Mr. CEO, Please Control Yourself

C307 Car Accident

C307 Car Accident

Soong Yan's car sped up after the bridge. So when the car behind accelerated and hit the bridge, it did not succeed in the beginning. Then the car behind accelerated again and was about to hit Soong Yan's car. She suddenly changed the direction of the car and wanted to hit the car behind her. One of them did not manage to stop the car in time and directly hit another car. . .    


"With a loud bang, Soong Yan saw the scene of the crash behind through the rearview mirror. The car behind also stopped.    


She had just suddenly accelerated and turned into a supercar. It was because she suddenly remembered that she wanted to go to the stationery store to buy Baozi a box of painting brushes. She wanted to buy them early so that she could go home early. If Lih Qingyu had not come back yet, she could also cook first.    


She felt that the scene of the car crash was very dangerous. If she had not suddenly changed the road just now, wouldn't the car crash into her car?    


She felt that she was lucky. Because of Baozi, she was lucky enough to escape this disaster.    


After she went to the stationery store to buy Baozi a brush, she drove straight back to Osmanthus Yard.    


When she opened the door and stepped into the apartment, she heard a sound.    


"Dad, call Mom and ask when she will be back. " This was Baozi's voice. The childish voice made people feel very comfortable, and there was a trace of warmth in their hearts.    


Lih Qingyu was busy in the open kitchen. When he heard the sound coming from the door, he looked down at his son. "Your mother is back, so obediently sit in the living room. "    


When Baozi saw Soong Yan come back, he naturally could not be bothered to pester Lih Qingyu. He ran over to Soong Yan and asked, "Mom, did you buy my brush?"    


"Of course I bought it. " Soong Yan took the painting brush out of her bag and gave it to him. "Take a look. Is it like this?"    


Baozi looked at the packaging and nodded. "It's like this. Mommy loves you. "    


Soong Yan reached out and touched his face. Her face was full of smiles. "My baby is so obedient. "    


Baozi took the brush and happily took out the drawing book to paint on it.    


Soong Yan walked to Lih Qingyu's side and asked, "Hubby, is there anything you need my help with?"    


Lih Qingyu smiled lightly. "You are now the queen. I dare not order you to do anything. You better obediently sit in the hall and wait for food. "    


Soong Yan smiled helplessly and walked towards Baozi. She sat beside him and watched him draw.    


He drew the picture of a family of three. When it was about to end, he added the role of a little girl. He smiled and said, "This is my sister. "    


After saying that, He turned around and looked at Soong Yan. His gaze fell on her stomach in a moment. "Mom, how long until Younger Sister can come out of your stomach?"    


Soong Yan reached out and touched her belly. She smiled gently. "Baby. About half a year. Soon, you will be the elder brother. "    


" I'll pamper my little sister very much. " Baozi said with a serious expression.    


"Yes, big brother will spoil my sister very much. " Soong Yan got closer to him and gently kissed his forehead.    


She began to be a little worried. If she gave birth to another son, would Baozi feel very disappointed?    


She began to pray silently in her heart, hoping that she could give birth to a daughter as she wished. She would dress her up as a little princess.    


"It's time to eat. " Lih Qingyu carried the dishes to the table and shouted at the mother and son sitting in the hall.    


Soong Yan heard him calling for food and took Baozi to wash his hands.    


At night, Lih Qingyu and Soong Yan were lying on the bed. Soong Yan's mind suddenly remembered the car accident when she came back without any warning.    


"What happened to you?" She looked a little strange. He could see it. "Are you not feeling well?"    


"No, she almost got into a car accident when she came back. " Soong Yan still had a lingering fear in her heart. Lih Qingyu was the person who gave her the best sense of security, so she subconsciously told him about the car accident.    


When Lih Qingyu heard what she said about the car accident, his expression immediately became tense, "Almost got into a car accident? Then you can't drive by yourself tomorrow. I will personally send you to work. "    


" Actually, it's not what you think. " Soong Yan explained to him, "It should be that the people behind wanted to overtake the car, but the car was too fast, so that kind of accident happened. "    


"Even if it was an accident, I won't allow you to drive to work alone. " Lih Qingyu demanded from her aggressively. She was pregnant now, so he could not allow her to be hurt at all. "Rou, listen to me. Otherwise, I will be very worried about you. "    


Soong Yan nodded. She regretted telling him about the car accident and made him worry about her so much. She felt very sorry in her heart.    


The next day, Soong Yan heard people discussing when she arrived at the magazine office.    


"There was a car accident on the bridge yesterday. It was quite serious. The car was scrapped and the owner was seriously injured. "    


"Really? Sigh, both car owners were seriously injured?"    


"I heard that the car owner who crashed into the car behind was seriously injured and fainted on the spot. I don't know if that was the case or not. "    


"Sigh, who asked her to drive a flying car?"    


. . .    


Soong Yan did not expect the accident to be so serious. Once again, she was glad that she had escaped that disaster. It was really extremely dangerous.    


In the hospital.    


When Ann Kaiyi woke up from the hospital bed, what entered her eyes was a white world. She wanted to move but found that her lower body did not have any feeling at all.    


How could she not move?    


She remembered that she drove after Soong Yan last night and wanted to take the opportunity to hit her. She wanted to make her pay a little price and at least make her child not be able to protect her.    


But she did not expect that she would suddenly change her path. Because one of her legs was not convenient for her, she did not even have the time to brake and forgot to turn the steering wheel, so she directly hit the car in front of her. . .    


So her lower half was no longer conscious, could it be. . .    


"Ah. . . " After realizing some kind of possibility, she cried out uncontrollably.    


Her scream attracted the doctors and nurses.    


"Doctor, tell me, why can't I move my lower body?" Ann Kaiyi looked at the doctor with a look of anticipation and asked. She did not want that kind of situation. She did not want to accept that cruel reality.    


The doctor looked at her with regret. "Miss An, your lower body is crippled. We did our best. "    


"No!" Ann Kaiyi screamed out loud, "You quack, say what you said just now again. How could I become crippled? You must have been bribed by Soong Yan that slut to speak and scare me, right?"    


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