Sky War God

C3565 The Movements of the Occult Orbs Fellowship

C3565 The Movements of the Occult Orbs Fellowship

Ye Feng's eyes turned incomparably cold when he sensed the terrifying aura emitting from the saintess' body.    


Such a force had already reached an unimaginable realm, and it was brewing inside Ye Feng's body.    


Terrifying Destruction aura had already spread across the surrounding space, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Faced with such a powerful force, everyone present was violently shocked, as if they had never thought that Ye Feng would say such a thing to the saintess of Tian Lan.    


"How dare you! Who gave you the courage to speak to the saintess in such a manner? Quickly kneel down and apologize!"    


Someone in the crowd said.    


The rest of them echoed the aura that was being emitted from their bodies and pressed down in Ye Feng's direction.    


Such a force had reached an unimaginable level, as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.    


However, when these aura approached Ye Feng, they were completely destroyed by the force emitted from Ye Feng's body.    


There was even an incomparably terrifying intent that was violently rushing towards those people, causing them to feel an unbearable pressure at the first moment.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were incomparably cold. The energy that was emitted from his every move had reached an unimaginable level.    


The power of the Heavenly Devil Golden Body he cultivated was extremely terrifying. The terrifying energy had already fused into his blood.    


Furthermore, Ye Feng's body had already condensed an incomparably terrifying Power of the Path of Demons. When faced with this spiritual pressure, he would naturally be able to launch a counterattack.    


Those who unleashed the pressure immediately felt an incomparably terrifying intent, as if their souls had been completely ripped apart.    


Such a terrifying force was spreading crazily in the void. The aura that was being emitted had reached a level that ordinary people could not withstand.    


Sensing Ye Feng's terrifying strength, the Endless Sky Saintess furrowed her brows once more.    


Before arriving here, she could understand Ye Feng's strength. Even if he had a powerful cultivation base, it wasn't impossible to suppress him.    


However, the will of the demonic path that was released from Ye Feng's body was beyond her imagination. It had reached a level that she couldn't even reach.    


The terrifying will of the demonic path had already far surpassed that of the saintess of Tian Lan. It even wanted to swallow her whole body.    


If it wasn't for the fact that the saintess' strength was a level higher, she would have been shocked by the aura that Ye Feng had unleashed.    


At this moment, the saintess was even more certain of Ye Feng's identity. It wasn't as simple as she had imagined. The power contained in it was enough to completely suppress her.    


When she thought of this, the coldness in her eyes became clearer, as if a terrifying power could erupt at any time.    


At this moment, the aura condensed in the void had become unimaginably powerful.    


Countless bright lights were blinking in the void, as if they could launch an unimaginably powerful attack at Ye Feng at any time.    


Ye Feng's eyes turned cold and gloomy when he felt this power. The Origin aura in his body was fully activated at this moment.    


The power he controlled was so powerful that it wasn't something these people could withstand.    


At the first moment, Ye Feng had unleashed all the power in his body. The aura that he had unleashed had reached a level that ordinary people could not reach.    


Even so, those terrifying lights were blinking in the void, but they couldn't get close to Ye Feng.    


The energy contained within it was a tremendous pressure to everyone present.    


Only Ye Feng and the saintess' eyes turned incomparably cold when they sensed the power.    


At this moment, the void was filled with terrifying aura, as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.    


"Are you really that stubborn? Must you be my enemy?"    


Sensing the terrifying aura emitting from Ye Feng's body, the saintess' expression became extremely cold, as if she wanted to unleash the most terrifying power in the shortest amount of time.    


However, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably calm, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.    


"There should be a source of all this, and there will be an end to it.    


Isn't it all because of you? If you didn't bring me here, why would all these things have happened?    


Even if there is a Blood Fruit Tree that wants to destroy the world... That's what you should face, what does that have to do with me?"    


When everyone heard these words, they became even more furious.    


