Sky War God

C3591 The Nature of the Tianma

C3591 The Nature of the Tianma

Such a powerful demonic path was fully unleashed at this moment, causing the surrounding space to tremble violently.    


When the Abyss Devils felt this kind of power, their expressions became incomparably shocked.    


The aura that was emitted from Ye Feng's body had already far exceeded their imagination. The terrifying power that was unleashed from his every move was simply capable of destroying everything in this world.    


Faced with such a powerful pressure, everyone on the scene tried their best to release the aura formed by their own abyssal energy. At this moment, the aura was connected to one another.    


It was like an iron wall, charging straight at Ye Feng.    


When he felt this kind of force, Ye Feng's expression became extremely cautious. The force in his body was condensing at an extremely fast speed.    


The attribute energy that he was emitting was also circulating with all his strength. This energy had even reached a realm that ordinary people wouldn't be able to imagine.    


The Heavenly Devil Golden Body Art was circulated to the maximum by Ye Feng at this moment. The powerful energy that it emitted was as if it was going to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


An incomparably huge Heavenly Devil figure was floating behind Ye Feng. Its palm was placed in front of Ye Feng's chest, forming an incomparably strange seal.    


The seal was beating continuously like a heart.    


The demonic path that it was releasing had reached an unimaginable realm.    


Even the tiny energy that it emitted seemed as if it was going to tear the entire space apart.    


The terrifying energy contained in this world was simply unable to resist such a terrifying aura, as if it could be completely destroyed at any time.    


Sensing this change, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer.    


His body was also gradually covered with a layer of grayish-white energy.    


A terrifying energy that seemed to be able to make the entire world wither and wither kept circulating around Ye Feng's body, and it was even changing at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had finally understood the essence of the Heavenly Devil Power.    


Endless changes!    


Endless destruction!    


Unlimited surpassing!    


It allowed one's own strength to constantly change. It collided with the power of all Laws between the heavens and earth, causing endless changes to occur to one's aura. Finally, it reached a supreme boundary.    


This sort of power to create a terrifying true body was the true form of the Heavenly Demon Golden Body.    


Sensing the changes of this power, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer.    


The Heavenly Devil Golden Body that Ye Feng could cultivate with the power of the Heavenly Devil was also beyond his imagination.    


As long as he continued to cultivate this power, the final realm that he would reach would be enough for him to break through to a state beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Even the terrifying Devouring Power that swallowed the Demonic Sect was not invincible in front of Ye Feng.    


It could even be said that when Ye Feng's Heavenly Devil Power reached its peak, even the Demonic Sect's power wouldn't be able to affect him at all.    


It could even be said that the breathing of the Heavenly Devil could destroy all those terrifying Devouring Power, turning them into its nourishment.    


With such a powerful foundation, Ye Feng became even more confident. He waved his palm and sent it towards the barrier of the abyss.    


A grayish-white radiance emerged on his palm. The aura that was unleashed wasn't that powerful.    


In a very short period of time, this attack had collided with the barrier of the abyss.    


The power that the two types of aura emitted at this moment had completely collided. It was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The energy contained within this aura had exceeded the limits of ordinary people's imagination. Each and every action of this aura was emitting an incomparably terrifying energy.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes had become purer and purer. The aura that he was emitting had even reached a strange level.    


Sensing such a huge pressure, the energy in his body had also changed tremendously. The energy that he was emitting had even reached an extremely powerful level.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out. The destructive aura that was being emitted seemed as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in its surroundings.    


Everyone present was completely stunned by this power. The energy that was emitted from their bodies had even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


This aura was spreading crazily in the spatial zone. The destructive power that was being emitted seemed to be able to swallow the entire world.    


Even the power of the abyss released by the joint forces of the abyssal demons could not change this structure.    


They could only watch helplessly as that terrifying aura continued to spread in the space, finally completely destroying the entire space.    


An extremely powerful fluctuation was constantly distorting in this world. The energy it released had even exceeded the limits of what they could withstand.    


The continuous changes of this aura had even caused the gazes of everyone to become extremely shocked.    


The destructive force continued to expand, and the aura that was being emitted was also terrifyingly powerful. In fact, it could even be said that such a powerful fluctuation was enough to completely engulf the surrounding space.    


