Peerless God Emperor

C159 Reunion

C159 Reunion

"What an extraordinary temperament!" At this moment, the same thought flashed through the minds of many people in the inn. white-clothed youth seemed to have transcended the mortal world, as though he was born with it. Beautiful.    


Qiu Hong saw Qin Xuan walking down the stairs, and his gaze flickered. He then asked coldly: "May I know who this esteemed guest is, for you to speak such arrogant words?"    


Qin Xuan could not help but be taken aback, but he suddenly felt that it was somewhat funny. These people had always been discussing him, but did not know his appearance.    


Without waiting for Qin Xuan to reply, one of the people beside Qiu Hong rushed to speak: "Although you are not an ordinary person, but compared to Qin Xuan, you are still lacking. Although Qin Xuan is not here, so you did not dare speak up for a moment.    


Qin Xuan focused his gaze, and naturally felt that the man's words were filled with intense ridicule, which meant that he was using Qin Xuan's absence as an excuse to show off his strength, but in reality, he was far weaker than Qin Xuan.    


If this person knew that the white-clothed youth standing in front of him was the Qin Xuan he spoke of as though he was a god, it was unknown just how he would feel in his heart.    


"The path of cultivation requires one to persevere and not be affected by others. Furthermore, one must not blindly rely on external forces, or else nothing will be achieved." Qin Xuan said indifferently, when he said that, he intentionally looked at Qiu Hong, as though there was a hidden meaning behind his words.    


Qiu Hong saw the look in Qin Xuan's eyes, as if he understood the meaning behind Qin Xuan's words, and suddenly knew the reason why the Cloud Sky Sect had kept him out of the door time and time again.    


Thinking about that, Qiu Hong suddenly raised his head, and was about to thank Qin Xuan, but realised that he had already walked out the door, his body was like the wind, and did not move at all.    


"Where are you going?" Qiu Hong stared at the fading back, and couldn't help but ask.    


"Always come and go. I'll wait for you at the Yun Tianshan." With that, Qin Xuan's figure disappeared, as if he had never been here before.    


"What a terrifying skill!" Someone in the tavern exclaimed. He did not realize that Qin Xuan had walked out of the tavern, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from before him.    


"This young man's words seem to make sense. He's hiding his cultivation path, and he seems to be an extraordinary character. But why have I never heard of his name before?" Another person asked.    


"I wonder how strong he is compared to Qin Xuan?" There were also people who compared him and Qin Xuan in their hearts, but no matter what, he would not know the result, because the two of them were the same person!    


"Ah, I remember!" Someone suddenly raised his head, his expression was extremely agitated, after that he pointed his trembling finger at Qin Xuan's back and said: "He is Qin Xuan!"    


After those words were spoken, the entire place was completely silent. Everyone was absolutely silent, and they all revealed expressions of shock, as they did not dare to believe it.    


The white-clothed youth who was talking to them earlier, was actually the legendary Heaven's Pride, Qin Xuan!    


"No wonder." With the reminder from the man, many of the people revealed a look of enlightenment, they finally understood why the white-clothed youth evaluated Qin Xuan so frankly, and why they could not be judged himself?    


"Such a peerless aura, I'm afraid only he can feel it." Some people sighed with emotion. They never thought that the legendary Heaven's Pride would be so amiable and even talk to them as equals. This was a treatment they had never had before.    


While the people in the inn were still in a daze, Qin Xuan had already arrived in front of the Cloud Sky Sect's mountain gate. There were several Cloud Sky Sect disciples guarding the two sides of the mountain gate.    


Qin Xuan strolled towards the sect entrance, and just as he was about to step in, a disciple blocked his path, and asked: "This is the Cloud Sky Sect sect, do you want to take me as your master, or ask me a question?"    


To become a disciple, one had to first pass the tests of thirty-six disciples. The difficulty was extremely high, and once successful, one could enter the Cloud Sky Sect. If one performed outstandingly, they could even become an elder's disciple.    


As for Dao Seeking, it was left to the Elders in the Sect to resolve their doubts. However, Elders did not always have the time, so if they came to ask Dao Seeking, they would often have to wait for months, or even a year.    


Qin Xuan's expression froze. Hearing this familiar question, he did not think too much into it, but the scene from three years ago involuntarily surfaced in his mind.    


At that time, he came to Cloud Sky Sect with Huo Er and was stopped by Qiu Yun, who also asked the same question.    


Thinking about it, Qin Xuan couldn't help but sigh. It had been more than a year since he returned to the sect, but many things were still fresh in his mind.    


Seeing that Qin Xuan did not answer his question, the disciple frowned slightly and said: "I am asking you a question, do you want to acknowledge me as your master or are you asking me?"    


Qin Xuan finally recovered from his shock and revealed a faint smile on his face. "I'm not here to acknowledge a master, nor am I here to ask a question."    


When the few disciples heard Qin Xuan's answer, a cold glint flashed past their eyes. Since they were not taking him as their master, and also not asking him, then wouldn't they be looking for trouble?    


