Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C409 Proactively Approaching Others

C409 Proactively Approaching Others

"Don't worry, I will protect this pastry like I would protect my life. My head can be cut off, but the pastry will not rot." Wu Tian swore.    




Shen Xue was immediately amused by these words. She smiled until her whole body trembled. After a long while, she finally said, "It's not that serious. Your life is much more precious than the cake."    


"You used all your effort and sweat to exchange for this cake. You poured a lot of energy and effort into it. In my opinion, it is more valuable than my life." Wu Tian joked in all seriousness.    


"Don't speak nonsense!"    


Shen Xue rolled her eyes in annoyance and said, "Your mouth is so sweet. You know how to coax girls."    


"No matter how sweet my mouth is, it's not as sweet as yours. Your mouth is like a peach, I just want to eat it to satisfy my appetite." Wu Tian smacked his lips a few times as he said that.    


"You're shameless!" Shen Xue blushed as she pointed at the cake and said, "Alright, stop messing around. Hurry up and send the pastries over to the guests so that they don't have to wait too long."    


"Ok, I'll send it over right away." Wu Tian stopped joking around and carefully walked out of the restaurant with the box of pastries.    


In less than half an hour, he arrived at Zero. According to the address provided by Shen Xue, he found a luxurious room on the second floor of the bar.    


There were more than ten young men and women in the room. They were about Shangguan Wan'er's age and were drinking and singing in the room.    


From the way these people dressed, it wasn't hard to tell that they were all rich. Any random bottle of red wine in the room was worth over a hundred thousand yuan.    


At this moment, Shangguan Wan'er was sitting in the middle of the sofa. She was wearing a hot miniskirt. However, she was feeling depressed and wasn't as happy as the others.    


After Wu Tian pushed open the door of the room, the originally messy room suddenly quieted down. After a short period of silence, someone started to criticize: "Who are you? You didn't knock on the door when you entered, you don't know how to be polite."    


"I am an employee of Fuyuan Restaurant, and am here specifically to deliver pastries." Wu Tian explained and then walked into the room with the pastries in his arms.    


"Put the cake there and get out." One of the boys shouted impatiently.    


"Ok!" Wu Tian glanced at Shangguan Wan'er, put down the cake and turned around to leave.    


"Wait a moment!"    


The depressed Wan'er suddenly stood up from the sofa and shouted at Wu Tian, "Stop, don't go yet."    


Wu Tian had already walked to the door of the private room. When he heard the shout, he stopped and did not move.    


The reason why he came here this time was to get close to Wan'er. He wanted to use this girl to inquire about the situation of Shengshi Group and the Shangguan family.    


"Bastard, it's really you." Shangguan Wan'er walked over to take a closer look and immediately became excited.    


Just a moment ago, she had thought that the boy who delivered the cake looked familiar. She didn't expect him to be that brat who used a wooden stick to hit her buttocks after the accident last night.    


Last night was the first time in her life that someone had spanked her, and she had been angry all night.    


She wished that she could find that brat and rip him to shreds to resolve the hatred in her heart. However, even after she had sent people to search for him for a long time, she was still unable to find the boy's whereabouts.    


Just when she felt depressed about it, she did not expect Wu Tian to take the initiative to appear, and she was very happy.    


"Wan'er, you know this kid?" A girl with big eyes couldn't help but ask.    


"Not only do I know him, I have an irreconcilable enmity with him." Wan'er glared at him, pointed at Wu Tian and said, "He's the one who hit my butt with the wooden stick yesterday."    




When they heard this, the men and women all stood up, and looked at Wu Tian with that strange gaze, sighing, "This kid is really bold, he even dared to hit Wan'er."    


"Tell me, how should I take care of this brat?" Shangguan Wan'er clenched her fists, wishing she could tear Wu Tian into two.    


"Break his hands, throw him to the mountains and feed him to the dogs." One person made the suggestion.    


"Alright." Shangguan Wan'er smiled sinisterly, gritted her teeth and said to Wu Tian, "Bastard, you dared to hit my butt. Today, I will let you know how powerful I am."    


Having said so, she took out her cell phone and made a call.    


In a moment, two tall bodyguards rushed into the room.    


With a wave of her small hand, Shangguan Wan'er ordered the two bodyguards, "Break this brat's hands, throw him to Lushan and feed him to the dogs."    




The two bodyguards were ready to act as soon as they received the order.    


"Wait a moment!"    


At this critical moment, the girl with big eyes suddenly spoke up to stop Wan'er. "Wan'er, wait a moment."    


"Zhou Han, you won't let me hurt him. Have you taken a fancy to him?" Shangguan Wan'er questioned with a displeased expression.    


"You sure know how to joke around. How could I fall for him?" Zhou Han pursed her lips into a smile and took a few steps forward. "I just have a suggestion."    


"What do you propose?"    


"Today is my birthday, but we don't have much fun here, so why don't we have this brat play with us. After we've had enough fun, you can break both of his arms and legs — and then you can send him to Mount Lu to feed the dogs." Zhou Han said with a playful smile.    


The others all nodded in agreement.    


There was no point in them drinking and singing just like that. It was also good to have a silly kid as a plaything. He could make everyone happy.    


"Zhou Han, it's your birthday today, so I'll agree." Seeing that no one had any objections, Shangguan Wan'er didn't try to retort and tried asking, "Then tell me, how do you want to play?"    


"Let's play sieve first." Zhou Han grabbed the six sieves and walked towards Wu Tian, smiling as he said, "I'll bet with you. If you win, I'll leave a leg for you. If you lose, we'll each slap you, how about it?"    


"Since you guys want to play, then I'll accompany you." Since Wu Tian had come, he naturally wouldn't be afraid. It was not difficult for him to deal with this silly little girl.    


"Fine, at least you have the guts." Zhou Han smiled complacently, shaking the sieve as he continued. "Six sieves, the highest number wins. I'll go first."    


Having said this, she began to shake the six sieves in the sieve.    


She shook it for a long time, then snapped the sieve onto the table and slowly lifted the lid. It was exactly twenty-five points.    


"It's your turn." After Zhou Han had finished shaking the sieve, he pushed the sieve and sieve cup to Wu Tian.    


"Watch carefully." Wu Tian grabbed the sieve and shook it vigorously. His movements were free and powerful as he stared straight ahead with great confidence.    


Without mentioning anything else, his imposing manner surprised everyone.    


They did not expect that when a cake delivery man in the dining room was shaking the sieve, he looked domineering and free.    




Under everyone's gaze, Wu Tian slammed the sieve cup onto the table. Then he slowly opened the lid.    


"Twenty-eight?" When she saw the points, Zhou Han's eyes flickered a few times. She didn't expect Wu Tian to win.    


"You lost." The corner of Wu Tian's mouth slightly raised. He was secretly glad as he did not expect his points to be two points higher than the girl's.    


Even though his movements were very natural and unrestrained, he was actually quite anxious and worried that he would lose to this girl.    


After all, this was his first time playing sieve, he was only imitating the behavior on TV, he had never played it before.    


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