It was as if they wanted to kill Ye Feng in the shortest time possible.    


However, when they imagined the terrifying aura contained within the peak body, they couldn't help but restrain their strength in the future.    


At the first moment, the Heavenly Orchid Saintess had already unleashed the aura in her body, and it ruthlessly pressed down in his direction.    


Such a terrifying force was an unimaginable existence in the eyes of everyone. It immediately caused the surrounding space to produce crackling sounds of explosions.    


The force that the saintess controlled was beyond their imagination. At this moment, she had locked onto Ye Feng, making him feel threatened.    


However, the smile on Ye Feng's face didn't disappear. The power in his body had also reached an incomparably ferocious state.    


It was as if he could explode at any time.    


At this moment, the terrifying aura that filled the void was about to completely destroy everything in the world. The energy that was emitted was as if it was going to destroy the entire world.    


A completely different power of the public spread across the space, and the waves produced were beyond imagination. It was as if all the power in this world was going to be completely destroyed.    


The expressions of everyone present became quite ugly when they felt this enormous pressure. They continued to circulate the Origin Power within their bodies.    




At this moment, the Endless Sky Saintess heaved a long sigh.    


The light surrounding her body became incomparably bright at this moment, and it locked onto Ye Feng.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng unleashed the Chaotic Force in his body. An incomparably powerful destructive force was unleashed in all directions.    


An extremely powerful chaotic phenomenon was still circling around Ye Feng's body.    


It was as if an infinite world had been completely destroyed and returned to the Chaotic World. That terrifying image was emitting an unimaginable power at this moment.    


The light that had locked onto Ye Feng's body had completely collapsed at this moment. The power that was released had reached a level that was beyond the reach of ordinary people.    


At this moment, the terrifying aura that was spreading out from the void had reached a level that ordinary people could not withstand.    


Two incomparably powerful forces collided crazily at this moment. The void rumbled with the sound of destruction.    


The terrifying destructive power was going to spread out in a very short period of time, destroying everything in the surroundings.    


Such a terrifying force was beyond imagination. It immediately spread towards both sides.    


After cultivating the Heavenly Devil Golden Body Art, Ye Feng's body had become unimaginably terrifying. Terrifying energy waves had erupted from his body at the first moment.    


The moment this energy got close to Ye Feng, it was immediately suppressed.    


In the end, Ye Feng's body continued to wriggle and devour this terrifying energy, turning it into nourishment for himself.    


However, for Ye Feng's powerful Heavenly Devil Golden Body, the energy required to improve his body further was endless.    


A tiny amount of energy wasn't enough to change anything.    


At that time, the saintess' face turned pale after sensing Ye Feng's attack.    


Her strength was indeed huge, but such a force penetrated through the void and landed on her body.    


The terrifying destructive power seemed to want to completely destroy the body of the Endless Sky Saintess.    


She couldn't help but activate the most powerful force in her body, suppressing the incomparably terrifying ripples of destruction.    


At this moment, Ye Feng unleashed the most powerful force in his body. A chaotic force wrapped around his palm. He forcefully slapped the saintess of Tian Lan.    


An incomparably terrifying palm print of destruction was unleashed from Ye Feng's palm. It was rapidly evolving as it moved forward.    


The terrifying destructive power that erupted from it had torn apart the surrounding space in an instant.    


The boundless destructive force was even more terrifying. It destroyed everything in its surroundings with an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to suppress the Endless Sky Saintess completely.    


The expression of the Endless Sky Saintess also became extremely cold at this moment. The Origin Power in her body began to churn crazily at the first moment.    


Such a powerful aura was unleashed at this moment. The destructive power that was formed had reached a level that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


An incomparably terrifying force was spreading in the void.    


There was even a rumbling sound of destruction, and the terrifying destructive power continued to spread in all directions, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Facing such a powerful attack, the aura in Ye Feng's body had already reached its peak.    


