Sky War God

C3571 Chaos Spider

C3571 Chaos Spider

At this moment, Ye Feng was trying his best to control the energy in his body. An enormous aura was spreading crazily in the void.    


The aura that was being emitted from the entire nest had been suppressed by this terrifying energy.    


Those Chaotic Leviathan were also affected by this terrifying aura and fell to their knees, unable to resist at all.    


Even so, Ye Feng's expression was beyond his imagination. He tried his best to control the aura in his body.    


An extremely terrifying force was unleashed just like that. The waves of destruction it created was unimaginably powerful, and it had a huge impact on those Chaotic Leviathan.    


An incomparably terrifying energy erupted, forming a terrifying destructive power in the spatial zone.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds continuously resounded in the void, and the power it was emitting had reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


Those chaotic Leviathan were also doing their best to unleash their power and charge at Ye Feng.    


This terrifying aura had reached the limit that an ordinary person could withstand. Even the surrounding space had been torn apart.    


Terrifying energy was unleashed, causing the surrounding space to continuously destroy the destructive power that was being emitted. * Hong Long...... *    


Sensing such a terrifying energy, the bodies of the Chaotic Leviathan couldn't help but tremble, as if they couldn't withstand such a tremendous pressure.    


Facing such a terrifying energy, all the Chaotic Spiders on the scene did their best to spit out their natal aura, trying to neutralize all the energy waves.    


Finally, those terrifying attacks collided with the chaotic energy unleashed by Ye Feng.    


Invisible energy waves spread out in an instant, as if they were going to destroy everything in the world.    


The aura in this chaotic nest was the same. It spread at an extremely fast speed, as if it could completely destroy everything in the world.    


The power that this terrifying energy possessed was also extremely terrifying.    


In an extremely short period of time, an incomparably powerful energy had already released a destructive fluctuation. It was even about to completely destroy this Chaos Lair.    


Powerful chaotic energy was constantly spreading in the void, as if it was trying to calm down all the aura in the world.    


Those beasts couldn't withstand such a huge pressure and collapsed in a very short period of time.    


Their bodies had already continuously shattered in this short period of time, quickly melting into the surrounding chaos.    


The power they were emitting was even more so. It dissolved in the chaos domain at an extremely fast speed, causing the surrounding space to contain unimaginable terrifying energy.    


At this moment, Ye Feng heaved a sigh of relief, and kept circulating the aura in his body.    


The chaotic energy it possessed was also circulating continuously at this moment, and the energy it emitted had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't compare with.    


The energy contained within the Primal Chaos True Dipper Art also began to spread at an extremely fast speed.    


The aura that was being emitted caused him to continuously devour the energy of the world. The source energy that he controlled also began to grow at an extremely fast rate.    


Not only the chaotic energy in his body, but also Ye Feng's divine sense and body had also grown to a certain extent.    


It was as if this chaotic space was assisting Ye Feng in his cultivation.    


His essence, spirit, and Qi were advancing at the same time. The power unleashed from his body was beyond imagination, as if he was going to calm everything in the world in the shortest amount of time.    


However, the Chaos Lair was also affected to a certain extent. The Origin Power in his body was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


Sensing such a powerful force, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all. He immediately unleashed all of his aura.    


An extremely terrifying wave of destruction was unleashed at this moment, violently suppressing the nest.    


In this short period of time, a powerful aura was unleashed, as if it wanted to suppress all the attributes in the world.    


However, even the chaotic energy unleashed by Ye Feng was affected. The terrifying aura was even more affected. * Hong Long...... *    


In the void, Ye Feng could also feel some extremely pure fluctuations. It was as if the aura contained within was continuously growing.    


Very quickly, the chaotic energy formed an extremely powerful meridian, as if it was going to swallow everything in the world.    


The power of such a terrifying aura was beyond imagination. It had completely suppressed the power of this spatial zone at the first moment.    


The chaotic meridians were constantly being constructed, forming an extremely powerful Sealing Power.    


Such a terrifying energy was descending at an extremely fast speed in the direction where it was moving, as if it was trying to completely seal its body.    


Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn when he sensed this energy. The Origin aura in his body was circulating rapidly.    


This caused the chaotic energy surrounding his body to expand at an unimaginable speed.    


The chaotic origin in Ye Feng's body was also resonating continuously. The aura that was being emitted was becoming more and more terrifying.    


Such a powerful force made Ye Feng's eyes light up.    


It was as if he wanted to control all the elements in the world.    


Without any hesitation, the Origin aura in his body expanded rapidly, causing this powerful force to gather in Ye Feng's direction at an extremely fast speed.    


However, all of this was futile in the end.    


The terrifying energy that erupted from the depths of the spatial zone was unimaginably powerful.    


In an extremely short period of time, this terrifying aura had already reached an unbearable realm.    


The power of chaos unleashed by it had exceeded the limits of Ye Feng's endurance.    


Such a terrifying force was unleashed, causing the surrounding space to shake violently. The rumbling sound of destruction spread out at the first possible moment.    


The powerful impact had already landed on Ye Feng's body, as if it was going to completely destroy his body.    


The power of this terrifying force was beyond imagination.    


It made Ye Feng unable to withstand the force of the impact. It was as if he had been struck by lightning, causing him to tremble continuously.    


He spurted out a mouthful of blood, causing Ye Feng's expression to become extremely ugly. His face became extremely pale.    


All kinds of attributes were circulating rapidly in his body, especially the force of creation. It was healing Ye Feng's injuries at an extremely fast speed.    


However, that terrifying chaotic energy was like a maggot attached to Ye Feng's body, constantly devouring the energy in his body.    


Ye Feng's expression became extremely ugly when he felt this pressure.    


The source energy in his body was expanding at an extremely fast speed.    


Even so, he couldn't change the current situation. The source energy in his body was crazily releasing.    


He wanted to rely on this kind of power to suppress the unceasing fluctuations of destruction.    


He had escaped from this embarrassing state.    


He could only see the Divine Sense in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness bursting out with countless powerful forces.    


Nine different kinds of Divine Sense were crazily emitting terrifying aura, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Sensing such a terrifying force, the aura in Ye Feng's body was also present. The source energy in his body was constantly being condensed.    


After that, Ye Feng finally sensed the strange fluctuation that was constantly emitting from the spatial zone, as if it was going to devour his entire body.    


Such a powerful aura could simply devour all life in the world, and the destructive power it possessed had reached an unimaginable realm.    


In the depths of the void, Ye Feng could also sense the terrifying aura that was spreading out continuously. It was expanding at an extremely fast speed.    


Not long after that, Ye Feng saw a huge chaotic creature approaching him bit by bit.    


The power of that energy was beyond his imagination. It was powerful enough to devour all life in the world.    


Even the Chaotic Origin Energy that Ye Feng possessed was unable to withstand such a terrifying attack. It was as if it would be completely devoured in the shortest amount of time.    


Without any hesitation, he couldn't use the Cultivation Method in his body. He wanted to tear these terrifying aura into pieces in a very short period of time.    


However, the power of that chaotic creature was just too terrifying. Even Ye Feng's body couldn't withstand such a huge pressure.    


The huge aura kept emitting its influence on Ye Feng in the sky, causing his expression to become extremely ugly.    


It was as if the source energy within his body was being plundered by someone, causing the aura within his body to weaken rapidly.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng circulated all the source energy in his body. Nine types of Divine Sense circulated around his body, continuously suppressing the changes in his body.    


At the same time, Ye Feng's Heavenly Devil Golden Body unleashed its most powerful force, as if it wanted to suppress all the aura in his body.    


When this aura erupted, Ye Feng could also feel that many eyes were looking at him, as if they were observing the changes in his body.    


At the same time, a powerful binding force was descending continuously. The power it contained was beyond imagination, and it could devour Ye Feng's body in a very short period of time.    


In this short period of time, Ye Feng had already sensed that the origin force in his body was burning crazily.    


Such a powerful aura had already reached an extremely terrifying level, causing Ye Feng's energy to grow at an unimaginable rate.    


However, such an increase made Ye Feng even more shocked, because this kind of energy was also affected by the outside world.    


