Sky War God

C3592 The Core Protector of the Abyss

C3592 The Core Protector of the Abyss

At this moment, the aura within the peak body completely erupted.    


All of his strength had already converged on the Sacred magic spear, causing the sharp force on it to become incomparably terrifying.    


When he sensed this force, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably bright. The aura in his body was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


Countless energies were interweaving in Ye Feng's body. The energy was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The spreading of the aura had caused everything in the surrounding space to enter an incomparably powerful state, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything in the world.    


Countless destructive power spread crazily in the space. The aura that was released at this moment was unimaginably powerful.    


Sensing such a change, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably shocked. They simply couldn't imagine how Ye Feng's strength had reached such a terrifying extent.    


Countless Destruction aura quickly condensed in the void, and the energy that was released directly descended in Ye Feng's direction.    


The aura contained in this energy was simply terrifyingly powerful.    


The collision of these two forces caused everything in the surrounding space to be turned upside down, and the energy that was released was completely unleashed within a very short period of time.    


Ye Feng's eyes lit up when he felt this energy. The terrifying energy of the attribute seemed to be going to explode within a very short period of time.    


Without any hesitation, the aura in Ye Feng's body had already completely spread out. The destructive power that was formed had completely erupted at this moment.    


The terrifying vibration in the sky was constantly stirring in the void. The pressure that was emitted was so strong that it was impossible for an ordinary person to be anxious about it.    


The surrounding abyssal energy was churning continuously. The powerful aura was circulating, and it seemed like it was going to completely destroy everything in this spatial zone.    


An extremely terrifying abyss crack slowly spread at this moment. It completely occupied the surrounding space. An incomparably pure abyssal energy once again surged out from the crack.    


Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably solemn when he sensed the abyss energy. The aura in his body spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


Under the stimulation of this power, Ye Feng's body became incomparably huge. Every movement of his was emitting a terrifying energy, as if he was going to completely suppress the entire world.    


When the aura and the Sacred magic spear were combined, the incomparably terrifying Heavenly Devil Power was fully unleashed.    


Under the stimulation of this kind of attribute energy, the entire space seemed to have completely distorted. A terrifying attribute energy erupted within an extremely short period of time.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes had become unusually strong. Those terrifying aura had completely condensed into a destructive fluctuation. It had even reached a terrifying realm.    


In a very short period of time, these aura had been completely unleashed. The energy that was formed had even distorted the surrounding space.    


Sensing the destructive power that was continuously erupting from his body, Ye Feng spat out another mouthful of blood, as if he couldn't withstand this kind of pressure.    


Ye Feng, who was already severely injured, could no longer resist the terrifying aura. More than half of his body had been completely destroyed.    


The power of the abyss that was constantly spreading out in the spatial zone was simply beyond his imagination. Every single movement of the aura had become incomparably terrifying.    


At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes had completely blossomed with the colors of his body. The power in his body was quickly released to the outside world, but it still couldn't change anything.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were shining with incomparable brilliance.    


A chaotic orb slowly emerged from his body, spinning continuously in this world of the abyss.    


The Devouring Power emitted by the Confusion Spirit Orb was simply powerful to a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The aura that was released from his every move had completely suppressed the surrounding space in a very short period of time.    


At this moment, the Devouring Power unleashed by the Confusion Spirit Orb had completely devoured all the abyssal energy in the surrounding space. The aura that was unleashed was so powerful that it was beyond the limits of an ordinary person.    


This kind of terrifying energy spread wildly in the space. The tremendous pressure that it created was so great that even the cracks in the abyss could not withstand it.    


This was also the first time Ye Feng had seen such a powerful Devouring Power released by the Confusion Spirit Orb, as if it was going to swallow the entire world.    


The devouring whirlpool that was formed kept spinning and spreading in the spatial zone. The aura that was unleashed was even going to completely destroy this spatial zone.    


Even Ye Feng couldn't control such a terrifying force. He could only try his best to stabilize the Confusion Spirit Orb and prevent it from exploding completely.    


Ye Feng could feel that if he ignited all the chaotic origin energy stored in the Confusion Spirit Orb, the aura he released would be unimaginably terrifying. It could even swallow the entire spatial zone.    


