the ability to think. By the time he reacted, her lips had already left his lips.    


"Do you think this is enough?" Before she retreated, Duan Chenhao held her waist tightly, lowered his head, and tightly held her lips, kissing fiercely.    


Qin Ximan struggled with all her might, but there was a huge difference between the male and female. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not break free from his grip and was forced to kiss him.    


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