Sky War God

C3589 Heavenly Demon Seal

C3589 Heavenly Demon Seal

In an instant, the energy in his body erupted, and the aura that he unleashed had reached an unimaginable level.    


The energy in Ye Feng's body was circulating a terrifying destructive aura in an extreme period of time, spreading across the spatial zone.    


When they felt this energy, the abyssal creatures in the void trembled crazily, as if they were unable to resist the energy produced by Ye Feng.    


Even Meteor Star's expression became incomparably shocked, as if he didn't expect Ye Feng's strength to be able to make another breakthrough in such a short period of time.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the energy in his body spread at an extremely fast speed.    


The aura was circulating at a very fast speed, causing Ye Feng's qi and blood to churn crazily. The energy it was emitting had reached an unimaginable level.    


Countless Abyssal aura were in an uproar. The power that these creatures possessed was quickly gathering towards the center. The aura that they were releasing had even reached an extremely terrifying level.    


Terrifying Abyssal Power spread rapidly in the void, as if it was going to tear the entire space apart.    


This kind of aura had already reached a terrifying state, and the power of its attributes was being released at an extremely fast speed.    


In the void, countless energy of the abyss intertwined, forming a huge tentacle that lashed out at Ye Feng.    


The destructive power that was released from it was so powerful that it was beyond the reach of an ordinary person.    


The force of the plane was circulating crazily, and the powerful ripples that it was emitting seemed as if it was going to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body started to explode crazily. The blood energy in his body was also emitting a powerful energy wave.    


The Membrane Spirit had been fully circulated at this moment, making his strength even stronger. The Qi and blood energy he possessed... It was also erupting at an extremely fast speed.    


The entire space seemed to have completely distorted. The power contained within it instantly shattered in an extremely terrifying state.    


In the next moment, Ye Feng waved his fist and collided with the strange tentacle of the abyss.    


The force of the collision between the two aura had reached an unattainable level.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out at this moment. The destructive power that was being emitted seemed to want to completely destroy everything in the surroundings.    


An extremely terrifying destructive fluctuation spread out in all directions in a very short period of time. It was as if the spatial zone was going to be completely destroyed.    


An extremely strange sound of destruction resounded in the incomparably dark abyssal world.    


An extremely terrifying storm was spreading crazily towards the outside world. The energy contained within it was even more terrifying than one could imagine.    


Upon seeing this scene, meteor was extremely cautious as well. He immediately unleashed all of his power.    


Countless celestial phenomena spread out around his body. This aura quickly suppressed all the energy around his body, forming an incomparably powerful defense.    


Currently, his strength had already reached a terrifying level, and the energy radiating from his body was unimaginably powerful.    


However, even so, meteor's expression became extremely ugly, and the pressure he endured made him involuntarily spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.    


This also made his expression even more shocked.    


He was clearly extremely far away from the battlefield, and he had completely unleashed his power. At this moment, meteor was unable to resist the aftershocks of the attacks released by both sides.    


This kind of power had already exceeded everyone's imagination. The aura that was unleashed was spreading outwards at an extremely fast speed.    


The most important thing on the battlefield was exactly what kind of terrifying destructive power was brewing. It was not something that an ordinary person could imagine.    


It could even be said that even among the ancient Giant Gods, those who cultivated their own strength to the extreme would probably not be able to resist such an aura.    


They would definitely be completely crushed by this terrifying power in an extremely short period of time, without leaving even a trace behind.    


At this moment, what Ye Feng was facing was an unimaginably powerful force.    


The attribute energy contained within an aura had already been strengthened to an unimaginable level.    


Countless Abyssal Power exploded out crazily, and the power it emitted was even stronger! With an extremely fast speed, it completely covered Ye Feng's body.    


Ye Feng's expression became serious when he sensed this energy.    


In the next moment, the origin blood and Qi in his body began to circulate crazily.    


An incomparably huge shadow of a Heavenly Devil emerged behind Ye Feng. The aura that was emitting from his body became even more terrifying.    


At the same time, the power of those abyssal creatures had also been gathered to the limit.    


Countless Power of life quickly gathered together. The aura that was being emitted spread out at an extremely fast speed towards the outside world.    


