Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C422 Great Array Battle

C422 Great Array Battle

"It seems like this Zhang Huaqiao is not simple at all." Wu Tian sighed and asked, "In the past, the development of Huaxing and television was very good, so why did it suddenly decline in recent years?"    


"This is related to Zhang Huaqiao's wife."    


"His wife?"    


"Right." Huang Lan picked up the glass and shook it a bit, then put it down and explained, "Zhang Huaqiao used to be in love with his wife, but because there was an emergency later on, Zhang Huaqiao drove his wife to the company in a hurry and got into a car accident."    


"His wife died in a car accident?"    


"Right." Huang Lan sipped a mouthful of red wine and said with a serious tone, "Zhang Huaqiao blamed him for his wife's death. He blamed himself for it and he will never recover. Huaxing Corporation also became a sacrifice. "    


"I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Wu Tian shook his glass meaningfully. It could be seen that Zhang Huaqiao was a man who valued emotions.    


"The Huaxing company was raised and strengthened by Zhang Huaqiao, but in the end, it will be destroyed by this man."    


"Then why didn't he sell the company?"    


"After Zhang Huaqiao's wife died, the company was his only spiritual support. No matter how much others pay, he would never sell the company."    


"Is that so?" Wu Tian scratched his head and thought for a while before asking, "If we cut off the funding chain for Huaxing Film and all the other partners and force them into desperate straits, will we force Zhang Huaqiao to sell his Huaxing Film and TV?"    


"No, this way at most, you can only destroy Huaxing Corporation."    


"Is there any other way for Zhang Huaqiao to sell the company?"    


"Nope." Huang Lan shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Huaxing Television is a big piece of meat, but others have used all the ways you can think of, so no one can successfully buy Huaxing Corporation."    


"So according to you, no matter what method I use, I am unable to acquire Huaxing?"    


"Right." Huang Lan nodded her head vigorously and kindly advised, "Why don't you try another film and television company. I'm afraid we won't be able to buy the Huaxing company."    




Wu Tian slowly raised his head to look in front of him. His right hand continuously shook the wine cup as he swore, "I don't believe in evil, but I want to give it a try."    


Suddenly, he became very interested in Huaxing, film, and Zhang Huaqiao. He could not help but want to break this situation.    


"Could it be that you have some sort of plan?" Huang Lan was shocked by Wu Tian's sharp eyes. The ambition and the desire to conquer were something she had never seen before.    


She was now even more certain that Wu Tian Jue was not the child of an ordinary family. He was like an emperor who had fallen into the mortal world.    


"I can't think of a solution yet, but I believe that humans have their own weaknesses. As long as we can find his weakness, we can solve the problem." Wu Tian sounded very confident.    


"I don't suggest you waste your time on Zhang Huaqiao." Huang Lan added, "If you really want to try, then I'll try."    


"Thank you, Elder Sister Lan."    


"Then what are your plans after this?"    


"I think we should go meet Zhang Huaqiao now."    


"Alright, I'll go with you." Huang Lan had always been swift and decisive. She took a sip of red wine, stood up and walked out of the private room.    


Wu Tian followed closely behind them. The moment he walked out of the room, he noticed that the waiter was looking at them weirdly.    


The waiters must have misunderstood and thought that he and Elder Sister Lan had done something between a man and a woman in the private room.    


Wu Tian didn't care about these misunderstandings at all. He took Elder Sister Lan down the elevator.    


The moment the two of them walked out of the hotel lobby, they saw 12 top-notch luxury cars parked in front of the hotel.    


After the car stopped, more than ten bodyguards quickly got off and stood in two rows in front of the luxurious car in the middle.    


After the back door of the luxury car in the middle opened, a middle-aged man in a suit alighted from the car and walked towards the hotel lobby with a domineering attitude.    


He could feel the aura and aura from the man in the suit even from far away. Without even thinking, he knew that the man in front of him was definitely a business tycoon.    


As Wu Tian saw the man lead the bodyguard into the hotel, he couldn't help but exclaim: "My god, what a big lineup."    


"That was the Shengshi Group Elder, Shangguan Junjie." Huang Lan pointed at the man walking in and explained.    


"He is Shangguan Junjie?"    




"He's really high-profile." Wu Tian wanted to find an opportunity to meet Shangguan Junjie, he didn't expect this brat to deliver himself to his doorstep.    


Huang Lan sensed the hostility in her tone and tried asking, "What? You have a grudge with Shangguan Junjie? "    


"There's more than enmity, I'm going to …" Wu Tian swallowed his words before he could finish. He didn't want Elder Sister Lan to know about the grudge between the Wu Family and the Shangguan Family.    


Right now, his identity still needed to be kept a secret, so he couldn't tell Elder Sister Lan that he was Young Master Wu Family.    


"Do you have any grudges with Shangguan Junjie?" Huang Lan couldn't help but ask curiously.    


"A small contradiction." Wu Tian avoided it with a single sentence.    


Before he had gone to the capital, his grandfather had given him a secret mission for him to think of a way to eliminate the branch powers within the Shangguan Family.    


Shangguan Family was their core strength in the Luzhou, and Shangguan Hongyuan and Shangguan Junjie were key figures in the Shengshi Group.    


Sooner or later, Wu will have to keep up with Shangguan Hongyuan and Shangguan Junjie's father in a head-on confrontation.    


"If it's just a small grudge, I hope you can let it go. After all, Shangguan Junjie is very powerful in Luzhou and no one will have the strength to fight him." Huang Lan was worried that something might happen to Wu Tie, so she tried to persuade him out of the kindness of her heart.    


"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Wu Tian replied perfunctorily, then took the initiative to change the topic, "Alright, let's go to Huaxing Television to look for Zhang Huaqiao first."    


"Alright, let's go." Huang Lan did not mention Shangguan Junjie again. She walked on long, long legs toward the parking lot.    


This time, Huang Lan would be the one to drive the car, bringing the two of them to Huaxing.    


Huaxing Television was located in the central area of North City. The company's main building was thirty story tall, and outside the main building were all glass walls, looking extremely domineering.    


A few years ago, Huaxing Film and Television could be considered a first-rate enterprise, and had a very strong influence in the entire Jiang-Nan region.    


Just because the company's performance has plummeted in recent years due to mismanagement, it is now losing money every year.    


The Huaxing Building was still as domineering as before. When they got closer, they discovered that the glass walls were covered in dust, and it looked much more decadent than before.    


The two of them walked into the company lobby and said to the front desk girl, "Hello, we're looking for President Zhang."    


"Can I ask if you have any business with President Zhang?" The front desk girl stretched lazily, looking like she liked to ignore them.    


"I'm the singer, Huang Lan. I'm here to discuss business cooperation with Wu Tie." Huang Lan lied so that she could see Zhang Huaqiao more quickly.    


"So it's Miss Huang." Upon hearing that it was the singer Huang Lan, the girl at the front desk immediately changed her attitude, "Please wait a moment, I'll call President Zhang right away."    


Then she picked up the phone and began to make calls.    


After she finished making the call, she smiled and said to Huang Lan, "Miss Huang, our President Zhang is on the 11th floor in the CEO's office. Please."    


"Thank you!" After Huang Lan thanked him, she took Wu Tian into the elevator and went straight to the 11th floor.    


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