Peerless God Emperor

C3532 Forming an Army(part I)

C3532 Forming an Army(part I)

Jin Yuanfu stared at Li Ruochen. There was blood at the corner of his mouth, but there was no dejection on his face.    


As the most outstanding genius of the Vajra Sky, he naturally would not doubt his own talent just because of a single defeat. Moreover, his opponent was the personal disciple of Empyrean Good Fortune. In the eyes of everyone present, who could say for sure that they could defeat Li Ruochen?    


Although he had lost, he was convinced of his defeat and didn't leave behind any regrets. That was enough.    


"I have a question that I wonder if you can answer?" The eyes of many people froze when they heard this. They seemed to have guessed something. It might be related to Li Ruochen's body, and this was what they were curious about.    


What kind of body could increase one's cultivation?    


Li Ruochen smiled and obviously understood what the golden token meant. "Brother Jin, have you heard of the Devouring Spirit Body?"    


"Devouring Spirit Body?"    


The overwhelming prodigies looked at each other and started to search for memories of the Devouring Spirit Body. At this moment, Yin Qingchuan's eyes flashed as if he had thought of something.    


"Devouring the Heaven Earth Creation and the Spirit of Life," he said in a low tone.    


Everyone looked at Yin Qingchuan, and a middle-aged man asked in surprise, "Qingchuan, have you heard of this body?"    


Yin Qingchuan nodded his head lightly and said, "I once saw a record in the ancient books of my clan that the Dao of Devouring gave birth to two types of Chaotic Constitution. One is the Devouring King Body, and the other is the Devouring Spirit Body."    


The hearts of the members of the Devouring Ancient Race trembled, and they felt as if their knowledge had been overturned. They found it hard to understand Yin Qingchuan's words.    


One type of Great Dao gave birth to two types of Chaotic Constitution?    


This was simply unimaginable.    


It wasn't just them, even the people from the other powers revealed looks of shock. In their knowledge, one kind of Great Dao could only give birth to one type of Chaotic Constitution, so how could there be a situation where it gave birth to two types of Chaotic Constitution?    


In that case, could it still be considered a Chaotic Constitution?    


Dongfang Ling stared at Li Ruochen from the crowd of those in the Arcana Plane. If what Yin Qingchuan had just said was true, then he and Li Ruochen shared the same body. However, when Li Ruochen fought with the gold yuan talisman just now, he did not feel the way of devouring. Although his cultivation was not as high as Li Ruochen's, it was impossible for him not to feel it at all.    


How could he explain this?    


"The Engulfing King Body devours the physical power, while the Engulfing Spirit Body devours the physical power. Because the Engulfing power is different, there is a fundamental difference between the two bodies."    


Many people's eyes twinkled. They roughly understood what Yin Qingchuan meant. Because the Engulfing Power was different, the two bodies could be born?    


"What is the power of the intangible body?" Someone looked at Yin Qingchuan and asked.    


Yin Qingchuan looked up at Li Ruochen, and a strange light appeared in his deep eyes. The ancient books did not explain what the power of the intangible body was, but after seeing the battle just now, he could roughly guess what it was.    


"If I'm not wrong, the power of the Void Body should be the power of Heaven and Earth," Yin Qingchuan said. He was obviously talking to Li Ruochen.    


"Power of Heaven and Earth!"    


Many people's hearts trembled. The power of the heavens and the earth was the most mysterious power in the world. According to common sense, only those who had reached a supreme level could sense the existence of the power of the heavens and the earth, but Li Ruochen could not only sense it but could even devour it. This ability was simply too heaven-defying.    


Li Ruochen looked at Yin Qingchuan and smiled but didn't say anything. She didn't admit it or deny it, but this ambiguous attitude gave many people an answer. Yin Qingchuan's guess should be close to the truth.    


Dongfang Ling stared deeply at Li Ruochen and finally understood why he had not felt the Way of Devouring just now. Li Ruochen's Way of Devouring was an illusion, and he naturally could not feel it.    


"I heard that the Devouring King Body appeared at the Seven Sword Mountain a few decades ago. It fought with a genius from Ksitigarbha Heaven and defeated him. I wonder if he is here today." At this moment, a voice sounded. The speaker was Jialou Moyu.    


After being reminded by Jia Lou, many people recalled that there was indeed such a thing. Many years ago, many experts from Ksitigarbha's Heaven went to the Seven Sword Mountain, and the Seven Sword Mountain sent out several Chaotic Constitutions, one of which was the Devouring King Body.    


But after that, the Devourer King disappeared, never to be heard of again, and they would have forgotten him if the demon hadn't mentioned him.    


"The prodigies of the Seven Sword Mountain are all from the Sky Xuan Realm. If he's here, he should be in the Sky Xuan camp."    


It was unknown who said this, but it caused many gazes to turn towards the Sky Xuan people.    


At this moment, the Sky Xuan people became the center of attention.    


Yin Qingchuan also looked at the crowd of people from Tianxuan Kingdom. His eyes swept over the figures one by one. When his eyes swept over Dongfang Ling, his pupils slightly contracted. Although he had never seen Dongfang Ling in person, he had seen a portrait of Dongfang Ling, so he recognized him at a glance.    


Seeing Yin Qingchuan's eyes, Dongfang Ling knew that Yin Qingchuan had recognized him, but there was no emotion on his face. Even if he didn't recognize him now, he would still be recognized on the battlefield.    


Besides, he didn't plan to hide his identity. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come here.    


After a while, Yin Qingchuan looked away from Dongfang Ling as if he didn't know anything. This was out of Dongfang Ling's expectation. He thought Yin Qingchuan would do something to him, or at least say something.    


"Why didn't you point out his identity?" A middle-aged man asked Yin Qingchuan telepathically. He also recognized Dongfang Ling, but since Yin Qingchuan didn't say anything, he didn't say anything either.    