The energy was circulating crazily, and the aura that was being emitted shocked everyone.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng once again unleashed the energy in his body and fused it with the destructive palm print.    


In an instant, two extremely terrifying destructive power collided with each other, as if they were going to destroy everything in the world.    


Everyone present was completely shocked by such a terrifying aura.    


They couldn't imagine how Ye Feng could possess such a terrifying power. He could even suppress all the attributes in the world.    


The Endless Sky Saintess was even more puzzled.    


The pure white holy light she released contained an unimaginable Devouring Power. Any kind of power that got close to her would be devoured by the pure white light.    


However, it was a powerful technique that originated from the Heaven Devouring devilish exercise. No energy of any kind in the world could resist the powerful energy it possessed.    


However, the more terrifying the energy was, the more Ye Feng felt a tremendous pressure.    


It was as if this terrifying aura was enough to completely destroy his body, and the energy it emitted was unbearable.    


The saintess immediately unleashed the pure white light that she controlled once again, and the aura that she unleashed had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even hope to reach.    


At this moment, the power that was emitted from the void had reached an extremely terrifying realm, as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.    


"Who exactly are you? Why is the power you control so powerful?"    


The Endless Sky Saintess had been completely built up by Ye Guang. The power in her body was crazily circulating at this moment. The power that was emitted was simply about to completely destroy everything in the world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng unleashed the most terrifying energy in his body. The terrifying aura that was spreading in the void burst out in a very short period of time.    


"If you want to know who I am, go and find out yourself.    


Don't think that everyone in this world will flatter you just because you have the title of a saintess.    


It's useless here!"    


When they felt such a powerful aura, everyone present was completely shocked.    


One should know that the saintess of Tian Lan could be considered as the most powerful existence in the Demonic Sect. Ye Feng had offended her in such a crazy manner, so the pressure he faced was definitely not small.    


At this moment, the aura in the void exploded crazily. The expression of the Endless Sky Saintess was as cold as ice.    


"You're courting death!    


Who gave you the courage to speak like this? What do you think you are?"    


At this moment, the terrifying energy that was spreading out from the void had reached a level that ordinary people could not reach. The incomparably terrifying destructive power was spreading out at an unimaginable speed.    


The Endless Sky Saintess made a grabbing motion in the void. A pure white staff appeared in his palm.    


The Devouring Power contained in the staff was beyond imagination. The Sea Devouring Divine Pearl condensed by Ye Feng was many times more powerful.    


At this moment, the power that spread out from the void had reached an unimaginable level. The energy that was released shocked everyone present.    


"Just based on what you just said, you will have to pay the price for your foolish actions.    


I will let you know how terrifying it is to anger me.    


If a lowly creature like you could see my true face, you would already be grateful. Now, you actually dare to be so arrogant. "    


After receiving this aura, the energy in Ye Feng's body became incomparably violent. The energy that was emitted from his body had reached a level that ordinary people could not reach.    


The terrifying energy that filled the void was spreading crazily at this moment.    


Countless destructive waves spread out in a very short period of time. The energy that was released was simply about to destroy everything in the world.    


As she spoke, the saintess waved the staff in her hand. Pure white flames were burning towards Ye Feng.    


Ye Feng's senses were extremely powerful. He had already sensed it at the first moment. It wasn't a flame that was contained in it.    


It was an extremely terrifying Devouring Power. The aura that was emitted from it was beyond imagination. It was powerful enough to devour everything in the world.    


In this short period of time, the aura that needed to be controlled to spread out was extremely terrifying. The power it possessed shocked everyone present.    


This energy landed directly around Ye Feng's body.    


At the first moment, Ye Feng had already moved his feet and dodged in another direction.    


Such a terrifying attack had already reached an unimaginable level. If he allowed the attack to land, Ye Feng might be completely devoured by it.    


The saintess of Tian Lan unleashed the energy in her body at the first moment, controlling the flame to wrap around Ye Feng's body.    


