Super Devouring System

C5008 It seems a little unreliable

C5008 It seems a little unreliable

On the right bank of the Silver River ?    




A faint sound of breaking through the air rang out, and a ray of light shot out, streaking across the dark Void. A short while later, it suddenly stopped hundreds of billions of miles away, and Ye Xuan's figure appeared ? anterior    


Not far away from him, a star from the Origin Nest could be seen among the Void s. This was precisely the goal that Ye Xuan had come to find. To    


After nearing the Origin Nest, Ye Xuan waved his hands, and two rays of light shot out. This time, the figures of Shi Wanjin and Huang Zun both appeared. Calculate    


It had been half a year since his last departure from the Demon Palace's forbidden grounds. In this half year, Ye Xuan had been rushing without stop through the star origin nests that he had encountered and had marked out his interstellar coordinates.    


This time, the number of subordinates he had brought out was close to a hundred. But now, half a year had passed and over thirty subordinates had successfully entered into the origin nests one after another.    


Every time a small hole was opened in the invisible barrier of a star, rumbling thunder would come from the nearby dark Void, each time becoming more and more intense. But    


Even now, nothing unexpected had happened... one    


He was already familiar with the road, there was no need for unnecessary words, once his figure appeared, Ye Xuan suddenly waved his hand.    


A beam of light shot forward, charging straight towards the Origin Nest Stellar Union. An incomparably deep buzzing sound could be heard as the beam of light suddenly came to a halt tens of millions of miles away, in the air above the Origin Nest Stellar Union. visual    


The familiar scene appeared once again. It was a layer of hazy membrane that was about a thousand feet wide. A ray of hope flashed in the eyes of Shi Wanjin, and with a flash, his entire body transformed into a ray of light as he shot forward.    


When he reached the barrier, he took a deep breath and then, as if he was being fed, bit down on it!    


This time, it only took half an hour before it ended. A small hole had been bitten through the barrier in front of him, and a terrifying aura of energy emanated from it, incomparably pure!    


How about it? "Are you confident?"    


A cold light flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes as he turned to look at the black-robed Rage Elder. "Basically speaking, the Primal Chaos Demons bred by the Origin Nest Stars all have a powerful aura and blood. The space beasts are more suited ?"    


This was obviously a reminder to the black-robed Great Honored Warrior that she was a survivor of the Ancient Desolation. Compared to space beasts, her physical strength and blood energy were not an advantage. It was best to carefully consider this.    


"A great opportunity, enough to risk my life ?" "I hope to see you again in the future!"    


"Swish ?"    


The black-robed Great Honored Warrior was already prepared. Her eyes flashed as she heard the voice of her Divine Sense. Then, her body shot out at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, she had entered the small hole and disappeared into it.    


"Buzz ?"    


A low hum echoed out at the same time. As the Black Robe, the hole, which was the size of a fingernail, was quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye as soon as he entered.    




"Rumble ?" a few    


At the same time, from the extreme end of the Void, as expected, came the muffled sound of thunder. It lasted for about three breaths of time before it came to an eerie halt again ? Hong    


Although Void Meng did not have the so-called will of the Heavenly Dao, her level was still far above the Primordial World. This    


Ye Xuan had sneakily launched an attack once or twice, for example, during the first three times he had sent Xue Ben, Mozzie Slaying Self and Emperor Seal Lightning Spirit all to one star in the origin nest, he had not had any abnormal reactions.    


But after much of the same thing was done later on, when the Grandmist Void's circulating Ancient Code power detected something and issued out a rumbling sound of thunder, the truth was that the Grandmist Void's circulating Ancient Code power was carrying out a kind of vague warning ?    


However, perhaps it was because he had heard too much recently, not only did Ye Xuan no longer have any sort of reaction, even Shi Wanjin had a face full of indifference, and his eyes revealed a look of satisfaction and enjoyment ? This    


In this half a year, he had nibbled at over 30 origin stars, almost 40 of them. Although he only nibbled at a small amount the size of soybeans, none of them had a different attribute to the purest power of the Grandmist Laws. Short    


It had only been half a year, and Lion Wanjin's cultivation had already broken through and smoothly entered the first level of the Heavenly Dao Realm. Just ten days ago, under Ye Xuan's protection, he successfully passed through his Heavenly Thunder Tribulations.    


In the past, he would never have dared to imagine such a terrifying speed. It was all because of the invisible barrier that separated the origin nest stars during the past half year.    


