Sky War God

C56 Chapter 56 Ye Feng Grew up in the Cruel Cleansing of His Body and Fighting

C56 Chapter 56 Ye Feng Grew up in the Cruel Cleansing of His Body and Fighting

The Will Refining skill was divided into nine levels. Once a person cultivated to a very high level, his strength would be extraordinary. He could easily withstand violent attacks, and he could also use his physical body to resist attacks from experts of the same level or even higher.    


Time was the essence. Ye Feng believed that even if he did cultivate the Will Refining within a day, he would never be able to reach the standard of the Demonic Beast, and it would definitely kill him mercilessly.    


It took Ye Feng two hours to memorize all the oral formulas. Then he started to cultivate.    


Ye Feng sat cross-legged, and waves of elemental energy surged around his body. The Will Refining Mantra in his mind started circulating on its own. He then used the elemental energy in his body to transform into another Body Purification energy.    


Ye Feng's hands moved into different gestures. Countless incantations drifted out from his palms and hovered above his head. In the next moment, endless elemental energy gathered and landed on the incantation. It guided the elemental energy into Ye Feng's body and flowed through all the meridians in his body.    


The purpose of the first level of the Will Refining skill was to expel all the impurities of the body to achieve a state of purity. With this, he could build a better foundation for the higher levels of the Will Refining skill.    


The waves of elemental energy that entered Ye Feng's body transformed into the energy specified by the Will Refining SKill. As more energy gathered, Ye Feng's meridians began to feel like they were burning. It was extremely painful.    


Ye Feng furrowed his brows, and cold sweat began to form on his forehead. However, his eyes were still firm and determined. He didn't show any signs of giving up.    


A few more incantations were cast as they floated above Ye Feng's head. The number of elemental energy gathered in the spatial zone increased dramatically, and they moved to Ye Feng's body at an even faster speed. At this moment, the burning sensation he felt became even stronger.    


Ye Feng gritted his teeth and persisted. He thought to himself, 'The Will Refining skill really isn't something that ordinary people can cultivate. If this is the kind of pain I have to endure for the first stage, what more when I reach the later stage?'    


As time passed, the burning sensation he felt seemed to increase to the point where he couldn't bear it any longer. His vision began to blur, and he felt extremely dizzy.    


Like the time it took for an incense stick to burn, the pain Ye Feng felt reached its peak. He could feel his mind was about to collapse. For a moment, he thought of giving up the cultivation.    




A miserable cry came out of Ye Feng's mouth as he struggled violently. However, the elemental energy that constantly gathered in the void hadn't stopped cleaning his body.    


Furthermore, the energy continued to get stronger. Ye Feng felt the pain was penetrating his muscles through his meridians. It was more painful than the cruelest torture in the world.    


'No! I can't give up! If I give up, what about Chu Han's injuries? Who will avenge my family and my parents?'    


Such thoughts emerged in his mind as he continued to struggle. Many things awaited him at the end of this trial, and no matter what kind of pain he was enduring, he had to grit his teeth and persist.    


Ye Feng roared furiously as he slowly straightened his body. As the Body Purification increased in intensity, he began to sweat what seemed to be blood. It dyed his clothes red and made him look like he just took a bath in blood.    


The Will Refining skill's oral formula was still circulating in Ye Feng's mind. His palm continued to produce different kinds of incantations. His whole body was bathed in the radiance that formed a sharp contrast with the blood-stained clothes.    


Gradually, the pain began to seep from his flesh and blood into his bone marrow. It felt like it wanted to penetrate deeper into his soul and rip his soul apart.    


Despite the really painful process, the firm confidence in Ye Feng's body was still unshakable. His expression revealed a sense of conviction as the Divine Sense urged the energy within his body to continuously remove the impurities within his body.    


The Will Refining skill gradually stopped circulating, and just like that, Ye Feng spent the day in this hellish experience with great difficulty. He let out a long, deep breath. He felt powerless.    


And before he knew it, he fell into a deep sleep. He was too weak to notice that his body was covered with a dark layer of black and sticky stuff that released a really foul smell. Although he was in a really disgusting situation, the black sticky stuff was the impurities that he had expelled from his body by cultivating the Will Refining skill.    


After an unknown period of time, the ground shook. A huge figure appeared out of thin air and landed in front of Ye Feng.    


This woke Ye Feng up from his sleep. He stood up, looked at the huge figure, and thought to himself, 'This Demonic Beast is really punctual.'    


Ye Feng completed his cultivation a little earlier in order to buy himself some time to rest. The Demonic Giant Ape just happened to appear one day after it left, which made Ye Feng curse in his heart.    


"Looks like you didn't disappoint me. You have already cultivated the first level of the Will Refining."    


The Giant Ape communicated in Ye Feng's mind and complimented him.    


Ye Feng's eyes focused as he asked the Giant Ape, "Does this mean that I have passed the test?"    


"You have indeed met the requirements I had previously set. However, just cultivating the Will Refining skill is far from enough. I still need to test you."    


