The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

C114 We have set up a different task for everyone

C114 We have set up a different task for everyone

"It's dark, just nice!" Lin Tian looked up at the sky and started laughing.    


Fen Qingqing did not understand, what did she mean by it was dark, just nice.    


Lin Tian continued to move forward, until he arrived at an empty area with no one around, and laughed: "Let's do it here!"    






Fen Qingqing looked around, only to realize that it was extremely quiet. There were not even some sounds of bugs, making him feel as if she had entered a sinister land.    


However, Lin Tian took out a few spirit stone s and began to place them around, while Fen Qingqing did not understand what Lin Tian was doing.    


After a while, Lin Tian stopped, and a circle of spirit stone was arranged around him.    


"Ancestor, what is this?"    


"Since it's rather difficult to see the stars, I must use the star array to let you see them!"    


"Astral formation?"    


"Yes, with this formation, you will be able to see stars flashing all over the sky." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he activated the array.    


At this moment, a faint light appeared above their heads, and this light was like a galaxy.    


At the same time, within this starry river, there were many stars that were flickering. When Fen Qingqing saw this, she was shocked.    


"Astral medicine, that's exactly what I'm going to teach you."    


Fen Qingqing was startled, "Stars Medicine?"    


"That's right. In the mortal world, a normal nine needle medicine can be considered the pinnacle. It can be counted as having eighteen needles or thirty-six needles on top of nine needles. As for a Stellar doctor, it can be counted as one hundred and eight needles!"    




Fen Qingqing's eyes opened wide, after all, there were more than 100 needles, which was a terrifying existence, and Lin Tian introduced them one by one.    


Only now did Fen Qingqing know that the one hundred and eight needles were real, and were at the one hundred and eight spirit tablets.    


In the mortal world, everyone only knows of the Nine Supremes, but not the lower ones. Therefore, even the 9-star doctors have difficult problems that cannot be cured.    


However, Astral Medicine is different. As long as one grasped the position of each spirit tablet, they would be able to cleanse themselves of all illnesses.    


In the beginning, Fen Qingqing still only knew a little about it, but after Lin Tian had taught her each and every one of them, he still allowed her to look at the stars in the sky.    


"Take note, it's convenient for you to learn in the future." Lin Tian pointed to the meridians in the stars in the sky.    


Fen Qingqing nodded excitedly, then silently began to comprehend while explaining the uses of each point and the position of the body.    


Just like this, an entire night passed, and when the faint light of day appeared, Lin Tian stopped his teaching and brought Fen Qingqing back.    


The moment they returned to the Profound Sky Mountain, Lin Tian and Fen Qingqing became extremely tired and then fell down to their knees to rest.    


"Hey, where did these two go last night? Once you're back, why are you acting like a sick person? " Tian Bing started gossiping.    


Nangong Yan blinked her eyes and asked curiously, "Could it be that they went to steal chickens?"    


Tian Bing stared at him, "You only know chickens every day!"    


"Feng Yun City's roasted chicken leg is so delicious!" Nangong Yan said while drooling, and Lu Da, who was at the side, could not stop laughing.    


However, Tian Bing wanted to understand it, so she smiled and said, "Let's go, ask Senior Sister Fen."    


"But she sleeps!" Tian Bing said in a daze. Tian Bing had no choice but to give up and wait silently for a long time.    


When Fen Qingqing became more spirited, Tian Bing pulled Fen Qingqing and asked, while Fen Qingqing explained what happened last night.    


Tian Bing immediately became envious, "Is he that powerful? It's making me want to learn it! "    


"You can't learn it!" At this time, Lin Tian walked over from inside the house and even stretched his waist.    


Tian Bing did not understand and asked, "Ancestor, why can't I learn it?"    


"One, you don't have the basics of medical skills. Two, you're restless, so I passed it to you, but you don't want to learn it."    


In the first half, Tian Bing agreed. In the latter half, Tian Bing said resentfully, "Ancestor, you are biased against me!"    


"You are a person who likes to move, and Fen Qingqing is a person who has a calm personality. Therefore, the two of you are exactly the opposite. The things you can learn are naturally different as well.    


Lu Da agreed, "That's right, master is very powerful!"    


Nangong Yan also agreed, but after hearing what Tian Bing said, she opened her eyes wide, "That's true, then I will work hard to learn my swordsmanship!"    


After Lin Tian saw that Tian Bing was finally enlightened, he said, "Let's go, I want to properly arrange matters with Elder Gu and the others regarding the Tianshui Sect!"    


"What is it?" Tian Bing and the others looked at each other, but Lin Tian did not explain. Instead, she brought everyone to the great hall, and even gathered all of the elders.    


When everyone saw Lin Tian, they all greeted respectfully, "Ancestor!"    