It was the source energy that had formed this world. The terrifying abyssal force was also being suppressed at this moment.    


The power of the Heavenly Devil that Ye Feng had displayed was truly beyond imagination. It was as if nothing in this world could affect him at all.    


With such terrifying strength, Ye Feng knew very well that he wouldn't be able to reach such a level by relying on the power of the Heavenly Devil that he controlled.    


It was all because of the surging chaotic energy in his body, pushing the circulation of his qi and blood behind his back that allowed his Heavenly Devil blood to reach such a terrifying level.    


However, the consumption of energy in his body was tremendous. At this moment, Ye Feng had started to use the chaotic origin energy in his Confusion Spirit Orb.    


Without the support of this energy, no matter how powerful Ye Feng was, he wouldn't be able to create such a terrifying impact.    


At this moment, the power of the ultimate attribute was fully unleashed. The destructive aura that was formed was beyond imagination.    


At this moment, Ye Feng took a step forward. The energy emitted from his body became unusually strong.    


In just an instant, his figure appeared around those devils.    


The aura in his body suddenly erupted, and the power it emitted became extremely terrifying.    


The aura that was unleashed by the circulation of this power was also unimaginably terrifying, as if it wanted to destroy everything in the world.    


The power of the Heavenly Devil unleashed by Ye Feng was also extremely powerful. Every movement of his contained a terrifying aura that filled the void. The power that was unleashed from it had reached an unimaginable realm.    


The crazy eruption of this energy had changed the surrounding environment to a certain extent.    


The energy contained within this aura had completely suppressed the surrounding space, causing the energy that was released to become extremely terrifying.    


However, when Ye Feng felt this energy, the light in his eyes became incomparably bright.    


Those devils became extremely cautious at this moment. The aura in their bodies was circulating rapidly, and the energy was also crazily releasing at this moment.    


Countless abyss energy gathered at this moment. The destructive waves formed by it were even more powerful to a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


At this moment, the aura exploded, as if it was going to tear the entire space apart. That incomparably powerful aura was simply going to destroy the entire world.    


Sensing this energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright. The aura that he was emitting had also risen to a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


At this moment, countless attribute energies erupted between the two of them, forming a powerful force that was beyond the reach of ordinary people.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed in the void. The aura that was being emitted was even more terrifying than one could imagine.    


As this energy was crazily unleashed, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes was constantly blooming. The aura that he could feel was becoming extremely powerful.    


The continuous release of this energy had caused an unimaginable impact in the surrounding space. The energy that was released had even reached a terrifying state.    


When this aura was unleashed, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more terrifying. The aura that he had unleashed had completely spread out in a very short period of time.    


Sensing this energy, Ye Feng circulated his energy at a rapid speed.    


The two types of energy collided violently in the spatial zone. The aura that was unleashed had reached an incomparably terrifying level. Every single movement of the aura had caused the surrounding environment to undergo a drastic change.    


The aura that was unleashed by the Heavenly Demon Power was incomparably domineering, as if it wanted to suppress the entire spatial zone.    


As they felt the changes in the aura around them, the expressions of those abyssals were incomparably terrifying.    


Another person walked out from within and completely unleashed the aura in his body. The power that was emitted was even more terrifying than imagined.    


An incomparably black light of destruction was unleashed from his body, and the power that it emitted erupted in a very short period of time.    


The power that was emitted by that aura had already reached a realm that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


Such a powerful destructive power wanted to completely destroy everything in this world. The destructive aura that was formed was even more terrifying.    


Countless destructive power intertwined in the spatial zone. Finally, they formed an abyssal Giant Dragon and lunged at Ye Feng.    


The terrifying Giant Dragon roared crazily, and the destructive aura it released was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Such an explosive force could even completely destroy the surrounding space.    


Ye Feng could feel that the body of this Giant Dragon contained an extremely terrifying force, as if it was going to devour his entire body.    


Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all when he sensed the aura. He immediately circulated the most powerful energy in his body, causing a huge change to the space around his body.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes began to bloom crazily. The aura that was being emitted became unusually terrifying.    


