Mr. CEO, Please Control Yourself

C323 Explode

C323 Explode

Luo Yuelan agreed to live with the two of them under Lih Qingyu and Soong Yan's persuasion. She thought that her current situation was much better and that she would not do anything out of control anymore. Thus, she did not have so many worries in her heart.    


She still thought that she could help take care of Soong Yan when she went back with the two of them, and also let Lih Qingyu work in peace.    


The family would temporarily return to Osmanthus Yard to live there. Since there were many family members, they naturally had to find a bigger house. This kind of thing was naturally Lih Qingyu's responsibility.    


The days returned to peace. Soong Yan would occasionally be curious about who were the black clothed people who rescued her the day she was kidnapped.    


She had already asked Lih Qingyu about this matter. He said that it had nothing to do with him. If he had predicted that something would happen to her from the beginning, he would have taken care of those people the moment she was kidnapped. He would not have made her feel scared.    


If those people were sincere in saving her, she would feel relieved. If saving her was another conspiracy, then she would feel relieved. Then she would feel that she could no longer bear that kind of torment.    


The peaceful days did not last for long either. Luo Suwen suddenly came looking for her. She found out that Luo Yuelan was currently living with Soong Yan and the rest. When she thought of how she was alone and alone every day, her mood became unusually agitated. Her life was not going as she wished and naturally she had to find something to do so she came over to Osmanthus Yard.    


She naturally came here to find trouble.    


When Soong Yan opened the door, she directly barged in without the permission of others as if she was the real mistress of this place.    


Luo Yuelan was preparing lunch when she saw Luo Suwen walk in. Her hands suddenly stopped moving and her face instantly turned cold.    


Luo Suwen did not think that Luo Yuelan was really at Lih Qingyu's place and it seemed like she was getting along very well with Soong Yan. This made her feel even more uncomfortable. Why did people whom she did not like live a happier life than her?    


"Don't you need to explain?" Luo Suwen did not look at Luo Yuelan but just stared at Soong Yan and questioned.    


Soong Yan naturally could not be bothered to pay attention to her. She only felt that she deliberately came here to find trouble with others.    


"You are deaf!" Luo Suwen shouted at Soong Yan, as if she was afraid that people would not understand her words.    


Soong Yan used her fingers to dig her ears and her expression was very indifferent as she glanced at her and coldly said, "I am not deaf but I do not know why you came to my house to shout. "    


Luo Suwen felt that Soong Yan deliberately came to block her. She had clearly said the problem from the beginning, "If you do not give me an explanation today, I will not let it go. "    


Luo Yuelan could not continue listening and walked over with large strides. Soong Yan was now pregnant and she could not let Luo Suwen, this madman, hurt her precious grandson.    


"Luo Suwen, are you done messing around? This is the first time I have seen such a rude and unreasonable woman like you. " Luo Yuelan angrily glared at her, "I appeared here to hinder you. Do you think that I should let the police arrest you before you feel normal?"    


Luo Suwen could tell that she was using the past to threaten her. But she was not afraid. "If you have the ability, call the police and arrest me now. I want to see what ability a madman like you have!"    


"Madman?" Luo Yuelan laughed coldly. She raised her hand and gave her a slap. Furthermore, it was a fierce slap, "Then I will let you see that I am crazy. "    


As soon as she finished speaking, her hand quickly went to grab Luo Suwen's hair and pulled with all her strength. Luo Suwen, who was unprepared, did not take any precautions. She was not her match at all and could only passively take a beating. It hurt so much that she screamed in pain.    


Soong Yan was watching from the side. She was a pregnant woman and was not prepared to get involved. She had to be responsible for the child in her womb and could not let the child suffer any fear or harm.    


Luo Yuelan probably wanted to vent her resentment over the past few years. Luo Suwen's hair had been ripped off by her and Luo Suwen was beaten until she covered her head and squatted on the ground. Today she was going to give them a show of strength but she did not expect that the other party would actually give her a show of strength.    


Luo Yuelan had also vented enough before stopping. Her eyes fiercely glared at Luo Suwen, "Don't think that only you have a temper. Other people are ants that you can trample on. If you dare to find trouble again, be careful that I won't let you go!"    


After saying that, she forcefully dragged Luo Suwen towards the main door. When she opened the door, she pushed it out and once again fiercely warned her, "Luo Suwen, if you dare to make trouble for me again, what kind of mischief do you have? I will make you lose everything. I will keep my word! "    


Then, with a bang, the door closed.    


Soong Yan was somewhat stunned as she looked at her domineering actions. She suddenly felt that her mother-in-law was extremely charming. The series of actions just now were simply domineering.    


Luo Yuelan let out a heavy sigh of relief and smiled kindly at Soong Yan. It was as if she was a completely different person from her domineering appearance just now.    


"Mom, you are so handsome. " Soong Yan sincerely praised.    


"I am afraid that she will hurt you and the child. " Luo Yuelan felt that she was also throwing caution to the wind just now. If it was in the past, she would definitely not be a match for Luo Suwen. But what made her feel incredulous was that she actually hit her until she did not have the strength to fight back.    


It turned out that when a person was really about to explode, it was actually so inconceivable!    


"Mom, thank you. " Soong Yan smiled brightly. She really felt that her earlier actions were super cool.    


Luo Yuelan suddenly felt a little embarrassed. She smiled embarrassedly, "I'll go and prepare lunch. "    


Shen Jinchen deliberately pushed away his work for a few days and went back home to accompany his parents. It was rare for him to be a filial son.    


Zhang Xian, however, saw through his intentions, so every time he wanted to find a topic to chat with her, she cleverly changed the topic. She did not dislike Lih Shuya, but she disliked Luo Suwen. She hated that woman to the bone.    


Shen Jinchen saw that his mother did not want to chat with him. After a few tries, he also gave up.    


One morning, Shen Jinchen woke up and went downstairs. He didn't see his father, but he heard a sound coming from the kitchen. He walked towards the kitchen.    


"Mom. " When he walked to the kitchen door, he saw his mother busy.    


Zhang Xian did not turn around to look at him and continued to busy herself with her own matters.    


"Mom, let's talk. " Shen Jinchen did not give up and talked to her in a negotiating tone, "Tell me the real reason. "    


Zhang Xian finally stopped what she was busy with. She turned around and looked at him coldly. " Do you have to be with Lih Shuya? Without her, you won't be able to live without her? Is that so? "    


Shen Jinchen looked at her with a relaxed expression and answered her question.    


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