Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C434 It Just so Happened to be Even

C434 It Just so Happened to be Even

After recalculating all the data, she checked them one by one. She did not even have lunch. Yuan Hui looked at the file that Lisa said was problematic and frowned. "No problem. . . What is going on?"    


"Sister Hui, this is definitely not a problem. " Song Xiao Ya rubbed her temples, "At that time, this was said to be very important. I counted twice myself, and now twice. You counted two times too. The numbers were exactly the same. " Song Xiao Ya had made mistakes before. So now, she was very careful every day. All the accounts that passed through her hands had to be calculated twice before they were submitted.    


"Xiao Ya, there are less than 20 minutes left for lunch break. Go and eat something first. I will go and ask again. " Yuan Hui got up and left Finance Department. She quickly walked to Lisa's office. After knocking on the door and entering, Yuan Hui looked at Lisa, who was sitting in the office to make up her makeup, and said, "Lisa. I have sent the accounts to your email. We have also calculated that there should be no problem with the accounts. "    


"Is that so?" Lisa casually glanced at Yuan Hui and said, "I know, you can go out now. "    


"Yuan Hui slightly frowned and said, "Didn't you say there was a problem with the account? Since there was a problem with the customer's feedback, is there a problem with the specific feedback?"    


"How would I know?" Lisa put down the mirror and became impatient: "I will help you convey what happened to your accountant. I have already looked up to you. Why is it that there is no end to it? Do you really think I'm your nanny? "    


" That's not what I meant. " Yuan Hui explained, "I mean. . . "    


"You don't have to say anymore. " Lisa slammed the table and said, "I'm very busy. It's different from you guys who only need to calculate numbers. You can go out. "    


". . . "" Yuan Hui clenched her fists by her side and took a deep breath to suppress the anger in her stomach. She said, Then please ask the director of Lisa [Verification]. Let's find out what exactly is the problem. Please report it to Manager Ning when the time comes. "    


Hearing Yuan Hui mention Ning Lang, Lisa's tone eased up a lot. She happened to lack an excuse to get close to Ning Lang. "I know. " She originally did not want Yuan Hui to go to a meeting with Ning Lang, so she made up such an excuse. The client did not say that there was a problem with the accounts.    


Yuan Hui heard that and turned around to walk out. She closed the door and Yuan Hui gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. This was the first time she was with such a difficult colleague.    


"Hey. . . " Yuan Hui took a deep breath and shook her head.    


She had just finished with this matter and she also went to eat something before returning to the department.    


Rubbing her empty stomach, Yuan Hui walked to the first floor and bought a bag of bread and milk before taking the elevator to the rooftop on the top floor. The top floor was open to employees, so the weather was not bad. On the rooftop, she was eating bread while narrowing her eyes to look. It seemed to be a public park in the distance. It looked good, and it was midsummer. Standing on the rooftop that was not covered, he looked at the trees with envy.    


"I can take Youyou on a field trip during the weekend. " Yuan Hui thought that she could also call Yi Haoen over. Yi Lanyou would probably be very happy that way. When she thought of this, Yuan Hui was stunned. Why did she suddenly think of him?    


Originally, they had been divorced for 18 years. But now, inexplicably living together made Yuan Hui feel very awkward. However, it was not her personality to ask her to ignore Yi Haoen, who had just come out of Yi's mansion.    


Yi Lanyou had told her that the matter of the Yuan Family had nothing to do with Yi Haoen. Her family also lived very well overseas. But it was strange that they were living under the same roof all of a sudden.    


When she was still in Yi's mansion and had not divorced, she had felt pity for Yi Haoen. As the eldest son of the Yi family, he had never achieved success. He had always been left behind by Yi Weihai and Yi Haofeng, and could even be abandoned at any time. She was also very happy that Yi Haoen could walk out of the Yi's mansion. But what about the days after this?    


Yuan Hui ate the last mouthful of bread and drank the milk. She sighed.    


She could only take things one step at a time.    


Yi Haoen had just found a job. She could not drive him away. The house was also rented by Yi Haoen. If she wanted to leave, she had to.    


After throwing the rubbish into the trash bin, Yuan Hui lazily stretched her body. She faced the computer for the whole morning. There were numerous numbers and all kinds of complex instructions. Now, looking into the distance like this, her eyes were also quite comfortable.    


Turning around and wanting to leave the rooftop, she found that there was smoke drifting over from the other side. She tilted her head and Yuan Hui thought that it was probably some colleague smoking. Out of good intentions, Yuan Hui reminded, "It is about time for work, let's go back early. "    


"Oh, thank you. " At the other side of the corner, a male voice sounded.    


"You're welcome. " Yuan Hui only left the rooftop after replying.    


Just as Yuan Hui left the rooftop, at the other side of the corner, a man extinguished the cigarette in his hand and sighed. He had not smoked for many years. During this period of time, he was also very annoyed.    


He suddenly changed into a new environment, a completely different business job. He was also not very used to it. After thinking for a while, the man made a call: "Hello?"    


"Sir. " The call was quickly picked up. On the other side of the phone, the person who answered politely.    


"Lian Cheng, are you interested in changing jobs?" The man's mouth raised slightly. "I need you. "    


"I'm happy to. "Lian Cheng has been waiting for this call for the whole morning.    


"En, then you can come over after you deal with the matters of Yi family. The salary might not be as high as the salary given by Yi family. "    


"It's alright. " Lian Cheng replied.    


"En, that's it then. " After hanging up the phone, the man also walked down the rooftop. As soon as he went down the stairs, someone greeted him, "Hello, CEO. "    


"Yes, sir. " The man turned around and walked to the office on the other side. When he passed by the corridor, his footsteps paused. His eyes stopped on the back of a woman not far away. "Ah Hui?" Just as he was about to open his mouth, he saw this woman talking and joking with the man who was walking towards her.    


"Sister Hui, the bread you ate at noon?" Ning Lang looked at Yuan Hui and smiled.    


"Eh? Manager Ning, how did you know?" Yuan Hui was stunned.    


"Haha. " Ning Lang smiled and reached out his hand to wipe the bread from Yuan Hui's mouth. "You took a bite. "    


"Haha. " Yuan Hui smiled embarrassedly, probably because she did not wipe it off.    


"It just so happens that we are even. " Ning Lang smiled and said, "About the suit cleaning and tagging in the morning. "    


"Yes. " Yuan Hui nodded and said, "Are you going back to the department?"    


"Yes, together. " Ning Lang nodded and looked at the man not far away. His eyes were deep. After a nod, Ning Lang and Yuan Hui left the corridor and walked towards the Finance Department while chatting and laughing.    


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