The Cold CEO is My Husband

C452 I Just Want to Eat You

C452 I Just Want to Eat You

She had to prepare the dishes before Ann Tianhao returned today, because she knew that if she didn't return early, Ann Tianhao would leave everything behind to cook for her.    


She had been married to him for so long, and she had cooked for him once. After that, he was the one cooking. No!    


She had to be a good little wife.    


She had to work hard to give him the best!    


Mo Yanann used the fastest speed to pick the ingredients. After buying, she immediately paid and asked Sister Hong to send her home. Sister Hong only left after sending her to the door.    


Mo Yanann originally planned to invite her to stay for dinner but Sister Hong did not even drink and directly left. She was swift and decisive and unrestrained.    


She did not dare to disturb her private time with Ann Tianhao unless she did not want to live anymore.    


When Mo Yanann opened the door, she specially checked the room and made sure that Ann Tianhao did not come back. Only then did she feel at ease and lifted up her sleeves to start cooking.    


When it was almost 5: 30, her cooking was almost done. Ann Tianhao also came back from the company. As soon as he opened the door, he smelled a fragrance. There was a flash of joy in his eyes. He quickly took off his coat and changed into his shoes. The first thing he did was rush into the kitchen.    


Mo Yanann was wearing an apron and cooking seriously. There was sweat on her forehead. Ann Tianhao immediately felt how happy it was to have her by his side. He smiled and immediately went up to her and hugged her from behind. He even kissed her on the cheek.    


Mo Yanann put down the spatula in her hand and was shocked. When she turned around and saw that it was Ann Tianhao, she also revealed a sweet smile.    


"Tianhao, you're back. Wait a little longer. We can eat later!"    


Mo Yanann only felt that this scene was super warm and super home-like.    


"My wife has worked hard!" Ann Tianhao lowered his head and kissed her tender lips. His face was full of happiness.    


"Stop messing around. I'm still cooking. Don't move." Mo Yanann stared at the hands on her waist and said with a smile.    


But the more she acted like this, the more interested Ann Tianhao became. He deliberately moved closer to Mo Yanann 's ear and bit her earlobe. He blew into her ear and his hands started to move around her graceful figure.    


Through the apron, he touched her chest with his wide palm. It was neither light nor heavy. A strange feeling immediately spread throughout her entire body.    


Mo Yanann 's entire body was hot and soft. She quickly turned off the fire and put down the spatula in her hands. She turned around and glared at Ann Tianhao. She said unhappily, "Ann Tianhao is enough. Do you still want to eat?"    


"You can choose not to eat, but you must!" Ann Tianhao said ambiguously.    


"I'm talking to you. How did you become like this? Why do you get so emotional all the time? What's wrong? It's time to be in a relationship?" Mo Yanann glared at him and said unhappily.    


She really did not understand why those people would say Ann Tianhao was a cold person. He was clearly a pervert and a devil!    


"It was all because of you that I became like this. I only became like this because I saw you!" Ann Tianhao leaned on her shoulder and held her earlobe in his mouth. His hand was touching lower and lower, and all the places he passed through were her most sensitive places. If it wasn't for him holding her, Mo Yanann would have been lying on the ground a long time ago.    


"Ah, Tianhao, stop messing around. Be good and let's eat first!"    


Mo Yanann tried to reason with him, but she realized that he was not a reasonable person.    


"No, I want to eat you right now. Let's eat, okay? I'm not hungry yet. Besides, Do you have the heart to see me suffer? Do you know? "I haven't seen you all day today. I miss you so much." Ann Tianhao ignored the food in the pot and pretended to be pitiful.    


He pulled Mo Yanann over and pushed her against the wall of the kitchen. He gave her a knock on the wall and used his hot spot to rub her tightly. Mo Yanann 's face was as red as a tomato. She looked down and found that Ann Tianhao had already set up a small tent. Holding her, she was extremely shy.    


"Aiya, Tianhao! Don't be like this, it's so awkward!" Mo Yanann covered her face and stomped her feet anxiously.    


Ever since she married Ann Tianhao, Mo Yanann felt that some unhealthy scenes would always appear in her mind. She always felt that her entire person was being carried astray. It turned out that she was just a piece of white paper, but now she had turned into black paper. That's right, it was black paper!    


"Ann, look, he also said he wanted it. He also misses you. Little brother is looking for little sister. He needs your comfort now."    


Mo Yanann heard him say such dirty and obscene words in all seriousness and almost fainted from anger.    


Heavens, how could there be such a person in this world? Why would she marry such a person?    


Before Mo Yanann could react, Ann Tianhao had already bent over and carried Mo Yanann to the bedroom. He could not wait to take off her apron and skirt. The whole process was very quick and did not take more than 30 seconds.    


"No, Tianhao. Let's eat first. The dishes I cooked with great difficulty are going to get cold!"    


Mo Yanann wanted to get up but Ann Tianhao pushed her onto the bed. They were kissing and touching. How could Mo Yanann resist with her little cultivation?    


"Why are you in such a hurry to eat? If it gets cold, I will help you heat it up later. Right now, I only want to eat you."    


"Ann Tianhao, you're a thousand-year-old demon."    


Mo Yanann sighed helplessly. In the end, she was powerless to defend herself. She knew that Ann Tianhao would not let her go, so she could only let him do whatever he wanted to her.    


Ann Tianhao took off his clothes. Just as he was about to enter, Mo Yanann suddenly moved back and said cautiously, "No, no, no. You still have injuries on your body. You cannot exercise intensely."    


"Damn it, how could she forget such an important thing!    


"It's okay. My injuries have long recovered. If you are worried, you can be on top." Ann Tianhao bent down and whispered into her ear.    


Mo Yanann thought about the experience she had with him on the ship. Her face turned red.    


That time was an unforgettable experience for her. Now that she thought about it, she actually had an endless amount of recollections. The changes in Mo Yanann 's eyes were naturally seen by Ann Tianhao Hao. He curled the corner of his lips and turned over to lie comfortably on the bed.    


He revealed a wicked smile and said in a low and ambiguous voice, "If you like it up there, just say it. So my little darling likes this posture. That's good, I can save some effort later!"    


"Ah! Ann Tianhao! What nonsense are you talking about?" Mo Yanann shyly sat on his body. She did not know if she should move or not. But before she could react, the person under her forcefully pushed up. She instantly felt that she was pierced through!    


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