In front of Ye Feng was a terrifying creature that looked like a small mountain. Its body was extremely twisted, and it had countless tentacles that were constantly twisting and struggling in the void.    


Each of these tentacles possessed an unimaginable power. With a wave of its hand, it carried along the apocalyptic storm and spread out, crushing towards Ye Feng's position.    


There was also an incomparably terrifying power that spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


This caused Ye Feng's expression to become incomparably solemn.    


At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body was completely unleashed. Countless devil blood began to surge crazily.    


Such a terrifying force was spreading rapidly in the spatial zone. The aura that was unleashed was even more terrifying.    


The scorching force that was released from the churning of Qi and blood had even caused the surrounding space to distort. It was simply unable to affect the changes in the surrounding environment.    


In the next moment, countless tentacles had already lashed out at Ye Feng. The terrifying power contained within them was even accompanied by a portion of the world's origin power.    


When he felt this aura, Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all. He simply grabbed the Good Fortune Divine Sword in his hand.    


In the next moment, an extremely powerful force spread out in the spatial zone. The pure force of creation, combined with the aura in Ye Feng's body, began to release continuously.    


One after another, dazzling sword light after another bloomed in the void. The powerful force it emitted was as if it was going to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


This was especially true for Ye Feng's Divine Sense. As it continuously transformed the souls, it had a huge improvement. The aura that was added just now had touched a realm that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


An incomparably terrifying force was condensed on Ye Feng's body, causing the surrounding space to undergo a certain degree of change.    


The terrifying force of the attribute erupted in a very short period of time.    


Countless dazzling sword lights collided with the tentacles, causing a terrifying rumbling sound to immediately be heard.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power. It was spreading towards the outside world at an extremely fast speed.    


Ye Feng could also feel the terrifying vibrating power. It penetrated through the layers of void and descended in his direction.    


Moreover, the energy of the abyss released from those tentacles was even more powerful and corrosive.    


Such terrifying power seemed to want to completely destroy everything in this space.    


Ye Feng unleashed the chaotic energy in his body without hesitation when he sensed the aura.    


With the chaotic energy that was close to the origin level, Ye Feng quickly suppressed the power of the abyss.    


In a very short period of time, these aura had completely spread out their powerful energy waves, and had even reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


The surrounding abyssal space had already been contaminated by Ye Feng's chaotic energy.    


The terrifying chaotic energy was constantly surging, even forming the scene of the world being destroyed.    


The power contained within had even reached an unimaginable level, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this space.    


Sensing the terrifying aura that was being emitted at this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even stronger. The source energy in his body was even increasing at an extremely fast speed.    


By relying on the chaotic energy unleashed by the Confusion Spirit Orb, Ye Feng could also release powerful phagocytosis.    


As long as the Devouring Power was fully unleashed, there was nothing in this world that Ye Feng couldn't refine.    


At the same time, Ye Feng once again swung the Divine Sword of Fortune in his hand and slashed forward.    


The terrifying blood essence of the Heavenly Devil twined around the Good Fortune Divine Sword, and the power it possessed had reached an unimaginable realm.    


The two were completely different, as if they had nothing to do with each other. As the power fused together, the power it released was far more terrifying than one could imagine.    


At this moment, a black and white sword light was unleashed from Ye Feng's Longsword. It was aimed at the huge creature.    


This force had reached an extremely terrifying extent. Even the huge abyssal creature didn't realize that Ye Feng had such a technique.    


An extremely terrifying sword light poured down in a very short period of time, as if it was going to tear the entire heaven and earth apart.    


The destructive power completely exploded at this moment, and fell into the body of the abyssal creature.    


A terrifying tearing force completely erupted at this moment.    


Countless Destruction aura had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The terrifying abyssal creature that had been condensed had also suffered an extremely terrifying impact at this moment. Its huge body seemed as if it was going to be completely cut off.    


The Power of life within it was circulating at an extremely fast speed. The aura that was being emitted from its every move was unimaginably terrifying.    


It was as if Ye Feng's sword light could split him into two.    


The huge abyssal creature began to crazily move behind the scenes. It tried its best to control the source energy in its body. Those tentacles were squirming in the spatial zone.    


