Godly System Moralizes the World



Being the center of attention, even Ning Rongrong, who was used to being carefree, couldn't help but feel a little shy. A faint blush appeared on her white face, but she still followed everyone's instructions and released her Martial Soul.    


A nine story glazed pagoda appeared in her hand. At the bottom of the pagoda, there was a faint circle of golden light that looked like the petals of a tulip.    


"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! It's really the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda! " Lv Kai started to count the number of Martial Soul the moment Ning Rongrong released it. His voice rose bit by bit and he finally couldn't help but exclaim.    


Not only Lv Kai, even Dugu Bo's face was full of shock.    


Only Yu Xiaogaang's expression was a little calmer, but even so, his face still carried a bit of shock that didn't dissipate in time.    


Amongst the three of them, one of them was Titled Dou Roc, and the other one was from a top tier auxiliary device which the Lv Family s possessed, the Martial Soul Ha Guangli. The other one was from a Blue Electricity Overlord Sect, so no one could compare to them in terms of studying Martial Soul.    


They understood what it meant for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to have the Seven Treasures Willow Tower transform into a Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda!    


"This time, Seven Treasures Glazed Sect owes Senior Xiao a huge favor," Dugu Bo looked at the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda in Ning Rongrong's hands, unable to hide the envy in his eyes.    


Just the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect Sect Master, Ning Fengzhi, who had cultivated to the 79th level was already one of the most powerful people on the continent. With the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, Ning Rongrong's future potential would be far beyond anyone's imagination!    


Ning Rongrong was also a bit excited. After absorbing the tulip, she did not have the time to check her own Martial Soul. Now that she confirmed that her Martial Soul had evolved into a Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, she was equally excited.    


"Let's try and see if the Soul Techniques has been strengthened," Xiao Tian said indifferently as he looked at Ning Rongrong.    


Ning Rongrong nodded slightly, looked at Yu Xiaogaang and whispered: "Master, could I trouble you to try out the Soul Techniques for me?"    


Originally, the most suitable place for her to test her Soul Techniques was Xiao Tian, but Ning Rongrong was worried that with Xiao Tian's strength, her Soul Techniques would not even be effective on him.    


As for Dugu Bo, not to mention how much of her soul power would be consumed just by increasing her Titled Dou Roc, just his ice-cold appearance caused Ning Rongrong to not dare to approach him.    


After all, this Poisonous Dou Roc was not the Sword and Bone Dou Roc of Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, he would treat her as his granddaughter's pet.    


Yu Xiaogaang nodded. With a faint smile on his stern face, he said, "Come."    


When Ning Rongrong heard this, she held onto the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda with one hand while the two yellow and one purple Soul Ring behind her flashed.    


"The Nine Treasures contain Glazed Glass, and the Nine Treasures are famous. Two days later: fast! Three days: Soul! "    


As Ning Rongrong's voice sounded, three different colored lights flew out from the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda and landed on Yu Xiaogaang's body.    


Yu Xiaogaang felt his condition, so he casually threw a punch towards the rock at the side.    


"Boom —"    


An intense collision sound rang out, leaving behind a huge fist imprint on the rock. Around the fist imprint, there were countless small cracks.    


"It only increased my stats by 40%, it doesn't change anything from the Seven Treasures Willow Tower," Yu Xiaogaang retracted his fist and commented: "However, Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda still has more potential than the Seven Treasures Willow Tower, and only the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda have a chance of increasing it by 100%."    




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