The essence energy contained within the Confusion Spirit Orb had absolutely surpassed the Heavenly God realm. Just the Devouring Power that was emitted from its rotation alone was enough to shock Ye Feng for a long time, and he didn't even have the chance to resist.    


Of course, this supreme treasure was connected to Ye Feng's heart and blood, so it naturally wouldn't harm him.    


However, the surrounding space didn't have such good luck.    


At this moment, countless energy of the abyss was spreading in the spatial zone. The aura that was being emitted had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Those terrifying abyssal energies were directly thrown into the Confusion Spirit Orb. There was no way for them to resist at all.    


Sensing that the chaotic origin energy within the Confusion Spirit Orb had become more complete, Ye Feng continuously extracted energy from it to heal his injuries.    


The chaotic origin energy contained within the Confusion Spirit Orb was something that Ye Feng had never felt before. * Hong Long...... *    


The aura in his body was circulating continuously, and he was able to completely absorb all of this energy.    


Whether it was his chaotic attribute energy or the newly condensed Heavenly Devil Blood, when absorbing the chaotic origin energy, they would grow at an extremely fast speed, and the aura that was emitted would become even more powerful.    


At this moment, Ye Feng was refining the Chaotic Origin Energy at an extremely fast speed, and his broken body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


It could even be said that Ye Feng's body had become even stronger after being continuously polished and reconstructed. The aura that was being emitted from his body was also incomparably powerful.    


Feeling this kind of power, the aura in Ye Feng's body became even purer, and the power that he could control was also enhanced to an extremely high level.    


After this battle, Ye Feng's body became incomparably weak. As he continued to refine the Chaotic Origin Energy, the strength he possessed was recovering at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, after the energy within his body continuously absorbed the Heavenly Devil Blood, the energy he emitted became extremely pure.    


After carefully sensing the energy emitted from his body, Ye Feng was able to determine that the Qi and blood in his body had become stronger.    


The blood of the Heavenly Devil had already occupied half of his body. Su Duye's cultivation had already exceeded his imagination.    


The energy in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed. The circulation of the aura made everything in the surrounding space become unusually powerful.    


"This kind of power is actually this powerful?"    


From a distance, liu Xing felt the qi and blood that was emitting from Ye Feng's body like the scorching sun. He was incomparably shocked.    


He already knew that the chaotic force that Ye Feng controlled was incomparably powerful. It was powerful enough to refine all the aura in the world.    


However, he never imagined that Ye Feng's body would also reach such a terrifying extent.    


In fact, such a terrifying aura was probably not far away from breaking through to the Qi and Blood Heavenly Fortress.    


Even Ye Feng could feel that his strength had increased. It was a little too fast. It made him feel that it was unrealistic.    


However, when he thought about it carefully, at the very beginning, he kept circulating all kinds of Cultivation Method in his body, as if he wanted to advance all the aura in his body.    


Although this kind of cultivation was very stable, the energy and price he had to pay was also incomparably huge.    


Furthermore, Ye Feng wasn't able to fully exert his strength to some extent at that time, and the strength he possessed was also extremely flawed.    


However, it was different now.    


The surrounding abyssal energy was incomparably pure. After being transformed by the Confusion Spirit Orb, the energy produced became extremely powerful.    


It was also an unimaginable help to Ye Feng's cultivation. The aura that was emitted from his every move was extremely pure.    


With this kind of power, all kinds of energy in Ye Feng's body circulated continuously, making the power that he controlled become stronger and stronger.    


Under the support of the endless amount of energy, it was very easy for Ye Feng to improve his own strength.    


Especially the breakthrough of the Chaotic Force, it had given him a deep understanding of all kinds of attributes.    


Furthermore, the circulation of the Chaotic Force in his body had also given him a strong affinity with all kinds of powers in the world.    


Under such circumstances, Ye Feng's cultivation speed naturally became incomparably fast. The aura in his body had even reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Sensing such a force, the aura within his body was also present. It was rolling at an extremely fast speed, and the power it emitted was incomparably huge.    


When Ye Feng sensed this power, the attribute energy in his body started circulating at an extremely fast speed, and the energy it emitted even reached an extremely powerful state.    


