The Cold CEO is My Husband

C65 Is He Angry

C65 Is He Angry

Ann Tianhao didn't say anything. There wasn't a trace of emotion on his face. It was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry in his deep eyes.    


Mo Yanann quickly snatched back the towel, wrapped herself up, and ran to the bathroom.    


After stopping, she found that her face was extremely red. There was even a hint of charm in her eyes. Mo Yanann was stunned for a moment. Was the person in the mirror really her?    


She turned on the tap and poured cold water. Then, she threw her face in and continuously used cold water to wash herself. Only then did she wake up a little.    


After that, she fell into a state of confusion and suspicion. She rejected him because she really didn't want to...    


Or was it because she suggested that if she wasn't his favorite, he wouldn't make love to her.    


Mo Yanann 's heart immediately felt a pinch of pain.    


Only then did she realize that what she cared about was whether he loved her or not.    


When she looked up again, his figure actually appeared in the mirror. Mo Yanann was shocked for a moment but this time, he did not appear naked in front of her.    


He had already put on a pair of underwear, but it seemed that the underwear could not wrap around his little brother.    


She was a little afraid and took a step back because she did not know what he wanted to do.    


She hid to the side and suddenly felt a chill.    


Ann Tianhao did not say anything. He just pushed her out of the bathroom, closed the door, and locked it.    


Mo Yanann stood at the door in a daze. She felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing him like that just now, she suddenly felt that she might have made a mistake in the beginning.    


She should not have kissed him. She should have rejected him right from the start.    


She should not have pushed him away after she had aroused his desire.    


Mo Yanann felt guilty. In fact, she could not only blame him for this. A normal man like her would definitely think that she was willing.    


And she did not reject him. Perhaps it was because she liked to be kissed by him in her heart.    


The sound of water came from the bathroom. It was as if he was taking a bath. The air was filled with his breath.    


Perhaps, he began to hate himself. Otherwise, he wouldn't treat himself like this.    


Mo Yanann felt her heart ache as she laid on the bed. Her mind kept replaying the scene just now. She did not dare to close her eyes and just quietly looked in the direction of the bathroom.    


She did not know how long she waited before he came out of the bathroom. Mo Yanann did not dare to look into his eyes, afraid to see that cold gaze again.    


After Ann Tianhao came out of the bathroom, he remained expressionless as if he did not see her. He laid on the ground very far away from her as if he wanted to isolate her on purpose.    


After a long time, Mo Yanann took a deep breath. She had just uttered one word when Ann Tianhao reached out his hand and turned off the lights in the room.    


The room suddenly became pitch black.    


He did not say anything to her.    


This icy cold aura was like a sharp knife that stabbed into her heart.    


He should be angry!    


The room was suddenly eerily silent.    


Ann Tianhao had his back to her. Even if she wanted to talk to him, she could not say anything. She sighed softly. She did not know how long it had been before she fell asleep. Anyway, when she got up, the sky was already bright.    


The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to look at the people around her, but there was no one around her.    


She reached out and touched the place beside her. It was cold. Thinking about what happened last night, she was extremely conflicted.    


Forget it, she had better get up first. But just as she was about to get up, she suddenly realized something important. She was actually naked!    


Strange, she clearly remembered that she slept in a towel last night. Why was the towel gone again? Could it be that the bastard had secretly taken it away again?    


She anxiously searched the room, then ran to the toilet to take a look. But now in the toilet, forget about bathing clothes! Even the towel was gone. Then, her gaze fell on the four beds in the corner of the room. Luckily, she bought two sets yesterday.    


Mo Yanann took out the sheet without thinking and put it on her body. She looked at the funny look in the mirror and remembered that when she was young, she often put on the sheet and pretended that she was Gege in the TV series. She looked very funny but was very happy.    


After wrapping her body, she walked out with ease.    


She thought that the clothes she took off yesterday should be on the balcony! She first forced herself to dress like this to look for it, but she did not expect that as soon as she walked out of the living room, something very awkward happened.    


She actually saw Ann Tianhao in the kitchen!    


"Ah!" She immediately let out a scream.    


She really did not expect him to be in the kitchen. She thought Ann Tianhao was angry with her and would not care about her anymore. She did not expect to bump into him as soon as she went out.    


Ann Tianhao was originally cooking in casual clothes. When he looked up, he saw Mo Yanann coming out with a sheet wrapped around her. He could not help but twitch.    


What kind of shape was she in? Was she acting crazy?    


Seeing his expression, Mo Yanann could not wait to find a hole to hide in. It was too fucking embarrassing!    


Just when Mo Yanann was about to escape, Ann Tianhao had already put down the plate in his hand and walked in front of her. He looked at her with a pair of charming eyes with interest.    


"Miss Mo, you walk around the room naked early in the morning. Do you think I don't exist?" Ann Tianhao narrowed his eyes and stared at her bed sheet.    


Mo Yanann lowered her head and looked at her current appearance. She found that her shoulders and thighs were basically exposed, but at least they covered the most important parts.    


Seeing him approaching step by step, Mo Yanann immediately lowered her head shyly. Oh, I thought you were not here. Besides, How am I naked? I'm not naked. Is it good? "    


As she spoke, she tugged at the sheet on her body so that she could wrap it even tighter.    


"Then are you wearing anything inside? Next time you come out naked, be careful that I will break your legs." Ann Tianhao shouted. There seemed to be a hint of blame in his serious tone.    


Although he was not afraid of people peeping at her from this position, he was still a little worried when he saw Mo Yanann come out like this.    


"What does it have to do with you whether I'm wearing clothes or not?! It's all because you took away my clothes." Mo Yanann stared at him angrily.    


If he did not rush into her bathroom yesterday and take her clothes to wash, would she have wrapped herself in a sheet and come out?    


Now she was very shy, okay? He actually wanted to say such things to her.    


"You idiot, won't you go and see the wardrobe?" Ann Tianhao sighed helplessly and knocked on Mo Yanann 's little head.    


Mo Yanann pouted unhappily and kept dodging, but she still could not escape from his palm, "What wardrobe? There are no clothes in the wardrobe! I saw it yesterday. "Don't try to lie to me."    


Then do you want to make a bet with me? There's a piece of clothing in the closet, why don't you give me a kiss? " Ann Tianhao smirked and looked calm.    


Although Mo Yan didn't believe him, she had understood something after spending a few days with him.    


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