Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C457 Young Woman Feng Xia

C457 Young Woman Feng Xia

"Even so, we have a rule that ordinary people are not allowed to enter." The doorman was resolute.    


Wu Tian was wearing shabby clothes bought by a street vendor, so he was treated like an ordinary person by the doorman.    


If he put on his designer clothes now, the doormen would immediately change their attitude and invite him in like a grandson.    


However, Wu Tian had been used to this kind of cheap clothes since he was young. Naturally, he couldn't change his clothes for the sake of two doormen.    


He didn't know what was wrong with it, but as long as he put on his brand clothes, he would feel uncomfortable all over.    


The last time he had worn the fancy dress that Elder Sister Lan had ordered for him, he had only worn it once and left it at home, never to wear it again.    


Wu Tian was too lazy to argue with the two doormen and was about to take out his phone to call Liu Yueyao.    


Before the call could connect, a plump young woman walked over and asked the two doormen, "What happened?"    


"Sis Xia, this brat wanted to sneak into the store, but we stopped him." The two doormen politely reported to the young woman.    


"Is that so?"    


The young woman named Sister Xia turned around and looked at Wu Tian. Soon, her lips curled up into a smile as she ordered the doorman, "Let this kid in!"    


"Yes sir!"    


After the doorman answered, they both took two steps back.    


Wu Tian walked into the hall and thanked the young married woman with a smile: "Thank you, Beauty, for helping me out."    


The young woman in front of him was around 36 years old. Her appearance was not bad and her figure was extremely plump. However, her almond-shaped eyes were a bit lustful.    


"This is my name card. You can call me Sister Xia from now on." The young woman took out a business card from her bag and handed it over.    


Wu Tian took the business card and glanced at it. He didn't expect this woman to be the boss of Golden Bay, and her name was Feng Xia.    


"Sister Xia, I didn't expect you to be the owner of Golden Bay." Wu Tian kept his name card. He smiled as he approached her.    


"All your expenses are free today." Having said so, Feng Xia took out two glasses of red wine and handed them over to him. "Come, let me have a drink with you."    


"Alright." Wu Tian couldn't refuse her so he clinked his glass with Feng Xia's and drank half a mouthful of red wine.    


After drinking, Feng Xia leaned her body closer to him and said with a smile, "Handsome, what's your name?"    


"Wu Tian."    


"Then I'll call you Tian." Feng Xia put her arm on Wu Tian's shoulder and said in a gentle tone, "Come, let me dance with you."    


"Sorry, I can't dance." Seeing through the woman's intention, Wu Tian was so scared that he retreated a few steps back.    


"It's okay, I'll teach you." Chen Xia directly hooked her arms around Wu Tian's neck and twisted her body like a water snake. Her thighs occasionally rubbed against Wu Tian's body.    


She was bold, wild, and hungry like a hungry wolf. From time to time, she licked her lips to tease Wu Tian.    


"Sorry, I don't want to dance with you." Faced with such an alluring woman, Wu Tian was a little disgusted, so he pushed her away without mercy.    


Feng Xia was slightly taken aback. She didn't expect that he would reject her offer.    


However, she didn't give up. She took out ten thousand yuan from her bag and handed it over to him, "Accompany me for a day, this money is yours."    


"Sorry, I don't have time." Wu Tian refused decisively.    


"I'll add another ten thousand." Feng Xia took out 10,000 yuan from her bag once again.    


"I said I didn't have time." After Wu Tian said this, he turned around and prepared to leave.    


However, he was once again stopped by this woman. She took out all 50,000 yuan from her bag, "As long as you are willing to stay with elder sister, this money will all be yours."    


"I forgot to tell you, I'm not short on money." Wu Tian took out a cheque of one million from his pocket and threw it over. He warned, "Stop bothering me. This money is yours."    


"You …"    


Feng Xia was stunned as she looked at the cheque for one million yuan. She didn't expect the kid in front of her to be so rich. In one go, he had taken out a cheque for one million yuan.    


She had originally thought that this brat was poor and that he was quite handsome. She had originally wanted to buy him and play with him, but she hadn't thought that he would be so rich.    


A million wasn't even that much, yet he had ruthlessly slapped her in her face. This caused her to feel extremely humiliated.    


"I really didn't realize that you're quite rich." Feng Xia smiled awkwardly and stuffed the cheque into Wu Tian's pocket. She said in a provocative manner, "I don't believe that you have no interest in me at all."    


After saying that, she tyrannically grabbed Wu Tian's hand and placed it on her leg.    


In broad daylight, this action surprised Wu Tian. He didn't expect this woman to be so shameless.    


He was slightly taken aback, and quickly retracted his arm in fright. In the end, he accidentally untied Feng Xia's dress.    


Feng Xia was wearing high heels. While she was panicking, her left foot tripped on her right foot and her body swayed, ready to fall.    


In a moment of desperation, Wu Tian reflexively hugged Feng Xia and they both fell to the ground.    


At this moment, Feng Xia was lying on the floor with her dress all the way down to her waist. Wu Tian was on top of her, with his face close to hers and his hands in a weird place.    


This scene was very unsightly, to the point that it was somewhat unbearable to look at.    


"I thought you weren't interested in me, but I didn't expect you to be so anxious." Wu Yi didn't care that she won the fight. Instead, she teased Wu Tian without restraint.    


"Sorry, it was an accident." Wu Tian was about to get up after apologizing.    


Feng Xia hugged her neck tightly. She smiled seductively and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Aren't you comfortable like this?"    


"Let go!" Wu Tian didn't expect the woman to hug him so tightly. After struggling for a while, the woman screamed.    


Her shout attracted a lot of attention.    


To be honest, Wu Tian really wanted to strangle her to death when he met such a bitch.    


"Silly boy, how do you feel?" Feng Xia teased Wu Tian in front of everyone, completely ignoring the gazes of others.    


"Bloody bitch, let go!" Wu Tian did not dare to struggle anymore. As soon as he struggled, he would come into intimate contact with the woman, and he was also afraid that the woman's shouts would cause misunderstandings.    


Feng Xia blinked her eyes that were as tender as water and teased him, "Give me a kiss and I'll let go."    




"No, I'll always hug you."    


"You …" Wu Tian was truly helpless in the face of such a shameless woman.    


Just as he was about to get rid of this woman by force, Liu Yueyao walked over and exclaimed, "Wu Tian, what are you doing?"    


As soon as she came out of the bathroom, she saw a man and woman in the hall, hugging each other, their clothes in disarray.    


Only when she got closer did she realize that it was Wu Tian embracing the female owner of Golden Harbor in an extremely indecent manner.    


When she saw this scene, she felt an unpleasant feeling in her heart. It was worse than eating a bottle of old Chen vinegar.    


"Yueyao, it's great that you're here. I was pestered by this woman." Wu Tian explained in a low voice with an awkward expression.    


"Shameless." Liu Yueyao said with disdain. Her heart was filled with anger when she saw how tightly Wu Tian and that woman were hugging.    


"I …"    


Wu Tian was too lazy to explain.    


He knew that no matter how he explained, it would be useless. The most important thing right now was to separate from this woman.    


He grabbed both of the woman's arms and forcefully pulled her hands away from her neck.    


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