As such, Lion Wanjin was no longer tired of this matter.    


"Swish ?"    


With a wave of his hand, Ye Xuan stored Lion Wanjin inside his body, and then without stopping, he rushed to the next Origin Nest Star. In an instant, he disappeared within the dark Void at the edge of his vision ?    




They were also on the right bank of the Silver River. In a dark Void that was about five hundred billion kilometers away from the edge of the Demon Palace's forbidden grounds, two figures were currently walking out of it. This    


The two figures were the old man who had taken on the form of the Dragon Whale and the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao's Blue Eyes.    


They had rushed from the left bank of the Milky Way to the right bank two days ago. They had not approached the Demon Palace's forbidden area, but had hidden away in the Void 500 billion miles away, waiting for news of an accident in the Demon Palace's forbidden area. Hong    


The Green Eyes of the Desolate Heavenly Dao was a backup plan. in    


From his point of view, with the Blood Winged Tiger, the Jade-Eyed Golden Eyes Beast, the Dark Furnace Lord and the twenty vicious beasts under the command of Huang Zun, the old Pig Elite at the peak of the Ninth Order guarding the Forbidden Land of the Ancient Desolation, he was definitely not a match for them. This    


As soon as the elite troops from the Great Desolate Forbidden Land descended into the Demon Palace, it was as if the entire place had been crushed, causing the entire Demon Palace to fall into complete chaos. Only    


If the news got out, they would have to hibernate in the Parallel Void, and pay close attention to everything that was happening here. They would guard the important points, and when the Demon Palace Master Ye Xuan returned in a hurry, there would be light and darkness, waiting to be captured and killed ? Of course    


Furthermore, after arriving here, he had waited for two whole days. In the distant forbidden grounds of the Demon Palace, five hundred billion kilometers away, there had been no news of him at all.    


Counting the time, the Bloodwing Tiger and the Jade-Eyed Golden Eyes should have already arrived at the Demon Palace's forbidden area four or five days ago. They had already been inside the Void s of the Star Domain for a few days already, so no matter what, this shouldn't be the situation they were in ?    


All of these thoughts flashed through his mind. Even the green robed elder, who had transformed into the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao's green eye, had already started to feel suspicious in the depths of his eyes. And ?    


The blood-robed old man, who had been transformed into a Dragon Whale, who was not far away from him, frowned. He finally could not hold it in anymore, and turned towards the Green Eye of the Heavenly Dao, saying with a dissatisfied tone: "Fellow Daoist Green Eyed, your elite team seems to be a little... It's not very reliable! "    


After waiting for two whole days, there was still no sound coming from the Demon Palace's forbidden grounds 500 billion miles away. Even the azure robed elder, who was transformed by the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao's azure eyes, had a suspicious look in his eyes. is    


Not far away from him, the blood-robed elderly man who had transformed into a dragon-whale was frowning.    


At this moment, he could no longer hold it in and turned to look at the Heavenly Dao Green Eyes. His tone was filled with dissatisfaction as he said in a low voice, "Daoist Green Eye, your elite team doesn't seem very reliable ?"    


He must have encountered something on his way here ? It's been a bit late! "    


A hint of embarrassment appeared on his face as he casually replied.    


From his point of view, this was the only explanation! From    


The Great Forbidden Land at the middle part of the left bank of the Milky Way needed to rush to the end of the left bank. From the endless darkness of the Void, they would circle to the right bank of the Silver River and then head to the Demon Palace. can    


It could be said that the road was very long. Even a Heavenly Dao Realm expert would need about a month to travel through it ?    


In addition, they would have to pass through many forbidden areas for Vicious Beasts and remnant planets along the way. On the right bank of the Silver River, it was one level lower than on the left bank of the planet. But    


None of the forbidden areas for ferocious beasts on the left bank of the Milky Way was simple, and none of the forbidden areas for humans, including the Great Desolation of the Heavenly Dao with its eleven Heavenly Dao Realm experts, could be ranked in the top ten. Only    


He could see a spot here!    


Under these circumstances, it was understandable for the Bloodwing Tiger and the Jade-Eyed Golden Eyes Beast to encounter some accidents along the way from the forbidden region near the left bank of the Milky Way. No    


After all, the Great Wastelands Forbidden Land was not weak, and the Underworld Furnace was an extraordinary treasure of the Ancient Desolation. If they couldn't beat it, they could leave the Void with the Blood Winged Tiger and the Green Eyed Golden Eyes Beast.    


