Ultimate Martial Divine King

C39 Boneless Mountain Range

C39 Boneless Mountain Range



Was that her name?    


Chu Hen stared blankly at the two young girls who had disappeared at the entrance of the Cloud Lifting Pavilion. The beautiful young girl who wore a long white dress and had a fairy-like face seemed to have entered her heart.    


When their fingers caressed each other’s earlier, Chu Hen's heart was deeply touched. It was a kind of feeling that could not be described.    


A slight warmth, and a faint freshness…    


"Hehe, how funny! It's like I've never seen a beautiful woman before."    


Chu Hen lightly patted his head, and laughed somewhat helplessly.    


But to be honest, that girl was indeed the most beautiful woman that Chu Hen had ever seen in his entire life.    


Both her appearance and temperament were captivating.    


Chu Hen shook his head, shaking off the complicated thoughts in his mind. He walked over to the counter, pointed to the blue bracelet and asked, "How much is this?"    


"20 Middle-Grade Elemental Crystal Stones. Do I need to pack it for you?" A beautiful woman politely replied.    


"Yes!" Chu Hen nodded his head, and then took out 20 Middle-Grade Elemental Crystal Stones and placed them on the counter.    


After the simple transaction was completed, Chu Hen placed the blue bracelet into the embroidered box and placed the box into the Storage Ring.    


There were not many Middle-Grade Elemental Crystal Stones left after the trip to Cloud Lifting Pavilion.    


Fortunately, the issue of the 'weapon' had been resolved. If he could pay off his debt, he would be able to cultivate in peace.    


Soon after, Chu Hen returned to the Heavenly Star Martial Mansion.    


Mu Feng had gone somewhere and he was not in the room.    


After getting along with him for a short period, Chu Hen felt that Mu Feng was someone worth making friends with. Taking this morning's matter of Lin Tao seeking trouble for the place for example. Most ordinary people would not help him to avoid trouble.    


However, Mu Feng had even said a lot of things for him, which was enough to show that he was not a cowardly and useless person.    


And the only thing that Chu Hen could not stand was his nagging and teasing.    


Chu Hen went back to his room and closed the door before he started cultivating.    


Using the Martial Arts of Nine Souls Dragon Seal Spell, he went through a few cycles, and then Chu Hen took out a Jade Slip.    


The Jade Slip was opened, but there was nothing on it.    


This Jade Slip was the treasure that Li Wushang had given to Chu Hen at the Qiushan Divine Mountain back then. Within the Jade Slip, there were about a hundred Martial Arts, and only people with Holy Body of Demon Eyes could found them.    


Under normal circumstances, Chu Hen would not need to rush to cultivate the next set of martial arts.    


After all, he had not completely mastered the Waterfall Destroying Mountain Palm. What’s more, he had only just begun to practice Nine Souls Dragon Seal Spell. However, since Chu Hen had chosen the spear, 'King of Hundred Weapons', as his main weapon, then it was necessary for him to cultivate a set of Martial Arts regarding the 'Spear Arts'.    


"I wonder if the Jade Slip Senior Li gifted to me has a Martial Arts related to the 'Spear Arts'."    


Chu Hen muttered to himself. If there was nothing inside, he would have to think of another way.    


Without much thought, Chu Hen immediately released the Strength of Demonic Eye. His pitch-black clear eyes immediately flashed with a strange purple light.    


"Buzz, buzz!"    


Along with a strange energy fluctuation, the thing in front of Chu Hen quickly changed.    


In the next moment, nearly a hundred bright clumps of light appeared within Chu Hen's consciousness in his meditation.    


Every clump of light was quietly suspended in the air, about the size of a fist. Most of the clumps of light were red in color, with a small part being gold and two being white…    


The red clumps of light represented the Martial Arts that Chu Hen was unable to cultivate with his current strength.    


The golden ones were the Martial Arts that he could study.    


As for the two white clumps of lights, they had already been cultivated. They were the light balls containing the two martial arts, Waterfall Destroying Mountain Palm and Dipper Roaming Dragon Step.    


Compared to the first time he came here, the number of golden clumps of light had increased significantly.    


This was related to Chu Hen's growth in strength.    


Immediately, Chu Hen began to search for battle skills related to spear arts in the Martial Arts that he could cultivate.    


"Shocking Cloud Sword, sword skill of Core-Transforming Stage. Unconventional Sword skills, which uses Sword Force to wound others."    


"Eight Legged Demon Saber, sabre technique of the Core-Transforming Stage. Sabre aura was cold, one attack for the win, extremely lethal!"    


Chu Hen continued to search through page after page of Martial Arts. Once again, he was thankful for Li Wushang's generosity, but at the same time, he was secretly shocked by the varieties of martial arts and battle skills.    


"Gale Blood Shadow Spear?" A ball of light that was glowing softly made Chu Hen happy. Sure enough, there was a battle skill related to the spear.    


"Gale Blood Shadow Spear, spear art of Core-Transforming Stage, which can be used to attack and defend. Spear force is as swift as the wind, sharp and unstoppable!"    


Receiving the information in his mind, Chu Hen was especially satisfied.    


This was it!    


Then, Chu Hen used his consciousness to merge into that ball of Golden Light. Along with a burst of slight energy fluctuations, the Martial Arts of the Gale Blood Shadow Spear appeared in Chu Hen's mind word by word.    


An entire day passed in a blink of an eye.    


From his return yesterday afternoon all the way until the early morning of the next day, Chu Hen had not once left his room.    