Such a powerful energy seemed like it was going to burn everything in the world. It was unimaginably terrifying.    


In an extremely short period of time, an extremely violent energy was released, completely sealing the surrounding space.    


At this moment, Ye Feng also felt an extremely powerful restraining force, making it impossible for him to freely travel through the space.    


This force made Ye Feng's expression become incomparably solemn, as if he was resisting some kind of special energy.    


The origin force that Ye Feng controlled had already reached an unimaginable level. At this moment, he unleashed the origin force in his body.    


The mass of chaotic force had already covered the entire spatial zone.    


Such a terrifying energy was spreading continuously in the void. The aura that was being emitted was beyond imagination.    


The chaotic aura kept churning, as if it wanted to completely return the surrounding space to the chaos. Faced with such a terrifying energy, even the people present couldn't ignore it completely.    


The source energy in their bodies was still circulating continuously. The aura that was being emitted shocked everyone present. It was as if the energy in their bodies was going to be completely burned away in a very short period of time.    


The surrounding experts had already realized that something was wrong the moment they saw it. They quickly left the battlefield and watched the battle in a different manner.    


At this moment, the aura that was spreading out in the void had reached an extremely terrifying level, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in the space.    


Faced with such a violent force, no one present could easily withstand it. They immediately activated the most basic ability in their bodies.    


Even so, they were unable to withstand the aftershocks of the destruction released by the two peerless experts.    


Seeing the chaotic energy that they controlled, the flames that they were still unable to resist were instead affected, causing the aura in their bodies to tremble continuously.    


Ye Feng's expression also became incomparably solemn at this moment.    


After that, he circulated the force of creation and merged with the power of the divine sword he controlled, releasing the most terrifying energy at the first possible moment.    


When the two kinds of terrifying aura were stacked together, the destructive waves emitted were simply beyond imagination.    


An incomparably sharp Sword Qi of Destruction was unleashed from the void. The waves of destruction emitted from it were simply beyond the scope of this spatial zone.    


Not to mention that the force of creation had merged with the will of the Heavens and Earth, allowing Ye Feng's aura to fuse with the entire spatial zone at the first possible moment.    


At this moment, the energy in Ye Feng's body had reached an unimaginable level. It was so powerful that it could completely suppress all the aura in the world in the shortest amount of time possible.    


Sensing such a terrifying energy, no one on the scene could calm down. They could only watch as the two terrifying energies collided.    


In that instant, the pure white flames and the dazzling sword light collided.    


A rumbling sound of destruction resounded in the void. The aura that was being emitted had reached a level that ordinary people could not achieve.    


Such a terrifying destructive power was simply capable of destroying everything in the world. The energy that was being emitted was enough to wipe out the entire space.    


When they felt such a terrifying energy, everyone present was completely shocked. The source energy in their bodies was constantly burning.    


At this moment, the energy that was spreading out from the void had reached an extremely terrifying level. The energy that was circulating continuously was crazily expanding outwards at this moment.    


When the Endless Sky Saintess saw this, she could not help but frown. The Origin Power in her body was violently shaking.    


At this moment, the energy in their bodies had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach. Each time they circulated, they would emit an extremely terrifying pressure.    


At this moment, Ye Feng unleashed the most powerful energy in his body. The destructive waves he unleashed had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


The destructive power that kept exploding in the void couldn't affect Ye Feng's body at all. Instead, his Heavenly Devil Sovereign body was being polished continuously.    


On the other side, Ye Feng also unleashed the terrifying power he controlled at an extremely fast speed, as if he was going to destroy the entire spatial zone in the shortest amount of time.    


Terrifying sword lights of fortune were unleashed one after another. The terrifying pressure was so powerful that it could even destroy the entire world.    


Such a powerful aura of destruction was simply beyond imagination. At the first moment, it had already erupted with a terrifying energy that ordinary people could not understand.    


