Sky War God

C3569 Elder Nether's Revenge

C3569 Elder Nether's Revenge

After suffering such a strong blow, Ye Feng felt a little depressed.    


There was only a slight gap between them, and Ye Feng would be able to find his wife and son.    


However, he was continuously blocked by others. Even his own strength was greatly affected.    


Such a blow was incomparably huge to Ye Feng. It was as if he was going to get rid of everything in his body.    


It was also because of this that Ye Feng was depressed for a period of time.    


In the next few days, Ye Feng was wandering aimlessly in the Demonic Sect.    


It could even be said that the points on his body were constantly being consumed. It wouldn't be long before he was sent back to the life and death arena.    


However, such a change was meaningless to Ye Feng. At this moment, he no longer had any fear.    


Although the energy in his body was still circulating continuously, it had also lost the vigorous aura. The speed at which it was circulating was quite slow.    


Even those Demonic Beast that were approaching him were affected by Ye Feng's own spiritual force at this moment. They were simply unable to attack him.    


Ye Feng's eyes became extremely empty when he sensed such a force. The aura in his body was also circulating continuously.    


This kind of energy was beyond his imagination. It was as if it was going to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.    


Even the mark of the War God in his chest... * Hong Long...... *    


It had been completely worn down, even if he tried his best, he wouldn't be able to change anything.    


Many of the people who were absorbing the Demonic Sect had already noticed Ye Feng's condition, but they didn't make any reaction.    


To these people, Ye Feng's existence didn't mean much.    


If it wasn't for the saintess of Tian Lan, Ye Feng wouldn't have been able to enter the Demonic Sect.    


Of course, there were also many people who were paying attention to the Demonic Sect.    


One of them was Elder Tian You, who was almost crippled by Ye Feng.    


Back then, elder Tian You also saw that Ye Feng had extraordinary talent. He wanted to seize Ye Feng's body and use Ye Feng's body to condense his spiritual force.    


However, he was discovered by the Endless Sky Saintess.    


The saintess had pulled Ye Feng over to obtain the Chaotic Force in his body. Naturally, she wouldn't let Elder Tian You act so recklessly.    


Furthermore, the saintess had just gained control of this portion of the Demonic Sect, so she wanted to establish her prestige.    


Therefore, elder Tian You was directly suppressed, and the strength in his body couldn't be fully unleashed.    


After being sealed for a period of time, elder Nether broke free as well.    


Of course, he couldn't find trouble with the saintess, so he could only target Ye Feng.    


When he found out that Ye Feng was in low spirits and was wandering on the ground, the corner of Elder Tian You's mouth curled into a savage smile.    


Elder Tian You's heart was filled with incomparable excitement when he felt this kind of power. The aura in his body was continuously being released.    


If he had heard about Ye Feng's previous battle record at any other time, he was afraid that Elder Nether wouldn't have made a move against Ye Feng.    


After all, that kind of strength was just too terrifying. He could even fight in the depths of the void.    


Although Elder Tian You possessed great strength, he was still unable to resist such a terrifying aura.    


It could even be said that his body was incomparably weak. The strength that was emitted from his every move was incomparably weak.    


He had to possess an extremely powerful Divine Sense to be able to fight against people of the same cultivation level.    


However, at this moment, Ye Feng's mind was withered and his mind was in a state of disintegration. The techniques that Elder Tian You had mastered were enough to be used.    


In an extremely short period of time, the power in his body had begun to continuously release those powerful attributes, which quickly gathered in the depths of the void.    


Elder Tian You stared at Ye Feng and secretly circulated the power in his body.    


The incomparably terrifying sediment energy continued to spread in the spatial zone, combining with all kinds of attribute energy to form shadows one after another.    


At the same time, elder Nether Heaven was also the most powerful method of releasing himself. He created an incomparably terrifying divine soul shadow that covered this space.    


One had to know that Elder Nether Tian's Divine Sense had already reached an extremely terrifying level, touching upon the boundary of the Heavenly God Realm.    


Such strength was truly beyond everyone's imagination.    


At this moment, he had fully circulated his divine sense, and the aura he was emitting was also unimaginably terrifying.    


It was even enough to suppress all the power in the world. In front of the terrifying shadow of the divine soul, any living being with consciousness would be contaminated by this terrifying aura.    


At this moment, elder Tian You circulated the energy in his body and covered the area where Ye Feng was.    


The terrifying shadow of the divine soul descended at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to devour Ye Feng completely.    