If that chaotic creature really had any thoughts about him, Ye Feng was afraid that he wouldn't be able to resist at all.    


At this moment, an extremely powerful force descended once again, locking onto Ye Feng's body.    


The power of such a powerful aura had reached a level that ordinary people could never hope to reach.    


The ripples of destruction emitted caused the surrounding space to tremble.    


At this moment, Ye Feng finally saw what that huge chaotic creature was.    


It was a gigantic spider that was walking in the chaos.    


Its body was emitting unimaginable chaotic aura, as if it had merged with the nest.    


Or rather, the fundamental power of this chaotic nest was on the body of this chaotic spider.    


Moreover, its eight spider legs were also deep into the chaos, as if it was continuously absorbing the aura in the space.    


For a moment, Ye Feng couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying creature he was facing.    


That powerful force seemed as if it was going to devour his entire body.    


A pair of compound eyes stared at Ye Feng, as if they wanted to devour him completely.    


It was in such a short period of time that the aura was unleashed. It had reached an unimaginable realm, and the power contained in each of its actions was beyond imagination.    


Facing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all. He immediately condensed the Sacred magic spear.    


The terrifying moves of the Saint Devil Spear Art were completely unleashed at this moment. Each and every move of the spear carried an unimaginable sharp force.    


Crimson spear light after crimson spear light completely bloomed at this moment. The power they emitted simply reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


Facing such a terrifying attack, the Chaos Spider didn't make any movements. It just ignored the attack and allowed the attack to land on its body.    


At the same time, Ye Feng's body suffered a powerful counterattack. A huge wave of chaotic energy was unleashed.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had also withstood an unimaginably terrifying attack. The source energy in his body was spreading at an incredible speed.    


It was as if all the energy in his body was present. It was erupting continuously at an unimaginable level, and the aura of destruction it was emitting had reached an unimaginable level.    


No matter how great Ye Feng's advancement was, it couldn't be compared to this giant chaotic spider. * Hong Long...... *    


It seemed to possess the purest chaotic origin energy in the world. At the same time, it also possessed the cultivation base of a Heavenly God.    


In the face of such an enemy, Ye Feng couldn't resist at all.    


He had not even broken through to the level 1 Heavenly Pass, how could he resist such a terrifying Chaos Spider?    


The energy in his body was unleashed crazily, and the aura that was released from his body had reached a terrifying level.    


It was as if he was trying to devour all the energy in the world. The aura that he unleashed shocked everyone present.    


Faced with such a massive force, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all. He unleashed the last of his energy, superimposing all the power he could control, and condensed it on the Sacred magic spear.    


No matter what, the Saint magic spear was the most powerful weapon that Ye Feng had in his control. The power it possessed had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't compare with.    


In this short period of time, the power that was emitted from the void had become extremely terrifying, as if it was going to destroy everything in this world.    


The Chaos Spider finally placed all of its attention on Ye Feng.    


The terrifying chaotic energy that was emitted had reached an unimaginable realm.    


In just a very short period of time, that terrifying energy was crazily released, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


Ye Feng could only feel the control of the aura. His entire body trembled and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.    


It was as if he couldn't bear such a terrifying force. The source energy in his body was boiling at an extremely fast speed.    


"How is this possible? In this world... How can there be such a terrifying chaotic creature in this world?"    


Ye Feng's eyes revealed a look of disbelief. The energy that he controlled was being unleashed at an incredible speed within a very short period of time.    


He poured all of the aura in his body into the Sacred magic spear with all his might. This kind of Ye Feng was also putting everything on the line to launch a terrifying attack.    


Demon Blood Slaughter the Heavens!    


The scarlet spear light seemed to have been dyed red by fresh blood. It was emitting an extremely terrifying aura. That terrifying force wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Ye Feng, who possessed such a terrifying power, had also activated the most terrifying aura in his body. The destructive power that he was releasing had reached its peak in an instant.    


In a very short period of time, the energy that was being emitted from the void had started to release crazily.    


Two terrifying attacks collided crazily at this moment.    