The energy in his body was surging crazily at this moment. The destructive power that was being emitted had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


Such a terrifying aura, the energy that was formed from the crazy eruption, caused the surrounding space to continuously shatter. The extremely powerful aura even wanted to completely destroy this world.    


At this moment, the attribute energy within his body was completely unleashed, forming a powerful fluctuation. It was as if the entire space was going to be completely suppressed.    


Feeling this kind of power, not only did Ye Feng not feel any fear, but he was also incomparably excited. The aura in his body was violently churning, and the destructive fluctuation it was emitting was getting stronger and stronger.    


The Heavenly Devil phantom hovering behind Ye Feng kept changing its hand seals.    


Its own power was bursting out at a rapid speed. The destructive aura it released shook the surrounding space.    


The heart-like mark was also expanding outwards continuously, as if it was affecting the surrounding space, gathering all of Ye Feng's strength.    


The power of the Heavenly Devil Seal that was constantly cultivating was soaring crazily at this moment. The destructive aura that was unleashed had reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


A mysterious rune was gradually formed. It shuttled back and forth in the void, as if it wanted to completely suppress the surrounding abyssal energy.    


Those abyssals could also feel the terrifying aura emitting from Ye Feng's body. They immediately unleashed all of their strength.    


Such a terrifying energy was surging crazily in the spatial zone. The destructive waves it emitted were so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The power of destruction was spreading crazily in the void. The terrifying aura that it formed was even spreading towards the depths of the void.    


When he felt this force, the aura in Ye Feng's body couldn't help but tremble. The energy circulating in his body was beyond his imagination.    


The two attributes of the aura were spreading crazily in the spatial zone. It had even exceeded the limits of Ye Feng's endurance.    


Even if the power of the Heavenly Devil kept circulating in Ye Feng's body, it was still unable to suppress such a terrifying force.    


In this short period of time, the terrifying aura was spreading crazily in the void. The attribute of the aura had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't withstand.    


In this very short period of time, the powerful aura that filled the void had completely erupted. It had even exceeded the limits of Ye Feng's endurance.    


The aura that was unleashed from this crazy eruption had reached a terrifying realm at this moment, crazily attacking Ye Feng's body.    


At this moment, the energy in Ye Feng's body was circulating crazily, and the power of the abyss had reached a terrifying realm.    


Feeling such a powerful force, the aura in Ye Feng's body was circulating at an extremely fast speed, and the energy it was emitting had even exceeded the limits of his imagination.    


The eruption of the aura made the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes become incomparably heavy. The attribute energy in his body was spreading outwards at a terrifying realm.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly feel the power contained in this energy. It was so powerful that every single move he made was capable of unleashing the full power of the aura.    


Sensing this terrifying energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more intense.    


Those devils naturally wouldn't give Ye Feng the chance to counterattack. All of the abyssal energy in his body was unleashed at this moment, forming a destructive fluctuation that was beyond imagination.    


At this moment, both of them were crazily circulating the energy in their bodies, trying to release the most powerful aura.    


Such a terrifying aura of destruction was spreading out crazily in the spatial zone. It had even reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


That terrifying power erupted time and time again, causing the surrounding abyssal space to be on the verge of shattering.    


Once this power completely exploded out, it was as if it would completely destroy everything in this world in the shortest amount of time.    


The two forces collided crazily. Ye Feng's body couldn't hold on any longer. Countless destructive power crazily surged into his body, as if they were going to completely destroy his body.    


That kind of terrifying power erupted crazily within his body. The destruction aura contained within it had reached an unimaginable realm.    


The destructive power erupted rapidly, causing the spatial aura in the surrounding space to become even more terrifying. Ye Feng's body was unable to withstand such a terrifying destructive power, as if it was going to be destroyed at any moment.    


Sensing such a terrifying aura, Ye Feng circulated all the energy in his body without hesitation, and the Heavenly Devil Power in his body erupted crazily.    


At this moment, the aura in his body was like a splash of water, and the attribute energy that was emitted from it became even more terrifying.    


The radiance in his eyes was blooming crazily at this moment. Countless attribute energy was unleashed from Ye Feng's body.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly feel the destructive aura in the spatial zone, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in the world.    