The rate of growth of the Heavenly Devil's blood was getting faster and faster. It could even be said that the Qi and blood energy that was being emitted from it made the surrounding space unable to withstand this kind of terrifying pressure.    


In the next moment, the energy within Ye Feng's body had completely spread out. The energy waves that were formed had reached a terrifying extent.    


The Saint magic spear in his hand was also emitting an incomparably pure energy, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Controlling such a terrifying energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes was completely unleashed at this moment. The power of that aura had even reached an unimaginable realm.    


At this moment, the attribute energy in Ye Feng's body began to circulate wildly. The aura that was being emitted had reached an extremely powerful level.    


In the next moment, Ye Feng threw out the Sacred magic spear in his hand. That terrifying sharp force was simply capable of destroying the entire world.    


The devil blood was going to slaughter the heavens!    


The powerful technique that originated from the Sacred Devil Spear Art was completely unleashed by Ye Feng at this moment. The terrifying aura was about to completely destroy the world.    


It was at this moment that the destructive power that Ye Feng released locked onto those cracks in the abyss, wanting to completely destroy them.    


Sensing such a terrifying aura, the expressions of the abyssals on the scene became incomparably terrified. The aura in their bodies began to expand crazily.    


The energy that was emitted seemed to be charging towards Ye Feng in a very short period of time.    


However, these people weren't strong enough to fight Ye Feng. They were completely destroyed before they could unleash their full power.    


The sharp edge continued to destroy until it finally landed on the cracks. The powerful aura that was unleashed was enough to completely destroy everything in the world.    


The destructive aura that was released from the abyssal world was also unimaginably terrifying. The power it released was definitely enough to destroy the entire world.    


However, the enemy he encountered this time was Ye Feng. In the end, he wasn't able to resist it completely.    


In an extremely short period of time, an enormous force erupted, suppressing everything in the surrounding space.    


Sensing such a terrifying force, the aura in his body was on the verge of collapsing. Countless destructive aura were crazily exploding in the void.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out at this moment.    


At this moment, the Ye Feng in the abyss had finally lost all his ability to resist. Under the destructive aura unleashed by Ye Feng, they were completely destroyed, leaving no traces behind.    


After seeing this scene, Ye Feng let out a long breath. The energy in his body began to withdraw.    


After destroying these cracks, the impact of the abyssal world on this place would be greatly reduced.    


Once Ye Feng truly controlled this world and fully released his aura, it would be enough to change the environment in this spatial zone. It would even allow his strength to increase a step further.    


While Ye Feng was constantly adjusting his strength, a slight ripple appeared in the void.    


"Not bad, very well done."    


An incomparably praising voice sounded out from the spatial zone. The energy contained in the heaven and earth had become extremely powerful.    


The power of the abyss that had originally fallen silent had completely erupted at this moment.    


The powerful force that was unleashed had already enveloped the room where Ye Feng was at the first moment.    


Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably solemn when he sensed this energy. The aura in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


In an instant, the energy in Ye Feng's body had completely spread out. The chaotic energy formed a domain around him.    


The blood of the Heavenly Devil circulated rapidly in his body, causing his strength to increase tremendously.    


"It's useless. This little bit of strength of yours is not enough to fight me."    


The voice in the void became incomparably proud, as if it didn't put Ye Feng in its eyes.    


From his voice, Ye Feng could feel an enormous pressure. The vibration of his voice alone was enough to give him a huge impact.    


The incomparably terrifying vibrating power kept circulating and spreading in the spatial zone, as if it was going to completely suppress his body.    


Feeling this kind of pressure, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer. The energy he was emitting had even reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


However, in the next moment, a terrifying aura of the abyss burst out from the void and struck Ye Feng's body.    


The abyss energy that he thought he could resist easily broke through his defense, as if it was going to tear his body apart.    


Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn when he felt the aura. The attribute energy that was emitted from his body had completely collapsed in a very short period of time.    


The unbearable energy had also caused a huge injury to Ye Feng. The terrifying aura was about to completely destroy his body.    


A large number of wounds appeared on his body, and his internal organs suffered an intense impact. He spat out a large mouthful of blood.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's face was incomparably pale, and he was no longer able to withstand such a terrifying pressure.    


