Sky War God

C3587 The Deal with the Great will

C3587 The Deal with the Great will

Such a terrifying force was spreading continuously in the spatial zone. The aura that was being emitted was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power was crazily unleashed in the spatial zone, as if it was going to penetrate through the entire spatial zone.    


The will of the abyss, which had gathered countless abyssal energies, was also doing its best to release its aura. An extremely terrifying force burst out from the spatial zone.    


At this moment, Ye Feng felt an extreme terror. The abyssal energy between the heaven and earth seemed to have become active and was rushing towards his location.    


The two forces collided and a huge change immediately occurred.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive power spread crazily in the void, and the aura that it emitted had also reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out crazily at this moment. That aura had simply reached a terrifying realm.    


This kind of power was simply terrifying to an unimaginable realm. The energy within his body was churning at an extremely fast speed.    


In a very short period of time, the energy in his body had started to reverse. Ye Feng had also suffered severe injuries.    


The energy in his body was circulating rapidly, and the source energy in his body had reached an extremely powerful state.    


His own power began to circulate wildly, and every single move he made was emitting unimaginable power.    


Facing such an aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer. The energy in his body was circulating continuously, trying to suppress the destructive power in his body.    


However, the damage caused by the eruption of the abyssal energy was beyond imagination. It made it impossible for Ye Feng to stabilize the energy in his body.    


At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body began to explode crazily. That terrifying destructive power had reached a terrifying realm.    


Countless destructive aura spread out, and the energy it emitted was beyond imagination. It was as if it wanted to completely suppress the entire world.    


Sensing the change in the fluctuation, the abyssal will was extremely furious.    


In its point of view, a lowly creature like Ye Feng had already entered its domain. It had to maintain its respect and even submit to him.    


However, Ye Feng didn't do such a thing. Instead, he was constantly fighting against the will of the abyss.    


Even at this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body was still being released.    


Innumerable power of the abyss was unleashed at a rapid speed, rushing towards Ye Feng's direction.    


Such a terrifying power was unleashed in a very short period of time, and the aura it released had reached an unimaginable level.    


The destructive force spread crazily, as if it wanted to completely destroy Ye Feng.    


Even in such a situation, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. The aura in his body was still circulating non-stop.    


The attribute energy in his body was circulating rapidly at this moment. Such pure attribute energy was continuously releasing his own energy.    


The aura in his body was circulating rapidly. That terrifying energy was spreading continuously in the spatial zone, and the energy it was emitting was extremely pure.    


The aura in his body was fully activated, and it fused with the Sacred magic spear in his hand.    


The terrifying spear light bloomed once again at this moment. It relied on the power that Ye Feng had unleashed to charge forward fiercely.    


At this moment, an incomparably bright red light seemed to have occupied the entire sky. The aura that was being emitted became extremely terrifying. It even wanted to completely suppress the entire space.    


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the energy in his body started circulating rapidly.    


The powerful destructive force was also unleashed at this moment. It was as if it was going to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


In this very short period of time, the aura in Ye Feng's body had reached an extreme, as if it had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Sensing such a force, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely accurate. The destructive aura in his body had even reached a terrifying realm.    


That terrifying destructive aura crazily descended towards the direction of the will of the abyss. The destructive force it emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


The will of the abyss couldn't help but frown. The aura in its body had been completely released, and the power it possessed had reached a terrifying realm.    


At this moment, countless amounts of abyss power were frantically flipping through the energy that was being emitted. It had even reached a realm that ordinary people couldn't imagine.    


Each and every one of their actions contained a terrifying power that exceeded imagination. It was as if they wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


When he felt this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became exceptionally powerful. The strength in his body was unleashed at a rapid speed.    


It was as if the entire world was going to be destroyed by this energy.    


A terrifying aura of Destruction was unleashed in a very short period of time. The energy it emitted had reached a level that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


Such a terrifying energy was unleashed in a very short period of time, as if it was going to completely destroy the world.    


The two attacks finally collided. A terrifying rumbling sound instantly resounded.    


