Ultimate Martial Divine King

C701 Unexpected Discovery

C701 Unexpected Discovery





When Chu Hen followed that disturbance and arrived at the place, he saw an especially intense set of Fierce Competition For Striving exploding in the area in front of him.    


This was a battle between a human cultivator and a Demonic Beast.    


Among them, the human cultivators had suffered heavy casualties, leaving only five or six people fighting with all their might, while the Demonic Beast s' numbers were many times more. There were even two strong existences that were at the Beast Emperor.    


The suppression in numbers allowed the Demonic Beast side to have an absolute advantage.    


Under the encirclement of death, the human cultivators were being pushed back bit by bit.    


"Fourth miss, there are too many of these animals. We have to think of a way to break out of this encirclement!"    


The speaker was a burly man with a large saber. His two hands danced as fast as lightning, slicing a fiery red flying python into two. He spoke to a young woman not far away from him.    


This woman was only in her twenties. She wore a long white dress and held a blue treasured sword in her hand. Her body exuded an innate noble aura.    


Even so, this young woman had the highest Cultivation in the entire human martial arts team.    


She had already reached the level of Earth Profound Stage.    


The young lady was currently engaged in battle with a giant Great Demon beast with a head full of bone wings and an ox head.    


The lion head Demonic Beast was a first level Beast Emperor, it was extremely ferocious, the Demonic Strength that erupted was like a mountain invading, it suppressed the young lady's aura slightly …    




Before the young woman could reply to the burly man, the huge lion-headed beast's entire body suddenly emitted a scarlet blood light. A strong and ruthless aura exploded forth from its body …    


It opened its mouth, and streams of dense red cyclones rapidly gathered in its mouth. In an instant, a violent ball of blood-colored Energy Ball rapidly expanded.    




The next second, that blood-red energy ball exploded outwards.    


The formidable might was like a meteorite that came from the sky. Wherever it went, the space became distorted and a powerful pressure came crashing down.    


"Fourth Miss, be careful!"    


Along with an anxious voice, a young man dressed in a Battle Armor directly jumped out and stood in front of the young lady.    


With a loud thump, light scattered in all directions, and a bloody shadow charged into the sky.    


The terrifying shock wave was like a torrent that completely flooded onto the young man's body, a vast and mighty Light Pattern formed and swept out in all directions, and in that moment, the Battle Armor on the man's body directly shattered, and a large mouthful of fresh blood sprayed out from his mouth, he looked as though he was about to die.    


"Old Ninth!"    


The eyes of the tall and sturdy man holding a big saber were about to split open, and they were filled with both shock and anger.    


The others also had bloodshot eyes and were infuriated.    


Right at this moment, a huge centipede that was dozens of meters long scurried over to the young woman from the other side. The young woman's expression slightly changed, her eyes became cold, and with a flick of her wrist, the treasured sword in her hand immediately emitted a brilliant radiance, as if it were the essence of the sea.    




Accompanied by a trembling voice, the blue sword in her hand turned into a shadow as it flew towards the giant centipede.    


A strong wave of air cut across the sky, and the blue flow was extremely dazzling.    




The violent impact was extremely lethal. The blue stream of light directly pierced through the huge head of the centipede. A dark green stinky liquid splattered out and a huge hole quickly opened up in the centipede's head.    




At the same time, the lion-headed Ox-head Beast Emperor started his next round of attacks.    


The gigantic Beast Body raised an unstoppable aura as it charged towards the young lady.    


"Fourth Miss, step back!"    


When the tall and sturdy man holding the big saber saw this, he also rushed forward without saying a word, the blood vessels on his arms bulging, the big blade raised, straight towards the lion-headed Ox-head Beast Emperor.    




The big blade that was emitting a dazzling Golden Light struck solidly onto Beast Emperor's huge bull head.    


Light and shadows scattered in all directions, and waves of air were sent flying everywhere.    


A chaotic glow burst forth. Of course, the full-powered strike of the burly man had only left a shallow line of blood on his opponent's head. It hadn't caused him the slightest amount of damage.    




Beast Emperor was furious. He opened his mouth and spat out another blood red energy ball at the tall and sturdy man.    