Not long after dawn, the door to the room opened.    


Chu Hen who was dressed in simple and light clothes walked out.    




Coincidentally, Mu Feng also left the room. But after seeing Chu Hen's dress, he could not help but ask, "Where are you going?"    


"Out of the city!" Chu Hen casually replied.    


"Out of the city? No way! It has not even been three days since you got in the Academy. Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"    


"Hm! There's something I need to do."    


"I feel like your brain isn't working right now. You finally got the place to become Mentor Xi Lan’s student. Why aren't you staying in the Academy properly? What a strange man!"    


Mu Feng curled his lips in dissatisfaction.    


"I'm in a hurry. Let's talk about it later."    


After he finished speaking, Chu Hen hurriedly walked out of the courtyard, leaving Mu Feng alone.    


Before long, it would be morning market time in Imperial Capital City. At that time, it would inevitably be a little late as people come and go on the streets. It was still necessary to leave early.    


"Hey, when are you coming back? Don't miss the 'Star Rifle Conference'. All the top Newbie Students will have to participate it," Mu Feng shouted a few times, but Chu Hen had already walked far away without any response.    


"What a strange fellow. I have been famous for my entire life. How did I end up living under the same roof as this fellow?"    


Mu Feng muttered in dissatisfaction.    


"Junior Brother Chu Hen, Junior Brother, are you awake?" Right at this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the door.    


"Why are you making such a ruckus? What are you yelling about so early in the morning? Did you lose your underwear or something? Uh, Senior Brother Gu Qing! Someone came to steal my underwear last night. Hey, hey, I'm not scolding you."    


Gu Qing was speechless. He thought to himself, "Who's willing to touch those 'immeasurably coquettish' underpants of yours?"    


"Junior Brother Chu Hen, are you there?"    


"Hey, you are late. Chu Hen left just now. However, Top One Handsome Man in the world is still here. How can I help you?"    


"It's not like they're looking for you. It's useless to tell you."    


"Oh? Someone came to look for Chu Hen? It's a man or a woman?" Mu Feng's eyes were filled with 'vulgarity' as he said happily, "Since it's so early in the morning, the beauty must still be asleep. She must definitely be an ugly woman, right?"    


"What nonsense are you spouting? The one who is looking for Junior Brother Chu Hen is the Long Xuanshuang of Bright Moon Martial Mansion."    


"What? Long, Long, Long Xuanshuang?" Mu Feng started to stutter as he asked with his eyes wide open, "Long Xuanshuang? One of the Four Beauties of Imperial Capital?"    


"That's right. It's Long Xuanshuang. Tell me where Junior Brother Chu Hen went. I want to see if I can catch up with him. Miss Long is still waiting at the Seven Stars Plaza!"    




Before Gu Qing even finished speaking, Mu Feng instantly disappeared. Gu Qing blankly stood there. Just now, he only felt a gust of wind pass by and Mu Feng had already disappeared.    


Seven Stars Plaza!    


A cold and elegant beautiful woman attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd. Long Xuanshuang's exquisite and beautiful face revealed a disposition similar to that of an ice beauty.    


The surrounding crowd looked at each other with eyes full of amazement.    


"She's Long Xuanshuang! She's as beautiful as the rumors say."    


"Why would she come to Heavenly Star Martial Mansion?"    


"I don't know. She seems to be waiting for someone."    


Long Xuanshuang quietly stood there, calm and composed.    




At this moment, a loud, crazy laugh could be heard. "It's so early in the morning and all the beauties have been awoken by their beauty. Only the ugly ones are still sleeping. Miss Long, my name is Mu Feng.”    


The surrounding people could not help but be startled. Long Xuanshuang was here to look for Mu Feng?    


No matter how they looked at it, it didn't look like it!    


"Um, Miss Long, Junior Brother Chu Hen went out not long ago. Is there anything I can help you with?" Mu Feng shook her head, and revealed an extremely confident smile.    


Long Xuanshuang raised her beautiful eyes and asked indifferently with her red lips, "Where did he go?"    


"He said he left the city, and it will probably take him quite a few days to return. He hasn't told me where he went…"    


"Thank you for informing me!" Long Xuanshuang replied, and then left.    


"Hey, hey, hey, Miss Long, it's fate that we meet each other. Junior Brother Chu Hen is not here. If there's anything, I can help you with that. Does that guy owe you money? I understood why he left in a hurry this morning. He must go to avoid his creditors. Hey, hey, how much money does Junior Brother Chu Hen owe you! I will pay back for him. By the way, can I buy Miss Long a cup of tea and maybe we can exchange some views on life? Oh, Miss Long, I'm not done yet! Don't go!"    


As Long Xuanshuang walked away, Mu Feng was met with the supercilious looks from everyone around him.    


"Damn, I am so handsome and no one cares about me? I think Miss Long still hasn't woken up and can't see my face clearly." Mu Feng muttered to himself as he nodded his head.    


"But what is Chu Hen's relationship with Long Xuanshuang?"    


On the other hand, at this very moment, Chu Hen had already embarked on the road to Boneless Mountain Range.    


There was a vast forest without end in the 100 kilometers of mountain range outside of Imperial Capital. There were many Demonic Beasts and countless poisonous insects and ants gathering.    


After Chu Hen left Imperial Capital City, he carried the Shadow Spear on his back.    


The Shadow Spear that weighed 50 kilograms was still a bit heavy. Chu Hen ran towards the Boneless Mountain Range at full speed. His deep eyes flashed with a sharp light.    


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