Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C884 Surround Them

C884 Surround Them

After thinking about it, Sister Liu could not let such a good opportunity slip by.    


If they could catch Wu Tian here, then their mission would be completed.    


Destroying Wu Group Corporation was only a matter of time.    


The two of them immediately got out of the car, while Di Gu was still dozing off in the backseat.    


Di Yin walked over in annoyance and pushed Di Gu.    


"It's time to start!"    


Di Gu's eyes were bloodshot. What he hated the most was having others disturb his sleep.    


A few people quickly walked towards Wu Tian, but the person in question hadn't noticed at all that he was talking to the beauty from Char Country.    


By the time he noticed it, the three of them had already surrounded the two of them in a triangular formation.    


Wu Tian saw that something was wrong, he had never seen these three people before. Moreover, their auras were extremely violent. They were definitely not kind and could not be easily provoked.    


"Hide behind me for a bit …"    


Wu Tian pulled the maid behind him. How could he let the girl stand in front of him at critical moments?    


These people would come to him, Wu Tian did not expect it. However, since it had already happened, he could only accept it.    


"What do you want?"    


Wu Tian's expression immediately turned cold as he started to adjust his breathing.    


If it was possible, Wu Tian didn't want to get into conflict with these people.    


The wounds on his body had yet to completely heal. If he fought with these people, he might not be able to gain any advantage over them.    


"Come with us obediently. We don't want to use violence in front of all these people!"    


There was ferocity in Sister Liu's eyes. Anyone could tell that she wasn't joking.    


Wu Tian carefully sized up these people. Their clothes were all different, and there was nothing similar that could be used for comparison.    


He was also unable to guess the identity of these people.    


However, they didn't have any weapons in their hands. Wu Tian felt that they wouldn't dare to do anything too extreme in front of so many people. He still had a chance to escape.    


"And if I can't?" Wu Tian smiled and crossed his arms as he looked at them.    


Although the maid was behind Wu Tian at this moment, she also started to look serious. It seemed that there was something wrong with the situation.    


"Then I'm sorry, we are not good people either!" With that, she rushed towards Wu Tian at a speed that was hard to predict with her eyes.    


Wu Tian felt that his vision blurred, then he subconsciously raised his hand in front of his chest.    


They hadn't thought that his attack would actually block their attack. Their movements weren't big. In the eyes of the people around them, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.    


However, Wu Tian clearly felt the huge power that came from his own arm.    


Furthermore, the two men beside him had yet to move. Perhaps, the three of them were very powerful. In just a split-second, Wu Tian knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat them.    


"Wait a moment, don't get excited!" Wu Tian quickly took a step back and distanced himself from them.    


He cautiously looked at his surroundings. Running away was unrealistic, and with their speed, they could catch one person at a time in this kind of empty space.    


They could only run towards the narrower areas, where there were more people.    


Wu Tian looked around. Not far behind the enemies was the entrance of a commercial building. It was just right for Wu Tian to circle around them.    


"Come with us! "We'll let you go, otherwise I'll break your hands and feet and bring you back."    


Sister Liu felt that Wu Tian finally recognized the reality and knew how amazing she was.    


She beckoned to her two companions and prepared to bring Wu Tian to the car.    


However, they didn't expect Wu Tian to suddenly charge towards them at this moment. The wind also drilled through the gaps between the three of them.    


Not only Wu Tian, but that foreign beauty also ran out with him. They ran directly towards the mall's main entrance at the back.    


Tian Ling was stunned for a moment. She never expected Wu Tian to choose to escape. They were really stupid. Did this guy really think that the three of them would have no other choice?    


Di Gu's eyes were bloodshot as he immediately wanted to chase up and cut Wu Tian into pieces to calm his emotions.    


"Wait, don't make too much noise, we aren't here to startle ordinary people." Although Tian Ling, Sister Liu also wanted to get rid of Wu Tian directly and straightforwardly, but she still knew that they couldn't cause any trouble in this kind of environment.    


It would be best if no one knew of their existence. Otherwise, it would not be good news for them if the police came to their doorstep.    


The three of them quickly chased after him, but at this time, Wu Tian was already nowhere to be seen. There were a lot of people inside the mall, and there were all kinds of counters and things like that.    


No matter how good their eyes were here, they were useless.    


"Di Yin, use your method!" Seeing that she had found traces of Wu Tian, Tian Ling did not panic. Instead, she asked her companions to show her real abilities.    


Di Yin didn't say anything, but he laid his body on the ground. His nose twitched a few times like a dog and he started to sniff the air.    


His ability could be said to be very suitable for use in this sort of place, and it was also a good opportunity for Wu Tian and the others to escape into the mall.    


It was much easier to hide one's identity from others here than outside. Naturally, Tian Ling and the rest could use even more threatening methods.    


At this moment, Wu Tian and the servant girl were hiding in a fitting room. The two of them didn't even dare to breathe loudly.    


There were indeed some people outside. A few salespeople were guiding customers to look at their clothes.    


Hiding here, the enemy wouldn't be able to find them, and they didn't have that many eyes.    


Wu Tian was thinking like this, but under the guidance of Di Yin, Tian Ling and the others started to approach the fitting room from different directions.    


When they were about ten meters away from this place, Wu Tian felt his heart palpitate.    


To be honest, this feeling was not very comfortable, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.    


The sound of Tian Ling's high heels was like the footsteps of the grim reaper. She walked towards him, step by step.    


"Oh no, we have to escape!" Wu Tian was immediately shocked. He didn't have time to worry about that and immediately rushed out to escape.    


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