Godly System Moralizes the World



Hearing Xiao Tian's words, A Zhu looked at Xiao Feng worriedly.    


In this group of people, only she and Xiao Long were not Xiao Tian's disciples. Xiao Tian had already said that he was going to a dangerous place where even Xiao Tian didn't dare to say that he could protect himself. A Zhu naturally didn't want to see Xiao Feng take the risk.    


Xiao Long's eyes were also a little worried as she looked at Yang Guo.    


"Jingyu will go with Master!" Lin Jingyu replied without any hesitation.    


Although he didn't know where Xiao Tian was heading to, he believed in Xiao Tian's strength. In his opinion, Xiao Tian was invincible, even if the place Xiao Tian mentioned was extremely dangerous. Lin Jingyu also believed that Xiao Tian had the ability to protect himself!    


Therefore, Lin Jingyu didn't hesitate at all and decided to follow Xiao Tian to the dangerous place!    


"Master, I will go too." Yang Guo looked at Xiao Tian and said seriously.    


Because of Xiao Tian's appearance, his fate was slightly different from his original world line, and his personality was not as extreme as his original world line. However, deep down, he still had some arrogance in him.    


He was also very curious about the place that Xiao Tian talked about. He also wanted to see what was so special about the place that Xiao Tian was extremely afraid of!    


"Since my two junior brothers have gone, I naturally can't just run away." A faint smile appeared on Bi Yao's face as she suddenly spoke, her tone extremely relaxed.    


It was as if the place she was going to wasn't an extremely dangerous and dangerous danger spot, but was to go out for a walk with Xiao Tian and the rest.    


"Feng is willing to follow his foster father." Xiao Feng also nodded with a serious expression.    


Xiao Tian was like a father to him. Now that Xiao Tian needed him, he naturally wouldn't be able to run away.    


"As for Junior Sister and A Zhu, they don't have enough strength, why not stay in the Heaven Realm and wait for us to come back?"    


Xiao Feng looked at Wang Yuyan and A Zhu with a serious expression.    


He left with Xiao Tian this time because he was prepared to die. Facing an unknown place, a place that even Xiao Tian thought was extremely dangerous, he didn't want A Zhu and Wang Yuyan to risk their lives with him.    


"Feng is right," Xiao Tian nodded, looked at Wang Yuyan and the other two, and smiled, "Yuyan, Miss A Zhu, and Miss Long, the three of you can stay in this Heaven Realm, or you can return to the lower realms through the Ascending Road, and wait patiently for our return."    


Although Wang Yuyan was unwilling to accept this, she still nodded her head obediently. As for A Zhu and Xiao Long, the two of them also agreed under the gaze of Xiao Feng and Yang Guo.    


After everything was settled, Xiao Tian immediately instructed the system in his heart: "System, open the passage to the Thousands Worlds Battlefield."    


The moment Xiao Tian's voice fell, a pitch black vortex appeared in front of him, forming a pitch-black door. Through the pitch-black door, one could vaguely see a boundless continent with countless living beings on it.    


"Yao, Feng, Jingyu, in the future, come with me." Liu Tie composed himself and stepped into the pitch-black door.    


Behind Xiao Tian, Bi Yao, Lin Jingyu, Xiao Feng, and Yang Guo followed him without any hesitation and entered the pitch-black door.    


After the five of them left, the pitch-black door instantly dissipated, leaving behind only Wang Yuyan, A Zhu, and Xiao Long and Nü.    


The three of them looked at each other, then under Wang Yuyan's lead, they passed through the Ascending Road and returned to the lower realm. They returned to the villa Xiao Tian had left behind in the depths of the Infinite Mountain …    




The Thousands Worlds Battlefield was a bizarre place above the Seas of the many heavens. Countless geniuses entered this place at every moment, and at the same time, even more geniuses fell.    


In here, it could be said to be the tomb of a genius.    


In the mountain range northwest of the Thousands Worlds Battlefield, a pitch-black door suddenly appeared. In the next moment, Xiao Tian and the other three people walked out from the door and appeared within the Thousands Worlds Battlefield.    


"What a rich infernal energy!"    


Just as Bi Yao walked out of the pitch-black door, she could not help but ask.    


Although she had already felt the shockingly fiendish aura from the black door when she was in Heaven Realm, when her Thousands Worlds Battlefield truly descended, Bi Yao only realized that the fiendish aura they felt through the black door was only the tip of the iceberg!    


The baleful aura in the Thousands Worlds Battlefield was extremely astonishing. If one's strength was insufficient, they would probably be instantly corroded by the baleful aura and lose all reason. They would become a zombie that had no ability to think and only knew how to fight!    


Yang Guo and the rest also had stern expressions. As they were training in Nine-cycle Indestructible Body, they weren't worried about being affected by the killing intent, but the dense killing intent in the air still made them uncomfortable.    


"First, we need to make clear of the situation around here." Liu Tie's eyes swept over the surroundings. He instructed Bi Yao and the others, "Yao, you and Yu'er, Jingyu, stay here. Feng, come with me."    


Bi Yao and the rest did not say much after hearing Xiao Tian's words. They quickly split into two groups. Bi Yao, Lin Jingyu, and Yang Guo stayed where they were and cleaned the area with their weapons. They planned to build a new base.    


Xiao Feng then walked next to Xiao Tian and the two of them ran towards a mountain not far away.    


"Foster father, what kind of place is this? Why is there such a thick infernal energy in the air?"    


On the way, Xiao Feng looked at Xiao Tian and could not help but ask, "Although the killing aura here is dense, the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth is much denser than in the Heaven Realm. I wonder where it is?"    


"This place is named 'Thousands Worlds Battlefield'." Xiao Tian did not hide anything and roughly told them about the information on Thousands Worlds Battlefield.    


"Does foster father mean that this is the place where the geniuses of the Myriad Heavens Realm fight? It might even be possible for them to encounter themselves here from another world?"    


Xiao Feng could not help but exclaim excitedly after hearing Xiao Tian's words. A shocking fighting spirit emerged in his eyes.    


As for the news that his opponent's strength might be extremely terrifying, Xiao Feng, who was already known to be able to fight against the geniuses of the Myriad Heavens, had already been thrown far away!    


Seeing Xiao Feng's expression, Xiao Tian couldn't help but shake his head but didn't say anything.    


For Xiao Feng to be able to maintain such an astonishing fighting intent, it might be more suitable for his Thousands Worlds Battlefield. Perhaps, his only foster son would be able to obtain a result that would even catch his attention!    


Soon, Xiao Tian and Xiao Feng appeared on the nearest mountain peak. In the distance, a vast ocean was reflected in their line of sight. On the surface of the sea, there was a huge city. One could even vaguely see the figures of people …    




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