Incomparably terrifying destruction and tremors were continuously released at this moment. The power that was emitted had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


In this extremely short period of time, the energy that was emitted from the void had already exceeded imagination. It was as if it was going to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Facing such a terrifying aura, Ye Feng's eyes revealed a gloomy light.    


The attribute power that he controlled was circulating continuously at this moment, and the aura that was being emitted had reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


Every time it circulated, it would collide with the power in the chaotic space. The aura that was being emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


In this short period of time, Ye Feng could feel it.    


The strength in his body seemed to be increasing bit by bit. However, the destructive aura that descended from the spatial zone was also getting stronger and stronger.    


For a moment, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all. He exerted all his strength to unleash his cultivation base, as if he wanted to completely destroy the entire world.    


This kind of terrifying energy had reached a state beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


He exerted all of his strength to unleash his energy, which was enough to completely destroy everything in the world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng felt a tremendous force.    


The aura that descended from the void seemed to want to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.    


That terrifying force was enough to destroy everything in the world.    


The terrifying vibrating power had already arrived in Ye Feng's body at the first moment, wanting to completely destroy his body.    


Sensing such a tremendous force, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes dimmed at the first moment, as if he had never thought that his opponent would be able to unleash such a terrifying energy.    


The destructive attack had already landed on Ye Feng's body. The terrifying energy it emitted was simply about to destroy everything in the world.    


Such a powerful force wreaked havoc in Ye Feng's body in a very short period of time, as if it wanted to completely destroy his body.    


Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn when he felt such a powerful destructive aura. The energy in his body was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


Terrifying destructive power kept exploding in his body, tearing his body apart. It even destroyed all his internal organs, bones, and cells.    


Such a powerful destructive power was truly beyond imagination. Almost no one could withstand it. Ye Feng's current cultivation base had also been greatly suppressed.    


Even the force of creation that was circulating in his body was being restrained by a powerful force. The aura in his body was falling at an extremely fast speed.    


At the same time, the various energies within his body had reached a terrifying extent that was beyond his imagination. The aura that was being emitted from his every move was extremely terrifying.    


In an instant, Ye Feng's body had collapsed. A terrifying destructive pressure descended upon his body, as if it was going to completely destroy him.    


Under such circumstances, the force of creation in Ye Feng's body couldn't be used. It was even extinguished by the destructive aura.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could also feel the changes in his body. The source energy in his body was circulating continuously.    


The aura that he was controlling had also reached an extreme level of energy, and it was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


Not only his body, even Ye Feng's soul was being suppressed.    


The nine types of Divine Sense in his sea of consciousness had suffered an unimaginable destructive attack, as if they were going to collapse in this short period of time.    


Faced with such a terrifying change, Ye Feng had never thought that someone would be able to destroy his body and even his sea of consciousness.    


At this moment, an enormous aura burst out from Ye Feng's position.    


A white jade divine tower slowly emerged. The force of creation it emitted had reached an extremely terrifying level, as if there was a world changing within it.    


Such a powerful force of creation tore apart the surrounding chaotic aura, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything in the world.    


The terrifying energy was simply unimaginably huge. With an extremely fast speed, it completely sealed off the surrounding space.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could also feel that he had returned to his mother's womb.    


The extremely powerful force of creation had completely wrapped around his body and his sea of consciousness. The energy that it emitted made him feel like he had returned to his mother's womb. It was recovering at an extremely fast speed.    


The moment his consciousness was condensed, Ye Feng could already feel the beating of his heart and the circulation of the aura in his body.    


At this moment, the strength in Ye Feng's body had reached an unimaginable realm. His entire body was formed from the force of creation.    


The power of such a powerful aura had reached an extremely terrifying level. The strength in his body was even stronger! * Hong Long...... *    


In the next moment, Ye Feng took a step forward. The source energy in his body was constantly being released. The terrifying aura had also reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


The changes that happened in this short period of time had far exceeded the imagination of the Chaos Spider. It had never thought of Ye Feng. How could Ye Feng turn the tables in such a situation?    


The powerful aura that was released had entered its body at the first possible moment, violently striking the power of the Chaos Spider.    


