Ghost In Red

C77 Chapter 77 - Keepers And Goner

C77 Chapter 77 - Keepers And Goner

*Sydney Roswell's POV*    




It's the night of the 5th of April, and we all were trying to make plans as I can finally be discharged tomorrow. And we can go home to LA.    


"So… if we get home, we all heard what the doctor said, right? Sydney needs to rest more at home. About two or more weeks. Damn, especially that broken arm of yours. Don't worry. We will be assisting you with everything you need." Vidia explained, and Emma raised a hand and voiced out her concern.    


"Yeah! I strongly agree that we should just live with you since your homies still can't fly. I know you can't do everything all alone, like usual. You need hands—lots of hands, girl. And OJ's can't be counted yet. You both need to wait for quite some time to be using your hands for specific purposes. Don't look at me like that, Sydney, because what I mean is not that one you have in your green mind. You, you need your left hand to heal so that you can paint or write sh*ts, and OJ… she can't touch anything yet without her physical body. Don't think otherwise because my point is—"    


"Shut up, Emma!" I growled and turned to the laughing ghost, and I glared at her, too.    


"Dude, there's a perfect time for those hands. Let's get serious for a moment. Also, cousin, I'm afraid you need to miss more classes. Well, both you and OJ will. I only hope the teachers reconsider, though. We need to make a much better excuse for you." Kevin let out, and I know he's right. We missed the quarterly exams and this week's classes, and more classes next week and next after that. Damn, we might need to take summer classes to make up for all of it.    


I looked at my girl, sitting on the right lower corner of my bed, as she seemed to be thinking something deep.    


"Hey, Mi Amor! Are you okay?" I asked her and poked her with my right foot, and she looked my way.    


"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just… I badly want to go home with you. I don't want to be alone back in New York City. That would be hell." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice, and I understood her. We talked about this already. She needs to stay in her body so that she can recover faster, but the girl is as stubborn as a boulder.    


"Well… I… uh, umm, maybe… you could, you know… visit me once in a while… if that helps. I'd love that, too." I stammered as I tried to think of a better solution that could make us both less miserable while being separated. I will miss her so much. That's for sure.    


"Really? Okay! I'm super-cool with that, Syd. Like, I would go to you for a day, and then the next day, I'll go back to NYC. And so on. That sounds like a great plan, Sydee." OJ excitedly agreed, and I softly giggled.    


"Alright. It's a deal, then. Let's talk about it more later." I told her, and she clapped her hands and went near me. And I'm sure as hell that she's going in for a kiss.    


And I'm right. I closed my eyes when she leaned closer to me, and I opened them when I heard loud coughs from my pals.    


"Ahoo! Ahem! Girls, are you two making out in front of us again?" Vidia jeered and glared sharply at me while her arms crossed on her chest.    


I shook my head, trying to deny what I could not, and I saw Emma and Kevin playfully rolling their eyes while taunting us. And the ghost showed them two middle fingers and stuck her tongue out.    


I just laughed and dismissed the case.    


"Anyway, umm, so… since Adam and Wendy will be staying in Lafayette for quite a while before going back home to LA, we should begin establishing some rules and roles for your stay in my house. I suggest you should write it down, Ems." I explained, and the girl quickly took her tablet from her bag to jot down what we would agree on.    


It would be one hell of a moment with them as my caregivers because my brother's family still can't make it home since Wendy just gave birth. They will be staying with Wendy's aunt, who lives in Lafayette, Indiana. That would be just a two-hour drive from here, and they'll be heading there the day after tomorrow. I think they need to wait until Wendy and Alwin are good enough to board a plane back home. That means about two or three months of waiting. But we'll be fine. I'll be fine in the hands of my gang, and my girlfriend will be visiting me once in a while. So, I know that it's going to be pretty annoying but great at the same time. Wish me luck.    


"Alright! I'll do the cooking!" Vidia exclaimed, and my gaze turned to my cousin, who turned her gaze to Emma and glared at her.    


"What? Ugh, fine! I'll do the cleaning." The redhead muttered, and I looked back at the gay guy.    


"And what are you going to do in my household, Mister Kevin Roswell Ramirez?" I asked him, and he shrugged his shoulders.    


"I'm the driver! Just like the usual, b*tches! We have school, you know? Well, except Syd. I could also do the buying of groceries, but I don't have money, alright? And gas. Dude, I don't have much money for gas." He answered and let out his point, making Emma put it down in her notes.    


"Okay. I'll put it down. And, umm, actually… Grace also told me she could check on you from time to time. Her mom will check you up, and she'll do the rest of the doctor's work." Emma said and wrote it down, and that sounds awesome.    


"Wow! You have a lot of babysitters, Sydee. I'm sure you'll be able to recover faster than expected, won't you?" My girl remarked while chuckling, and I couldn't agree more.    


"Yeah, I'll try to. Wish me luck that I can survive a place with a girls' night out every night." I whispered, making them all laugh like devils.    


I'll be damned. I think it's going to be a wrong decision that I regret even if we haven't started with it yet.    


After we planned things out, we went to sleep as it was going late. Tomorrow, our flight will be after lunch, and it will be the first time that OJ will be going back to NYC since she got rescued from her end. We agreed that she would visit me once or twice a week, which is more than enough for me. It's so much better than nothing at all, right?    




"What's happening? Oh, no! Syd? Sydney? Syd! Wake up!"    


I heard a familiar faint voice calling me, and I fluttered my eyes open as it woke me up.    


I looked around the room and saw no one was with me.    


Wait, where did everyone go?    


I tried to sit up and looked at the time. It's six-thirty in the morning.    


"Hello? Who's there? Anyone? Guys? Hello?" I called out and waited for a response, yet there was nothing, not even from someone I expected to see, whenever I opened my eyes.    


"Mi Amor? OJ? Where are you?" I called my girlfriend, but I received no response. Why is she not anywhere here?    


Maybe they all went to visit Wendy and her baby. But no, it's not possible. My girl will always wait for me to wake up first before she goes somewhere. She always tells me wherever she goes.    


No, something's not right.    


When I was about to reach for my phone on the table beside my bed to call Vidia or Emma, I flinched when the door burst open.    


"Sydney! Oh, great! You're awake! We got news from OJ's mom." My best friend greeted me, and the look on her face seemed like she was worried, making my heart beat faster.    


Please, don't let it be some bad news.    


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