Lin Tian sat on the throne in the great hall, and spoke while looking at the group of people in front of him, "What I'm going to say next, I hope everyone won't object. As for why I'm doing this, you all will understand in the future!"    


Everyone was curious as to what Lin Tian wanted to do.    


Lin Tian said to You Tianshan at this time, "Brother You, come out for a while."    


You Tianshan curiously walked out and stared at Lin Tian nervously. Lin Tian then looked at You Tianshan, "From today onwards, you will find yourself a mountain in the Tianshui Sect called the soul talisman Peak. The disciples who specialize in producing and learning soul talisman will all belong to you!"    


"Huh?" You Tianshan was overwhelmed by the favour, but the ancient people did not have any objections, they all agreed to it.    


Then, Lin Tian turned to Lu Da and said, "Lu Da, you, also build a mountain, specially designed to learn body technique, so you can gather those who have no spiritual root but are proficient in body technique. As for your mountain, its name is Lu Huang Peak."    


Lu Da said embarrassedly, "Master, you want me to manage it?"    


"Yes, you are the Peak Master of Lu Huang! Brother You is the Peak Master of soul talisman Peak! "    


Lu Da was a little anxious, but when Tian Bing saw that the two of them had such a huge mission, she immediately became excited, "Ancestor, then what about me?"    


"You, build a mountain, called the Imperial Sword Summit, you will be in charge of the disciples who learn the swordsmanship, and you will pass down the Flow Sword Art to them one by one."    


Tian Bing suddenly felt that her status had increased and immediately became happy, "Yes Ancestor, I will definitely accomplish my mission!"    


Then, Lin Tian looked at Nangong Yan again, and Nangong Yan immediately retreated into the back of the crowd. "Big brother, I'm just a little girl, don't give me that much of a burden, I'm afraid you might screw it up!"    


Hearing that, everyone burst out into laughter, and Lin Tian shook his head and said, "No way."    


"Huh?" Nangong Yan was a little depressed, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "You are in charge of Nine Shuang Peak, as for who you want, you can choose yourself, but don't go overboard."    


"Ah?" You really have a choice? "    




Nangong Yan suddenly perked up, "Then, I want some chefs that can cook good food for me everyday, and also cook good food for everyone!"    


Hearing that, everyone burst out into laughter, while Lin Tian hesitated before laughing, "Alright."    


"Huh?" Nangong Yan was stunned, she was originally just speaking casually, but Lin Tian actually agreed.    


However, Lin Tian's sudden weird laughter gave Nangong Yan a bad premonition, "Big brother, is there anything else you haven't finished talking about?"    


"Yes!" In the future, everyone's meals, as well as all the consumables that you need, will be taken care of by your mountain. "    


Nangong Yan exclaimed, and Lin Tian looked towards Fen Qingqing, "As for you."    


Fen Qingqing was a bit introverted, but she did not like to talk, so she replied awkwardly, "Ancestor, I'm afraid."    


"Just wait, I still need you to train properly."    


"Tempering?" Fen Qingqing did not know of Lin Tian's words, but Lin Tian stood up and looked towards Xu Bai and the others, "Fellow elders, I hope you all can support these people and take care of Tianshui Sect."    


"Yes, sir!" Old Gu and the rest replied respectfully.    


Lin Tian then thought of something and asked, "Where's Mu Dong?"    


"I, I'm here!"    


Just then, Mu Dong walked out from the crowd and laughed as he looked at Lin Tian, "Ancestor."    


Lin Tian looked at him and smiled, "In the future, you will be in charge of disciple recruitment, so all new disciples will belong to you for training and management. I hope you can properly find some people with good aptitude for Tianshui Sect."    


"Me, me?" Mu Dong could not believe it, and Lin Tian asked in an appreciative tone, "How many days will the recruitment be?"    


"Eight more days!"    


Lin Tian nodded his head and laughed, "Alright, I will bring Fen Qingqing out to train first, if there is anything that cannot be solved, find Uncle Lang, if he cannot, let the spiritual cat find me!"    


Everyone looked at each other in contempt, and when Tian Bing heard that Lin Tian was going out to play again, she immediately became restless, "Ancestor, you can't just bring Senior Sister Fen!"    


"I'm taking her to train, not play!" Lin Tian laughed helplessly, while Tian Bing could only sigh.    


Lin Tian looked at the crowd and said, "I hope that eight days later, when I return, all of the mountain peaks will have been tidied up!"    


"Yes sir!" Everyone shouted out together, and Lin Tian nodded in satisfaction, before leaving with Fen Qingqing.    


Everyone was curious as to where Lin Tian would bring Fen Qingqing, and Fen Qingqing was also curious as to where she would bring Fen Qingqing in the middle of the day.    


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