As for the possibility that they had already reached the Demon Palace's forbidden area 500 billion miles away, the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao Qing Mu hadn't even thought of that. Even the Dragon Whale didn't think so ?    


With the Underworld Furnace, Blood Winged Tiger, and the Jade-Eyed Golden Eyes Beast here, if they had already arrived at the Demon Palace's forbidden area, they would have already caused a huge ruckus over there.    


But then again, since the Blood Winged Tiger's group was delayed on the way, it was hard to tell if they could make it in a short period of time. Thus, they naturally could not stay here and wait foolishly like they did in the past two days. Then ?    


He had to go back to the Demon Palace's forbidden grounds and take action personally. However, doing so would only bring about harm and not gain, and it would cause the Demon Palace's Master, Ye Xuan, to grow wary.    


Rather than that, it would be better to just go out on the light and dark, and head to the endless Void on the right shore to search for traces of him ?    


Normally, this would not be possible. The Void on the right bank was simply too vast, blindly searching for clues and guidance. It was simply looking for trouble. But    


In reality, this was not a problem at all, because as long as Hall Master Ye Xuan took action and stole the sky, rumbles of thunder would definitely resound from the nearby Void s. This was a warning from the primordial Void that he was channeling his power of law.    


And to the Green Eyes of the Ancient Heavenly Dao and the Dragon Whale, this kind of thunderous roar that came from nowhere was also a kind of guide that roughly determined the location of the Demonic Palace Master, Ye Xuan ?    


After making their decision, Green Eyes of the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao and Dragon Whale no longer hesitated and immediately set out on their journey, shooting towards this vast and endless dark Void on the right bank of the Silver River.    


Both of them were in the form of survivors. Their bodies were very small, and even their cultivation bases were concealed. Therefore, they were extremely inconspicuous. First    


They had already agreed on one for light and one for darkness. This way, if they found the Demon Palace Master Ye Xuan, it would be easier to paralyze him.    


He was a powerful existence at the eighth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and was not too far away from the peak of the ninth level of the Heavenly Dao. He purposely concealed his body and hid his aura, making it so that even Ye Xuan would be hard to find him if he did not look carefully ? To    


On the other hand, Yu Huang's azure eyes were only concealing the aura of his cultivation level, so as to not let it dissipate and to not let it be detected by the other party from too far away. whole    


The Milky Way Star Region only occupied a small corner of the Grandmist Void. Even the Dragon Whale and the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao's Qingeye were both at the eighth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm, so their speed was incomparably fast. Furthermore, they had been constantly searching for them. But    


Even after half a month had passed, they still could not find Ye Xuan's whereabouts, and even the rumbling of thunder within the Void had not been heard. This    


Evidently, it was because they were too far away from Ye Xuan. According to accurate information, Ye Xuan would send a subordinate clan member to a star origin nest every three to five days.    


Although the Great Desolation Heavenly Green Eyes and the Dragon Whale didn't know how Ye Xuan managed to find a single Origin Nest Star every three to five days, they were sure that Ye Xuan wouldn't stop at this kind of thing ?    


In fact, in the past half month, they had been searching aimlessly. In this vast and endless dark Void, they had also encountered two or three Origin Nest Stars. But    


As they did not have Ye Xuan's ability to break through the invisible barrier that shrouded the surface of the Origin Nest Stars, it could be said that it would be useless even if they met him, so they did not pay any attention to him.    


"Rumble ?"    


Just as the two of them were getting impatient, rumbling sounds of thunder suddenly came from the right Void in front of them. The sound wasn't loud, meaning that they were still very far away.    


However, it at least meant that Ye Xuan was in that direction. The eyes of the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao and the Dragon Whale-like eyes burst forth, and after brightening his mind, he no longer hesitated. He immediately pushed the power in his body to the limit, and then, one light and one dark, he rushed towards the direction of the rumbling sound at top speed ?    




In the Dark Void, a source star stood silently in the middle of the Void. Distance    


About ten billion kilometers away from this origin star, a figure could be seen. It was Ye Xuan ? He    


After having just arrived, he suddenly waved his hand, and a ray of light shot out towards the planet where the Origin Nest was located. Lower    


In the blink of an eye, an incomparably low, rumbling sound could be heard. A hundred meter long barrier suddenly appeared in the air above the origin nest of tens of billions of kilometers away. Lion    


Wan Jin's body instantly turned into a ray of light and shot out. When he arrived in front of the barrier, he immediately bit down!    