The abyssal energy between the heavens and the earth quickly gathered towards the aura that was being emitted. It became even more terrifying.    


Countless power of the abyss spread out wildly. Every single move it made contained unimaginable power that ordinary people could not imagine.    


It was as if they wanted to completely destroy everything around them.    


At this moment, Ye Feng wanted to unleash his aura once again and kill his opponent.    


At the same time, an incomparably dangerous feeling spread from the bottom of Ye Feng's heart.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng unleashed all the energy in his body at an extremely fast speed. The aura was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The gigantic abyssal creature seemed to have been completely destroyed at this moment, and it was shrinking rapidly towards the center point.    


An extremely terrifying power of the abyss burst out at an extremely fast speed, completely sealing the space around Ye Feng's body.    


Such a terrifying power frightened Ye Feng. He immediately circulated the spatial power in his body and dodged in another direction.    


However, at the moment when the spatial energy was circulating, Ye Feng suddenly realized that the spatial energy had completely exceeded his control.    


The extremely powerful energy seemed to want to destroy everything in the world. It was the terrifying power of the abyss. It was heading towards Ye Feng at an incredible speed.    


It was already too late to dodge at this moment. Ye Feng could only unleash his full strength once again.    


His palm cut across the Good Fortune Divine Sword. Blood quickly dyed the transparent divine sword red.    


The aura contained in the blood of the Heavenly Devil was completely released at this moment. Ye Feng did his best to circulate the origin aura in his body, increasing the power of this attack to the limit.    


The surrounding space was also attracted by the power of this sword, as if it was saying that the Good Fortune Divine Sword could control all the energy in the world.    


Originally, the force of creation was able to communicate with the heaven and earth. Now, Ye Feng had integrated his Heavenly Devil Blood into the sword, and the devil nature contained in the entire world had been activated.    


Although the world of the abyss was terrifying, the aura contained within it was also an extremely special and powerful demonic path energy.    


Now that Ye Feng had fully released the demonic path's attribute energy, he relied on the power of creation and the characteristics of the Heavenly Devil qi and blood to quickly release it.    


It was also in this very short period of time that the demonic path's power in the surrounding space was disturbed. It even caused the Origin aura of the abyss to be affected to a certain degree.    


It was also because of this opportunity that the sword light that Ye Feng slashed out with the Good Fortune Divine Sword became even stronger.    


An incomparably brilliant sword light was slashed out just like that.    


The terrifying sword light rushed towards the origin of the abyss at a terrifying speed.    


The incomparably terrifying aura was completely unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to destroy everything in this world. The aura that was being emitted from it was even more terrifying. It was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


The ability that this energy possessed had already reached a terrifying state.    


The destructive aura that was unleashed had even exceeded Ye Feng's realm.    


However, given his current condition, there was no longer any possibility for him to turn back.    


The energy in his body was spreading at an extremely fast speed. The attribute of the energy that was emitted from his body had reached an unimaginable realm.    


That terrifying aura was crazily circulating countless destructive power in the spatial zone, and it was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone even more crazily when he felt this kind of power.    


He tried his best to control the aura in his body, and it completely merged into his attack, gathering all of his power into this sword.    


This caused the originally transparent sword light to become even more brilliant, and even more so, colorful divine radiance appeared.    


In fact, it could even be said that at the very center of this sword light, a chaotic world slowly appeared, and the power it emitted became incomparably enormous.    


The energy it was emitting at this moment had reached a terrifying level. The two attacks collided in an extremely short period of time.    


Ye Feng was incomparably shocked when he felt such a force. The aura in his body was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


However, there was nothing he could do to stop it.    


In this very short period of time, a terrifying rumbling sound instantly erupted.    


All the surrounding aura were completely torn apart by this terrifying destructive power.    


Countless spatial zones once again shattered crazily. The law of the abyss that existed in this world seemed to have encountered its natural enemy as it frantically fled towards the outside world.    


Such a terrifying destructive power had completely destroyed everything in its surroundings.    


The terrifying image that it formed had even caused some of the surrounding life forms to notice the aura.    


However, no one dared to allow the terrifying power to enter their senses. They frantically fled into the distance.    


Even Meteor Shower completely spread out his power, quickly moving farther away to avoid the attack.    