However, the power of the Heavenly Devil was constantly circulating and transforming under the impact, causing Ye Feng's body to develop in another direction.    


His heart was beating continuously, causing the blood of the Heavenly Devil to circulate rapidly throughout his body and suppress those terrifying destructive waves.    


Countless elemental powers were completely devoured by the Heavenly Demon blood at this moment, causing his own quality to undergo an extremely intense transformation.    


At the same time, the aura that was unleashed by the Confusion Spirit Orb had also reached an unimaginable level.    


The attributes and terrifying Devouring Power contained in this terrifying power suppressed everything in the surrounding space. Countless Destruction aura had reached an extremely powerful state at this moment.    


It was as if everything in this world would be completely destroyed. The terrifying power that it emitted had even entered an unimaginable realm.    


Since Ye Feng had already suffered such a terrifying attack, those devils naturally wouldn't be able to gain any benefits from it.    


At this moment, the energy within his body had completely erupted, and the aura had even reached a terrifying realm.    


Countless destructive power were spreading crazily in the spatial zone. The aura that was being emitted had completely erupted in a very short period of time. The terrifying energy had even reached an extreme.    


Under the influence of this aura, countless abyssals decisively released that terrifying energy, as if they were going to destroy everything in the world.    


Even when Ye Feng sensed this aura, the attribute energy in his body started to transform at an extremely fast speed.    


However, he couldn't withstand this kind of pressure at all. The aura in his body began to circulate crazily.    


Sensing this change, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes started circulating at an extremely fast speed. That terrifying aura was about to completely destroy this spatial zone.    


Sensing this kind of powerful force, the attribute energy in Ye Feng's body started circulating. He circulated that kind of powerful aura at an extremely fast speed, and it seemed as if he was going to swallow everything in the world.    


Under the pressure of this force, the Heavenly Devil Power in Ye Feng's body also possessed a very powerful transformation characteristic, as if it was going to unleash all the attributes in his body to its strongest state.    


That incomparably huge aura was spreading rapidly in the void. The energy it was emitting had even entered a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


In that instant, Ye Feng had completed the transformation of his entire body. The destructive waves that he released exploded out immediately.    


At this moment, countless attributes were unleashed, and the destructive waves that were formed had also entered a realm that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng's Heavenly Devil Heart was fully condensed. The blood flowing in it had become incomparably condensed.    


The first thing that circulated was the devouring and recovery power contained within the blood. Any attack that entered the peak body would be suppressed and devoured by the blood of the Heavenly Devil.    


At the same time, the power brought by the Heavenly Devil's blood also allowed Ye Feng's body to enter a state of rapid recovery.    


As long as he could continuously burn the energy of the blood of the Heavenly Devil in his body, he would be able to recover from his injuries at an extremely fast speed.    


In other words, before the energy in Ye Feng's body was completely consumed, the Heavenly Devil blood would allow Ye Feng's injuries to recover at an incomprehensible speed.    


Just like at this moment, Ye Feng had already suffered the terrifying destructive attack. Half of his body had already been destroyed.    


Under the shocked gazes of the crowd, in just a few breaths of time, the destroyed body had completely recovered. Even the aura that was emitting from it had become many times stronger than before.    


Sensing such a force, everyone's eyes became incomparably shocked. The aura in the body circulated at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything in the world.    


In an instant, these terrifying forces were completely unleashed. The destructive waves that were formed had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


The devils of the Abyss were incomparably furious at this moment, as if they wanted to kill Ye Feng in the shortest amount of time possible.    


However, at this moment, they were shocked to find that the aura inside the peak body had become extremely violent, and the energy it emitted had reached an extremely terrifying state.    


"So this is the Qi and Blood Heavenly Fortress..."    


Ye Feng muttered to himself as he felt the Qi and blood energy in his body, as if he had understood something.    


The qi and blood in his body started circulating at this moment. The energy that was being emitted from his body had even reached an extremely powerful state.    


However, following Ye Feng's continuous circulation, the blood of the Heavenly Devil returned to its calm state. It even kept silent, as if it had turned into ordinary blood.    


