Godly System Moralizes the World



Now that they received Zhang Taixuan's response, Kieran and Tinkerhey also let go of the big rock in their hearts. They did not continue chatting with Zhang Taixuan and directly rushed towards Supernatural Academy Headquarters.    


With Zhang Taixuan's promise, they were no longer worried about any accidents that would happen when Supernatural Academy was used to recruit new students. After all, they were very clear on Zhang Taixuan's strength, and even if they were in front of Zhang Taixuan, they would instantly lose. With Zhang Taixuan overseeing the recruitment, they were not worried about anyone playing tricks on them!    


When Kieran and Tinkerhey returned to the Supernatural Academy, the two of them were unable to issue out a series of orders. Following the orders of Kieran and Tinkerhey, the entire Supernatural Academy was like a precise machine with a clockwork function, quickly operating.    


Zhang Taixuan, who was in charge of the Cloud Sky Palace, also immediately turned his attention towards the Supernatural Academy in order to prevent any accidents from happening.    


It was just that even though Kieran and Tinkerhey had predicted that someone would make a move against Supernatural Academy, they did not expect that the powers and determination of those who secretly wanted to overturn Supernatural Academy were even stronger than they imagined!    


Seemingly at the same time that Supernatural Academy was announced to the outside world, a large number of Space Wormhole from all over the place were instantly activated, and countless experts rushed towards the Globe Star.    


Inside the Supernatural Academy, Tinkerhey's face was gloomy as he listened to the information Yuqin reported in, his eyes filled with a cold intent.    


"Those old guys are even more stubborn than I thought!" Tinkerhey let out a cold snort, and said coldly: "Could it be that they think that once Mr Xiao leaves the known universe, they will be able to destroy Supernatural Academy?!"    


This time, the only targets of recruitment for Supernatural Academy were Globe Star, Demon Ancestral Star Kun Sa, the Styx Galaxy, and the Fierce Sun Star. Even the Angel Nebula was not within the range of recruitment for this session.    


Simply according to Yuqin's report, after the announcement of the Supernatural Academy to the outside world, more than a hundred Space Wormhole had been activated near the Globe Star. Very clearly, most of the forces here did not come with good intentions!    


"Principal, do we need to use spatial interference to interfere with those Space Wormhole?" To the side, Ah Jie asked Kieran with a serious expression.    


"There's no need to go through all that trouble," Kieran shook his head, turned his head towards Karl and Mogane, and said: "Karl, Liang Bing, the two of you are considered one of the few Sovereigns of the known universe, let the two of you step out and let those powers leave the area of Globe Star."    


As the principal of Supernatural Academy, it was not suitable for Kieran to appear at this time, and Liang Bing and Karl were undoubtedly the best choice.    


After all, one of these two was the Death God Karl of the Styx galaxy, and the other was the Demon King Mogane. Their reputation in the known universe was not small, and they were able to intimidate some civilizations.    


Mogane and Karl nodded, then disappeared into the Supernatural Academy.    


After Mogane and Karl left, Kieran sighed and directly contacted Zhang Taixuan, saying, "Leader Zhang, I'm afraid that you will have to lend a hand this time."    


Kieran was very clear that this time, other civilizations from the known universe had arrived in full fury. Although Karl and Liang Bing had quite a bit of deterrence, they could at most intimidate a small part of civilization, and the majority of powers that dared to attack Supernatural Academy at this time would probably pay attention to Karl and Liang Bing!    


"Principal Kieran, don't worry. With this old Taoist here, other than the Sunscorch Civilization, the Styx Galaxy, and the life forms of Kun Sa Star, no other civilization will be able to enter the Globe Star."    


Zhang Taixuan's calm voice came out from the communicator, allowing Kieran to calm down a lot.    


"Tell everyone else to continue what they are doing," Kieran turned his head and said to Yu Qin: "This is the first time that an external student has officially shown up after the reconstruction of their Supernatural Academy, so there shouldn't be any loopholes."    


Yinqin nodded and passed down Kieran's order.    


After passing down Kieran's order, Yuqin and the others stayed where they were, waiting for news from Liang Bing and Karl.    


The crowd didn't have much time to wait, and very quickly, Liang Bing and Karl's figures appeared within the Supernatural Academy.    


"Liang Bing, Karl, what's the situation?" Tinkerhey's expression became even uglier as he asked.    


"F * ck, Instructor Tinkerhey, you don't know who is leading from the outside, but the leader is actually that trash Hua Ye. I almost couldn't hold back from slashing him!"    


Liang Bing's voice sounded cold.    


"It's not just Hua Ye, there's also the Dark God who ruled over the Death Star System back then," Karl also spoke slowly, with no emotions in his voice, "When the Dark God was kicked out of the Death Star System, he never dared to approach the Death Star System. Since the Dark God and Hua Ye appeared in front of us, they clearly intend to declare war on us."    


"Underworld God? "Hua Ye?"    


Kieran's eyes were cold as he said coldly, "It looks like those old guys really intend to have a falling out with us!"    


Before Kieran finished his sentence, a huge projection suddenly appeared above the Globe Star, and he stared coldly at the living beings of the Globe Star.    


"You ants of the Globe Star, this god is the god of the underworld who controls death," the giant projection slowly said, his voice resounding in all directions, "Believing in this god, you will head to the kingdom of death, enjoying eternal happiness!"    


"Can f * cking endure this?!" Hearing the words of the god of the underworld, Liang Bing's expression instantly turned cold, "This guy actually competed for faith in Globe Star, he doesn't put us in his eyes at all!"    


During the period when Kieran and Tinkerhey were in charge of Supernatural Academy, wherever Supernatural Academy was, there were no Sovereigns to spread their faith and develop their believers.    


Although the deterrence level of the Supernatural Academy had decreased a lot after the disappearance of Kieran and Tinkerhey, those Sovereigns had only spread their faith in secret, so they didn't dare to show it to the public.    


Now that Kieran and Tinkerhey had appeared once more, and their Supernatural Academy had been reorganized, under this circumstance, the Dark God appeared in the Globe Star, the base of Supernatural Academy, and announced his belief.    


This was simply stepping on Supernatural Academy's face and ruthlessly rubbing against the ground!    


"Mr Xiao told me to take care of Supernatural Academy because he has taken a fancy to the reputation and status of Supernatural Academy in the known universe," Kieran slowly spoke up after hearing Mr Xiao's words, his tone cold and sinister: "Since this Dark God dares to challenge my Supernatural Academy's position, then let him die!"    


Kieran turned to Karl and asked in a deep voice, "Karl, can you take care of that Dark God?"    


"Don't worry Principal, he's just a stupid dog," Karl said calmly, "It won't be difficult to deal with him."    




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