Sensing this familiar power, Ye Feng's eyes flickered with a cold light. He gathered the aura in his body and unleashed it at an extremely fast speed.    


However, elder Tian You had already reacted this time. The shadows of the divine souls that were released from his body were extremely crafty.    


The power of the divine souls emitted from his every move was so strange, as if he was going to devour all life in the world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could also feel the energy contained in the shadow of the divine soul, which was constantly devouring his soul.    


It seemed like it was going to devour all the divine sense that Ye Feng controlled.    


Sensing this change, the aura in the peak body was also continuously releasing its source energy. It spread at an extremely fast speed.    


With this ability, no matter how strong a cultivator was, they would not be able to resist this terrifying aura.    


It could even be said that Ye Feng could feel the Divine Sense that he controlled fading away at an extremely fast speed, being swallowed by that terrifying technique.    


"Give up, give up...    


At this moment, there was nothing you could do, and the person you cared about the most was not by your side.    


Everything you want to get will eventually disappear. Your efforts will be meaningless.    


What are you still persisting in doing? Just let that terrifying power devour your body completely and allow you to obtain eternal freedom. "    


In Ye Feng's ears, in the space around his body, and even in his sea of consciousness, such a voice echoed continuously.    


It was as if Ye Feng's soul was going to be completely devoured by such a force.    


The incomparably terrifying aura continued to spread in the void. The energy it emitted had reached an unimaginable realm.    


Ye Feng could clearly feel that his Divine Sense was disappearing at an extremely fast speed.    


However, his consciousness was also affected, and he couldn't advance any further.    


It was as if he could disappear into thin air at any time.    


Sensing such a dangerous aura, an incomparably terrifying expression emerged in Ye Feng's eyes.    


Rays of light bloomed in the depths of his sea of consciousness, wanting to unleash all the power he possessed.    


However, it was not easy to control such a terrifying aura.    


The origin power that he possessed once again circulated with all his might, as if it wanted to suppress everything in the world.    


At this very moment, Ye Feng circulated the strongest chaotic energy in his community, and quickly covered his body.    


It was his mind that was becoming more and more disordered, as if he had been affected by the sound.    


At this moment, Su Duye, who was controlling the energy in his body, was very slow. He was even affected greatly.    


The source energy in his body was quickly calming down, and it seemed like it was going to completely affect his mind.    


The divine sense of the demonic path was completely activated at this moment. The power contained within it had reached an unimaginable level.    


The terrifying demonic sound was devoured by the divine sense of the demonic path the moment it was released.    


However, Ye Feng's divine sense was still greatly suppressed.    


A dark corrosive force covered Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.    


It was as if Ye Feng's soul was going to be completely devoured and turned into nourishment for others.    


High up in the sky, elder Tian You's expression became uglier and uglier. He had never thought that Ye Feng's strength would reach such a level.    


This kind of terrifying energy was going to consume his soul completely.    


Every time he unleashed that terrifying divine soul shadow, it would cause Elder Tian You's soul to suffer a certain degree of damage.    


If it was anyone else, they could have let Elder Nether Tian release the divine soul power in his body and seize the other party's soul.    


However, Ye Feng's resistance was too strong. Even if Elder Tian You used all of his strength, he wouldn't be able to seize Ye Feng's consciousness.    


Such a powerful aura had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach. The power it emitted was beyond imagination.    


The source energy in his body was unleashed at this moment.    


At this moment, elder Tian You had made up his mind and started burning his body.    


Elder Tian You was incomparably greedy for Ye Feng's powerful innate ability and terrifying Divine Sense.    


If he could seize Ye Feng's body, it would be worth it even if it would harm his original body.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had activated the most powerful force in his body, and the aura he unleashed had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Although Ye Feng had been muddle-headed for a while, he still had the strength to resist.    


The circulation of the Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art allowed him to focus on some things, but he still had a strong enough strength to control his body.    


Due to Ye Feng being unable to break through the boundary of the spatial zone, his Chaotic Divine Sense, spatial Divine Sense, and Soul Divine Sense had become completely silent.    


However, this didn't mean that Ye Feng didn't have any combat strength.    


Especially when faced with such a strange phagocytosis, the divine sense of the demonic path was recovering at an extremely fast speed.    


An incomparably terrifying Demonic Qi was completely unleashed at this moment, and it fused with the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit.    


In an instant, an incomparably loud dragon roar resounded in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness.    


That terrifying vibration seemed to want to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Elder Tian You who had just arrived in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness suffered such a terrifying attack.    


