Godly System Moralizes the World



Hearing Luo Ge's words, Xiao Tian's expression was calm, but there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.    


Even before fusing with the other fragments of the True Spirit, he was not afraid in the slightest. Even in an environment like the Abyss of Slaughter, with his strength, he could easily deal with the majority of the Peak of Saint Stage.    


And now that he had merged with the rest of the True Spirit fragments from his Saint Master, although his strength had undergone an earth-shattering change, it was undoubtedly much stronger than his previous strength.    


Therefore, Xiao Tian did not even put this kind of Abyss of Slaughter expert in his heart!    


"Get lost!"    


Xiao Tian let out a cold snort. He waved the long sword in his hand and a dazzling sword light shot out towards Luo Ge.    


He was not entangled with Luo Ge at all. If he was able to force Luo Ge away, he would naturally be able to use this opportunity to penetrate deep into Abyss of Slaughter. Since the situation of Abyss of Slaughter was still unclear, Xiao Tian did not want to waste time on some insignificant beings.    


"Arrogant fellow!"    


Giant Luo Ge's eyes turned blood-red when he heard this. The ghost head blade in his hand began to emit a boundless baleful aura. Finally, it condensed into a strange skull on top of the blade. It charged towards Wu Tie with a bloody light that filled the sky!    


Bloody light tore through the sky, shattering a few nearby experts who did not have time to dodge in time. Among them, there were even Middle Period of Saint Stage experts!    


However, in the face of Luo Ge's tyrannical attack, the Abyss of Slaughter expert and the Thousands Worlds Battlefield experts around him were instantly annihilated, and could not even struggle!    


In the next moment, the sword light and the bloody light clashed, and a terrifying tornado of spirit energy exploded out from the place where the sword light and the blade light clashed, sweeping in all directions. It even caused the Spatial Channel, who had existed for who knows how long, to tremble violently a few times!    


"He can actually block your grandpa Luo Ge's attack!" Interesting! It's really interesting! "    


Seeing that his attack was blocked, the bloodthirsty look on the giant Luo Ge's face became even more intense. His bloodshot eyes stared at Xiao Tian, as if he wanted to imprint the image of Xiao Tian into his mind.    


"It's rare for me to meet an opponent that can make Grandpa Luo Ge enjoy himself like this," Luo Ge's scarlet eyes were filled with excitement, his face revealing a ferocious smile, "As a reward, Grandpa Luo Ge will leave you with a complete corpse!"    


However, before Luo Ge could finish speaking, a emerald colored Bamboo Branch suddenly ripped apart the berserk spiritual energy storm. The tip of the Bamboo Branch flickered with a green light, and before Luo Ge could react, it heavily tapped Luo Ge's forehead!    


"Puchi …"    


The seemingly soft Bamboo Branch pierced through Luo Ge's forehead as if it was tofu, and came out from behind the hard skull.    


The originally emerald green Bamboo Branch was dyed with a thick layer of blood, appearing extremely demonic.    


"Ha …" "Heh …" "This is not …" Luo Ge's gaze gradually became lax, his mouth opened wide in an attempt to make a sound. But before he finished speaking, Xiao Tian had already pulled out the bitter bamboo Bamboo Branch s.    


Following Xiao Tian's actions, Luo Ge's consciousness instantly sank into endless darkness, his huge body quickly lost all signs of life, and plummeted towards the depths of the Abyss of Slaughter.    


"Wasting time!"    


Xiao Tian glanced at Luo Ge's corpse that was falling towards the Abyss of Slaughter. Casually shaking off the blood on the Bitter Bamboo Bamboo Branch, he used his movement technique and rushed deeper into the Abyss of Slaughter.    


To him, it was merely an existence of a Peak of Saint Stage. Even if it was equivalent to him in terms of cultivation level, it was still far from his current strength. It seemed that he could easily kill an expert of this level!    


However, although Xiao Tian did not care, the experts around him could not care less. Whether it was the experts from Abyss of Slaughter or the experts from Thousands Worlds Battlefield, after seeing Luo Ge being easily killed by Xiao Tian, shock emerged on their faces.    


They were very clear of Luo Ge's strength. He was known as one of the strongest few in the Spatial Channel, and his name was infamous. Who knew how many strong people had fallen under his Phantom Head Blade, and there were even some who had Peak of Saint Stage.    


However, such an expert, in the blink of an eye, was killed by Xiao Tian without even having the ability to struggle?    


Looking at the direction Xiao Tian left in, his eyes were also filled with shock. Although he knew that Xiao Tian was very powerful, to the point that even the envoys of the realm viewed him with importance, they still sent him to give the spatial jade plate that was left behind by the Shadow Clan ancestor to Xiao Tian, to ensure his safe return from the Abyss of Slaughter.    


However, before this, he had been suspicious of Xiao Tian's strength. After all, he had never seen Xiao Tian fight before. He could only occasionally see Xiao Tian's strength from rumors.    


He felt that Xiao Tian's value was not comparable to that precious spatial jade plate. However, after seeing Luo Ge being beheaded by Xiao Tian, Ying Feng instantly overturned his previous thoughts.    


"The eyes of a World Envoy is indeed incomparable to mine!"    


Ying Feng could not help but sigh as he recalled the Cosmic Charm handing him the spatial jade plate and the attitude it showed when it was handed over to Xiao Tian.    


He only obtained some information related to Xiao Tian from some rumors. However, the envoy placed great importance on Xiao Tian, and even sent the spatial jade plate out when he had never met Xiao Tian before.    


Ying Feng did not know if there was any inside story behind this, so he could only attribute it to the Eastern Region Realm.    


Ying Feng lightly shook his head and quickly focused his attention on the battlefield in front of him. His eyes were filled with excitement.    


Luo Ge had been killed by Xiao Tian, so the power of the Abyss of Slaughter in this Spatial Channel had undoubtedly weakened a lot. If Eastern Region could grasp this opportunity, then they might be able to take down this Spatial Channel completely!    


It had to be known that although Eastern Region and Abyss of Slaughter were linked among many Spatial Channel, the Spatial Channel in front of their eyes was the most important one. This was also the reason why both sides had set up a large number of experts to defend this Spatial Channel.    


If Eastern Region could really take over this Spatial Channel, then Eastern Region could entirely borrow the help of this Spatial Channel. With it as the foundation, they could gradually counterattack and nibble away at Abyss of Slaughter!    


Thinking to this point, how could Ying Feng restrain the excitement in his heart, and directly flew towards the camp of Thousands Worlds Battlefield, planning to use the strong warriors to take down this Spatial Channel in one fell swoop …    




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