The sword light locked onto the Endless Sky Saintess, and landed around her body at an extremely fast speed.    


The Endless Sky Saintess's expression also became serious, and the staff in her hand lightly knocked on the ground.    


Countless pure white flames burned in the void again, as if they could completely incinerate the power in the entire space.    


Such a terrifying energy simply shocked everyone present. The Origin Energy in their bodies was collapsing at an extremely rapid speed.    


No one could easily withstand such a terrifying aura. Even the fundamental energy in their bodies was melting away.    


"With this little ability, it's still too early to fight me."    


Facing the attack unleashed by Ye Feng, the saintess of Tian Lan didn't have any fear. She once again controlled the flames to attack Ye Feng's position.    


In the next moment, the two terrifying attacks collided once again. The energy waves released were countless times stronger than before.    


However, this time, the Endless Sky Saintess had unleashed all her power.    


It was as if the terrifying flame was going to burn the entire space and completely destroy them.    


Countless destructive waves were released at this moment, enough to completely destroy the entire world.    


In the face of such terrifying destructive ripples, the Good Fortune sword light that Ye Feng slashed out wasn't enough to defend against it.    


The first thing he did was to be completely stunned by the terrifying aura contained within. The incomparably powerful destructive power was expanding crazily at an unimaginable speed.    


Facing such a terrifying force, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably indifferent. He was still waving the Good Fortune Divine Sword in his hand calmly.    


In the end, those powerful aura were continuously unleashed, as if they were going to wipe out all the energy in the entire spatial zone.    


Waves of extremely terrifying attribute energy spread out in the void, causing everyone present to be incomparably shocked.    




At that instant, the Endless Sky Saintess suddenly spoke, unleashing all of her power.    


The terrifying aura continued to spread in the spatial zone. The destructive power that was unleashed was instantly destroyed, and it swallowed all the Fortune Sword Qi that Ye Feng had unleashed.    


Such a terrifying power had already reached an unimaginable level. The aura that erupted at the first moment was about to completely destroy everything in the spatial zone.    


Ye Feng's mind was also struck by a strong impact. The devouring force struck his body and kept seizing the aura in his body.    


An incomparably powerful force was exerted on Ye Feng's body, as if it wanted to completely devour him.    


Faced with such a terrifying force, Ye Feng's expression was extremely solemn. Without any hesitation, he unleashed the most powerful force in his body.    


The attribute energy in his body was circulated to the maximum at this moment.    


A terrifying wave of destruction crashed onto Ye Feng's body, as if it was going to completely destroy his body.    


At this moment, the aura that filled the void struck Ye Feng's body, causing his body to tremble continuously.    


The destructive force forced Ye Feng to take a few steps back. It was as if the origin force in his body was about to collapse.    


In the face of such a terrifying aura, everyone on the scene was shocked by the terrifying force. They could see that the aura in Ye Feng's body was constantly declining.    


The more it was like this, the crazier the energy in Ye Feng's body became. The terrifying energy that was emitted from his body was unleashed in an instant.    


The chaotic energy carried the Heavenly Devil aura. At this moment, it was as if it had transformed into a world-destroying devil god that wanted to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


Such a terrifying force burst out, making Ye Feng's body become much stronger. It was as if his body had grown a lot bigger.    


He took a step forward, causing the surrounding space to tremble crazily. The force that was released from his body rushed towards the saintess at an extremely fast speed.    


The saintess didn't expect the power that Ye Feng controlled to be so terrifying.    


In a very short period of time, she had unleashed the most terrifying force in her body. The pure white in her palm was blooming with a dazzling radiance at an extremely fast speed.    


The Devouring Power that was spreading continuously in the void had completely erupted at this moment.    


The destructive power that he possessed had already landed on Ye Feng's body, as if it was going to completely destroy his body.    


Sensing such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng didn't hesitate and threw a punch forward.    