This kind of terrifying power had reached an unimaginable realm. The aura that was emitted from his every move was extremely terrifying.    


Elder Tian You had never thought that Ye Feng would have such a powerful ability to resist.    


The aura in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


The terrifying shadow of the divine soul was fully spread out at this moment, and the aura it was emitting was even more terrifying than he had imagined.    


One after another, terrifying destructive attacks were unleashed, as if they were going to completely shatter Ye Feng's soul.    


The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit felt disdainful when it sensed the destructive power condensed in the void.    


Its body trembled slightly as it gathered all the aura in the void. The terrifying energy it emitted was simply beyond the boundary of the void.    


Facing those terrifying energies, the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit didn't have any fear at all. It rushed forward.    


The extremely terrifying aura was constantly emitting terrifying destructive power. It was as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.    


Following the terrifying dragon roars, the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit swiftly charged forward, blocking all the destructive attacks.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out, and even more terrifying destructive power spread out in all directions.    


Such a powerful force had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach. The waves of destruction were constantly expanding in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness.    


At the same time, he unleashed the power of his Divine Sense.    


One by one, the aura of fortune expanded and covered the entire sea of consciousness, forming a protective barrier.    


No matter how terrifying it was, it was impossible for it to break through this barrier. In the end, it would become the energy of the battlefield.    


Furthermore, even if Ye Feng's Divine Sense was silent, he still had the instinct to operate on his own.    


The power of the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit was still constantly devouring the surrounding aura. The terrifying energy kept pouring into the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit.    


In this kind of battle, Ye Feng's energy would not be depleted at all. On the contrary, elder Tian You would have to bear an unimaginable pressure.    


Even his body would continue to be consumed at this moment, and eventually, it would completely collapse.    


One had to know how many souls Ye Feng had fed him. Elder Tian You had already given up on his own specifics. He had completely burned his strength to form such a terrifying shadow of his divine soul.    


If he couldn't seize Ye Feng's body and soul, he wouldn't have the strength to rely on.    


Before long, his soul would completely disappear from the world.    


Although Ye Feng wasn't clear about this, the power that he was circulating had already reached such a level.    


In a very short period of time, such a terrifying aura was completely unleashed.    


Elder Tian You had already sensed the situation he was in. Without any hesitation, he unleashed the most powerful force in his body.    


The extremely terrifying Divine Sense gathered wildly at this moment, forming an enormous pitch-black palm print.    


Within this palm print, a rotating eye was condensed. Horrifying demonic light was emitted from the eye, as if it wanted to destroy everything in this world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's Divine Dragon Battle Spirit had also sensed this anomaly.    


It let out an incomparably furious roar at the first moment, and the energy in its body was unleashed at an extremely fast speed.    


The destructive radiance stood on top of the terrifying palm, as if it wanted to completely obliterate the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit.    


At this moment, the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit had fused with the divine sense of the demonic path. The power unleashed by the combination of these two powers was beyond imagination.    


In an extremely short period of time, a terrifying aura was unleashed. It was as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit let out a roar and spat out a dragon pearl, which was then released into the void.    


Two terrifying attacks collided just like that, forming an incomparably terrifying destructive attack in a very short period of time.    


The explosion of such a powerful force immediately caused the surrounding void to emit rumbling sounds of destruction. The terrifying force wanted to completely destroy Ye Feng's sea of consciousness.    


In the face of such a change, the energy in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness had also been raised to its peak. The Undying Bird Battle Spirit had been awakened.    


The Nirvana Fire started burning rapidly, occupying the entire space of his sea of consciousness.    


Boundless flames were constantly emitting energy from his body, as if it wanted to purify the entire world.    


This kind of terrifying aura had already reached an unimaginable realm, and the energy it emitted while moving was beyond imagination.    


Under the attack of the Nirvana Fire, the terrifying palm print formed by Elder Tian You immediately suffered a severe blow.    


Such a powerful force was simply about to ignite the entire sea of consciousness. The power of the Nirvana Fire unleashed was beyond imagination.    


In an extremely short period of time, the aura that was released from the spatial zone was already extremely terrifying.    


Elder Tian You was also completely enraged. The energy in his body was crazily unleashed.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive palm print was unleashed, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world. The power contained within this terrifying power was beyond imagination.    


At this moment, an extremely powerful aura was fully unleashed, pressing down at an extremely fast speed.    


The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit and the Undying Bird Battle Spirit also reacted at this moment. The force unleashed by Nan Yang's formidable aura was beyond imagination.    


