Mr. CEO, Please Control Yourself

C135 There Is a Conflict Between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law

C135 There Is a Conflict Between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law

"Looking for me?" Soong Yan looked at her in confusion, but at the same time, she was also worried. Could it be that she knew about her relationship with Lih Qingyu?    


Luo Suwen walked to the sofa and sat down, "Make me a cup of coffee. "    


"Okay. " Soong Yan immediately went to the open kitchen and made a cup of coffee for her.    


Luo Suwen saw that the coffee was put down on the table and was not in a hurry to drink. Her eyes were somewhat cold as she stared at Soong Yan, "How long have you been here as a nanny?"    


"It has been two months. " Soong Yan replied.    


"Two months is still not over the probation period. " Luo Suwen suddenly said, "From tomorrow onwards, you do not need to come. "    


When Soong Yan heard that, she lightly frowned between her brows. Now she finally understood the purpose of Luo Suwen's arrival. She came to drive her away and did not know how she offended her.    


"madame, I was hired by young master. If young master didn't want me to leave, I wouldn't have left. "    


Soong Yan thought in her heart, Luo Suwen chased her away probably because she wanted to plant a person to monitor Lih Qingyu, or she wanted Qiao Qian to stay here to develop a relationship with Lih Qingyu.    


This was her home, she would not leave easily, and would not give Lih Qingyu to another woman.    


"Pa!" Luo Suwen raised her hand and slapped her. "Lowly thing, you dare to talk back to me? You are just a nanny. Do you think you are the mistress of this place?"    


Soong Yan drummed her drum. The side of her face that was slapped by Luo Suwen did not show a trace of anger. She only felt that this Luo Suwen's character was only so-so. She was also the same as Pann Xueni. In comparison, she was glad that Lih Qingyu's personality did not allow her to do as she pleased.    


"madame, I still say the same thing. If it was not for young master who wanted me to leave, I would not have left. Although you are his mother, you can't make decisions for him without his permission. "    


Soong Yan did not shrink back because of her domineering and unreasonable attitude.    


Luo Suwen saw that she, a servant, actually dared to speak and teach her a lesson. She was so angry that she raised her hand and wanted to hit her again.    


This time, Soong Yan did not receive her slap for nothing. Instead, she stretched out her hand and grabbed her wrist. Her eyes were somewhat cold as she stared at her, "madame, this kind of rude and unreasonable action of yours, is it a loss of your noble image as a noble lady from a wealthy family?"    


"Bitch, do you have the right to teach me a lesson?" Luo Suwen felt that this nanny was really not simple. She even dared to teach her a lesson so she had no choice but to doubt. Was there some unusual relationship between her and her son? "Bitch, if you still don't let go, I will call the police and arrest you!"    


"I didn't do anything wrong, what right do you have to call the police and arrest me?" Soong Yan felt that Luo Suwen was really unreasonable. She felt that if her relationship with Lih Qingyu was known by her, she would definitely think of ways to deal with her and break up her relationship with Lih Qingyu.    


"Let go of me!" Luo Suwen stared at her. Her eyes became somewhat red because of the hard stare.    


Soong Yan let go of her hand and did not hold back her hand anymore. Luo Suwen who had been released immediately gave her a slap and even called the police.    


At the police station.    


Lih Qingyu rushed over as fast as he could and saw Soong Yan sitting on the chair without a word. His mother was also sitting at the side crying and crying.    


"Police comrade, when this nanny stole our things, I brought her here. Not only did she not repent, she even threatened to hit me. . . "    


Seeing this situation, Lih Qingyu felt a little embarrassed. What was the difference between his mother's actions and those unreasonable shrew?    


Just hearing that his mother slandered Soong Yan for stealing things, he knew that she was lying and deliberately wanted to make things difficult for Soong Yan.    


When Lih Qingyu approached, he noticed that there was a finger mark on Soong Yan's face. His eyes darkened.    


"Qingyu, you're here. Look at the nanny you hired. She's too arrogant. She even wants to hit me. . . "    


Soong Yan sat by the side and listened to Luo Suwen's complaint about her. She was too lazy to defend herself with a single word. At first, when she saw Luo Suwen, she felt that she was quite dignified and magnanimous. Now it seemed that the so-called dignified and imposing manner was just an act. Deep in her bones, she was a rude and unreasonable person.    


Lih Qingyu looked at Soong Yan expressionlessly and then said to the police comrade, "We can settle these matters privately. "    


When the policeman heard him say that, he agreed. It would be best if such a small matter could be settled privately. He did not need to trouble them to deal with it specially.    


When they returned to the apartment in Osmanthus Yard, Luo Suwen still had an unreasonable look on her face. She faced Lih Qingyu and demanded strongly, "Qingyu, Immediately fire this kind of person who does not behave appropriately. You do not know how bad her attitude towards me is. I only said one sentence to her and she replied ten sentences to me. Those who don't know would think that she is the mistress of this place and that I am the nanny she hired. . . "    


"Mom, are you done?" Lih Qingyu impatiently interrupted her. He was not a brainless person. One look and he knew that she was the one who started the trouble with Soong Yan. The slaps on her face could not fool anyone.    


"Qingyu, are you going to help her or not me?" Luo Suwen looked at him in disbelief. Her tone of voice carried a trace of questioning, "Is she really just the nanny you hired, or is she your lover outside?"    


"Neither. " Lih Qingyu replied coldly.    


"Then who is she?" Luo Suwen pressed.    


"She is. . . "    


"I am just a little nanny. " Soong Yan interrupted Lih Qingyu's words first. She knew that Lih Qingyu wanted to publicize his relationship with her, but she was not ready yet. She also felt that it was not the best time to publicize it. "young master, madame does not like me to continue being your nanny, so you should hire someone else. "    


"Xuan only likes the dishes you make, so he can't leave. " Lih Qingyu refused without thinking. He also knew that today's matter had made her suffer a lot. "Mom, let's talk outside. "    


Luo Suwen gave Soong Yan a fierce glare and then left the apartment.    


After a while, Lih Qingyu went back to the room and found Soong Yan. He looked at her with heartache and raised his hand to caress her face. "Rou, I'm sorry. My mom. . . "    


Soong Yan gently shook her head and magnanimously said, "It has nothing to do with you. She might have sensed something and thus deliberately came to test me. "    


Lih Qingyu hugged her and lowered his head to kiss her on the top of her hair. "You have been wronged. I will find another place to stay and not let them find it. "    


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