The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

C625 Do it when you say so!

C625 Do it when you say so!

The Sir Sun there, the Young Gongzi of this Cloud Mountain City, Sun Zhou, he really enjoyed having so many women around him, and they were all "beauties".    


However, Hei Xueyu, this great beauty, also had a personality. Black lips, long eyelashes, black circles under her eyes.    


Sun Zhou walked over and smiled at Hei Xueyu: "This lady here, how should I address you?"    


Hei Xueyu glared, "It's best if you don't provoke me!"    


Sun Zhou did not expect a maid to be so crazy, his blood immediately boiled as he laughed, "Don't be anxious, wait till I capture your master, then I'll discuss this with you."    


"My Young Master? Who are you talking about! " Hei Xueyu glared, while Sun Zhou pointed to Lin Tian.    


Hei Xueyu was puzzled, she then looked at Lin Tian, "Why does everyone think that I am your servant?"    


"Because you're used to being someone's servant, you can't change that essence even if you stand by my side." Lin Tian explained with a smile.    


Hei Xueyu was momentarily powerless to refute him, but Hei Xueyu wanted to see how Lin Tian was planning to save the person this time, so she smiled and said, "I am his servant, and this young master is very powerful. I suggest that you do not provoke him!"    


was originally an overlord of the earth here, and the women and servants here had to be respectful to him when they saw him.    


This caused Sun Zhou to want to clear Lin Tian's mind even more, and even made him laugh out loud, "Then young lady, watch carefully, how can I make you kneel obediently!"    


However, Hei Xueyu ridiculed her, "I advise you, it's better not to, if not you might lose your face in front of so many beauties later."    


The more Hei Xueyu taunted, the more furious she became, but Lin Tian actually replied with a sound transmission to Hei Xueyu, "You're going to let him kill me!"    


"Didn't you want to be a playboy? Didn't you want to be a hero and save the beauty? I'll see what you can do! However, I have to remind you that this is Cloud Mountain City, a second tier city of the Cloud Prefecture. If you were to hurt others randomly here, it would be against the imperial government, and even with the Second Miss protecting you, I think the Cloud Prefecture would not allow you to bully others. Hei Xueyu smiled as if she was eating Lin Tian.    


Lin Tian laughed, "Watch carefully! "How did I get him to admit his wrongs?"    


Hei Xueyu did not believe it, but when Sun Zhou saw that both Hei Xueyu and Hei Xueyu did not speak, he immediately shouted to the surroundings, "Men, arrest him!"    


At this time, a group of guards appeared. As for the women from the Fragrant Sky brothel, they were all startled. As for the people from the other brothels, they asked, "Mister Sun, isn't he your friend?"    


"Do I have such a shabby friend?" Sun Zhou said disdainfully, and everyone suddenly realized what was happening.    


Especially the girls who were trying to curry favor with Lin Tian just now, they took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire, "What a good fellow, to actually pretend to be Young Master Sun's friends."    


"You bastard, how dare you lie to us!"    


"What an abominable fellow!"    


When Lin Tian saw the faces of these girls, he sighed helplessly, "Just now, they were all shaking their heads and wagging their tails, but now, they were all biting towards him. How interesting!"    


Lin Tian's sigh did not cause the brothel woman to feel guilty, but instead scolded them one by one, saying that Lin Tian had lied to them.    


But then, Lin Tian felt a strange power from the inside of his body, and when Lin Tian looked inside curiously, he discovered that the third petal had fallen.    


This made Lin Tian snicker, "A small enlightenment actually broke through."    


Lin Tian also did not expect that just encountering a small matter like the brothel woman would give rise to "comprehension", causing a piece of the petal to be missing.    


"Up!" Just at this time, Sun Zhou said this, and the guards rushed forward, ready to take action, but Lin Tian took out an order badge.    


This token was a mountain, and it was also black. It was the top disciple token that Old Sun had given him.    


When the guards saw it, they were terrified, while Sun Zhou opened his eyes wide, "How did you get here?"    


"Don't mind how I got here." Lin Tian laughed and said, but Sun Zhou was not willing, and snorted, "You must have picked it up."    


"Oh? Is that so? Then you can try it! " Lin Tian sneered, then turned around and smiled as if nothing had happened, "Whoever among you wants to leave, come with me right now."    


Lil 'Qi was overjoyed and hurried to keep up with him. As for those people with the fragrance of ten li, they also followed excitedly.    


Therefore, he stared at the brothel woman and said, "I'll tell you guys, whoever dares to walk out of this gate, I'll definitely let them die when I turn around!"    


The fragrant women were all shocked, but Sun Zhou laughed at Lin Tian, "Brat, you are a top-notch hanger-on, maybe my guards won't dare to do anything to you, but these women are all ordinary brothel woman, I can do whatever I want to!"    


Hei Xueyu never expected Sun Zhou to be so tyrannical, while the surrounding brothel woman s cheered, "Young Noble Sun, so mighty!"    


Sun Zhou was very satisfied, he was even very pleased, but as for Lin Tian, he stared at Sun Zhou and laughed evilly, "Do you believe that I will cripple you?!"    


"Cripple me? Haha! Boy, you do it! I said cripple you! " Sun Zhou did not even take Lin Tian's words seriously, he was still provoking him.    


However, the brothel woman started to mock him, "Brat, do you know what kind of cultivation level Sun is?"    


Sun Zhou's cultivation level s were in God Dividing Stage and could not be considered weak in a second-rate city, so he deliberately released his aura and wildly said, "Kid, take a look, how could a mere mortal like you compare!"    


Lin Tian currently truly did not possess any cultivation level, and looked like a mortal. However, Lin Tian simply smiled, "Are you sure you want me to take action?"    


Sun Zhou still did not take Lin Tian seriously, as he smiled and said, "Come, even if I stand here, you can't hurt me!"    


Hei Xueyu looked towards Lin Tian, wanting to see if he dared to make a move. Unexpectedly, Lin Tian flung the fan in his hand.    


This Sun Zhou was wrapped by vines and the guards were all shocked, but they did not dare to help. After all, Lin Tian was a top-notch hanger-on, only patriarch had the qualifications to order his men to attack.    


As for Sun Zhou, he began to struggle, and at the same time, scolded, "You brat, you actually have a cultivation level!"    


"Yes, I do. I'm just at the Spirit Transformation level." Lin Tian fanned himself as he smiled, and Sun Zhou immediately shouted to the guards around him, "What are you daydreaming for, go on!"    


"Young Gongzi, he has a guest plate."    


Sun Zhou said angrily, "Go, go call my father!"    


However, at this time, Yan Muge hurried over from the distant corridor. When the guards saw him, they immediately said, "Commander Yan is here."    


Sun Zhou was overjoyed, and even shouted at Yan Muge who was walking over, "Commander Yan, it's good that you're here. Quickly take this brat down!"    


Yan Muge had noticed it from the shadows just now, but he thought that Lin Tian would not make a move.    


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