Mr. CEO, Please Control Yourself

C28 He Was Jealous of His Son

C28 He Was Jealous of His Son

With Chief Editor's assurance, Soong Yan felt much more confident. She replied gratefully, "Then I will go back to work tomorrow. Thank you, Chief Editor. "    


"Soong, your future is limitless, so work hard. " Chief Editor encouraged her.    


"I will. "    


After ending the call, Soong Yan threw her phone to the sofa at the side. She picked up Baozi and kissed him on the face a few times. "Baby, I am so happy today. "    


After saying that, she kissed his pink little face again.    


Because of her kiss, Baozi's face was red. He seemed to be a little shy. He also blushed and boldly kissed Soong Yan's face, "Mama, can you sleep with me tonight?"    


Soong Yan nodded repeatedly. This cute and handsome Baozi invited her to sleep with him, so she naturally had to satisfy him unconditionally.    


Soong Yan knew that the reason why her return to the magazine office had gone so smoothly was because Lih Qingyu had contributed the most. Therefore, she would cook a delicious meal to express her gratitude to him.    


In the magazine, Chen Mei was criticized by Chief Editor. He said that she abused her power to make things easier for her niece and ostracized excellent employees.    


Chen Mei's face was extremely ugly after being scolded by him, but she did not dare to contradict Chief Editor. She silently hated Soong Yan in her heart. She did not know when she hooked up with Chief Editor.    


After she returned to her office, Feng Nana followed her in. She looked extremely aggrieved, "Aunt, what should I do now?"    


Chen Mei stared at her with a look of disappointment, "You only know how to cause trouble and do nothing good. "    


It was because of her that she was scolded by Chief Editor. If Soong Yan came back to work tomorrow, she did not know how she would appear in front of her and make her feel disgusted.    


When she thought of Soong Yan's arrogant look when she came back, her heart was filled with anger. She wished she could kill that slut immediately!    


"Aunty, I really know my mistake. How about we talk to Soong Yan again and let her take the blame?" Feng Nana suggested.    


If possible, she also did not want to ask Soong Yan for help. It was just that she could not afford to offend the Sheng Shi Group. Furthermore, the last time Soong Yan fell in front of Lih Qingyu's car, he did not get angry with her. And that time when he asked the question, he was still in the mood to joke with Soong Yan. Presumably, he had some interest in Soong Yan.    


"It's not like I have never thought about this question. " Chen Mei sighed somewhat tiredly, "I am afraid that she would ask for an exorbitant price. "    


"Aunty, she can't play any tricks by herself. " Feng Nana believed in her heart that Soong Yan would not be able to win against the two of them.    


Chen Mei nodded her head. She could only do it temporarily. If something happened to Feng Nana, then she would definitely not have a good time either. The only way was to find someone to take all the blame for her.    


Lih Qingyu received a text message from Soong Yan, telling him to get off work early and come back to eat together after he was busy. She made a large table of delicious dishes. He could drool just by looking at them.    


Looking at her narcissistic text message, he actually felt like laughing for some reason. No one had ever praised themselves like this in front of him. She was the first in history.    


He had already settled the matters in his hands. Once he returned to the apartment in Osmanthus Yard, he opened the door and smelled the fragrance of food. It was just as she said, just smelling the aroma made him drool.    


"Dad, you are back. Mama and I are waiting for you to eat. " Lih Qingxuan, who was sitting at the dining table, waved at him. He wanted him to come over and eat quickly. He could not wait to start eating.    


During this meal, Soong Yan mainly cooked seafood. Of course, she also stir-fried a plate of vegetables.    


After Lih Qingyu sat down, Lih Qingxuan started to eat like a hungry cat.    


"He likes the food you cook. " Lih Qingyu looked at his son who was eating with relish and said to Soong Yan, "Previously, no matter what the chefs at home do, he just doesn't like to eat. "    


Lih Qingxuan ate until his mouth bulged. He said indistinctly, "Mama's cooking is delicious. I like it the most. "    


Soong Yan happily peeled a prawn for him, "Then you have to eat more. Children need to eat more to grow their bodies. "    


Baozi nodded repeatedly. In front of the delicious food, he would agree no matter what Soong Yan said.    


Soong Yan also peeled the prawn for Lih Qingyu and put it in the bowl in front of him. "You also have to eat more. It's hard working all day. "    


She cared so much about him. It was as if she was really his wife at the moment.    


If it was in the past, Lih Qingyu really didn't know what kind of woman he wanted. But now he suddenly understood. What he needed was a woman like Soong Yan.    


He secretly decided in his heart that he must firmly hold onto her and not let other men have the opportunity to take advantage of her.    


Lih Qingyu also peeled the prawns for her and put them in her bowl. "You have to cook and take care of Xuan for a day. You have worked hard. Eat more. "    


"I am not tired at all. " Soong Yan ate the prawn meat that he had peeled and looked satisfied. "Xuan is very obedient. I do not need to worry about him. "    


She was telling the truth. Lih Qingxuan was indeed very obedient.    


Since Soong Yan promised to sleep with Baozi tonight, after Baozi took a shower, he followed her closely. He was afraid that his father would take her away, so he had to keep a close eye on her.    


Soong Yan felt that his cute behavior was very funny, so she teased him and said, "Baby, what's wrong with you? Are you afraid that I will run away?"    


"I am afraid that dad will snatch you away. " Baozi answered her with a firm expression," Mama, you must not be deceived by dad. "    


"Okay, I will do what I promised you. " Soong Yan bent down and stretched out her hand to twist his little face.    


Lih Qingyu, who was walking towards them, heard what Lih Qingxuan said. There was a trace of helplessness in his deep eyes.    


The person who snatched the woman from him was not someone else, but his own son.    


"Xuan, it's late now. Hurry up and go to bed. " Lih Qingyu walked over and forcefully carried him up, separating him and Soong Yan in a domineering manner.    


Lih Qingxuan struggled, "I want to wait for Mama to sleep together. I don't want father to hug me. I want Mama to hug me. "    


"brat, you dare disobey me?" Lih Qingyu put on a stern look. Today, he had to teach him a good lesson so that he could know that not everyone could snatch his woman.    


When Soong Yan saw that the father and son were about to quarrel, she quickly went forward to persuade them. "Xuan is just a child. Don't be so harsh on him. "    


After saying that, she wanted to carry Baozi over from his hands, but he turned around and left with his son.    


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