The space surrounding Ye Feng shattered like snowflakes.    


A terrifying apocalyptic storm appeared in the entire space.    


The aura in his body had become incomparably terrifying. The power contained in his body had reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. He could feel that the destructive power was constantly trying to understand him, and even wanted to completely destroy his body.    


However, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. He was still circulating the energy in his body, and it was expanding at an extremely fast speed to the outside world.    


That kind of terrifying power had reached a state that ordinary people couldn't even imagine. Countless destructive power were constantly destroying his body.    


It didn't matter if it was his skin, muscles, bones, or internal organs.    


Under such a terrifying destructive power, he couldn't withstand such a terrifying pressure. It was as if he was going to be completely destroyed in a very short period of time.    


However, the Chaotic Force and Good Fortune aura in Ye Feng's body were circulating at an extremely fast speed, constantly healing his injuries and suppressing the terrifying destructive waves.    


At this moment, the energy of the heaven and earth began to converge in Ye Feng's direction. The terrifying energy of the abyss was trying to corrode Ye Feng's body completely.    


Facing such a terrifying aura, Ye Feng didn't have any reaction. He just allowed the power of the abyss in his body to spread and transform his body.    


At this moment, all kinds of energies in the world had reached a state that ordinary people couldn't imagine. At the same time, the will of the abyss had completely erupted.    


Countless Destruction aura were expanding crazily, as if they were going to completely destroy Ye Feng's body. The power that was unleashed from them was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The destructive power that was unleashed by this aura had even exceeded the imagination of ordinary people. The energy that it contained was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's heart started beating.    


"Dong! Dong! Dong! "    


The extremely strong vibrating power pushed the aura that was emitted from the circulation of his Qi and blood, and it was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Every single movement of the vibrating power was beyond imagination. It was as if it was going to suppress everything in this world in the shortest amount of time.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb started to spin in the opposite direction. It spat out a large amount of chaotic origin force and poured it into Ye Feng's heart.    


The energy that was released from the depths of his heart had reached a terrifying state. The aura that was released from his every move was unimaginably powerful.    


At this moment, the energy in Ye Feng's body began circulating his Heavenly Devil Blood crazily, becoming incomparably condensed.    


With just a thought, the blood energy was like a heavy hammer, fiercely smashing onto the power of the abyss.    


This kind of terrifying power had already reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine. The terrifying aura that was released from its movements had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


As he spoke of such a powerful aura, Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly.    


The blood of the Heavenly Devil was rapidly condensing, as if it had formed some kind of powerful seal.    


When he felt this seal, the energy in Ye Feng's body had reached a terrifying level. The aura in his body began to circulate like a swarm of bees.    


Ye Feng could feel a powerful force from these marks, as if it could help him circulate the Qi and blood in his body.    


The power of his Divine Sense circulated rapidly, pushing the power of the Heavenly Devil Golden Body to the extreme.    


The aura in his body was moving quickly, and Ye Feng's palm was constantly changing in the void.    


Countless seals emerged from Ye Feng's palm, as if they were trying to control everything in the world.    


Sensing this aura, the guild in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably powerful. The power that it possessed had reached an extremely terrifying extent.    


In this very short period of time, Ye Feng could clearly feel his Qi and blood circulating crazily.    


It was as if he could no longer control this force.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng poured all of his qi and blood into the aura. The aura that was released had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


In a very short period of time, the majestic qi and blood rushed towards Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.    


The terrifying aura of destruction erupted at this moment.    


Sensing such a powerful force, the aura in his body was spreading at an extremely fast speed. The terrifying energy waves that it formed had even reached an extremely powerful state.    


Countless destructive power were expanding rapidly at this moment. The powerful energy waves that were formed were spreading towards that terrifying abyssal creature.    


After releasing that terrifying attack, the various creatures in the abyss also merged their strength at an extremely fast speed, continuously throwing themselves into that starting point.    


Under the push of countless Abyssal Powers, the aura emitted from that starting point became incomparably powerful. In the blink of an eye, it had already mobilized an incomparably terrifying strength.    


This burst of power caused everything in the surrounding space to start circulating crazily.    