The incomparably powerful destructive power was spreading crazily in all directions. The aura that it contained was wreaking havoc in a very short period of time, as if it was going to destroy the entire world.    


The radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually pure when he felt such a huge pressure.    


The energy in his body started circulating rapidly. He exerted all his strength to release the aura in his body, wanting to completely suppress the energy in this world.    


Sensing the change in this power, the will of the abyss also reacted quickly, wanting to suppress the power of this world. It wanted to completely suppress this energy.    


However, Ye Feng's reaction was even faster. The Origin aura in his body was quickly erupting.    


Such a terrifying power was unleashed in a very short period of time. The aura contained within it was about to completely destroy all the energy in this spatial zone.    


Sensing the eruption of this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer. The source energy in his body was about to be completely unleashed.    


In an instant, the power of destruction had already descended upon his body, as if it was going to completely destroy him.    


Sensing this aura, the energy in Ye Feng's body was circulating at an extremely fast speed, continuously resisting this terrifying force.    


In the next moment, countless powerful aura spread out like this, emitting powerful energy waves that could even reach a terrifying realm.    


The destructive aura that his body was enduring was simply incomparably terrifying.    


It could even be said that countless abyssal energy had covered Ye Feng's body, wanting to completely destroy him.    


However, Ye Feng's eyes also shone with an extremely pure light. Countless healing energy was released at this moment, and the aura that was released became extremely pure.    


After fully unleashing the aura in his body, Ye Feng had also ignited the power of the Confusion Spirit Orb. At this moment, the power that erupted from his body had become even more terrifying.    


The chaotic aura was crazily unleashed at this moment. The Devouring Power that was unleashed from it seemed as if it was going to swallow the entire world.    


Countless terrifying energies were unleashed in a very short period of time. The destructive waves that were formed were so powerful that it seemed as if it was going to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


Sensing this incomparably terrifying energy, the energy in Ye Feng's body used the devouring and refining power emitted by the Heavenly Spiritual Bead to become unusually violent.    


Now that Ye Feng's strength had increased tremendously, Su Duye's absorption of the Chaotic Origin Energy was getting faster and faster.    


Every time the Confusion Spirit Orb devoured the chaotic origin energy willfully, a portion of the energy would be absorbed by Ye Feng and used for his own cultivation.    


It was also because of this that Ye Feng's current strength had reached such a terrifying extent.    


The energy of the abyss couldn't cause any substantial harm to Ye Feng. Instead, it provided Ye Feng with an endless amount of energy, causing the light in his eyes to become even more ferocious.    


After that, an extremely violent force spread out. That terrifying aura was simply going to destroy the entire world.    


Sensing such a powerful pressure, the aura that was unleashed by the will of the abyss finally couldn't hold on any longer.    


Although its strength was extremely powerful, it could even suppress all life in the abyss.    


However, Ye Feng's strength was beyond imagination. The pure power of the abyss could no longer affect Ye Feng. Instead, it would become Ye Feng's nourishment.    


A true Heavenly God had descended at this moment. The power unleashed by him could not completely suppress Ye Feng. Instead, he would be defeated by Ye Feng and devour the world origin energy contained in Ye Feng's body.    


The eruption of the aura caused everything in the surrounding space to become incomparably distorted, and the energy contained within it was crazily unleashed.    


Even the will of the abyss couldn't bear it anymore. The terrifying aura was unleashed from Ye Feng's body.    


That kind of power was beyond imagination. There was no energy that could stop Ye Feng.    


In a very short period of time, that kind of powerful power had been fully unleashed. The destructive aura that was unleashed was so powerful that it seemed like it could completely suppress the heavens and the earth.    


The destructive wind blades were continuously unleashed. The energy that was unleashed was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Each and every move of the Wind Blades seemed as if they were going to completely cut the heavens and earth apart.    


The will of the abyss was also under tremendous pressure at this moment. The aura in its body was circulating continuously, and the energy it was emitting was extremely terrifying.    


However, no matter how angry it was, it couldn't change the current situation. The energy that wasn't unleashed from its body was being torn apart by Ye Feng, and finally, it was completely destroyed.    


