Super Devouring System

C114 adamantan

C114 adamantan

Fan Jin carefully looked at his mission scroll and asked, "Official Ouyang, are we able to set off now?"    


"That's right, we can set off now. I'll be waiting for you in the Ouyang manor." Ouyang Ming nodded.    


Hearing this, someone immediately rushed out of the door, because this time it was not about who failed the mission, but who completed it first.    


As for Ye Xuan, he naturally left as well.    


These few days, he had already finished his preparations and was ready to set off at any time.    


The six of them quickly left the Ouyang manor, and then left respectively. Including Ye Xuan, they hid the sheepskin scroll well, and the others didn't know what their mission was, nor did they know who had obtained the same mission as them.    


Ye Xuan glanced at the others, and then quickly left the Southern Cyanwood Forest City.    


He had heard that some clans had Demon Beast s raised specifically for travelling, so he could not fall behind.    


Right now, he was a Warrior in the early stages of the tenth level of the Martial Dao. Adding on the Hundred Beast Bloodline and the Wind Chaser Leopard's bloodline, he was very confident that he would be the first to arrive at the mission location.    


After leaving the Southern Forest City, he quickly headed to the Lianyun Eighteen Mountain Range.    


With his speed, it would only take him seven days to get back and forth, while the others would probably take half a month. That was to say, he had arrived at the mission location a few days earlier than his opponent.    


This was an advantage!    


Right now, he was even faster than when he came to the Southern Forest City. In just three days, he had reached the deepest part of the Lianyun Eighteen Mountain Range, which was the Eighteenth Mountain Range.    


He stopped and started searching for the location of the buried keepsake, following the map on the parchment.    


He had arrived at the Lianyun Eighteen Mountain Range earlier than his opponent. Naturally, he had to first find the keepsake, and then hunt for the Great Strength Vajra. This was because there was only one keepsake, and there were many Great Strength Vajra.    


However, when he arrived at the mountain where the keepsake was hidden, he heard the roars coming from the mountain and his expression froze.    


"So, the location where the keepsake was buried is the lair of the Mighty Vajra."    


Ye Xuan immediately took out his Golden Eagle Bow from the Devouring Space, and with a serious face, he walked up the mountain.    


Following the instructions on the sheepskin scroll, he found out that the keepsake was buried under a locust tree on the mountain top, so he had to go up the mountain.    


The other requirement of the mission was to have the white fur on his head, and this Demon Beast called "Big Power King" was naturally a tenth stage Demon Beast, with immense power. It could smash a person into meat paste with a single punch, and its strength was comparable to a middle stage Warrior in the tenth stage of the Martial Dao.    


However, to Ye Xuan, this was still a piece of cake.    


So what if he had immense strength? Was he even able to keep up with Ye Xuan's speed?    


If he couldn't keep up, then he would only be beaten!    




With the golden eagle bow in hand, Ye Xuan quickly climbed the mountain.    




Roars could be heard constantly from the forest. This was a daily activity of the Mighty Vajra. If there was nothing to do, they would just stand there and roar.    


However, it was usually Kong Kim who didn't have a mate.    


It had already been ten minutes since Ye Xuan set foot on this Vigorous Vajra's lair. This mountain was still considered big, and there were even many poisonous creatures, thus Ye Xuan had been more careful.    


However, right at this moment.    




Suddenly, a heaven-shaking roars entered Ye Xuan's ears, causing his expression to stiffen.    


"That roar sounds like it's coming from somewhere nearby. Since we've run into it, let's see what you, a mighty King Kong, can do!"    


Immediately, Ye Xuan followed the sound and looked over, and very quickly, he saw a white gorilla standing in front of a cave while roaring loudly.    


After seeing it, Ye Xuan was also uncontrollably shocked, because this gorilla's reminder was a little too big, its two arms were probably already two meters long.    


"Whatever, go on!"    


Ye Xuan immediately pulled the Golden Eagle Bow in his hand to its limit, aimed it at the target, and then suddenly let go.    




An ear-piercing sound rang through the air. The force formed by the Spiritual Energy instantly rushed in front of the mighty King Kong.    




The spiritual energy arrow exploded, filling the air with smoke and dust. This Diamond Gigantic Elephant let out a blood-curdling screech.    


But what surprised Ye Xuan was that this Great Strength Vajra was completely unharmed, and it was even rushing towards him.    


"What a strong defense, even the Star Explosion arrow couldn't break through his skin."    


Ye Xuan muttered to himself, the Star Explosion Arrow had already been learned to the second stage, which could be considered an eighth stage Martial Arts. Adding on the Gold Eagle Bow, its power was definitely enough to kill a defenseless tenth stage Martial Dao Warrior.    


However, this kind of attack was unable to break through the defense of the Diamond Gigantic Elephant.    


"Damn, I'll let you have a taste of the third round of Star Explosion Arrows!"    


Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, and immediately exchanged the third round of Star Explosion Arrow with a Devouring Points that was almost a hundred points.    


Then, he once again drew back his bow, aimed it at the charging King Kong, and shot another arrow.    




The sound of the wind and the speed of this arrow were even louder and faster than before.    


Demon Beast s were Demon Beast s with low intelligence. Demon Beast s with violence like the Great Strength Vajra were even more rarely able to dodge.    


The Mighty Vajra did not dodge and directly threw a punch at the spirit energy arrow.    




The Star Explosion Arrow and the Great Strength Vajra's fist clashed. Immediately, it created a thousand layers of air waves. The space in this area seemed to be distorted for a bit, and a faint burnt smell spread out.    


"Hehe, did you feel good after being hit by the Star Burst Arrow?"    


Ye Xuan suddenly grinned.    


That Star Burst Arrow from before was powerful enough to break through the defense of Vajra. Not only that, a large amount of the Diamond Gigantic Elephant's fur was blown off and a large amount of blood flowed out of its wounds. This Diamond Gigantic Elephant's blood was actually green.    




This Mighty King Kong was extremely angry. It was lonely and cold, so it wanted to use its roars to attract a female King Kong.    


But who would have thought that the one who came was not King Kong, but a human. Moreover, this human had actually injured him.    




However, anger was useless. It was still roaring, but Ye Xuan shot out another Star Burst Arrow.    




The attack landed on its chest, and the powerful impact forced it to fall backwards.    


"While you're sick, I'll take your life. Try out my new skill."    


Ye Xuan raised his hand and pulled the Golden Eagle Bow. This time, he took a lot longer to condense his spirit energy.    


Could it be that he wanted to fully condense the spiritual energy and then inflict serious damage to this King Kong?    


Every Martial Arts was different. The spirit energy that needed to be condensed by the Star Arrows and the Star Explosion Arrow was also different. The more spirit energy was condensed, the stronger the power would be.    


However, this time, the amount of spirit energy that Ye Xuan was able to gather already exceeded the scope of the third round of Star Explosion Arrows.    


"Arrow of Chaos!"    




After Ye Xuan released his finger, the condensed Spirit Qi instantly transformed into an arrow, and after the arrow was shot out, it split into nine.    


Nine Star Arrows!    


This was a set of Martial Arts that Ye Xuan had just learned. No, this could not be considered a set of Martial Arts.    




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