Ghost In Red

C69 Chapter 69 - Vengeance

C69 Chapter 69 - Vengeance

*Sydney Roswell's POV*    




After we had sorted out the things we wanted to do for the rest of the day after we got back to Chicago, we went to do something that we could do around the neighborhood before heading to the airport.    


First, we headed to the Hunters' mansion to check if Mimi was there, but we heard that she flew to NYC the other day to be with OJ before she could leave them forever. Next, we went to Grace's house to look for her, too, but she had just gone to the airport last night to go to OJ also. Yes, she did mention to me that she'll go there after the quarterly exams. Then, as we were walking on the street, three blocks from the Thales' residence, something caught my attention when my gaze fell to the park on the opposite side from where we were.    


I nudged my girlfriend and pointed to the people I spotted, which I thought would interest her.    


"Hey, OJ, look! Your exes."    


"Where?" She asked, following my gaze to the couple who both were wearing jogging outfits, and I turned to my girl to see her reaction to seeing her ex-friend and ex-boyfriend together.    


"Aw, they look so cute together, don't they?" OJ remarked while smiling so wide and looking at me.    


I turned to stare at the two people I loathed, and I wanted to let out my thoughts–honest thoughts.    


"Mm, nope. I like to scrape off their eyebrows and shave their heads off." I grimly muttered and clenched my jaws. Because if there's someone I could blame for OJ's death, it would be them.    


"Hey, why so much hate, Sydee?" OJ asked and hooked her left arm to my right, and I took a deep breath.    


"They hurt you. Both of them! Especially that Wright girl who is all wrong for treating you like sh*t and being an ass of a snake behind your back. She's a f*cking crazy backstabbing b*tch! I want to teach her a lesson she will never forget, and she… They are the damn reason you became… ugh, never mind." I wasn't able to finish ranting when my girl gave me a look like she wanted me to keep it cool.    


"It's alright, Syd. I know you are mad at her, and I'm not going to lie… me, too. But… promise me that you will…." She told me and paused, making me wonder what she would want me to do.    


"Me, what?" I asked her to continue her point, and the girl laughed—a partly evil-sounding one.    


"Promise me that I'll be there when you teach her that lesson she won't forget. I want to be a part of it! We can execute our plan together like magic, no, black magic, Syd. What do you say, huh? That would be epic! Mwahaha!" She continued and cracked up while looking at the target like a maniac.    


I lightly shook my head and chuckled at her silly plan.    


"You look like a psycho, you know?" I said and dragged her with me to cross the street and head to where the lovers were while they were sitting on a bench and sipping their morning coffees.    


"Haha, I'm just kidding. But no, not really. Wait, why are we going to them, Syd?" OJ let out and asked as we were near them now.    


"Relax, Mi Amor. I just want to say Hi to them." I answered and was about to smack the head of the boy as he was about to sip on his cup of coffee.    


"Ouch! F*ck!" He cursed when his beverage must have burned him after my hand passed through his empty head. Feel my wrath, asshole!    


"Jon, are you okay? Ow!" Pauline worriedly asked her dickhead boyfriend and flinched when I kicked her by the chest, and my leg passed through her skinny body. And, heck, she has no breasts to get hurt for.    


"Sydney! What the heck are you doing? But yeah, keep going!" My girlfriend cheered while laughing, and I tried to slap the snake-girl real hard. And damn, if I'm doing this to her physically, she must have already passed out.    


I stopped when I suddenly heard an angry bark of a stray dog from a distance, who was running in our direction, and OJ warned me.    


"Syd, watch out! It's a dog! It can see us."    


"No problem," I muttered and faced the dog, and I knew that these two people here thought that they were the target of the mad creature.    


"Arf, arf, arf! Roar! Catch me if you can, loser! Piss, piss, piss off! Piss at them, boy!" I barked and growled to piss off the dog, making it angrier.    


I quickly went behind the panicking couple, who both hastily stood on the bench and tried to shoo away the dog.    


OJ was laughing her ass out at their priceless reaction, and I ran around the two, who were double nervous by now. And I stood with them on the bench to make the dog try to get them, too.    