"This is an internal matter of the Ancient Race. There's no need for others to know," Yin Qingchuan replied faintly.    


The middle-aged man nodded his head. If they had a conflict with Dongfang Ling here, not only would the Ancient Desolate Realm of Gods not agree, the other forces would also laugh at the Gu family. It wasn't a wise decision.    


The Consumption Ancient Race had not pointed out Dongfang Ling's identity. Naturally, Dongfang Ling would not reveal his own identity. That would bring him trouble, and he did not want to compare himself to Li Ruochen. It was meaningless.    


"The eleven leaders have been chosen. Let's start organizing the army."    


At this moment, a voice rang out. The speaker was the Ancient Cave Immortal, and his voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.    


"Brother Gu, what do you think is the most appropriate?" Someone asked. The eleven leaders were leading ten armies. It was not an easy task to divide them evenly. If they didn't do it properly, it might cause conflicts.    


Countless pairs of eyes looked at the Ancient Cave Immortal and waited for his answer.    


"The eleven leaders will choose the planes in order to form an army. Of course, this is a two-way choice, and the plane can reject it." The Ancient Cave Immortal looked at the crowd and said, "Furthermore, each army can only have one Nine Heavens at most."    


Many people nodded in agreement. The most direct way was to use the dimension as a whole. If each force divided it up, who knew how long it would take? There was no guarantee of absolute fairness.    


As for each army, there could only be one Nine Clarity Sky at most. This was to prevent one army from being too strong, but this should not happen. After all, there were ten armies.    




"Let's do as Brother Gu suggested." Voices sounded one after another. Their attitudes were the same, and no one raised any objections.    


"Eleven leaders, please come to me." The Ancient Cave Immortal spoke again. As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Qingchuan, Duan Wujing, Long Zhan and the others all walked out, and Feng Qing also walked out from the crowd.    


Soon, the eleven leaders gathered beside the Ancient Cave Immortal.    


"To be fair, we'll draw lots again to decide the order," the Ancient Cave Immortal said as he looked in the direction of the Heavenly Dream Immortal Tower.    


Seeing the Ancient Cave Immortal's gaze, Yi Jian Jia immediately understood. She gently waved her slender hand, and then dazzling runes quickly shuttled through the void, looking exactly the same as before.    


"Sister, draw it." Ouyang Mingyue looked at Shen Caiwei and smiled. Shen Caiwei did not refuse and reached out her hand to grab a rune.    


After Shen Caiwei made her move, the others followed suit and each grabbed a rune before flashing the number on the rune.    


From one to ten, they were Duan Wujian, Long Zhan, Shi Qian, Li Ruochen, Feng Qing, Shen Caiwei, Ji Xuan, Zhuang Shiwu, Yin Qingchuan, and Huo Lun.    


"Brother Duan, you can choose first." Gu Dongxian looked at Duan Wujian and smiled.    


"Taiqing Samsara Heaven," Duan Wujian said without hesitation. The crowd wasn't surprised by what he said. This was a necessary choice.    


"The Ancient Yao God Heaven," said Long Zhan.    


"The Supreme Brightness Time Heaven," Shi Qian said.    


Their choices did not cause a stir. They both chose their own planes.    


Finally, it was Li Ruochen's turn.    


Many people were instantly curious. There was no force behind Li Ruochen. Which plane would he choose?    


"If Brother Gu doesn't mind, I would like to choose the Illusory Spirit Sacred Void Sky," Li Ruochen looked at the Ancient Cave Immortal and smiled. Hearing that, many people's eyes lit up. They had actually chosen the Illusory Spirit Sacred Void Sky.    


However, after thinking about it, they understood.    


Li Ruochen's first choice of plane would have been the Nine Clarity Heavens, and within the Nine Clarity Heavens, only the Illusory Spirit Saint Void Sky, the Overarching Heaven of Treasures, and the Namo Tathagata Sky had no leaders. The Overarching Heaven of Treasures and the Namo Tathagata Sky were both unique, and the best choice was the Illusory Spirit Saint Void Sky.    


After Li Ruochen was Feng Qing, who was staring at Feng Qing with curiosity. Now that he only had the Great Luo Treasure Heaven and the Namo Tathagata Heaven to choose from, which one would he choose?    


"Scarlet Gold Yuan Xingtian," Feng Qing said in an extremely calm tone.    


As Feng Qing's voice fell, the space fell into a strange silence. Countless people revealed stunned expressions, as if they were unable to understand Feng Qing's choice.    


Everyone knew about the relationship between Feng Qing and the Crimson Gold Yuan Xingtian. He could totally choose the Crimson Gold Yuan Xingtian from behind and be the first to choose the Nine Clear Sky. Even if he didn't succeed, he would at least try. What if he succeeded?    


However, Feng Qing chose the Crimson Gold Yuan Xingtian first. Could it be that in his heart, the Avalon of Five Elements was even more important than the Nine Heavens?    


The others did not understand Feng Qing's intentions, but the people of the Sky Profound Realm knew that the reason why Feng Qing chose the Scarlet Gold Yuan Xingtian first was because he valued them. Just like how Long Zhan, Duan Wujian and the others chose the plane behind them, there was a special meaning behind it.    


The sixth was Shen Caiwei. She chose the Great Luo Treasure Heaven.    


The seventh was Ji Xuan. Without a doubt, his choice was the Great Brahma Desolate Heaven.    


The eighth was the Formless Heaven.    


The ninth was Yin Qingchuan, who would devour the heavens forever.    


The tenth Fire Lun, Fire Spark Shining the Heavens.    


The first round of selection came to an end. There was one dimension in the Nine Pure Sky that hadn't been chosen yet - the Tathagata Sky of the South!    


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