Super Dragon slaughtering System

C428 Dragon Blood Fruit Fragment

C428 Dragon Blood Fruit Fragment

"Not good!"    


The leader of the Demo Strange Bat Dragon sensed the aura of death approaching him. Before he could get rid of Chen Zichan and the other two, he was cut in half by Ning Qi's Dragon Slaying Blade!    


Ning Qi then attacked the Demo Strange Bat Dragon that grabbed Chen Zichan, while the Purple attacked the other few Demo Strange Bat Dragons. In the blink of an eye, these few Demo Strange Bat Dragons were all killed.    


"Ding! Congratulations to Host for successfully leveling up!"    


A cluster of white light appeared on Ning Qi's body. After which, the Battle Power within his body once again soared by a couple of times, becoming a five star Dou Huang. It had only been a short dozen days since he had advanced to a four star Dou Huang.    


"He broke through?"    


Chen Zichan and the other two were stunned as they looked at Ning Qi.    


"Are you guys okay?"    


Ning Qi smiled and waved at the three of them.    


At this time, Di Yun was the first to react. He exclaimed, "Brother Hua, your combat strength is so strong. Even the Demo Strange Bat Dragon is not your match! You should be a disciple of the Heaven Earth Pavilion, right?"    


The Heaven Earth Pavilion was the most powerful sect in the Withered Bone Forbidden Land, and it was one of the few. There were 36 Battle Monarch warriors in there, and the East Profound Land was so vast. Sects and empires were everywhere, and the number of Battle Monarch warriors was only about the same as the Heaven Earth Pavilion. Not to mention, there were other second-rate powers in the Withered Bone Forbidden Land, and many of them were Battle Monarch warriors!    


In order to leave the Withered Bone Forbidden Land, the Heaven Earth Pavilion had sent out three Battle Monarch warriors. They wanted to find the entrance to the Cloud Rising Sect, but this entrance appeared randomly. Once the time was up, as long as one didn't die, no matter where one was, it didn't matter. His body would be covered with a thick layer of fog, and he would be taken away from the Withered Bone Forbidden Land.    


Therefore, even the Battle Monarch from the Heaven Earth Pavilion couldn't do anything about it. In Ning Qi's point of view, this was probably a species that the Withered Bone Forbidden Land didn't belong to.    


This indirectly meant that the Human Clan in this land might have some differences in their bloodline compared to the Human Clan in the East Profound Land!    


"I'm not from the Heaven Earth Pavilion."    


Ning Qi shook his head lightly and changed the topic. "It will be easy to meet the Dragon Clan's team here, right? Should we talk somewhere else? "    




Di Qiu looked around vigilantly and nodded.    


Chen Zichan had a smile on her face. She looked at the Demo Strange Bat Dragon's corpse on the ground and said to Ning Qi, "These corpses..."    


"Wait a moment."    


Ning Qi smiled slightly.    


"System, open all the Gambling Gift Bag."    


These forty-something Demo Strange Bat Dragon dropped three Gambling Gift Bag for Ning Qi.    


Under Ning Qi's request, three spinning disks appeared in front of him.    


"One Earth Rank supreme rank Revival Pill bottle (ten)."    


"A bottle of Profound Rank Supreme Qi Gathering Pill (10)."    


"Profound Rank Supreme Battle Weapon, Meteor Sword."    


"Profound Rank Supreme Battle Weapon, Musk Moon Bow."    


"Thank you for participating."    


"Thank you for participating."    


This was one of the options for the wheel.    


The remaining two wheels were similar to this one, but one of them surprised Ning Qi.    


"The fragment of the Low-grade Heaven-rank Fruit, Dragon Blood Fruit. (If you gather all three of them, you can combine them into a complete Dragon Blood Fruit.)"    


"The Dragon Blood Fruit is actually a Low-grade Heaven-rank fruit... No wonder it's so expensive..."    


Ning Qi thought to himself. When he was searching for the Dragon Blood Fruit in Dragon Slaying Shop, he was only shocked by the string of zeros behind and did not pay attention to the grade of the Dragon Blood Fruit.    


