Mr. CEO, Please Control Yourself

C57 Song Yan Received Two Flowers

C57 Song Yan Received Two Flowers

Soong Yan fondly touched Baozi's head and comforted him, "Baby, don't listen to your father's nonsense. You are not fat at all. I thought you were too thin and should eat more. "    


Baozi heard Soong Yan's words and was very happy. He proudly rolled his eyes at Lih Qingyu and said with some anger, "Mama, don't cook noodles for dad later. "    


Soong Yan only smiled when she heard that. She felt that Baozi who was like this was especially cute. Probably only he would dare to go against Lih Qingyu like this.    


She suddenly envied Baozi's biological mother. She had given birth to such a cute child for Lih Qingyu.    


When Soong Yan saw Baozi now, she thought of her own child for some reason. She had never seen her own child since the birth of the child.    


Soong Yan's eyes could not help but be filled with a trace of loneliness.    


She had to find her child as soon as possible. No matter where he was now, she would insist on finding him.    


Lih Qingyu naturally did not catch the desolate look in her eyes. He asked with concern, "What's wrong with you? Did your work today go smoothly?"    


Soong Yan shook her head lightly and smiled. "It's nothing. I will go and cook the noodles first. "    


After eating the noodles, Lih Qingyu was in charge of washing the dishes. Soong Yan accompanied Baozi in the living room to watch cartoons and occasionally spoke to Baozi.    


"Mama, can you sleep with me tonight?" Baozi leaned in her arms and begged her in a childish voice.    


Just as Soong Yan was about to speak, a low voice came, "No!"    


Lih Qingyu walked over and took his son away, not letting his son get close to Soong Yan.    


Every time he saw this little guy pestering his wife, his heart would feel very uncomfortable. It was as if his wife had been snatched away by someone.    


Baozi kept struggling in his hands. He reached out to Soong Yan and said, "Mama, save me. "    


As soon as Baozi finished speaking, a palm landed on his little butt and made a slight sound.    


Then, Baozi started to cry, feeling wronged. He shouted. "I hate dad. I won't play with you anymore. "    


Soong Yan saw that he was really crying. She rolled her eyes at Lih Qingyu unhappily, as if she was blaming him for wanting to hit Lih Qingxuan.    


Soong Yan snatched Baozi over and gently stroked Baozi's back. She coaxed him, "Baby, don't cry. I will sleep with you tonight. "    


When Baozi heard this, he immediately stopped crying and looked at Soong Yan, "Is it true?"    


"Of course it's true. " Soong Yan helped him wipe away his tears and carried him upstairs.    


Therefore, Lih Qingyu, who was completely ignored by Soong Yan, felt even more uncomfortable. No matter what, he was also a charming man. How could he not be as attractive as a little guy who was not fully developed?    


He suddenly felt that his biggest love rival was not the man who gave Soong Yan flowers, but his own son!    


Soong Yan finally coaxed Baozi to sleep, then returned to the room and prepared to take a bath.    


Lih Qingyu just came out of the bathroom at this time. He only wrapped himself in a towel and walked out, revealing his perfect abdominal muscles.    


Soong Yan was stunned. She had to admit that Lih Qingyu's figure was simply too great.    


Lih Qingyu noticed where Soong Yan's eyes were looking. He approached Soong Yan and asked in a somewhat ambiguous voice, "Do you still want to continue looking down?"    


Soong Yan nodded and suddenly felt that something was wrong. She shyly scolded Lih Qingyu.    


After saying that, she walked into the garment room and took out her pajamas and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After Soong Yan came out of the bathroom, she applied some lotions on her face and prepared to go to Lih Qingxuan's room to sleep with him.    


However, Lih Qingyu saw through her intentions. "Who allowed you to leave this room?"    


"I promised Xuan to accompany him. I can't not keep my word. " Soong Yan struggled to get up from the bed, but she could not move. "What exactly do you want?"    


"Don't forget that you are my wife, so your duty is to stay with me. " Lih Qingyu's tone was full of dominance and could not be resisted.    


Soong Yan was really speechless. That was Lih Qingyu's son. So what if Soong Yan wanted to accompany his son? Why was Lih Qingyu so petty?    


A big man was actually jealous of his son. Soong Yan did not know how to describe him and how to evaluate him.    


She suddenly realized a serious problem. Lih Qingyu was a paranoid man with a strong possessive desire.    


"Lih Qingyu, I think you are unreasonable. " Soong Yan gave up struggling because it was futile.    


Lih Qingyu raised his eyebrows at her but did not refute her words, as if agreeing with her meaning. So what if he was unreasonable? It was all because of her. He also did not know what was going on. After meeting Soong Yan, everything quietly changed.    


Her every action deeply affected his heart.    


"Rou, do you have something on your mind?"    


Lih Qingyu changed the topic. He had noticed the loneliness in her eyes a few times.    


Soong Yan looked at him blankly. For a moment, she could not figure out why he suddenly asked that, so she gently shook her head. "I don't have anything on my mind. Why would you have such an idea?"    


Lih Qingyu was a sensitive person. After hearing Soong Yan's answer, he knew that she was just perfunctory with him. However, if she was unwilling to say it, he would not force her. Wait until she willingly said it out loud.    


"I am just guessing. "    


Soong Yan was speechless.    


The next day, when Soong Yan arrived at the magazine office, she still received a bunch of fiery red roses. There was still a card with no signature between the roses.    


On it was written, "The ambiguous feeling makes people understand love better. It is my luck to meet you!"    


Seeing this sentence, Soong Yan began to have some doubts. This did not seem like what Lih Qingyu would say at all. It was still Lih Qingyu who had such a side, but Soong Yan did not realize it?    


But thinking about it carefully, it made some sense. She had not known Lih Qingyu for a long time, so she did not understand him at all.    


She didn't understand him at all.    


Lih Qingyu was also mysterious to Soong Yan, but she would not pry into his matters.    


Just as she took out her phone and was about to send a message to Lih Qingyu, another person walked into the magazine with a bunch of perfume lilies.    


"May I ask who is Soong Yan?"    


"I am. " Then, she saw a bouquet of lily flowers in front of her.    


"Miss Soong, please sign for this flower. "    


Soong Yan was stunned.    


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