Sensing such a terrifying aura, the energy in his body was being unleashed continuously. However, the strength he possessed couldn't change the situation around him.    


The destructive attack unleashed by Ye Feng seemed as if it wanted to completely destroy his body. This terrifying aura was unleashed continuously, and the energy it contained became extremely terrifying.    


Finally, Ye Feng's body completely unleashed his energy, as if he wanted to completely destroy this spatial zone.    


The body of the will of the abyss couldn't withstand the aura in his body and quickly collapsed, as if it was going to be completely destroyed.    


In this very short period of time, an incomparably terrifying energy was released, as if it wanted to completely destroy this space.    


At this moment, a terrifying intent erupted once again between the heavens and the earth. It directly crushed down on the will of the abyss.    


The power unleashed by such a terrifying aura was beyond imagination. The terrifying will of the abyss couldn't withstand such a powerful aura, and immediately collapsed.    


Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn when he sensed the power of this will. The power in his body was even stronger. * Hong Long...... *    


Although he had used his own strength to suppress the will of the abyss, he could even use his aura to completely tear the opponent apart.    


However, it didn't mean that Ye Feng could fight against all the great wills.    


Moreover, the will of the world that had suddenly erupted seemed to possess an incomparably brutal aura, as if it wanted to completely destroy all the living beings here.    


Such a terrifying force was beyond Ye Feng's imagination.    


Circulating the aura in his body, Ye Feng became incomparably solemn, not daring to be careless at all.    


However, the moment the abyssal will dissipated, the terrifying aura that had just appeared actually shed its terrifying appearance and became peaceful.    


Ye Feng's expression was also quite interesting when he sensed this change.    


Although Ye Feng did not have much understanding of the will of this world, the aura that was being emitted at this moment was still quite shocking.    


The energy that was unleashed by such a powerful Will was simply beyond imagination. It was enough to suppress all life in this world.    


Even so, Ye Feng could clearly feel the calmness of the aura emitted from the opponent's body.    


Such strength was definitely not something that could be possessed by the will of the abyss.    


Perhaps there were other special powers in this world.    


When he thought of this, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant. The aura in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


"Brave warriors from another world, please follow me."    


At this moment, the great will in the void had formed a connection with Ye Feng to a certain extent.    


Ye Feng was quite surprised when he felt this power.    


Such a powerful force and will seemed incomparably terrifying, but when it came into contact with Ye Feng, he could sense that the aura contained within was incomparably weak.    


This feeling was just like a feeling of weakness. A person had worked hard for three days and three nights in a row, and then he didn't get any time to rest.    


Although he possessed an enormous amount of power, his current strength was still rather weak.    


It was as if he could completely collapse at any time.    


The radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually strange when he sensed this kind of strength.    


Without saying anything, he followed the direction of the power unleashed by the opponent and walked forward.    


Seeing such a scene, liu Xing was also quite surprised. He couldn't imagine what had happened.    


The aura that was being emitted from the spatial zone had reached a terrifying level, causing Liu Xing to be extremely shocked.    


The changes of the aura and the energy that was being emitted from the continuous clashes of the world's energy had reached a level that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


When he felt this kind of energy, liu Xing was also quite shocked. Even the source energy in his body was trembling uncontrollably.    


"Ye Feng, what is going on?"    


Even at this moment, he was at a loss. He couldn't believe that such a change would happen.    


The radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably pure when he felt the circulation of this energy.    


The energy that was being circulated rapidly in his body became unusually strong in a very short period of time.    


Finally, he saw Ye Feng and spoke in an extremely calm tone.    


"It's nothing. It's just an invitation from a world's will."    


Upon hearing these words, liu Xing's heart was filled with incomparable shock. He couldn't imagine that such a thing would happen.    


"Will of the world? What exactly did you do?"    


Ye Feng smiled and said, "You will know what I did when you come with me."    


Liu Xing nodded in confusion when he heard what Ye Feng said.    


Although he did not know what had happened, at this moment, he didn't intend to separate from Ye Feng.    


The aura in his body was circulating continuously, and the energy it was emitting was getting stronger and stronger. The aura in his body was also being released in a very short period of time.    


