Co-renting Immortal Doctor

C299 I Want 20 Apples

C299 I Want 20 Apples

Tang Yu didn't want to talk to them. He saw so many people blocking his way. He could not buy anything, and Tang Yu did not want to waste any time. He turned around and said to Fourth Elder, who was sitting and drinking tea, "I want to buy something."    


"You have to follow the rules when buying things. Go to the queue." Fourth Elder said lightly.    


Tang Yu looked at Fourth Elder's cold expression. Tang Yu took out the National Supepowerr Bureau's book and placed it in front of Fourth Elder. He said, "You have seen it too. There are so many people. I don't have that much time to queue."    


Fourth Elder looked at Tang Yu's National Supepowerr Bureau's book. He didn't flip it open. Instead, he said, "You are indeed the overall evaluation of Grade S, but it's still not the reason why you don't queue up. Only those with Elders can line up."    


He knew about Tang Yu's advancement to Grade S, and Ouyang Ye had informed him about it.    


"I can't believe he's a Grade S."    


When they heard this, all the National Supepowerr Bureau members in the room burst into an uproar. All of them looked at Tang Yu with disbelief on their faces.    


He had clearly just arrived. How could he possibly be evaluated as a Grade S?    


However, these words were said by Fourth Elder himself, they had no choice but to believe it.    


At this moment, Shi Mo and Lei Yan's hearts trembled, and their faces were filled with shock. He was actually the overall evaluation of a Grade S. When did this happen? Before this, he was only an A grade, so how did he suddenly become a Grade S?    


One should know that a Grade S was on the same level as them.    


"Is that so?"    


Tang Yu smiled and said, "Don't talk so early. Open it up and see if I have the right to not line up. Perhaps you will change your mind immediately."    


Fourth Elder heard Tang Yu's words and opened the book on the table with suspicion. When he saw what was written on it, he was shocked. His face was full of disbelief and his heart was beating fast.    


After a while, Fourth Elder looked at Tang Yu with a complicated expression and said, "I really didn't expect that you would advance to S + in just a dozen days. What do you want to buy? I will get it for you."    


As soon as these words were spoken, The members of National Supepowerr Bureau were dumbfounded. They felt their bodies stiffen and their hearts beat faster.    


He had actually obtained a comprehensive evaluation of S +. This was the grade of a Elder. He had only been in the National Supepowerr Bureau for more than ten days. He had actually broken through to the Elder realm.    


"Are you mistaken? How could he have a comprehensive rating of S +?" Shi Mo's face turned pale as he hurriedly asked.    


An S + comprehensive evaluation had a higher status in National Supepowerr Bureau than him. How could he accept this? The key was that Tang Yu had only been here for more than ten days.    


Fourth Elder glanced at Shi Mo indifferently. He threw the book of National Supepowerr Bureau to Shi Mo and said, "I don't need to lie. If you don't believe me, you can take a look at it."    


Shi Mo took the book and opened it with trembling hands. When he saw the S + written on the comprehensive evaluation column, Shi Mo felt his body tremble.    


It was actually true.    


When everyone present knew that the evaluation on the book was S +, they gasped. Their bodies trembled. When they saw this evaluation with their own eyes, they felt a wave of fear and reverence.    


Just now, they were still there. They were watching the show and mocking Tang Yu. However, at this moment, Tang Yu's S + status was right in front of them, causing them to feel ashamed.    


In front of a Elder, they were nothing.    


Especially Sunn Ming, who was standing behind Lei Yan. At this moment, he was so scared that he almost fell to the ground. No wonder Tang Yu said he wouldn't argue with him. He had offended Tang Yu. If Tang Yu argued with him, he would definitely be in trouble.    


Thinking of this, Sunn Ming broke out in cold sweat. He had a look of luck on his face. He felt that it was fortunate that Lei Yan stopped him. Luckily, Tang Yu said he wouldn't argue with him. Otherwise, he would really be in trouble.    


At this time, Lei Yan was also seriously looking at Tang Yu who he had ignored earlier. His heart was in turmoil. Tang Yu had only entered the National Supepowerr Bureau for half a month and had already become a Elder. He couldn't help but admire Tang Yu.    


He didn't know why Tang Yu was given the title of Elder, but there was no doubt that Tang Yu had shocked Director in some way.    


Tang Yu didn't care what they were thinking. He said to Fourth Elder, "I want twenty apples."    


As soon as these words came out, The corner of Fourth Elder's mouth twitched. The tea that he had just drank suddenly spat out. He said with disbelief, "What did you say?"    


Tang Yu felt that it was not good to use his ears when he was old. He repeated it again. "I want twenty apples. Is there a problem?"    


As soon as his voice faded, everyone in the exchange room was stunned. They looked at Tang Yu, shocked and speechless. Twenty apples was a thousand Merit Points, but Tang Yu actually bought twenty apples at once. Could he finish all of them?    


One should know that Shi Mo had just bought two apples, and they were all very envious of him. However, Tang Yu actually wanted to buy twenty apples.    


At this moment, Shi Mo felt very awkward. He had just shown off in front of Tang Yu with one apple, but Tang Yu had bought twenty apples at once. This made him feel ashamed of himself.    


"Do you have so many Merit Points?"    


Fourth Elder reacted. He suppressed the shock in his heart and asked with a face full of disbelief.    


He had watched over the exchange rooms on the first floor for so many years. He had never seen anyone who could buy so many apples at once. The most important thing was that they spent a thousand Merit Points at once. Ordinary members would not be able to earn that much even if they spent a few years.    


If Tang Yu didn't have a comprehensive evaluation of S +, he would even suspect that Tang Yu was joking with him.    


When he heard this, Tang Yu was instantly unhappy. He felt that Fourth Elder was looking down on him.    


When he thought of this, Tang Yu immediately placed the card on the card reader. He heard a formal voice from the card reader. "Hello, your balance is 1200 Merit Points. All products will enjoy a 10% discount."    


Hearing the voice of the card reader, everyone was stunned. They could understand that 1200 Merit Points was reasonable, but this was the first time they had heard that National Supepowerr Bureau had a discount when buying things.    


This was especially true for the Black Yellow Courtyard. They were in the state of accepting missions most of the time, so they had no idea that Tang Yu would receive such a discount. Their eyes were filled with jealousy as they looked at Tang Yu.    


"One thousand two hundred Merit Point."    


Fourth Elder couldn't help but rub his eyes. He asked with a shocked expression, "Where did you get so many Merit Points? You have only been in the National Supepowerr Bureau for a dozen days. s if you didn't do the mission."    


At this moment, Fourth Elder was in a panic. Tang Yu had completely overturned his worldview.    


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