Destructive energy waves descended at an extremely fast speed. The aura that was unleashed had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


At this moment, the terrifying energy that filled the void was beyond imagination. It was completely unleashed at the first moment.    


Under such circumstances, no one could resist such a terrifying power. It was as if the destructive power between the heavens and earth was circulating crazily at this moment.    


Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn at this moment. The energy in his body was expanding at an extremely fast speed.    


The seemingly ordinary punch suddenly erupted with an extremely terrifying force, and dispersed the destructive aura.    


An incomparably violent Fist Light seemed to have crossed layers of space, and descended onto the body of the Endless Sky Saintess.    


Such a powerful force could even destroy the entire world.    


At this moment, the saintess didn't expect Ye Feng to possess such a terrifying force.    


She was caught off guard and was struck by the Fist Light.    


Unable to withstand such terrifying strength, she spurted out a large mouthful of blood. Her face instantly turned pale.    


The aura in her body fell down crazily, as if it could be killed at any time.    


No one could resist such a terrifying force.    


After unleashing such an attack, Ye Feng took a step forward at the first possible moment.    


The incomparably terrifying pressure easily crushed the saintess' body, as if it wanted to completely destroy her body.    


This terrifying energy caused the aura in the saintess' body to violently fall down, leaving her no room to resist.    


At this moment, Ye Feng was looking down at the saintess with an incomparably indifferent gaze.    


"Will you still speak to me in such a high and mighty way?"    


Ye Feng asked with disdain. The aura that was being emitted from his body was beyond his imagination.    


The saintess stood up with difficulty and gritted her teeth while looking at Ye Feng.    


"I was really obsessed with you back then, and I actually planned to bring you back.    


I should have killed you in that battle and let you disappear from this world forever."    


Ye Feng didn't mind the words of the saintess. The aura in his body was unleashed once again.    


Such a terrifying force was exerted on the saintess' body, as if it was going to crush her completely.    


Especially the incomparably violent and ferocious aura that was unleashed from Ye Feng's body, it gave the saintess a huge shock.    


The saintess was once like that, high and mighty, and no contamination of the human world would fall on her.    


Moreover, those things that she could not bear to see would also be completely wiped out by her own powerful strength.    


And it was also because of this that he had never let other men come into contact with him at such a close distance.    


After feeling the incomparably powerful aura on Ye Feng's body, the saintess' emotions became chaotic for a moment.    


At this moment, Ye Feng also felt this power, and his expression became somewhat strange.    




Although she didn't say much, just a light laugh had already given the saintess a huge shock, causing her face to turn incomparably red.    


"You, what do you want to do?"    


The saintess' expression changed slightly when she sensed the aura that was being emitted from Ye Feng's body. The source energy in her body was also present. It was expanding at an extremely fast speed.    


Such a powerful energy was unleashed in an extremely terrifying state. The attribute energy that it emitted shocked everyone present.    


None of them had thought that Ye Feng would use such a posture to intimidate the saintess. The force that was unleashed was beyond their imagination.    


No one could withstand such a terrifying pressure. They were completely shocked at the first moment.    


The source energy in his body was surging crazily at this moment. The aura that was unleashed from his body had reached an extremely terrifying level, causing Ye Feng's suppression of the saintess to become even more terrifying.    


However, behind this terrifying power was also the incomparably violent Heavenly Devil aura.    


The Heavenly Devil aura was also an attribute energy of the demonic path, and its effect on the saintess was beyond imagination.    


In this short period of time, the emotions of the Endless Sky Saintess had changed.    


No one knew what the saintess was thinking right now, but they could see something unusual from her face.    


At this moment, Ye Feng unleashed the most powerful force in his body, the origin force in his body. It was expanding at an extremely fast speed.    


The demonic path's attribute energy was also constantly interfering with the will of the Endless Sky Saintess, causing her to have a favorable impression of Ye Feng.    


At this moment, the powerful aura that needed to be controlled to spread out had already made everyone present feel a strong sense of shock.    