The Giant Ape's words cleared Ye Feng's foggy mind. His eyes flashed a sharp light.    


'What does the Demonic Giant Ape want to do to me?'    


Ye Feng thought bitterly in his heart, but he asked anyway, "How do you want to test me?"    


"Through a battle," the Giant Ape replied indifferently.    


After that, a faint layer of light covered its huge body. It looked extremely holy.    


Then its body began shrinking, and it transformed into an ordinary gorilla. However, even though the Giant Ape's body had shrunk by a lot, it was still two heads taller than Ye Feng.    


"Take this!"    


All of a sudden, the Giant Ape roared furiously. Its huge fist smashed towards Ye Feng at such a swift and fierce speed, and the power was shocking.    


'When it said it would attack me, I didn't expect it to suddenly attack me. It's too shameless!'    


Ye Feng's expression changed as he thought to himself. He knew the Giant Ape would attack him. It was just too sudden. But he also knew that the Giant Ape might not even be able to use a tenth of its true strength.    


The elemental energy in Ye Feng's body surged, and he instantly moved his body. He managed to dodge the punch. It was a close call. However, before Ye Feng could stabilize his body, the Giant Ape launched another attack. The power was even stronger than the first. Every attack was ferocious as if it wasn't going to give Ye Feng any chance to breathe.    


Under that powerful and dense attack, Ye Feng could only barely dodge. He didn't have time to use the offensive power to resist. He was beaten by the Giant Ape until he lost his temper.    


"Aren't you bullying me by doing this?"    


Ye Feng protested. The strength of this Giant Ape was not something he could contend with.    


"Cut the crap. If I don't do it like this, how can I test your cultivation achievement?"    


The Giant Ape ignored Ye Feng's protest and launched another ferocious attack.    


A muffled sound was heard. This time it hit Ye Feng on his chest and caused his body to tremble violently. He was sent flying, and blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth.    


"Get up!"    


The Giant Ape commanded. Its voice was cold.    


Ye Feng's face was pale. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He knew that the Giant Ape was not willing to let this matter rest, so he could only follow his order and stood up.    


The following battle was completely one-sided. The Giant Ape continued to beat Ye Feng with his fist. His entire body was covered in injuries, and his internal organs were violently trembling. Blood continued to flow out of his mouth. He looked so miserable.    


If it weren't for the fact that Ye Feng had cultivated the Will Refining skill to level one and that his body had been cleansed and transformed, he might have died from the continuous strikes of the Giant Ape.    


Ye Feng could only withstand the continuous attacks of the Giant Ape. His sense gradually became numb, and he didn't even notice the changes in his body.    


This cruel tempering went on for a long time. Just as Ye Feng was about to faint, the Giant Ape finally stopped attacking.    


"Come on, get up!"    


Ye Feng could only comply. His face seemed emotionless as he stood up and faced the Giant Ape. His body was badly beaten and covered in blood. However, he still refused to give in.    


"This is it for today. You passed the first round. Hurry up and cultivate. I'll come back again this time tomorrow. You need to successfully cultivate the second level of the Will Refining skill. You know what happens if you don't!"    


The Giant Ape ignored Ye Feng's dreadful appearance and said coldly. It was as if he was born to temper Ye Feng.    


"Another unusual day!" the Giant Ape commented before he disappeared.    


Dizzy, Ye Feng weakly fell to the ground. He wanted to argue with the Giant Ape, but the Giant Ape had already left.    


Ye Feng was helpless, but he knew that if he wanted to walk out of this space, he had to satisfy the Giant Ape's requirements.    


Ye Feng sighed as he endured the pain all over his body. He positioned himself and started to organize the second level of the Will Refining skill oral formula.    


According to what he remembered, there were nine levels in the Will Refining skill. The first level was Body Purification. The second level was Muscle Refining. The third level was the Tendons Refining. The fourth level was Bone Refining. The fifth level was the Marrow Refining. The sixth level was the Organ Refining. The seventh level was Blood Refining. The eighth level was the Soul Refining. The ninth level was the Will Refining.    


Once the cultivator completed the ninth stage, only then could his body reach the perfect state.    


'What I need to cultivate now is the second stage of the Will Refining. The Muscle Refining,'    


Ye Feng thought to himself and began to cultivate the second level of the Will Refining skill.    


With his extraordinary talent, he was able to immerse in his cultivation in just a short period of time.    


He used the elemental energy to refine the muscle tissues in his body to transform. It increased the strength of the muscle tissues, allowing him to erupt with a stronger strength and withstand even more terrifying external attacks.    


What followed the tempering of the elemental energy in his body was the intense pain that struck him once again. However, this time, it was twice the pain he felt from the first stage of his cultivation. Its unbearable pain would cause ordinary people to faint.    


However, Ye Feng had been persisting in his state of mind all this time and had unleashed extraordinary willpower. He gritted his teeth and held on. Blood seeped out of his mouth once again. One could only imagine what kind of pain he was enduring right now.    


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