The extremely terrifying attribute power was even more terrifying. It spread at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything in the world.    


However, Ye Feng kept casting the Heavenly Devil Seal after being struck by the aura.    


At this moment, the qi and blood energy in his body was condensing rapidly, completely gathering on Ye Feng's palm.    


Finally, Ye Feng raised his palm high and slammed it down at the horrifying creature.    


Countless energies were gathering rapidly in the void under the guidance of the Heavenly Devil Power, forming a very powerful wave of destruction that smashed down on the creature.    


Such a terrifying power, its power was also formidable to a level that ordinary people would not be able to imagine. Every single move of the attack would produce an incomparably terrifying aura of destruction.    


The power contained within the Membrane Seal had reached an extremely terrifying level. It would erupt with an unimaginable power whenever it moved.    


It was also at this moment that the Heavenly Demon Seal combined with the surrounding Shenyuan Power had already raised its own strength to the limit. The terrifying fluctuations it emitted had even exceeded the limits of the space that it could withstand.    


In the next moment, countless destructive aura burst out, as if they were going to tear everything in the surrounding space into pieces.    


In the blink of an eye, the destructive vortex was unleashed. Under the attack of the Heavenly Demon Seal, it wrapped around the abyssal creature.    


Countless terrifying destructive paths had completely unleashed the terrifying aura. It was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Countless destructive aura were spreading out just like that, forming a powerful fluctuation. It had reached a state that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Sensing such a force, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer.    


He suddenly felt the powerful force contained in the Heavenly Devil Seal, as if it could completely unleash the aura in his body.    


The power contained within this force had also reached an extremely terrifying state.    


However, Ye Feng didn't restrain himself. He was still casting the Heavenly Devil Seal according to his Comprehension. The seal in his palm was also changing rapidly.    


Finally, Ye Feng pushed the Heavenly Devil Seal to its limit. The aura that was released from it became incomparably terrifying.    


This Heavenly Devil Seal was like a heart. It slowly changed in front of Ye Feng's chest, and the aura it released was even more terrifying than he had imagined. It was as if it wanted to absorb everything in the world into its own heart.    


The aura formed by the terrifying pressure had even reached an unimaginable realm.    


At this moment, the ripples of destruction were completely unleashed, forming a powerful aura that wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Such a terrifying pressure was unleashed in a very short period of time. The ripples that were formed had already condensed the surrounding spatial energy into a solid form.    


In the next instant, the might of the Heavenly Demon Seal completely erupted.    


The world was destroyed, the meaning of space no longer existing. The surrounding space even lost the meaning of their existence in an extremely short period of time.    


The surrounding abyss energy gathered in the direction of the Heavenly Demon Seal at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to fill that empty space completely.    


Ye Feng could also clearly feel that an extremely powerful pulling force was erupting at an extremely fast speed, wanting to completely suppress the spatial zone.    


At this moment, an incomparably huge force burst out from the empty space. An extremely powerful destructive aura was unleashed.    


However, the instant this force was released, the Heaven Swallowing Infernal domain began to condense in Ye Feng's palm. * Hong Long...... *    


The enormous force contained within was slowly and steadily merging into Ye Feng's body.    


After this technique was unleashed, the blood energy that had been exhausted was slowly recovering. Furthermore, the blood energy that was being emitted from it was incomparably pure and huge.    


His heart was beating continuously. The blood essence energy was also continuously transforming into Ye Feng's Heavenly Devil Blood. The aura that was being emitted from it was even stronger than before.    


Feeling such a powerful force, Ye Feng's heart was incomparably shocked. The aura in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


The power of such a force was simply beyond imagination.    


Even Ye Feng was completely stunned by the energy of the Heavenly Devil Seal. He never thought that this technique would possess such a powerful force, enough to completely destroy the spatial zone.    


The terrifying abyssal creature had the strength of a Heavenly God.    


However, under the full force of the Heavenly Devil Seal, not even a true Heavenly God could withstand it. Even the energy contained within had been refined into his own qi and blood.    


The technique of the Heavenly Devil Golden Body Art was simply beyond imagination.    


Countless powerful aura were completely unleashed at this moment.    


It was as if the surrounding abyssal world had already started to shake.    


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