The energy in his body circulated rapidly, and in a very short period of time, it penetrated through the layers of space and entered another layer of space according to the directions in the void.    


The moment he arrived here, Ye Feng suddenly felt that his body had become much lighter. The aura that filled the space no longer had a terrifying pressure.    


This also allowed Ye Feng's body to relax. The energy in his body circulated rapidly, causing his aura to become unusually powerful.    


He looked around. Although this space was empty, it didn't contain any life aura.    


However, the energy contained within the world was also quite pure. That incomparably powerful source energy of Laws also caused Ye Feng's heart to be incomparably shocked.    


"You're here."    


Sensing Ye Feng's movement, the powerful will in the void said weakly.    


Ye Feng frowned slightly and asked.    


"May I ask who you are?"    


Ye Feng was quite surprised when he sensed the aura coming from the spatial zone, as if he couldn't imagine the terrifying power it possessed.    


The aura had reached an unimaginable realm. If this power could really be unleashed, even he wouldn't be able to withstand it.    


The power in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed. His power was in a stable state, ready to explode at any time.    


Sensing the energy in Ye Feng's body, a pure aura was unleashed from his body.    


"Hello, I have no ill intentions."    


The great will in the void paused for a moment before explaining.    


"I am a peak Heavenly God, I have already pushed my strength to the extreme, breaking through to the next level.    


However, just as I was about to succeed, the world I created was corroded by the power of the abyss.    


At that time, I was also using all my strength to resist, wanting to completely release the aura in my body.    


However, the energy contained in the abyssal world was too terrifying. Even if I used all my strength, I wouldn't be able to affect him at all.    


On the contrary, my own body was completely destroyed by the power of the Abyss World. Even my body and my natal weapon were completely destroyed.    


In the end, my world was completely covered by the power of the Abyss, turning into what you saw just now. Even my own power suffered an extremely strong blow.    


If it wasn't for the fact that the soul above the Heavenly God Realm had an extremely special change, it would have been able to resist the terrifying shadows of the outside world.    


Even under the erosion of the abyss energy, they would have been able to hold on for a period of time. I'm afraid my soul would have perished along with it. "    


When he heard this explanation, Ye Feng couldn't help but frown. The energy in his body circulated rapidly, and the aura that was emitted became extremely powerful.    


The source energy in his body was circulating continuously. By relying on his control over the chaotic energy, Ye Feng was constantly sensing the characteristics of this world.    


Furthermore, he also had the world of the White Jade Pagoda that was created by the God of Creation. The energy within was a very clear guide for Ye Feng.    


Sensing the power within his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely pure.    


Comparing the aura in this broken world to the complete White Jade Divine Pagoda world, Ye Feng could also feel the difference.    


The source energy of both worlds could not be mentioned in the same breath. The aura that Ye Feng could feel at this moment was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of an ordinary person.    


However, the source energy of that broken world had become extremely weak. It was as if it could be devoured by the energy of the abyss at any time. The aura inside could collapse at any time.    


Ye Feng could feel the changes and confirmed the condition the other party was talking about.    


"Then, what is your purpose in inviting us to this place?"    


Ye Feng asked with some doubt.    


"I can feel that your strength is indeed beyond imagination. You can even fight against the power of the abyss.    


The important thing is that you have enough means to purify the surrounding abyssal world.    


I would like to ask you to help me purify the power of the abyss outside so that I can regain my freedom."    


Ye Feng was quite surprised to hear this.    


However, he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he asked in an extremely calm tone.    


"Is there any benefit in helping you?"    


"You can obtain the friendship of a Heavenly God or above expert, as well as a great deal of benefits.    


The amount of knowledge and treasures I have in my possession is simply unimaginable to you.    


If you are willing to help me, then I can give you everything I have.    


In fact, I can even give you the world I've created myself."    


Ye Feng's heart trembled violently when he heard the last condition.    


He was well aware of how powerful the world created by a Heavenly God expert was.    


When he thought about the White Jade Pagoda World in his hand, the order and rules contained within it had completely exceeded his imagination.    