Countless attribute energies spread crazily in the void, and finally condensed together. An incomparably noble figure sat on the throne, looking down at Ye Feng from above.    


On his body, Ye Feng could also feel the pure power of the abyss. Every single movement of the aura was terrifying, as if it was going to crush him into pieces.    


Facing such a force, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all. He immediately activated the aura in his body, and the energy that was released was completely gathered at this moment.    


However, his opponent didn't seem to have changed at all. He just lightly knocked on his palm.    


In the blink of an eye, the incomparably terrifying abyssal energy once again descended upon Ye Feng's body, as if it was going to swallow him whole.    


"I really don't know how a lowly life like you can trigger such a great existence like the will of the world. With just this little bit of attribute in your body?"    


The existence on the throne spoke in an incomparably deep voice. The aura that was being emitted from his body had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


"Heavens, peak Heavenly God."    


Sensing such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng's expression turned incomparably solemn as he spoke in a low voice.    


Ye Feng could also feel an incomparably huge force in the opponent's body, as if it could completely suppress his body.    


Feeling this force, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. The aura that he could gather was fully activated at this moment.    


However, even if Ye Feng exerted all of his strength to circulate his energy, it was useless. The powerful pressure in the spatial zone was so strong that it could even crush his body.    


"Let me introduce myself. I am the guardian of this world left by the Abyss World.    


I am the one who brought my power from the Abyss World and broke through all the defenses of this world, causing all the life in this world to float and float under my feet.    


The power they possessed was completely replaced by the power of the Abyss I released. Only the most pious portion of people became my people.    


As for the others, they were unable to withstand the great power of the abyss and had turned into all kinds of monsters. They could only become our slaves. "    


Ye Feng's eyes became unusually cold when he heard the words of the other party. The aura in his body was also present. Run at an extremely fast speed.    


Such a terrifying force was circulating rapidly between his body, causing the surrounding journey of the abyss to undergo subtle changes.    


The chaotic force and the blood of the Heavenly Devil merged together. The energy that was emitted was like the demonic path's origin that was going to evolve in this world.    


Even the surrounding abyssal energy was being suppressed by it, as if it was unable to fully unleash its energy.    


In an extremely short period of time, this aura had completely spread out, and the ripples it created had even reached an extremely powerful state.    


"Therefore, as long as I kill you, this world will return to normal!"    


Ye Feng's eyes were incomparably firm, and the aura that was being emitted from his body had become unusually pure.    


The divine sense of the demonic path that he controlled had penetrated through his entire body, causing his strength to become incomparably terrifying.    


Feeling this kind of power, the aura in his body began to circulate crazily. The aura that was being emitted from his every move became exceptionally powerful.    


The Sacred magic spear was vibrating continuously in Ye Feng's palm. The terrifying pressure it emitted was so strong that it seemed like it could penetrate through the entire world.    


Two completely different kinds of Devouring Power were merging together bit by bit at this moment. This kind of force even caused the entire space to tremble.    


However, the abyssal powerhouse sitting on the throne didn't have any change in expression. It could even be said that in his opinion, Ye Feng's efforts were no different than ants.    


Such a terrifying aura was spreading crazily in the spatial zone. The tremendous pressure it emitted was completely unleashed in a very short period of time.    


The incomparably powerful aura of destruction was being emitted bit by bit in the void. It was a terrifying power that could even destroy the entire world.    


Countless attributes were circulating rapidly in the void. Such a powerful aura had already landed on Ye Feng's body.    


To be more accurate, it should be smashed.    


The power of the abyss that was emitted from the body of the abyssal powerhouse quickly condensed into one point and fell violently in Ye Feng's direction.    


The aura of destruction that was emitted during this process had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even Ye Feng's powerful body was almost completely destroyed.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had completely circulated the aura in his body and unleashed its energy. It had even reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


In an extremely short period of time, such a powerful energy had completely spread out the energy that he possessed.    


The Saint magic spear was trembling continuously as it unleashed terrifying Destruction spear light after Destruction spear light.    


Those terrifying spear light collided with the falling stars of the abyss in the sky.    


An extremely powerful force erupted in a very short period of time. The destructive power it released had reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out, and an extremely terrifying destructive power spread out in all directions.    