When Qin Xuan saw the anger in the eyes of his junior brothers, he could not help but laugh, and joked: "If I say I'm your senior brother, would you believe me?"    


"Senior?" The few disciples looked at each other, then looked at Qin Xuan with astonishment.    


"You have to explain yourself clearly. We have already guarded the Cloud Sky Sect for more than a month, yet we have never seen you before. Are you really our senior brother?" One of the disciples asked, his eyes staring straight at Qin Xuan, as though he could see through Qin Xuan.    


"I've been cultivating outside the entire time and have just returned today. I still have some matters to attend to, so I won't stay any longer. If I have the chance in the future, I'll explain everything to my junior brothers." Qin Xuan replied with a relatively mild tone.    


Last time when he left old man Yunshan and the others, old man Yunshan told him to quickly return to sect, and that there would be a pleasant surprise waiting for him. It was precisely because of this that he hurried over, wanting to see what kind of surprise was inside old man Yunshan's mouth.    


Qin Wentian stepped out, and in that instant, an extremely mysterious Mandate of Force was released from his body, enveloping those few disciples. They only felt the scene before them changing, as though he had appeared somewhere else.    




The cool autumn wind brushed past the disciples' faces, it felt bone-piercing cold, and the bodies of the disciples seemed to have been attacked by that cold sensation. When they woke up, they were shocked to find that Qin Xuan had already disappeared.    


"Was that an illusion?" This was the first time that he had fallen into an illusion, so he wasn't as terrifying as the legends said he was.    


"It should be so. I only felt that I appeared in an ice mountain and it was extremely cold. Even the sect was gone, but I only had a few seconds before I woke up." He was the closest to Qin Xuan, so he was affected by the illusion somewhat more than the others.    


"I didn't expect that person to be so powerful that we would be trapped in an environment before he even makes a move. It seems like he isn't lying. He might really be our senior brother!"    


While the few disciples were still conflicted over Qin Xuan's identity, Qin Xuan had already traveled a great distance and directly entered the Cloud Sky Sect's internal sect, descending into a towering Gushan. That Gushan was shockingly the cave where the old man Yunshan cultivated.    


"You're here!" The moment Qin Xuan's aura appeared within the Gushan, a voice filled with excitement came out of the valley. It was the voice of the old man Yunshan.    


"Master." Qin Xuan called out respectfully, with a flash, he rushed into the depths of Gushan.    


This Gushan had many cave residences. Fortunately, Qin Xuan had been here a few times before, so he had a deep impression of the topography here.    


"Master." Qin Xuan stood outside the cave and bowed with an extremely respectful expression.    


"There's no need to be so polite. Come in, there are two people here who want to see you." Very quickly, the voice of the old man Yunshan came out from the cave.    


"Two people want to see me?" Qin Xuan's expression congealed, his heart had some suspicions, who would want to see him?    


Furthermore, he also realized that there was something unusual about the voice of the old man Yunshan which was obviously different than usual, as if he was trying his best to conceal something.    


With curiosity in his heart, Qin Xuan slowly walked towards the cave dwelling. The moment he walked into the cave residence, he suddenly saw two incomparably familiar figures standing in front of him.    


"Father, Mother!" Qin Xuan's lips wiggled for a moment, and there seemed to be a myriad of emotions intertwined within his eyes. In the end, it turned into a voice filled with warmth.    


As soon as his voice fell, his straight body that was as tall as a mountain actually couldn't help but tremble. His eyes that had always been sharp and resolute were now somewhat moist, as if a desert that had been dry for a long time had met with rain, causing one's heart to ache.    


"Xuan Er." A trembling voice came out from the two men's mouths, seemingly unable to control their emotions.    


These two people were actually Qin Xuan's parents, Qin Lei and Mu Shuixin. After the feast ended, the couple was brought by the old man Yunshan to the Cloud Sky Sect, where they resided and cultivated by his side.    


Unfortunately, Qin Xuan was heavily injured by Sikong Xuan during the feast, and then he was sent to Splinter Soul Mountain to cultivate for a year. The first thing he did after returning was head towards Heavenly Star City, exterminating the Sikong Family.    


Six years. Qin Xuan had been separated from his parents for exactly six years, but when they reunited, they realized that the other party's appearance had undergone a huge change.    


As he looked at Qin Lei's grey hair at the sides of his temples, Qin Xuan's previously wise face now gained quite a few wrinkles. Qin Xuan's heart ached uncontrollably, it was obvious how much pain and suffering they had suffered in the past few years.    


Thinking about that, Qin Xuan clenched his fists tightly, a burst of light flashing past his eyes. Back then, he was not strong enough to protect his parents, but from now on, he would not let them suffer any grievances!    


However, Qin Lei and Mu Shuixin had a different feeling in their hearts. They saw that Qin Xuan was already a handsome and handsome youth, and had such an imposing air, an extraordinary temperament, and an incomparable sense of pride.    


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