An extremely terrifying force spread out crazily in the spatial zone, causing Ye Feng's sea of consciousness to shake crazily.    


It was also in this very short period of time that a powerful force was unleashed.    


Two terrifying attacks collided just like that.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was released from the depths of his sea of consciousness. There was also an extremely powerful destructive power that was spreading in all directions.    


This kind of power was as if it was going to tear Ye Feng's sea of consciousness into pieces. The aura that was released was even more terrifying than he had imagined.    


At the same time, the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit and the Undying Bird Battle Spirit joined hands. The aura that was released was also unimaginably terrifying. The balance formed by the power of creation and destruction was enough to suppress everything.    


When such a terrifying power was unleashed, it was as if it was going to seal off all the energy in the world.    


At the same time, an even more terrifying energy bloomed at this moment, as if it wanted to destroy the entire space.    


Elder Tian You's soul couldn't withstand such a powerful vibrating power and was shattered.    


In the next moment, his figure condensed out from Ye Feng's sea of consciousness once more. However, compared to before, his aura was now very weak, and his face was incomparably pale.    


This divine soul was constantly trembling, and the energy in his body was circulating at an extremely fast speed, trying his best to absorb the surrounding energy to restore his strength.    


However, what he couldn't imagine was that the aura that Ye Feng possessed had already occupied the entire sea of consciousness. Even if he were to recover a portion of his strength, he wouldn't be able to do so.    


The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit was still circling in his sea of consciousness, and the Devouring Power it was emitting was unimaginably powerful.    


It was as if it wanted to devour everything in the world in the shortest amount of time, without leaving behind any remnants of energy.    


Furthermore, such a terrifying Devouring Power also possessed unimaginable effects.    


At least, the energy that was devoured no longer had any imprints. Even in front of Elder Tian You, he could no longer feel any energy.    


At this moment, elder Tian You's heart was completely overwhelmed by despair. He had never thought that Ye Feng's consciousness would have such a powerful defense in his sea of consciousness.    


In fact, the ones who attacked Elder Tian You at this moment were only four types of divine sense.    


There were five more types of Divine Sense that were even more terrifying. They didn't participate in this battle, and the pressure they created was beyond his imagination.    


In this short period of time, numerous terrifying aura wrapped around Elder Tian You and locked onto his soul.    


The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit roared, and the Undying Bird Battle Spirit let out a long cry. Two powerful energies were constantly interweaving in the space, and at the same time, they released a powerful aura that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Dragon roars and phoenix cries alternated, as if they were calling out to something.    


At this moment, elder Nether also felt the terrifying power of the aura, as if it was simply unable to withstand such a terrifying power.    


This tyrannical power was simply capable of tearing apart this entire space.    


However, in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness, even the terrifying force couldn't bring out its most powerful essence.    


It was as if there was something terrifying suppressing everything here.    


Once a force exceeding the limit was unleashed, it would trigger this kind of defensive measure and completely suppress the chaotic energy.    


When Elder Tian You realized this, his face had already become extremely pale. Even if he knew, he wouldn't be able to react.    


At this moment, not to mention the effect it had on Ye Feng, it was the greatest fortune that Elder Tian You was able to leave this place alive.    


Countless powerful energies were unleashed crazily at this moment. The aura that was unleashed had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


The tyrannical energy continued to spread in the void, as if it was going to crush Elder Tian You's body into pieces.    


Finally, under the constant calling of the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit and the Undying Bird Battle Spirit, a slumbering force was finally awakened.    


The last spear and sword slowly seeped out from the void.    


Saint magic spear!    


Good Fortune Divine Sword!    


Ye Feng's two natal items, Ares-class, had appeared in his sea of consciousness. The power they emitted was beyond his imagination.    


This kind of terrifying power was as if it wanted to suppress all the power in the world. The terrifying energy that it contained had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't compare with.    


In an extremely short period of time, the energy that was being emitted from the void had reached an incomparably terrifying realm. The aura that was being emitted from each of its actions was beyond imagination.    


Elder Tian You's heart was extremely shocked when he sensed such a force.    


How could he have thought that Ye Feng's sea of consciousness was hiding such a terrifying force?    


The power of these two items was beyond imagination. As long as one of them was released, it would be enough to completely destroy Elder Tian You's soul.    


Currently, these four powerful energies were divided into four directions, and the destructive aura that was unleashed was even more terrifying than he had imagined.    


Even if Elder Tian You circulated his strength to the limit, he still wouldn't be able to change such a terrifying scene.    