Oh, this is so much more fun than I thought!    


Ferrer kept cursing the dog while the girl was about to cry, and both their coffee fell and spilled on the ground as they tried to throw it at the dog.    


"Oh, idiots in love! That's just part one of our vengeance series. Stay tuned for more!" I laughed and went down the bench when the girl began crying and screaming for help.    


When the dog was about to attack me again, I bent and hushed him.    


"That's enough, boy! Here, come here, baby! We're at peace now. We're good now. Here, boy! Calm now." I petted him, and he thankfully stopped barking.    


"Damn, I never laughed this much before! That was hilarious, Syd!" My girlfriend said while still catching her breath from laughing hysterically.    


Then we saw the two went running from the scene when they noticed the dog began walking away.    


"How was it?" I asked OJ with my proudest smile and dusted off my hands, and she went near to do a high-five with me.    


"That was excellent! You are such a psycho genius, Syd! I love to see more! But, girl, we're going to be late for our flight." She replied and held my right hand, and we continued walking to find vehicles that could take us to the airport faster.    




We arrived in Chicago and went straight to the hospital to say hello to my physical body, and I was just there, still looking like sh*t. I don't know if I am doing better, but according to what OJ told me about my condition, it's pretty much not that okay. But we still hope that I will be alright.    


What we found interesting is that my homies and friends aren't around in my room.    


I wonder where they all have gone. Maybe they took up lunch somewhere.    


"Hey, Mi Amor! Come with me. I've found a cool place down in the garden of this hospital. They have a fountain and some fish there. Goldfish and koi fish. I bet you'll love it." I asked OJ, and she stood up from the couch, but her eyebrows met each other.    


"Aren't you supposed to stay in your body, Syd? What if something bad happens if you go away from it again?" She worriedly asked and went near me on my bed, and I thought for a while.    


"Hmm. No, I don't think so. Marcella only told me not to stay too long away from my body. I have already stayed here for about an hour now. I promise we will get back here right away. And that won't be too long. Who knows? Maybe she meant more than twenty-four hours or a week. And besides, I'm close to my body if we just stay around this city. Come on." I explained and stepped down from the bed and out of my body.    


OJ shrugged her shoulders in response and followed me through the door.    


When we arrived at the garden, OJ gasped in amazement as she saw what I wanted to show her. Around us were flowers and a quite large fountain with colorful fishes around. I found this yesterday when I passed here after I gave up on finding the taxi driver who could see ghosts.    


"Yo, Sydee! Do you know that these koi fishes live for more than a hundred years? They must be older than us. Look at them." She called me, and I sat beside her while looking at the gorgeous creatures in the water.    


"Yep, definitely. They're wonderful." I muttered and stared at her, and I saw how beautiful her smile was as she tried to hold the one nearest her.    


"Mmm. You're staring at me too much. Please stop before I lose control and kiss you for more than an hour again. But… Please don't, if you want to." She warned me, and I softly chuckled when she turned her sharp, knowing stare to me while smirking.    


I didn't say a word; instead, I looked at her lips and tried not to smile, but I couldn't help it. Then I bit my lower lip to tease her.    


"You're one hella bad girl, dear Syd. You always are." She commented, lightly shaking her head, and rolled her eyes before she averted her gaze from me.    


What can I do? She started the game of teasing my poor soul from my attic earlier this morning. And I'm just giving her decent revenge.    


"Do you know that I find it so hot when you roll your eyes at me since we were kids? I love always to see it, and you shouldn't wonder why I love to piss you off before. You're sexy when you're angry." I honestly told her, making her eyes widen, and she looked at me in unrest.    


"No, shut up! You look hotter when you do your signature eye roll–the classic b*tchy Roswell eye roll. No one can ever beat that." She retorted and made a chef's kiss gesture, making me laugh.    


We spent almost the whole afternoon making out, talking, and laughing at silly things back in my hospital room.    


It's kind of weird why is there nobody from my friends and family were in my room. Where the heck did everyone go? Did they all go back home to LA? That's so rude of them. They left me alone.    


And when it was about an hour before sunset, I wanted to ask my girlfriend another favor.    


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