As the mountain-like impact surged down, the burly man was also sent flying. His saber and its owner smashed into the ground, spitting out blood as they lost the ability to fight.    


"General Li!" The others were in a panic.    


Surging waves of powerful air whistled in all directions like a hurricane. The young woman flew backwards, and as she did so, she actually clasped her hands together. Following that, her hands actually released an incomparably resplendent silver starlight …    


The incredibly bright and beautiful silver Light Pattern interweaved to form a line of Spiritual Vine light arc around the woman's body. Her long hair and dress fluttered in the wind as an extremely restless might exploded from her body.    


Immediately afterwards, she opened her palms and a crescent shaped flying shuttle took form.    


"What's that?"    


Chu Hen, who had rushed over a second ago, just happened to see the scene in front of him.    


This was the fourth level of "Seven Stars Holy Scripture", the martial art of the "Power of the Heavens".    


Regarding this, Chu Hen was extremely familiar with it.    


That was without a doubt Strength of Seven Stars!    


Could she be a descendant of Seven Souls Ancient Country?    


Just as Chu Hen was in a state of shock, the young woman lifted her beautiful eyes, and the starlight she released was as bright as the sun. Her palms moved, and the crescent shuttle in her hands instantly shot out.    


"The right shuttle is chasing the sun and moon!"    




The rapid speed of the wind stung his eardrums. The extremely powerful stream of light flew through the sky like a divine rainbow. The lion-headed cow-headed Beast Emperor immediately revealed a look of intense astonishment. Unable to avoid it, under his terrified gaze, the crescent moon shuttle, that had expanded by half a meter, directly smashed into his head.    


Blood rained down in all directions, the figure was like a beam of light.    


"Woo!" Accompanied by a short wailing sound, the Beast Emperor's gigantic head immediately split into two, chopping the head in half.    


Red and white liquid flew everywhere, killing the Beast Emperor, the lady had an extraordinary demeanor.    


However, the death of a Beast Emperor did not give them any hope of turning the tables around.    




Not waiting for them to relax, a rhinoceros covered in golden light rushed towards the young woman.    


This golden rhinoceros was also a powerful existence at the Beast Emperor. Its demonic might was much stronger than the lion head Beast Emperor.    


As it stepped into the air, it set off waves of mighty rolling thunder. As it charged towards the young woman, the Golden Rhino's Beast Body quickly grew in size, and in an instant, it turned from a few dozen meters into a three hundred meter tall body.    


His body flickered with a golden light, as if he was made of bronze, as though his body was impregnable.    


It was so menacing that not even a large mountain could withstand its charge.    


"Fourth Miss?"    


The eyes of those seated were about to pop out of their sockets, but none of them had the ability to step forward to stop him. All they could do was watch helplessly.    


A terrifying aura pressed down, causing panic to appear in the eyes of the young woman.    


With a loud thump, blood spurted out and shockwaves covered the sky.    


The pupils of everyone present violently trembled, and a strong sense of shock emerged on all of their faces.    


The scene of the young girl's death did not occur. She was still safe and sound in her original position, while the frightening golden rhino was pierced through the head by a black Sword Shine that was dozens of meters wide …    




Shock and shock appeared on the faces of the few people present.    




In an instant, the Golden Rhino, who had defeated a Beast Emperor of the second level with its defensive power, fell to the ground like a heavy palace. The ground cracked and a huge pit sunk in, its opponent had turned into a corpse in the blink of an eye.    


Without waiting for everyone to recover from their shock, a young figure drew out a series of blurry Residual Shadow s in the air.    


He flew directly to the middle of the beast herd and unleashed a monstrous amount of sword force from his body.    


"One Sword Immortal, Ten Thousand Swords Tribulation!"    


"Swish swish!"    


In that instant, countless black sword images that seemed to be solid were released from the young man's body. Powerful Sword Shine s descended like rain, all of them slashing towards the surrounding beasts.    






The sound of flesh being pierced by the sharp weapons interweaved to form a cheerful melody. The peerlessly powerful Sword Shine pierced through each and every one of the ferocious Demonic Beast's body like cutting melons and vegetables.    


For a time, miserable cries rang out as blood rained down from the sky.    


In just a few blinks of an eye, all of the Demonic Beast were killed by Chu Hen.    


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