Such a technique was incomparably terrifying in the senses of the crowd. It even made their hearts unable to withstand such pressure.    


It had to be known that releasing one's strength completely and creating an extremely terrifying destructive attack was something that even a normal person could do.    


However, the power that was so violent that it could destroy the heavens and earth was completely restrained, not affecting the outside world at all. It was even like an ordinary mortal.    


Having such control was an unimaginable existence to any cultivator.    


This also meant that the other party could completely suppress the power that he controlled. He could even operate freely without any scruples.    


No matter in any world, he was able to completely release the energy waves formed by the aura in his body. It was simply a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Once it completely erupted, an unimaginable destructive power would definitely bloom in his body.    


The more ordinary the person was, the greater the threat they could bring out. It also made these living beings feel the threat of death.    


"Impossible, how is this possible?"    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes had become unusually pure. The energy radiating from his body had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


The more it was like this, the more unbearable it was for the devils. The aura in their bodies was circulating crazily.    


Countless abyss energy completely erupted at this moment. The destructive waves formed had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


That destructive power had also reached an extremely powerful stage, as if it wanted to suppress all the attributes in the world.    


The Abyssal Power that they had mobilized at the first moment had already quickly gathered together.    


Hundreds of Abyssal Demons had completely unleashed their power, causing the space around them to distort intensely, and even emit a power that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Such terrifying pressure could only be completely condensed by the abyssal race.    


This was because the power of the abyss was condensed from chaotic destruction. This way, when the power of the same attribute was released, it would not affect their own bodies. Instead, it would allow their power to reach the peak state.    


At this moment, Ye Feng also felt a fatal threat, as if his life was being suppressed.    


The aura emitted from the terrifying abyssal force made Ye Feng extremely cautious.    


He could feel that once such an attack landed on his body, even if he cultivated the Heavenly Devil's blood, he wouldn't be able to resist it. He was afraid that it would be destroyed by them at an extremely fast speed.    


He could sense this kind of power. The aura in his body began to erupt crazily. The destructive aura that was unleashed was also an extremely terrifying power.    


The ripples of destruction had already entered the ultimate state, locking onto Ye Feng.    


The incomparably terrifying power of the abyss was quickly compressed into a fist-sized sphere. Even the surrounding abyssal energy was completely sucked out at this moment.    


The aura in his body was circulating rapidly. The enormous pressure that was emitted from it was about to completely erupt in a very short period of time.    


This terrifying aura locked onto Ye Feng's body at the first moment. It penetrated through the layers of space and landed around his body.    


However, the abyssal sphere had completely erupted. The power of the abyss within it... * Hong Long...... *    


Even if that Heavenly God released his own world origin energy, he still wouldn't be able to resist such a powerful pressure. He would be completely destroyed in a very short period of time.    


This type of energy frantically released ripples, similarly reaching a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


Facing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng naturally wouldn't just sit there and wait for his death. He slowly raised his palm.    


Countless demonic path's attributes and energy were crazily gathering, and the aura that was being emitted was so powerful that it was beyond the reach of ordinary people.    


This was because the energy was being quickly released from Ye Feng's palm, condensing into the shape of a Saint magic spear.    


The terrifying Destruction aura was completely unleashed at this moment.    


In an instant, everything in the world seemed to shake crazily. That kind of terrifying aura was not something that an ordinary person could withstand.    


The further the power was released, the destructive aura that was about to completely destroy the entire world exploded crazily in a very short period of time.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had also activated all the attributes of his demonic path and Heavenly Devil Blood, and poured them into the magic spear.    


The power contained in Ares-class's demonic path was fully activated at this moment. It unleashed the scarlet spear light, and it could even tear the entire spatial zone apart.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's spear light collided with the destructive light sphere.    


Two incomparably terrifying aura were crazily covering the opponent, as if they were trying to suppress the opponent.    


* Hong Long...... * At this moment, a terrifying rumbling sound was heard. The aura that was being emitted was rushing towards Ye Feng's direction.    


It seemed like even with all of Ye Feng's strength, he still couldn't do anything to those devils.    


The terrifying aura seemed to want to completely devour Ye Feng's body in this short period of time.    


It was as if everything was going to be destroyed.    


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