The aura that was gathered in the deep abyss of the Morning Star rushed towards Ye Feng's direction, and the power contained within it was even more terrifying.    


The energy emitted by this aura had even exceeded the limits of Ye Feng's endurance. The energy within his body began to crumble at a rapid rate.    


The first thing Ye Feng did was to circulate all his energy. The energy that was emitted from his body had become unprecedentedly powerful.    


Even so, this terrifying energy suppressed the destructive aura that was being emitted from Ye Feng's body, as if it was going to completely destroy his body.    


In an instant, Ye Feng felt a strong impact on his body. All the bones in his body had shattered.    


Countless destruction and sharp lights wrapped around his body, cutting his body bit by bit. A large amount of blood burst out from his body.    


Even his internal organs and organs had suffered unimaginable damage from the destructive power, and even the Heavenly Devil Heart had cracks appearing on it.    


The chaotic energy was crazily erupting at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress the terrifying energy. However, the strength he possessed wasn't enough to change this scene.    


Even if Ye Feng unleashed all the power he had in his body, he still couldn't change the current environment. He could only watch helplessly as his body gradually collapsed.    


"This is not what I want."    


With a furious roar, Ye Feng ignited the source of his life force. The aura that he unleashed had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


It was as if the entire world was going to be destroyed because of this.    


At this moment, the energy gathered in the entire spatial zone had reached a level that no ordinary person could reach. The terrifying energy of the demonic path was completely unleashed at this moment.    


The Saint magic spear in Ye Feng's hand had been completely covered with blood. His entire strength had been integrated into it.    


Currently, the only thing that was floating in the void was Ye Feng's heart. The Heavenly Devil Force engraved on it had become denser and denser.    


Under the control of Ye Feng's divine soul, the Saint magic spear collided with the destructive heart.    


The terrifying force was completely suppressed by the Saint Devil.    


It was also because of this force that the aura in this world was so powerful that it was unimaginable. The destructive power that was being emitted had even broken through his current limit.    


This terrifying power continued to spread in the void. The aura that was being emitted was getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


Sensing this force, the figure on the throne frowned slightly. After that, he pointed his finger at Ye Feng's direction once again.    


In an instant, the abyssal force in this spatial zone had completely gathered.    


The star that was constantly pressing down on Ye Feng had once again condensed into a brilliant light.    


Sensing such a powerful force, the aura that was being emitted from the entire spatial zone became extremely terrifying. The energy that was gathered from every movement of the aura had reached a level that ordinary people could never hope to reach.    


The energy that was unleashed from the aura was so powerful that it could even destroy the entire world. It had even exceeded the limits of Ye Feng's endurance.    


The heart formed by the Heavenly Devil Power had completely collapsed at this moment. Countless destructive power were descending in Ye Feng's direction.    


Under such circumstances, Ye Feng had no other choice. He could only condense the most powerful aura in his body.    


All of his energy had already fused with the Sacred magic spear. That incomparably terrifying and resolute will had completely stimulated the power of the Sacred magic spear.    


Scarlet light kept blooming in the space, as if it wanted to dye the entire world red. Such a terrifying aura was circulating bit by bit in the space, and the energy it contained had even reached an unimaginable realm.    


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. The aura that he was emitting was even more terrifying than he had imagined. It was as if it was going to completely suppress the entire spatial zone.    


Sensing such a force, the person on the throne didn't hesitate and pointed at Ye Feng once again.    


The destructive light emitted by the star of the abyss became brighter and brighter. The terrifying power of the abyss had even surpassed the limit.    


In this very short period of time, the strengthened abyss star collided with Ye Feng's Saint magic spear.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard as the incomparably powerful destructive power spread in all directions.    


Such a powerful vibration caused the surrounding space to be completely torn apart. Rays of brilliant light were blooming crazily between the heaven and earth, as if the entire world had been completely destroyed.    


However, Ye Feng, who was hiding in the Sacred magic spear, seemed to have sensed a special force, as if it was going to be completely unleashed from his body.    


This aura also made Ye Feng and the Sacred magic spear's union become even closer.    


After that, an extremely special aura was released just like that.    


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