A small hole was bitten through the barrier in front of him, and an extremely pure energy aura that would make one's hair stand on end was emitted from it, immediately following that, a ray of light shot out from Ye Xuan's side, burrowing into the insides of the Origin Nest Stars and disappearing without a trace...    


"Rumble ?"    


The sound of thunder could be heard from the extreme end of the right side of the dark Void. Ye Xuan originally did not plan to pay any attention to it. But    


This time, he seemed to have suddenly sensed something, and his eyes flashed for a moment before he let out a soft sound of surprise. Subconsciously, he turned his head to the right and the Dark Void in the rear, and looked over ?    


"Swish ?" with    


As Ye Xuan turned his head to look, he heard a faint sound of something tearing through the air from the extreme distance between the right and back of the dark Void. This    


Ye Xuan had never seen them from the start, but the cultivation aura being emitted from their bodies was not weak. Just like Ye Xuan, they had already reached the eighth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and was not too far away from the peak of the ninth level of the Heavenly Law. No    


After, for some reason, the moment he saw this person from afar, Ye Xuan became alarmed for a moment, as if he had met his mortal enemy.    


Feeling suspicious, he gave her a deep look, then without further hesitation, he activated the secret technique to perfectly shock the spiritual energy, urging the energy in his body to teleport away ?    


If he teleported directly, there would definitely be some energy fluctuations in the Void, other than Ye Xuan activating the interplanetary coordinate jumping ability that the system in his body attached to, otherwise, this survivor of the eighth stage who had a cultivation level comparable to his would definitely be able to follow the energy fluctuations of the Void created by the teleportation and find his whereabouts ?    


But right now, he was first activating the spiritual force secret technique that perfectly shook his body, concealing his body, and then completely concealing all of his aura. After that, he would silently teleport far away, so naturally, there were no traces left for him to follow. or    


Xu Xiufeng was stronger than him, reaching the peak of the ninth level of the Great Circle of the Heavenly Dao. He could more or less capture some traces of it, but it was absolutely impossible for this survivor of the eighth step to have a similar cultivation base. by    


Therefore, Ye Xuan didn't pay any heed to this matter at all. After he quietly left, he rushed to the next star in his memory that had a space map marked out on it ?    


"Swish ?"    




Shortly after, a beam of light shot over. It was the Green Eye of the Great Desolation. The moment its body appeared, it raised its head and let out an earth-shaking roar. Find    


After searching for the other party for the better part of a month, and even seeing Ye Xuan's figure in the distance far away from the Void, they finally allowed him to escape. And ?    


Furthermore, there were no clues left behind in the Void at all. There was no way to chase after them at all. Next up, they would probably be like headless flies as they searched everywhere in this endless dark Void ?    




Under extreme anger, the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao's green eyes, unwilling to give up, suddenly waved, sending a punch towards the origin nest stars.    


Inside this star origin nest, it was clear that Ye Xuan had just sent it into one of his subordinates, and things had already gone smoothly.    


If he could destroy it, he would at least be able to untie the eye in his heart ?    


"Buzz ?" with    


As the violent power of his punch rumbled forth, an incomparably deep hum came from the front, and a translucent barrier appeared. It seemed light and thin, but under this terrifying punch of his, not a single ripple was stirred up ? "    


This is something that is formed from the power of the laws of the Grandmist Void. Even if I use all my strength in my fist, I won't be able to move it even a single bit. How did that damned fellow send his subordinates inside? " See    


Reaching this result, the corners of the green-gowned s, who had been transformed by the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao's green eyes, twitched as they roared in exasperation.    


He was originally the will of the Heavenly Dao of a great world. He had no emotions, only a lofty position that overlooked all living things. Basically, there wouldn't be such a moment of anger.    


However, it was different now. The great wasteland had long been devoured by the endless flow of Void s and they were no longer the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao of this so-called great world.    


This sort of change in his state of mind had unconsciously made his temperament even more human, no longer as aloof and disdainful as the Heavenly Dao ?    


"Of course, one of the reasons why I ended up being humiliated time and time again by Ye Xuan, a peerless monster who gives me so much trouble, is also one of the reasons why I ended up getting humiliated in your hands."    


