Godly System Moralizes the World



Tang San pursed his lips and didn't say anything. On the other hand, Xiao Wu's crisp voice sounded, "This is a joint attack by me and brother. We don't have a name yet."    


Zhao Wuji subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice, but met a pair of red eyes.    


Flexible Bone Rabbit Martial Soul's second Soul Techniques — — Charm!    


Regardless of the difference in mental energy between the two parties, if the mental energy difference between the two sides was too large, the Charm target would cause backlash for 0 to 10 seconds.    


Zhao Wuji felt absent-minded as his consciousness became weaker. However, he quickly regained his senses and bit the tip of his tongue. Under the stimulation of the pain, his eyes quickly became clear.    


"Although Spirit Type Soul Techniques is powerful, it doesn't affect me …" Before Zhao Wuji could finish his sentence, Xiao Wu had already landed behind Zhao Wuji. Both of her hands supported on the ground as her slender legs wrapped around Zhao Wuji's neck. Suddenly, the first Soul Ring behind her lit up.    


Soft Bone Rabbit Martial Soul's number one Soul Techniques — waist bow!    


It would increase his waist strength by 100% and increase his body's flexibility by 100%!    


Zhao Wuji only felt his body lighten as he was sent flying. However, Zhao Wuji was a Soul Saint level expert at the 75th rank after all. After rolling a few rounds in the air, he landed firmly on the ground.    


However, Zhao Wuji's expression was a bit ugly after he landed on the ground. There was a bit of anger mixed in with his gratification.    


"They are really two little monsters." Zhao Wuji looked at Xiao Wu and said in a deep voice, "Your second Soul Techniques is a spirit-type Soul Techniques, right? This kind of Soul Techniques is extremely harsh on the user's mental strength, and can easily be devoured.    


I never thought that after I destroyed your Soul Techniques, you would actually be able to launch an attack.    


Different from the original world line, on the original world line, Tang San, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong had teamed up against Zhao Wuji. But even with the boost from Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Liu Li Tower, Xiao Wu's waist bow was still unable to work against Zhao Wuji.    


As for the second Soul Techniques's Charm, after it was broken by Zhao Wuji, Xiao Wu vomited blood and fainted on the spot.    


However, in the current world, because of Xiao Tian's intervention, Xiao Wu and Tang San had long since surpassed Soul Master s of the same level. Although the two of them were still only two-ringed Great Soul Master, if they really were to calculate it, even an ordinary four-ringed Soul Master might not be their match!    


As a result, after Zhao Wuji broke Xiao Wu's charm, she was able to avoid the backlash. Taking advantage of the moment after Zhao Wuji broke her second Soul Techniques, Xiao Wu threw her out with the waist bow.    


"Teacher Zhao, please let us win," Tang San said humbly. "If you go all out, we won't be able to hold on for long."    


"I have to use my full strength in this exam. If this gets out, won't you say that I, Zhao Wuji, am bullying the weak?" Zhao Wuji looked at Tang San and snappily said, "But little monsters, this incense stick hasn't finished burning. Take this!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the second Fourth Soul Ring suddenly lit up behind Zhao Wuji. The Fourth Soul Ring suddenly flew out and landed at Tang San's feet. At the same time, Zhao Wuji leaped into the air and used both of his hands as palms towards Tang San.    


Great Strength Diamond Bear Martial Soul's second Soul Techniques — Great Strength Diamond Palm!    


[Mighty Vajra Bear] (Fourth Soul Skill) — Gravity Tracking!    


Seeing Zhao Wuji rushing towards him, Tang San's expression did not change. The first and second Soul Ring behind him lit up at the same time, a dark light emitted from them, as if it wanted to swallow the surrounding light.    




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