Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C488 Secrets of Receipt

C488 Secrets of Receipt

After Zhang Dongyang had left, Bai Sha came forward with a smile to fawn on him, "Brother Wu, how was the matter today?"    


"Not bad, you did well." Wu Tian nodded with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with Bai Sha's performance today.    


"That's good." After Bai Sha said this, he turned around and ordered the waiter, "Quick, transfer all of Zhang Dongyang's forty million to Brother Wu."    


"No need." Wu Tian waved his hand and said with a smile, "You can keep that money, just treat it as the hard work."    


"That's not good, right?"    


"This is what you deserve. In the future, there will be a lot of things that I need to trouble you with."    


"No matter what business you have, as long as you give me an order, I'll immediately do it." Bai Sha smiled as he tried to curry favor with Ye Zichen.    


In front of Wu Tian, he did not put on any airs. He acted extremely respectful and smiled just like Miller Buddha.    


Ever since he saw Wu Tian's ability and power, he knew that Wu Tian was a tough guy.    


He, Bai Shatang, could not afford to offend a character like this, and it was also a good thing for him to ingratiate himself with this kind of power.    


"Alright, then I'll have to disturb Pavilion Master Bai in the future." Seeing Bai Sha being so polite, Wu Tian gave him enough face.    


There were a lot of stumbling blocks around him, so Bai Sha would be of great use in the future. It could help him deal with a lot of things.    


"Like I said, if Brother Wu has any problems in the future, you can call for me anytime." Bai Sha promised, then said: "Bro, I'll get someone to prepare a drink for us."    


"The wine is almost done, let's drink again when we have time." Wu Tian waved his hand and tactfully refused.    


"Alright, let's drink again when we have time."    


"Then, I won't disturb Hall Master Bai any longer." After saying that, Wu Tian left the room with Xu Pei.    


Bai Sha led his brothers to send the two of them off at the club's entrance.    


After walking out of the club, Xu Pei couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Boss Wu, I really didn't expect that you would actually call Liu Tie of the Wu Iron Hall as a brother."    


"Bai Sha is nothing special." Wu Tian didn't care and didn't feel honored.    


In his eyes, Bai Shatang wasn't even worth mentioning. At least, compared to the entire Wu Family family, he was just an ant.    


"I really admire you, to actually disregard Bai Sha." Xu Pei shook her head with a bitter smile. She didn't think that the famous Wu Steel Hall in Luzhou would be not even worth mentioning in Boss Wu's eyes.    


"Oh yeah, did you manage to settle the bill with Zhang Dongyang?"    


"Yes." Xu Pei nodded and said with a smile, "Boss Wu is amazing indeed. The moment he started, he helped the company get back the three year debt and even taught that scoundrel Zhang Dongyang a lesson."    


"He dares to go back on his word with me. He is truly courting death."    


"To be honest, Boss Wu's way of dealing with Old Lai is really amazing." After this incident, Xu Pei could not help but have a whole new level of respect for Boss Wu.    


To be honest, she initially thought that Boss Wu wouldn't be able to get the money, but the result made her eye drop.    


Not only did Boss Wu help the company get back its arrears, he even paid back 20 million in interest, which helped the company earn a lot of money.    


"Alright, let's go back and report to Elder Sister Lan!" Wu Tian walked towards the car park. After walking a few steps, he saw that Xu Pei was still holding her stomach on the spot.    


He hurried back to Xu Pei's side and asked with concern, "Manager Xu, you have a stomachache. Is it your period?"    


"Nope!" Xu Pei blushed as she explained in a low voice, "I just haven't eaten. I'm hungry."    


"There was so much delicious food just now, why didn't you eat it?"    


"I don't want the bill. I can't eat."    


"Fine." Wu Tian looked at the time and suggested, "There's a restaurant opposite us, I'll treat you to a meal."    


"Thank you, Boss Wu."    


"Let's go." Wu Tian brought Xu Pei to a restaurant.    


The restaurant was very efficient. After he finished, the waiter brought all the dishes to the table.    


Xu Pei hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch, so she was already starving. As soon as she saw the food, she started wolfing it down.    


Seeing the girl eating like this, Wu Tian couldn't help but laugh: "Manager Xu, why are you eating like a pig?"    


Xu Pei choked and coughed a few times. She snappily said, "You're a dignified big boss, how can you make fun of the employees?"    


"I was afraid you'd choke." Wu Tian poured a cup of water and handed it over, "Eat slowly, don't choke on it."    


"Thank you!" Xu Pei took a sip of water and continued eating.    


Seeing that the girl had finished her meal, Wu Tian handed over a tissue and instructed with a smile, "When we meet Elder Sister Lan at the company later, don't tell me you want us to go to the Red Rose Club to hire little sister, do you understand?"    


"Got it."    


Xu Pei nodded her head straightforwardly. Then, she couldn't help but ask, "You're just going to the club to find a prostitute. Why are you afraid of letting CEO Huang know?"    


"That woman likes to meddle in other people's business. I was afraid that she would misunderstand, so as to avoid endless nagging."    


"No, what's your relationship with CEO Huang?"    




"I understand." Xu Pei smiled eerily and stopped asking.    


Only now did she understand that Boss Wu and CEO Huang must have a lover relationship, but that relationship was not announced.    


"Alright, let's go back to Huaxing Corporation."    


After they finished eating, the two of them drove back to Huaxing.    


They soon met Huang Lan in the CEO's office.    


"How is it? Did you get the debt back?" Upon seeing the two of them, Huang Lan immediately asked about what had happened.    


Although Dongyang's debt would not affect the normal operation of the company, it was still a part of her heart. If she did not get the debt back, she could not help but waste her energy on it.    


"It's a success." Wu Tian shook his clothes and said complacently, "I have taken back all the arrears."    


"Did you really get all his eighty million back?" Hearing this news, Huang Lan was both surprised and happy.    


She had been to Dongyang's company a few times before, and she had always had to deal with that rogue Zhang Dongyang. She had never thought that Wu Tian was so good that he would be able to collect all his debts within a few hours.    


She had to admit that this kid really did have some tricks to dealing with rascals.    


"Not 80 million, 100 million." Wu Tian took a sip of tea from Elder Sister Lan's teacup and continued, "Zhang Dongyang paid the interest of 20 million."    


"Such a high interest?" Huang Lan was even more shocked when she heard that they would get a hundred million back.    


With Zhang Dongyang's rogue-like personality, he was already pretty good to be able to return the capital, so why was he so willing to give him interest?    


"A total of 100 million in principal and interest." Wu Tian took the bank card from Xu Pei and slammed it on the table.    


Huang Lan stared at the bank card for a few seconds. Then, she couldn't help but ask, "Tian, how did you get the money?"    


"I won't tell you." Wu Tian smiled mysteriously, and didn't want to explain the details of the account.    


If he explained, the fact that he was looking for a prostitute in the club might get out of hand. Elder Sister Lan would definitely be unhappy with him.    


"You're just pretending to be mysterious." Huang Lan rolled her eyes at Wu Tian and suddenly asked doubtfully, "You drank too much?"    


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