"There's no need to try anymore, you won't be able to break it ?"    


At this moment, although the draconic whale's body did not appear, nor did its aura, its voice still traveled out. "However, the scene just now at least proves that the information is true. That fellow does have a devious method to send his subordinates into the origin nest to steal the heavens ?"    


"Also, since we've already found him, we just need to scatter around and search for him. His next target is definitely nearby, and he can't just give up."    


What we need to do now is to try our best to get close to him before he flees the next time. That way, you can find an opportunity to take action and restrain him. I'll leave it to Self to wait for the right moment to make his move. " Speak    


When he spoke again, his tone clearly revealed a hint of gratification: "Moreover, although this time he escaped, but from the time he turned his head to look at you and saw your reaction, he clearly did not recognize you ?"    


"This is an unexpected surprise. Fellow Daoist, why don't you think about it and see if there's any value in using it ?"    


"That's right, that guy really did not recognize me just now ?"    


Upon being reminded by the dragon whale, the Green Eye of the Great Desolation immediately came to a realization. He knitted his eyebrows and muttered to himself, "This point can indeed be used ?"    


Very quickly, he seemed to have made a decision and no longer hesitated. With a flash of his body, he rushed towards the dark Void far away to the left in front of him. dragon    


The whale's body did not appear, nor did its aura appear. However, it was like a shadow that had been following them for hundreds of billions of miles, closely following the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao's Green Eye ?    


In the blink of an eye, a year had passed. Triple    


More than a hundred days and nights. To the Starry Sky Strongman, especially powerful existences like the Great Desolate Heaven Dao's Azure Eyes and the Dragon Whale, it was no different from winking in the blink of an eye to reach the peak of the Great Perfection Stage of the Heavenly Dao. But    


That was just a normal day. To    


In this past year, whether it was the primordial spirit of the heavens, the green eyes of the dragon whale, or the feeling of being physically and mentally exhausted.    


In this past year, they did not stop at all. They had always been on the right bank of the Silver River, in the midst of this vast and endless dark Void ? Fatigue from running!    


Ever since they first saw Ye Xuan from a distance of millions of kilometers away, they had clenched their teeth and persevered, searching everywhere for him. After calculating it carefully, they saw his figure six times from both the front and back, whether it was close or far. To    


Yu Xiang's shadow was nowhere to be seen, but the rumbling of thunder could be heard. The number of times he hurriedly rushed over to an empty spot was more than a dozen times ? can    


Even so, the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao's azure eyes still did not find the opportunity to make a move.    


The closest one to Ye Xuan was 400 billion kilometers away. Even though he was an existence at the eighth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm, he could still send out a punch from such a distance ? But that obviously didn't mean anything. matter    


In truth, in the following few times, the Green Eyes of the Great Desolation used to send out the voice of the God Realm from afar to express goodwill, hoping to talk with Ye Xuan. However, the other party never bought it. This    


In a situation like this, it was even worse to suddenly make a move before they even got close to each other.    


"If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have started it, but now that I have been tormented for a year, I have to give up. I can only grit my teeth and persevere ?"    


"Swish ?"    


From within the dark Void, the sound of breaking through the air appeared and a figure came from afar, stopping abruptly in an instant. anterior    


Ten billion miles away, there was actually an Origin Nest Star that just stood there in the middle of the Void, completely silent. This star was precisely Ye Xuan's next target ? cephalo-    


It had already been more than half a year since he had met the old man with an extremely suspicious background in green robes. In this half year, Ye Xuan had repeatedly met the other party from afar.    


There were even two times when the green robed old man with the same cultivation level as him, who was already at the eighth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm, took the initiative to send out a voice of divine sense at the same time as he rushed over, expressing his goodwill, hoping to cause Ye Xuan to have a conversation. But    


Strangely, every time he saw the other party, Ye Xuan would immediately feel alarmed, and even had a sense of foreboding towards him.    


Because of this, he did not stop once and did not pay any attention to anything else. After a cold glance, he immediately activated a secret technique of Mental Strength, perfectly shaking the body, concealing all of his auras before leaving ?    


For the better part of half a year, he had been touring the endless darkness of the Void on the right bank of this Silver River non-stop. Every time he arrived at a star origin nest that was previously marked with an interstellar coordinate, he would send one of his subordinates into the star, beginning to steal the sky.    