It was as if this kind of power had already reached a level that ordinary people would not be able to imagine.    


It just made the Endless Sky Saintess feel intoxicated.    


The power in her body was circulating crazily at this moment, and the aura she released had reached an unimaginable level.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng condensed the most terrifying energy in his body. The source energy that he unleashed enveloped the saintess' body.    


"I, i..."    


The saintess hesitated for a while, but she didn't say anything. The energy in her body quickly dissipated.    


It was like the Endless Sky Saintess who was extremely angry and wanted to kill. She wasn't the same person at this moment.    


Faced with such a situation, Ye Feng couldn't help but frown. He had never thought that such a thing would happen.    


At this moment, the strength in his body had already reached an extremely powerful level. It was naturally incomparably easy for him to suppress the saintess of Tian Lan.    


However, Ye Feng felt that this matter wasn't as simple as it seemed.    


Sensing the changes in the strength in his body, Ye Feng looked at the saintess with a strange gaze. It was as if this change was coming from his body.    


"So, what is your purpose in bringing me into the Demonic Sect?"    


Ye Feng asked without any resistance.    


Feeling such a powerful pressure, the saintess didn't have the strength to resist at all.    


"I, I only felt the pure elemental force in your body, and I want to cultivate with it.    


The elemental energy in your body has an unimaginable attraction to me, and it can completely immerse my soul within it.    


Every time I can feel the power in your body... The attribute energy that I control... It circulated at an extremely fast speed.    


At that time, I thought that if I can nurture your strength and let me devour it all, it will definitely increase my strength by a huge amount.    


At that time, my own cultivation base would also have a huge change, and I might even be able to advance to a higher level. "    


Hearing these words, Ye Feng couldn't help but frown. The aura that was being emitted from his body had also reached an extremely dangerous state.    


In the face of such a terrifying power, the saintess didn't have any room to resist. However, her attitude was still as calm as before.    


It was as if he was facing an ordinary pressure instead of a life and death crisis.    


This aura also made Ye Feng extremely puzzled.    


It was obvious that the two of them had already entered a situation where they wouldn't rest until one of them died.    


They really wanted to kill each other. But now, it had become like this.    


The attitude between these two changes made Ye Feng extremely confused. He couldn't imagine what exactly had happened.    


"Could it be the power of the Heavenly Devil?"    


Suddenly, an idea emerged in Ye Feng's mind. The Heavenly Devil aura in his body started circulating.    




When the incomparably powerful Heavenly Demon aura was unleashed, the expression of the Endless Sky Saintess changed instantly.    


That aura was also unimaginably pure, as if it wanted to completely suppress the Endless Sky Saintess in the shortest amount of time.    


The energy circulating in his body was also present. The energy was also circulating at a terrifying speed.    


At the same time, Ye Feng could also feel the aura that was being emitted from the body of the Endless Sky Saintess. It seemed like it could help her mediate the Heavenly Devil energy in her body.    


If he could get the Demonic Qi from the saintess' body, it could even help Ye Feng quickly condense the Heavenly Devil Blood.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were a little blank. He couldn't understand it at all. What kind of principle was this?    


However, no matter what, he seemed to have grasped some opportunities, and it could even increase his strength.    


Furthermore, the Endless Sky Saintess could be considered as the person in charge of the Demonic Sect.    


If he could obtain some secrets from her, he might be able to let Ye Feng know the whereabouts of his wife and son.    


Thinking of this, the way Ye Feng looked at the saintess of Tian Lan became gentler.    


At this moment, the energy in his body was circulating continuously, and he released a wave of Heavenly Devil aura towards the saintess of Tian Lan.    


However, at this moment, an even more terrifying force burst out from the void. An incomparably terrifying destructive fluctuation was unleashed at Ye Feng's body.    


The destructive power contained within this force had far exceeded the limits of Ye Feng's endurance. It had already sent him into the endless turbulent void.    


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