In fact, the constantly evolving Chaos destructive power in its body had already been affected, as if it was changing into another state.    


When it sensed the aura, the energy within the peak body was circulating at an extremely fast speed. The chaotic energy contained an unimaginable amount of life aura.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were glowing with a brilliant light. The energy that was being emitted from his every move had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


At the same time, Ye Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed at the void.    


Chaotic force and force of creation intertwined, combining with the sword intent that Ye Feng had mastered.    


When these energies were combined, the aura that was released became more and more terrifying.    


In this short period of time, an enormous force was released, causing the surrounding space to become incomparably distorted, as if it couldn't withstand such a force.    


At this moment, the light of creation also emerged in Ye Feng's eyes, pulling the Divine Sword out of the spatial zone.    


At this moment, an enormous force surged into the sword. Ye Feng poured all the force of creation that had just formed his body into the sword.    


This made the body that Ye Feng had just condensed become incomparably illusory, as if it couldn't withstand the pressure of the chaos in the spatial zone.    


However, the power of his Divine Sense, the purest Heavenly Devil's blood in his body, and the chaotic force he controlled had become incomparably pure.    


At this moment, the power of the Good Fortune Divine Sword was also beyond imagination. It immediately erupted with an unimaginably terrifying sharpness.    


By relying on the aura of the Good Fortune Divine Sword and Ye Feng's comprehension of the force of creation, he had resonated with the heaven and earth.    


At this moment, Ye Feng was certain that this chaotic nest was created by this Chaos Spider. The power contained within it had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were shining with a brilliance that was beyond his imagination.    


That kind of terrifying power was enough to tear everything in the world into pieces.    


Terrifying destructive aura was continuously unleashed from the spatial zone, as if it was going to devour Ye Feng.    


At this moment, Ye Feng channeled all of these terrifying energies and gathered them on the Good Fortune Divine Sword.    


With the Power of the Heavens and the Earth superimposed on each other, it was as if Ye Feng was controlling this chaotic nest.    


Such a powerful aura had covered Ye Feng's body in a very short period of time, causing the power of the slash to become even more terrifying.    


Sensing such a powerful aura, even the Chaos Spider felt a trace of fear. It began to circulate the Power of space and the Chaotic Force in its surroundings.    


The origin energy of the chaotic tide was also surging at this moment. It was spreading towards Ye Feng's direction, trying to completely block his attack.    


However, the power of this aura had reached an extremely terrifying extent, as if the entire spatial zone would be completely destroyed.    


The aura unleashed by that terrifying power had reached an extremely terrifying level. As long as it was slightly released, it would possess unimaginable abilities.    


In an extremely short period of time, this tyrannical aura erupted crazily. The chaotic energy it emitted caused the surrounding space to distort crazily.    


Sensing this change, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. Chaotic aura was condensed one after another, causing the surrounding space to shake crazily.    


At this moment, the energy in Ye Feng's body had reached a certain limit, and the aura that was emitted from his body became more and more terrifying.    


In an instant, the source energy in his body was unleashed, causing the surrounding energy to become incomparably sharp.    


It was as if the power of space was being mobilized at the same time. The terrifying sharpness that was slashed out was simply tyrannical to an unimaginable realm.    


In an extremely short period of time, the extremely powerful aura of destruction slashed down. One after another, the terrifying sharpness of the slash landed on the body of the chaotic spider.    




An extremely terrifying sound of destruction reverberated wildly. It was as if all the energy in the world was going to be completely destroyed.    


Facing such a terrifying aura, it seemed like no one could stop it. They could only watch helplessly as the energy within exploded.    


The chaotic spider did its best to mobilize the chaotic energy within its body. It had even unleashed the source energy of the nest.    


However, this still could not change the scene. It could only watch helplessly as the sharp energy struck its leg.    


The eight spider legs couldn't withstand such a terrifying spatial force. They immediately broke apart, and the chaotic aura within them was instantly released.    


The pillar that supported the nest was broken, and the aura in this space was quickly released.    


The spatial aura in the outside world quickly covered Ye Feng's body, and a powerful force enveloped his body.    


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