From the very beginning, Ye Xuan had already sent quite a number of his subordinates to the stars in the Origin Nest. This included the Emperor Lightning Spirit, the Mozzie Self, Xue Ben, Fox Marten, Ying Tai, Li Mian, Flying Centipede and Old Man Yin Ji ? in    


As well as the Archaic porcupines, Archaic fur turtles, green cattle, Jade Gem, Howling Moon Mastiffs, Long Ao, Black Robe, Ming Jiu, Three-clawed dragon, as well as Lang Lie, Ji Jinghong, Jin Haoyan, Horned Sun Tian, Medusa, and Lion Domineering six!    


Finally, the Berserker Legion, Blood Dragon, Green Roc, and War Lion Tribes numbered in the tens, and so on ?    


The total number of people was ninety-eight. In the first half of the year, in addition to the more than half a year since he had met the old man, it had already been more than a year. Among these ninety-eight people, he had already sent everyone else to their origin nests. oculus    


There was only one ancient power left in the space within the cauldron, and that was the Warlion clan. Only    


's operation this time would be considered as a success as he wanted to send this great ancient power of the War Lion Clan to the origin star outside of the Void, which was ten billion Li away.    


In more than a year's time, including the initial Xue Ben, the Mosha Self and the Emperor's Seal Thunder Spirit, Ye Xuan had sent more than ninety-eight people under the control of the Origin Nest Stars. matter    


In reality, if his strength, Doppelganger was added in, and he used the Insane Demon Emperor's Self, the number of people Ye Xuan's faction had created before they entered the Origin Nest Stellar City, was around one hundred. whole    


The primal chaos devil gods that were born from this era only numbered three thousand. The number of demon gods Ye Xuan's faction occupying one hundred percent was one in thirty, which was already an extremely shocking number.    


Even if he thought about it himself, he would still feel a sense of fear and trepidation. Although ?    


He said that he was not at the same level as the Green Eyes of the Ancient Desolation, who used the numbers of the heavenly dao to calculate the limit of the sky stealing, but the number 98 was already extremely sensitive. Ye Xuan had already vaguely guessed that it was at the peak of ninety-nine. by    


Therefore, after this time, Ye Xuan would not continue to take the risk.    


In fact, in this past month, whenever he sent a subordinate origin star into a hiding place, the grandmist Void would issue a warning for him. The sound of thunder was definitely more intense than before.    


"This will not allow him to continue ?"    


"Swish ?" cerebrum    


With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Ye Xuan suddenly waved his hand and a ray of light shot forward, shooting straight towards the star at the origin nest. Immediately after, an incomparably low humming sound rang, and a hazy barrier of about three hundred meters appeared over the origin nest star tens of billions of kilometers away. By    


Just like before, Lion Wanjin immediately turned into a beam of light and shot towards the barrier before he could get close to it. very    


Quickly, a small hole appeared in the barrier in front of him, inside it was a terrifying energy aura. The War Lion who was already by Ye Xuan's side suddenly shot forward like a ray of light. scuttle    


After entering this planet, they disappeared!    


"Rumble ?"    


Just as he expected, when everything was completed, the sound of thunder came from the far away end of the Void. Ye Xuan's heart tightened, and after confirming that there were no other changes to the situation other than the rumbling of thunder, his heart that was hanging in his throat slowly calmed down.    


"This is the last time. If we continue to work like this, something will definitely happen ?"    


Turning his head to look at Shi Wanjin who was beside him, he saw that the fellow had not finished his thought yet. Ye Xuan stared at him intently, and then waved his hand and kept him in Shen Nong Cauldron.    


This fellow ate a small barrier around the size of a yellow bean from a total of 98 stars in the Origin Nest. This was all the purest power of the Grandmist Laws. In just a year's time, he had advanced from the Barren Realm to the Heavenly Dao Realm.    


After finishing all of this, just as Ye Xuan was about to leave, he suddenly sensed something. A dim light flashed in his eyes, and he subconsciously turned to look at the dark Void behind him.    


Tens of billions of kilometers away from the edge of his vision, a figure was rapidly approaching. impressively, it was the suspicious green-gowned who had been chasing after him for the past half year ?    


"Fellow cultivator Ye, please wait a moment. This old man has no ill intentions. I have something to discuss with you ?" This    


At that time, the green robed elder had clearly seen Ye Xuan's figure and seemed to be worried that he would immediately escape.    


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