Mr. CEO, Please Control Yourself

C151 Sir Please Show Some Respect

C151 Sir Please Show Some Respect

Pann Xueni could not believe what she heard. That man was specially arranged to deal with Soong Yan. How could he be arrested for taking drugs in the blink of an eye?    


What exactly happened in the middle of this? She was originally happily waiting at home to watch Soong Yan's explosive show.    


"It was Soong Yan who told me. " Gao Ya said with a certain tone, "It will not be wrong. "    


Pann Xueni knitted her brows and thought deeply. This matter really happened a little strange. If it was late, it would not be late. Why did it happen at the moment when the plan was about to be implemented?    


Could it be that the plan was known by someone and that person was not Soong Yan herself, but the person who secretly helped her behind her back.    


"Have you recently discovered that Soong Yan is in contact with some special person?" Pann Xueni asked Gao Ya. She had previously asked her to pay more attention to Soong Yan.    


Gao Ya lightly shook her head and replied, "The people I had her follow did not discover anything special. The only friend she usually makes is the young miss of Lan Family. "    


"No other man?" Pann Xueni asked again.    


Gao Ya still shook her head, indicating that she did not notice.    


Pann Xueni narrowed her eyes. She was sure that there was someone behind Soong Yan who was helping her. Otherwise, why would her plan be ruined all of a sudden?    


"During this period of time, keep a close eye on Soong Yan's every move. If there is anything unusual, you must tell me. "    


"Okay. " Gao Ya replied.    


Mo Sisi heard about Pann Xueni asking Gao Ya to follow Soong Yan and told Soong Yan about the matter.    


In the next few days, Soong Yan really discovered that someone was following her and the person who was following her was not someone else but Gao Ya who was fired by the magazine office. Of course, Mo Sisi had also told her about this matter but she did not think that Gao Ya would personally follow her.    


Soong Yan suddenly had a playful mood and brought Gao Ya to many places. She was so tired that she panted and following her, she could not keep up with Soong Yan's pace. Until she finally lost her trail.    


Gao Ya looked left and right and did not see Soong Yan's shadow. She gave up and prepared to return.    


"Hi, what a coincidence. " The moment Gao Ya turned around, she saw Soong Yan who appeared in front of her with a smile on her face. She was instantly startled.    


When Gao Ya calmed her mind, her eyes suddenly stared at Soong Yan and scolded: "Do you want to scare people to death?"    


Soong Yan looked at her and there was not the slightest bit of apology in her expression. She just calmly replied with a question. "I can scare you in broad daylight. Don't tell me you have done something wrong?"    


"Bah, you are the one who did something wrong. " Gao Ya stared at her arrogantly. Because of her, she was fired by the magazine office. When she was with her today, she had been suppressing her anger. Now that she was facing her, her heart was burning with anger. "Soong Yan, I was fired by the magazine office. Did you do something behind my back?"    


Soong Yan looked at her innocently, "Do you think I have that much ability?"    


"You have to ask yourself. " Gao Ya was sure that she was the one playing tricks behind her back. It was just that she did not have any evidence.    


Soong Yan's eyes darkened and she stared coldly at Gao Ya, "You have followed me for so long. Did you discover anything?"    


Gao Ya's expression froze for a moment. It turned out that she had already discovered that she was following her and that was why she brought her around and treated her like a monkey.    


She slightly clenched her fist and wanted to give Soong Yan a slap but she held it in. "What do you mean? I was just going out for a stroll today and just happened to be following behind you. If not for you suddenly jumping out to greet me, who would have known that you were also here. "    


Soong Yan knew that she would receive such a reply. She lightly pursed her lips and turned around to leave.    


Gao Ya hurriedly followed her, "Soong Yan, you have not answered me. Was it you who caused me to be fired by magazine office?"    


"After you find the evidence, come and ask me for an explanation. " Soong Yan reached out and stopped a taxi. She got into the car and left.    


Gao Ya could only watch helplessly as she left without being able to do anything to her.    


Soong Yan took the taxi to a shopping center and got out of the car.    


She was prepared to go in and buy some clothes for Baozi to bring back to him, but she never would have thought that she would meet Lih Mingze here. This was the property of Sheng Shi Group, and he just happened to come here to inspect.    


The moment Lih Mingze saw Soong Yan, his eyes paused for a few seconds. He thought that he had seen wrongly. It was only when he used his fingernails to gently scratch his palm that he felt pain. He was sure that it was not his imagination. It was that he really met her. . . That was why he was quite fated with her.    


Soong Yan told him that she already had a husband. But he had investigated and did not find out what her husband was. He had also never seen her with any man before. He was sure that what she had said to him before was a lie.    


He asked the people accompanying him to stop reporting and then strode towards Soong Yan.    


Soong Yan was currently looking for a children's clothing store when she suddenly felt a pat on her shoulder. At first, she thought that someone accidentally touched her but she did not care. It was only when she felt the third pat that she stopped and looked to the side.    


"Hi, beauty, we meet again. " Before Soong Yan opened her mouth, Lih Mingze took the initiative to greet her, "I think we are quite fated. "    


Soong Yan did not show much of an expression in the face of his enthusiasm. Instead, she appeared somewhat cold and did not intend to respond to him.    


Soong Yan retracted her gaze and walked forward.    


Lih Mingze followed and grabbed her wrist, "Beauty, it is rare that the two of us meet by fate today. How about I treat you to a meal?"    


Soong Yan unceremoniously shook his hand away and stared at him coldly. "Sir, please show some respect. "    


She didn't know why Lih Mingze would suddenly notice her. She had never provoked him before, so she was worried. He knew about the relationship between her and Lih Qingyu, so he wanted to use her to deal with Lih Qingyu.    


Lih Mingze saw that she was a little annoyed by him, so he lowered his attitude and tried to express his goodwill to her, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I just want to be friends with you and have a meal with you. "    


"No need. " Soong Yan coldly refused. She could not be that close to Lih Mingze.    


Xu Zhiyu's agent also came here to shop today. She inadvertently took a glance and saw Lih Mingze with a woman. She looked carefully. Wasn't that woman the little reporter?    


At first, she thought that the little reporter was discovered because she was following Lih Mingze. But after she stopped to observe for a while, she realized that it was not what she thought.    


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