"Let's start the bet!"    


The needle of the three spinning disks instantly started spinning.    


Finally, they stopped on the Earth Rank supreme rank Revival Pill, Profound Rank Supreme Water Escape Talisman, and Low-grade Heaven-rank Dragon Blood Fruit fragments.    


As the Gambling Gift Bag was activated, the corpses of the three Demo Strange Bat Dragons turned into a stream of black gas. After disappearing into the world, Chen Zichan and the other two noticed the situation. Shock appeared on their faces. They thought that it was the effect of Ning Qi's martial skill!    


"These Demo Strange Bat Dragons corpses, let's each have one."    


Ning Qi said with a smile.    


"This... how can I accept this?"    


Chen Zichan was a little embarrassed, but she was extremely happy in her heart. This was because the Earth Crippled Squad had not opened for business for a long time. These dozens of Demo Strange Bat Dragons corpses could at least be exchanged for 40 pieces of 'God Refining Stone'!    


"Hehe, don't be polite. Aren't we in the same team?"    


Ning Qi said with a smile.    


"Brother, you are so bright!"    


Di Yun said excitedly.    


Di Qiu stroked his beard and nodded. He thought to himself that there were very few people as righteous as Ning Qi.    


"Then, let's take three each."    


Chen Zichan hesitated for a moment and said.    


If the three of them were to fight against the nine Demo Strange Bat Dragons, they had fought before, so Chen Zichan only wanted nine of them.    


Ning Qi smiled, indicating that it was up to him.    


Chen Zichan and the others happily kept the Demo Strange Bat Dragon into the Cosmos Ring. At this time, Ning Qi was in a dilemma. His spatial bag could store materials, Battle Weapon, and medicinal pills, but it could not store the entire corpse of the Dragon Clan.    


"Help me keep my share first."    


Ning Qi said to Chen Zichan.    


"He trusts us so much."    


Chen Zichan showed a trace of emotion on her face. After that, she also put Ning Qi's portion of Demo Strange Bat Dragon into the Cosmos Ring. The three of them happily brought Ning Qi along and flew towards Blue Moon Town.    


"Brother Hua, we can take these Demo Strange Bat Dragons to the 'Myriad Thing Hall' that the Heaven Earth Pavilion has set up here to sell. The price there is very high. I estimate that one Demo Strange Bat Dragon can be exchanged for one God Refining Stone!"    


Along the way, Di Yun couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. He smiled and said to Ning Qi.    


God Refining Stone? It seemed that the Jade Slip Lee Mengqi gave him didn't have this introduction.    


Ning Qi smiled without changing his expression and said, "I just arrived in Blue Moon Town not long ago. You guys just need to make a decision."    


When Chen Zichan attacked with the Demo Strange Bat Dragon just now, she had the intention of protecting Ning Qi, so Ning Qi did not plan to be calculative with them.    


It did not matter if they sold more or less. The reason he came here was for the Dragon Blood Fruit.    


After getting familiar with the three of them, he would ask about the Dragon Blood Fruit.    


As soon as they entered the Blue Moon Town, Ning Qi and the other three met a group of small teams preparing to go out and do missions.    


Chen Zichan and the other two's expressions changed drastically. Di Yun pulled Ning Qi to the side and did not want to meet this group, but they had already seen the four of them.    


"Yo, isn't this the Earth Crippled Squad? Another new member? It seems like you guys have lost everything again! "    


The leader of the team was a young man of twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, but his body was emitting the Qi of a Battle Ancestor. The members behind him were all at least six-star Battle Emperor. Two of the people closest to him had already stepped into the Life Death First Pass! Peak of Battle Emperor!    


Chen Zichan sneered. Not willing to be outdone, she started mocking the young man one after another!    


"Brother Hua, this guy is the captain of the 'Dragon Devouring Squad' of the ten big squads here. He is a Three Star Battle Ancestor and is extremely arrogant. He has some grudges with our squad. When you see him in the future, just stay away from him."    


Di Yun said to Ning Qi via divine sense.    


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