In other words, even if the elder of the Nether Realm used his most terrifying technique again and released the terrifying shadow of his soul, it wouldn't be able to change the current situation.    


The power of the divine soul surrounding Ye Feng's sea of consciousness couldn't hold on any longer, and was directly ripped apart.    


The terrifying shadow that covered his sea of consciousness collapsed at this moment, and the aura that was contained within it dissipated at an extremely fast speed.    


An incomparably terrifying Devouring Power was unleashed at this moment, completely devouring the scattered soul force.    


The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit was roaring happily at this moment. The aura in its body was spreading at an extremely fast speed, as if it could reach a higher level at any time.    


In this very short period of time, the strength in Ye Feng's body had reached an unimaginable realm. His Divine Sense was circulating according to the Cultivation Method recorded in the Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art.    


In the next moment, an inexplicable flame started burning in the depths of his sea of consciousness. The power it emitted was beyond his imagination.    


When he broke free from the restriction that Elder Tian You had placed on Ye Feng, he had already triggered such a mysterious flame.    


This was the will flame that Ye Feng had ignited by burning his own beliefs and soul.    


This flame didn't have any temperature, but it had an extremely powerful effect on the soul. It could refine all the impurities of the divine soul in the body.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had also reacted after devouring Elder Tian You's soul.    


The energy within his body was circulating rapidly. The aura that was being emitted had reached an unimaginable realm.    


The energy that was circulating within his body was expanding at an extremely fast speed.    


After absorbing the Divine Sense, Ye Feng's reaction speed was also quite fast. He ignited his will flame at the first possible moment.    


Chaotic energy descended into Ye Feng's body. Using the chaotic energy as fuel, it quickly ignited the flames.    


In a very short period of time, Ye Feng's sea of consciousness once again turned into a monstrous sea of fire.    


Those violent energies were being devoured and refined bit by bit.    


The purest part of the Divine Sense was absorbed by his soul and Divine Sense as Ye Feng's foundation.    


The remaining chaotic energy was devoured by the formation plate.    


The divine soul formation plate in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness had great control over all kinds of attributes.    


This was also the first time Ye Feng realized that the Divine Soul Formation Disk could absorb the powers of the outside world, and use this to evolve the Divine Rune Formations.    


This change also made Ye Feng happy.    


While he was continuously refining the Divine Sense, Ye Feng also gathered a portion of the will flame onto the Divine Soul Formation Disk.    


After obtaining this flame, the divine soul formation plate was able to absorb the chaotic divine sense. Su Duye was getting faster and faster.    


With every move, a large number of Divine Imprints would appear and be engraved on the formation plate.    


As this energy continued to surge, Ye Feng was able to determine that the aura in his body had reached an extremely powerful realm.    


It could even be said that after Ye Feng's soul devoured the powerful Divine Imprint Power, the Divine Soul Formation Disk would play a huge role at this moment.    


The power within his body was spreading at an extremely fast speed. The power that it possessed was simply beyond imagination.    


In the future, Ye Feng would be able to continuously absorb all kinds of powers between the heavens and the earth, and hand them over to the Divine Soul Formation Disk to evolve the formation itself.    


Perhaps one day, Ye Feng would be able to use this kind of power to push his divine soul power to a higher level.    


At that time, with the help of the Divine Imprints Formation Disk, Ye Feng could completely use his divine sense to construct a huge formation in a very short period of time.    


Even if he couldn't easily suppress the enemy, Ye Feng would still be able to play a powerful role.    


Even if it was to block the enemy for a moment, under some special circumstances, it would still give him a moment of life.    


One had to know that in a battle between experts, even if it was only for an instant, it would still play an extremely important role.    


After killing Elder Tian You, Ye Feng's consciousness was also recovering rapidly. The aura that had gathered in his body had reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


The Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art was still circulating rapidly, and the power it was emitting had reached an unimaginable level.    


The power that was released from each and every action was simply beyond imagination.    


The terrifying power of divine sense gradually penetrated through his body, coordinating with his Heavenly Demonic Metal Body Divine Incantation and the Primal Chaos True Dipper Art.    


It caused all the power in his body to rapidly gather.    


His essence, energy, and divine were intertwined, and the power he released was also unimaginably great.    


It was as if it wanted Ye Feng's body to break through to another realm behind the wall.    


In this very short period of time, the power in his body had been raised to an extreme, as if he was going to break through some kind of boundary and unleash his most terrifying power.    


At this moment, Ye Feng vaguely felt some kind of special power continuously calling out to him.    


In the endless void, there was even a powerful aura being released.    


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