Godly System Moralizes the World



Just as Xiao Tian was rushing towards the Laizhou and giving Yun Ting pointers, Zi Xuan and the other three had already passed through the Fengdu Ghost City and entered the Ghost Realm.    


Relying on Loong Kui's judge order, Zi Xuan's group of four could be considered to be unimpeded within the Ghost Realm.    


Whether it was the servants of the Ghost Realm or the ghosts, no one dared to stop Loong Kui after sensing her decree tablet. Thus, Zi Xuan and the rest easily arrived at the bottom level of the Ghost Realm.    


"This place is so hot," Tang Xuejian said in a low voice as soon as they walked outside the fire Ghost Realm.    


"Legend has it that Fire Ghost King was a human who died after being burned by heavenly fire in the ancient times. After dying, he turned into a flame ghost, and because he coveted the freedom of Ghost Realm, he was unwilling to reincarnate. After thousands of years of cultivation, he possesses extremely deep cultivation."    


Zi Xuan said softly. Her expression could not help but turn serious, "Fire Ghost King and Yama have always been at odds with each other. Although their strength is far inferior to Yama, even existences like Master of Unchangeable Temple can't compare to them.    


But with the lava from the Fire Ghost Realm as a natural barrier, even Yama couldn't do anything to him. Kui, you have Master of Unchangeable Temple's judge order with you, I'm afraid it will attract Fire Ghost King's attention, so we have to be careful when we enter the fire Ghost Realm! "    


Zi Xuan paused for a moment before continuing, "Master must have left some methods to observe us in the dark. This time, we must not let Master choose anyone to stab us!    


Once we enter the Fire Ghost Realm, I will use the power of the Water Spirit Pearl to protect everyone. Kui, you are the strongest, so I will support you in your attack on Fire Ghost King.    


Jing Tian, the Devil Sword in your hands have a certain restraining effect on ghosts. Later on, stand guard for me and Kui and don't let the ghosts under Fire Ghost King's command approach! "    


"Understood!" Loong Kui and Jing Tian nodded quickly with serious expressions.    


"What about me?" Tang Xuejian asked when she saw that Jing Tian and Loong Kui had made arrangements.    


"Xuejian, please help Jing Tian," Zi Xuan thought for a moment, then said softly: "Your current strength is still lacking, but it's a pity that we don't have any suitable cultivation methods for you. When this matter is over, let's go to Mount Shu and see if Goddess Xi Yao has any cultivation methods suitable for you."    


Tang Xuejian nodded her head in agreement even though she was unwilling to do so.    


She also knew that strength was her greatest weakness. Not to mention compared to Jing Tian and Loong Kui, even a little demon who cultivated for a hundred years within the Ghost Realm was much stronger than her.    


Although Zi Xuan wanted him to support Jing Tian, she was implying that she should stay by Jing Tian's side to prevent any accidents in the future!    


Zi Xuan waved her right hand and a strong aura of water appeared on her body. With a casual wave of her hand, an icy-blue light flew out from Zi Xuan's hand and landed on Jing Tian and the rest, forming a solid barrier.    


Following the appearance of the barrier, Tang Xuejian felt as if the high temperature in the surroundings had been isolated and replaced with an indescribable coolness.    


Seeing the situation, an icy-blue barrier appeared on Zi Xuan's body as well. She then said softly, "We can enter the fire Ghost Realm now. Everyone be extra careful and try your best to prevent accidents from happening."    


Jing Tian, Loong Kui, and Tang Xuejian all lightly nodded, and then the group of four walked into the fire Ghost Realm together.    


It was unknown if it was because of the fire Ghost Realm or because they sensed that Zi Xuan's group of four was not easy to provoke, but after Zi Xuan's group of four entered the fire Ghost Realm, they did not encounter any obstructions and the group of four easily arrived outside of Fire Ghost King's Fire Ghost Temple.    




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