Godly System Moralizes the World



  Hearing that, Jing Tian chuckled twice and did not reply. Instead, Loong Kui's curiosity was piqued by Elder Gu Teng's words. She asked Elder Gu Teng: "You really know Mind-reading Arts?"    

  "Of course," Elder Gu Teng said proudly. "There is no one in this world that I can't see through his thoughts!"    

  "Old man, don't be too full of yourself," Jing Tian shook his head and said, "Be careful or you might lose face later."    

  "General Feubon, how about we make a bet?" Elder Gu Teng looked at Jing Tian and his tone became serious.    

  Jing Tian didn't hesitate at all when he heard this. He immediately nodded and agreed, then asked, "What do we bet on?"    

  "It's simple," Elder Gu Teng laughed, "I will bet on the Mind-reading Arts and guess each of your thoughts. Once I'm right, you guys will leave behind something you guys think is most important, and if I don't, I will fulfill one of your conditions, what do you say?"    

  "Brother," Loong Kui hesitated when she heard this. Although she didn't understand Elder Gu Teng, but since Elder Gu Teng could say such words, he undoubtedly had a lot of confidence in his Mind-reading Arts.    

  Jing Tian turned around and smiled at Loong Kui, giving her a "don't worry" look. He then looked at Elder Gu Teng and nodded.    

  "Since that's the case, who does General Feubon plan to let this old one try his Mind-reading Arts first?" Elder Gu Teng asked without hesitation when he saw Jing Tian agree.    

  "I'll do it!" The moment Elder Gu Teng finished, Jing Tian responded loudly.    

  "If that's the case, if this old man has accidentally offended the general, please forgive me, General." Elder Gu Teng said with a smile. Afterwards, before Jing Tian could speak, his eyes suddenly shone with a divine light, as if he could see through Jing Tian.    

  After a long while, Elder Gu Teng finally opened his mouth and said, "General Feubon, your dream is to become a hero who can help the strong and help the weak, and become a rich man in the world, right?"    

  "Not bad," Jing Tian nodded, with a dull expression: "What else? The information that we have before is nothing, we just need to inquire inside the Yuzhou City. "    

  "Of course," Elder Gu Teng smiled. "General Feubon, or perhaps Brother Jing, is most concerned about this Miss Tang Xuejian and that Miss Loong Kui. As for the most cherished things, they are the Devil Sword in your hands and the token hanging from your waist."    

  After Elder Gu Teng had finished, he looked at Jing Tian's gloomy face and slowly said, "I wonder if this old man is right?"    

  "You've won this round," Jing Tian said with a dark face. He then threw the Devil Sword in his hand to Elder Gu Teng and said lightly: "Since you've read my mind, you naturally know what I think the most important thing is."    

  "This Devil Sword is indeed the most precious item to the general, it meets the requirements." Elder Gu Teng smiled and nodded, before turning his gaze to Zi Xuan and the other two and asked: "Who do you plan on next?"    

  "Let me do it." Tang Xuejian and the other two looked at each other, before Zi Xuan took two steps forward and calmly said.    

  Zi Xuan was still quite confident in herself. After all, she was a descendant of the Nuwa Clan, so even if she passed all of the Nuwa Spiritual Energy down to Lin Qing'er, there was still the blood of the Nvwa Clan flowing in her body. Elder Gu Teng wouldn't be able to see through her thoughts so easily!    

  Seeing Zi Xuan walk out, Elder Gu Teng's gaze immediately fell on her. His eyes suddenly lit up.    


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