If he had not experienced it personally, he would probably not have believed that there was such an existence in this world.    


If he could obtain another world like this, even if it wasn't perfect, it would still be of great help to Ye Feng.    


Despite the temptation, it didn't make Ye Feng completely lose his mind. Instead, he was carefully observing the other party.    


The aura contained in this spatial zone had become extremely weak, as if it could collapse at any time. However, Ye Feng could also feel an extremely pure aura from it.    


It was the true source energy of the world. Although it was weak, it was still circulating.    


"The power of the abyss in the outside world has already reached such a terrifying extent. Why do you think I can fight against the power of the abyss in the outside world and even save you?"    


Hearing Ye Feng's words, the great will in the void smiled.    


"Although I don't know what kind of technique you can use to purify the power of the abyss in this world.    


However, I am aware of everything that you have done in this world. I can even sense the powerful energy contained within your body.    


Such an aura has simply exceeded my imagination.    


Countless divine force is revolving around your body, it can continuously wear down the evil energy between the heaven and earth, causing those corrupted souls to awaken.    


These powers were the source of some of the power of the abyss. If you could purify all the abyssal aura contained in this space.    


My strength will rise along with it, and the energy I emit will become extremely powerful."    


The great will continued to explain, and it also made Ye Feng understand what kind of terrifying realm his strength had reached.    


The Seamless Hell unfolded right after that. Death God Battle Spirit sat upright within, releasing his own aura to rule over all the agaric spirit.    


At the same time, Ye Feng started circulating the Hell Heart Sutra in his body.    


The continuous circulation of the aura caused the energy in the surrounding space to start circulating crazily. The energy that was being emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the incomparably powerful Power of Hell had also completely expanded, and the energy it emitted had reached a level that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Each and every action of the aura seemed to want to completely suppress the entire world.    


The great will of the void was extremely excited when it sensed the power that was being emitted from Ye Feng's body.    


"That's right. This is the power. If I can completely purify this spatial zone, I will definitely be able to recover my strength."    


The Great Will said happily. The aura that was being emitted from its body had become unusually pure.    


Ye Feng's eyes regained their calmness after sensing the change in the force.    


"Although what you said is very tempting, it's not that important to me."    


Ye Feng said in a flat tone. The aura in his body... It's also running at an extremely fast speed.    


It seemed like he had already noticed the pride in Ye Feng's heart. Those things couldn't move him at all.    


However, he didn't dare to give up on Ye Feng, because the only person who could resolve the influence of the abyss was Ye Feng.    


Moreover, his soul had already reached its limit. He couldn't bear the corrosion of such a powerful abyssal energy anymore.    


If he did not seize the opportunity, his body would be completely wiped out by the abyss energy and become a part of the Abyss World in the end.    


Sensing such a change, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became stronger and stronger.    


"It seems like that price isn't enough to satisfy you. I have one last condition."    


He let out a long sigh and said helplessly.    


"My soul can no longer hold on for too long. The Origin aura in my body has already reached a terrifying realm.    


Before long... At that time, my world will appear in the void because I have lost control of it.    


Although this space has already completely withered away, no matter what, he is still a complete space world.    


The value contained within was simply inestimable.    


If you're willing, I can give this world to you as a reward."    


When Ye Feng heard these words, his heart was shocked. The aura in his body had become incomparably pure, and the energy it emitted had reached an unimaginable realm.    


An incomparably powerful attribute energy was spreading crazily in the spatial zone. Even Ye Feng's heart was beating crazily. The energy that was being emitted from his body was getting stronger and stronger as he circulated the energy in his body.    


Such an aura was quickly condensed in the void, and the energy it released made Ye Feng's heart pound.    


"Are you talking about your natal world?"    


The great will in the void explained after hearing Ye Feng's words.    


"I can't hold on for much longer. If I can't leave this place quickly, I'm afraid my soul will wither away.    


If you can help me get rid of the constraints of the abyss power, what can I do even if I give this space to you? "    


After hearing the great will in the void, Ye Feng finally stopped hesitating.    


After that, he stepped forward and gently patted it.    


"Alright, I promise you."    


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