Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C417 Lift Momentum

C417 Lift Momentum

Wu Tian gave class monitor Yao Jing a few simple words and then took the lead to return to Martial Arts Club. He saw Gu Xiaoman and Mu Ran, both of whom were still waiting inside the dojo.    


The members of the club were still looking dejected, so they didn't bring up any fighting spirit.    


"President, how is it?" Gu Xiaoman asked as she saw Wu Tian walk into the club.    


"The Industry University Martial Arts Club pulling team has been formed. They will be here soon." Wu Tian said with a smile.    


"Proprieter Wu is amazing. You managed to set up the cheerleading team so quickly."    


"These days, money makes things easier."    


"Right, can finding a group of cheerleaders really boost everyone's morale?" Gu Xiaoman expressed doubt.    


"Don't worry, definitely." After Wu Tian said this confidently, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Our pull team is here."    


More than ten girls in short skirts walked over.    


Upon seeing these girls, Gu Xiaoman and Mu Ran's eyes lit up.    


This dress was too beautiful. With a single glance, one could tell it was high-end goods. It completely matched the temperament of those girls, making them look gorgeous and incomparably beautiful.    


More than a dozen girls were wearing the same luxurious skirt. It was quite a spectacular sight.    


The Martial Arts Club members were also attracted by the girls. They were all deeply attracted and couldn't help but stick their heads out to look.    


However, everyone had their suspicions. They suspected that these beautiful girls were here just to ridicule them.    


More than ten girls in short skirts stopped at the door and started to adjust their formation at the entrance of the dojo.    


Wu Tian walked onto the stage, and said to the listless members: "Let me tell everyone a piece of good news, our Industry University Martial Arts Club pulling team has officially been established."    


"A cheerleader?"    


Upon hearing that their society had a cheerleading team, the members couldn't help but discuss in whispers.    


Everyone expressed their doubts. Industry University Martial Arts Club had a bad reputation in the school, and they had always been suspected by everyone, especially when they were looked down upon by the girls in the school.    


In this kind of disadvantageous situation, probably no other girls would be willing to pull teams for Industry University Martial Arts Club.    


"Come, let Industry University Martial Arts Club pull your team in." After Wu Tian said this, he led the applause.    


After the applause, Yao Jing led a dozen female students into the martial arts building.    


The bodies of these girls weren't bad. Their looks were above average, and with the addition of their luxurious short skirts, they immediately gave off a breathtaking sense of beauty.    


The members could not help but stare at these beautiful cheerleaders and swallow their saliva.    


They didn't think that the society would have such a team of cheerleaders. All of them looked really pretty, really pleasing to the eyes.    


When they heard that the girls were all unwilling to become members of Martial Arts Club, the members were especially disappointed.    


Now, seeing so many beautiful girls join their camp, their fighting spirit and hope were slowly ignited.    


More than ten women in short skirts stood in two rows as they greeted the members of the guild in unison, "My fellow citizens of Industry University Martial Arts Club, good afternoon to all of you. We are cheerleaders."    


"Are you really the cheerleaders?" Even now, the vice president still didn't dare to believe it. He never thought that the society would suddenly have so many beauties pulling members here.    


"Yes." Yao Jing took a step forward and said with a smile, "I'm the cheerleader Yao Jing. I'm very happy to meet you."    


"Thank you, we finally got a team." The members present swept away their previous lacklustre position and instantly became excited.    


Yao Jing walked to the front of the cheerleaders, raised her fist and shouted, "Industry University Martial Arts Club!"    


"The best!"    


More than a dozen cheerleaders shouted in unison. Their voices were loud and clear.    


"Industry University Martial Arts Club …"    




"Industry University Martial Arts Club …"    




Over a dozen girls cheered in unison in the center, using this most primitive method to cheer for the members of Martial Arts Club.    


Of course, these were all told to him by Wu Tian at the Yun Shang. It seemed that these girls were cooperating very well.    


The cheers were like a needle shot through the heart, boosting the morale of the members of the club. Gradually, their fighting spirit was ignited and a hint of fighting spirit appeared in their hearts.    




Wu Tian pressed his hands together, signalling for the pulling members to quiet down, and pretended to be disappointed as he said: "Ladies and gentlemen, to think that you all thought so highly of our Martial Arts Club, it's just that our members have not even started the competition, and they have already admitted defeat."    


"Who said we admitted defeat?" At this moment, the vice president quickly stood up to refute.    


He didn't want to be looked down on by the cheerleaders who supported them.    


The other members also joined in, indicating that they wouldn't admit defeat. They wouldn't admit defeat unless it was the very last moment.    


"Then let me ask you, in tomorrow's tenth tournament, do you dare to play?" Wu Tian glanced at the members below the stage and asked loudly.    


"You dare!"    


The members all shouted out in unison. At this moment, they were all clenching their fists, giving off an indomitable aura.    


"Then in tomorrow's tenth tournament, do you have any confidence in winning?" Wu Tian continued to ask.    


"Yes!" The members of the club shouted in unison, as if they wanted to vent all the pent-up emotions they had been feeling during this period of time.    


"Good, then let everyone see, our Industry University Martial Arts Club are not cowards, and we are not trash either." Wu Tian shouted like a general commanding a large army.    




The members of the club were also impassioned, each of them abnormally excited, ready to charge onto the battlefield and fight the enemy at any moment.    


At this time, Yao Jing once again led the pulling members and shouted in unison, "The Industry University Martial Arts Club is the best, the Industry University Martial Arts Club the strongest, and the Industry University Martial Arts Club the most handsome …"    


It was like an swearing meeting. The members were all excited, their blood boiling, and their hearts were filled with the desire to fight.    


After shouting for a while, Yao Jing brought her team members to begin dancing.    


He had to admit that this girl's leadership and organization was very strong, and her dancing skills were not bad either. She led a dozen or so girls to twist their bodies on the spot, looking extremely alluring and flirtatious.    


Not to mention the other members, even Wu Tian's eyes were attracted by the dance, and his gaze wandered unrestrainedly on these girls.    




Gu Xiaoman walked over and tugged on the corner of Wu Tian's shirt. She reminded him sourly, "President, if you keep looking, your eyeballs are going to pop out."    


Wu Tian chuckled dryly. Then, he retracted his gaze and looked at Gu Xiaoman, "I didn't expect that they would wear these short skirts that fit them perfectly. Their dancing is faintly discernible."    


"Rogue!" Gu Xiaoman grumbled, but she couldn't help but praise, "Proprieter Wu, you're still the best. You've raised the morale of our members so quickly."    


"Thanks to Teacher Mu." Wu Tian grinned and pushed all the credit to Mu Ran. "Luckily, Teacher Mu helped the society build such an outstanding team. Otherwise, it would be hard to boost the morale in a short time."    


"You were the one who was willing to spend the money to set up the cheerleading team. I didn't help much." Mu Ran played with her hair at the corners of her ears.    


"In short, I would like to thank Teacher Mu for her support of the Martial Arts Club."    


"Then don't let Teacher down. We'll have a good match tomorrow and try to get a good result." Mu Ran encouraged.    


"Don't worry, your results won't be bad."    


"Then I'll leave first. I'll go watch your match tomorrow." Mu Ranwan smiled, said goodbye to Gu Xiaoman and left.    


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