Mr. CEO, Please Control Yourself

C321 Understood

C321 Understood

"Sister-in-law, I can understand your feelings now. " Lih Shuya felt the same way.    


Luo Suwen always opposed Soong Yan and Lih Qingyu being together. Over time, it aroused Lih Qingyu's dislike, and Soong Yan also disliked Luo Suwen.    


Now Luo Suwen also opposed Lih Shuya and Shen Jinchen being together, and her attitude was very strong. She really could not understand what she was doing, so she had to figure out the reason. She did not want to be separated from Shen Jinchen. She wanted to be with him for the rest of her life.    


Lih Shuya asked Shen Jinchen out to meet her, because she wanted to get to know about the grudges between her mother and him.    


"Jinchen, do you know what kind of grudge there is between my mother and your mother?"    


Shen Jinchen gently shook his head and replied, "I don't know either, but I know. They have never been in a relationship, which is why I rejected your offer from the beginning. "    


Lih Shuya now understood the reason why he rejected her previously, "So it is like this. I knew it, seeing that you don't seem to have no feelings for me, why did you heartlessly reject me?"    


"I'm sorry. " Shen Jin sincerely apologized to her, "We might not be able to continue. "    


He also wanted to persist. However, if the relationship between the two of them caused a conflict between the two families, even if they insisted on being together, over time, various problems would occur.    


"I don't want to give up just like that. " Lih Shuya knew that he had many things to worry about. Her mother might also do something to hurt Shen Jinchen. "I promise you, we will reduce contact for a period of time. I believe we will find a solution. "    


Shen Jinchen nodded. It seemed that this was the only way. His mother had given up a lot for him, so he couldn't do anything that would make her sad.    


"I will also try my best to test my mother and see if I can find out the reason from her. "    


"Yeah, I will also test my mom. " Lih Shuya said.    


Lih Shuya went to Grandview Residence to find Luo Suwen. When she entered the room, she saw Luo Suwen sitting in the living room sulking.    


Luo Suwen saw that Lih Shuya had returned and asked in an extremely unhappy tone, "You are finally willing to come back. "    


Lih Shuya walked to the opposite side of her and sat down. She did not avoid looking into her eyes and said, "Mom, I want to be with Jinchen. I hope to be able to support us. "    


"Support?" Luo Suwen sneered as if she had heard a huge joke, "Want me to support you guys together? Dream on. "    


Hearing this, Lih Shuya's face darkened. She felt that Luo Suwen's words were really infuriating. She would not consider things from the perspective of others at all. She would always do things by herself. She could now deeply understand how helpless Lih Qingyu had been to her before.    


"Mom, then tell me, what is the reason for your objection?"    


"You don't need to know. You only need to know that you and Shen Jinchen will not have any results. I will find a good partner for you. As long as you listen to my arrangement, you will get benefits and won't suffer any losses. "    


Luo Suwen stubbornly insisted on not letting her be with Shen Jinchen.    


"Mom, I like him. The person you like. If you like him, just marry him directly. " Lih Shuya felt that she could not communicate with him, so she stood up and went upstairs.    


The moment she went upstairs, Luo Suwen fiercely threw things in the living room. She even threw things that could be thrown, but she still did not feel relieved. The grievance in her heart became thicker and thicker, almost suppressing her and making it hard for her to breathe.    


Osmanthus Yard.    


Soong Yan held her waist as she paced around the living room. Actually, she was doing it for a little exercise. However, Lih Qingyu, who had just walked out of the study, thought that she was pacing back and forth like this because there was something troubling her.    


"Rou, what's wrong with you?" He walked quickly to her side and supported her. "Is it that you are a little bored staying at home? I will take you out for a walk. "    


Soong Yan gently shook her head. She smiled faintly. "No need. I will just walk a few steps back and forth like this. "    


"Okay. " Lih Qingyu saw that she was not in a bad mood, so he let her go. He sat down on the sofa beside her and flipped through the financial magazines. After reading a few pages, he said, "Rou, I'll bring you to see someone tomorrow. "    


"Who is it?" Soong Yan stopped and asked him curiously.    


"My biological mother. " Lih Qingyu confessed.    


Soong Yan was obviously stunned. She was quite curious about Lih Qingyu's biological mother. However, even though she was curious, she was also a little worried in her heart. "Will your mother be unhappy to see me?"    


"She won't. " Lih Qingyu could see her worry. She had such concerns because she was influenced by Luo Suwen. "She is very easy-going. "    


Soong Yan felt slightly relieved but there was still worry hidden in her heart. As for how her mother-in-law who she had never met before would treat her, she would only know after she had met and interacted with her.    


"En, I hope that she will not dislike me. "    


Lih Qingyu held her hand and encouraged her, "You must have confidence in yourself. Not everyone will be like Luo Suwen or Pann Xueni. "    


"You also know that the two people I met were so extreme. More or less, they have psychological effects. " Soong Yan felt that it was not a matter of whether she had confidence or not when she was with her mother-in-law. It was to see if the other party could accept her. In the past, she had also tried to be a good wife, but no matter how much she did, Their attitude towards her was still so bad, threatening her with arrogant words at every turn.    


"I understand your feelings. " Although Lih Qingyu did not know how Pann Xueni treated him in the past, he could clearly see how Luo Suwen treated Soong Yan.    


Soong Yan suddenly thought of something, "Since you are going to take me to see your mother tomorrow. Should I prepare a gift?"    


"I have already prepared it for you, so you can go with me tomorrow as a guarantor. " Lih Qingyu knew that she would say this, so he had prepared it in advance to prevent her from panicking because of nervousness.    


"You are so considerate. " Soong Yan smiled. Having a considerate husband was bliss. He would help prepare many things. "Shall we take Xuan with us tomorrow?"    


"Of course. She said she wanted to see you and Xuan. " Lih Qingyu pulled her to sit beside him. "Rou, I can guarantee that you and she will get along very well. "    


"Hearing you say that, my whole heart relaxed. My intuition tells me. . . My mother-in-law, whom I have never met before, is a very easy person to get along with. " Soong Yan thought so. She hoped that all of this was not an illusion.    


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