Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C387 Crazy Man

C387 Crazy Man

Gong Lingye pushed open the door and saw Gu Tingxue sitting by the bed.    


When she saw him, her eyes lit up. "Mr Ling Ye!"    


"Tingxue, why aren't you sleeping so late?" He asked.    


"I heard there's a meteor shower tonight. It starts at 11: 15. Mr Ling Ye, can you accompany me to see it?" She asked.    


Gong Lingye felt his breathing tighten, but he still nodded. "Okay."    


He wanted to get her a wheelchair, but she shook her head. "I want to walk by myself."    


He nodded, took her coat and put it on, then went to help her up.    


The greenery in Gu family's old residence was very good. It was now April, and everywhere was lush green.    


At this moment, under the flickering lights, the shadows of the trees fluttered. The two of them arrived at the pavilion. Gong Lingye helped Gu Tingxue sit down and looked at the time.    


It was already lit. There were still fifteen minutes left. There should be a meteor shower, right? This was the last wish of the girl beside him.    


"Mr Ling Ye, I remember when I was young. You came to see me, and in order to coax me, you buried some crystals in the ground. You said that as long as I recovered, the crystals would become crystal trees." Gu Tingxue turned her head. "Can you help me dig them out?"    


Gong Lingye thought of the past and felt sad. He sighed but still nodded. "Okay."    


He broke a branch and used his memory to come to a tree and started digging.    


Time passed bit by bit. Although it was buried in the soil, as long as there was a bit of light, it would reflect light.    


Crystals appeared one after another. Gong Lingye still remembered Gu Tingxue at that time. She was small and pale, but she loved to smile. When she smiled, her eyes were like crystals.    


At that time, he was thinking that although his mother did not give birth to a younger sister for him, it was good to have such a cute younger sister. He only hoped that his younger sister's health would improve, and when the time came, he would definitely give her a crystal tree.    




Time flew by. He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.    


He picked up the crystal and brushed away the dirt on it. Gong Lingye stood up and walked towards the pavilion.    


"Found it." He said to her.    


She leaned against the pillar, her eyes somewhat blurred. Only after hearing his words did she seem to have reacted. She hurriedly said, "Wow, they're all here!"    


"Yeah, they're all here." Gong Lingye said with a smile.    


At this moment, the needle reached 15, and the ink-black sky was suddenly occupied by tiny rays of light. A meteor shower really fell from the sky.    


Gu Tingxue's eyes suddenly lit up, and the burning joy replaced the original scattering. She pointed to the sky happily. "Mr Ling Ye, there is a meteor shower. There is really a meteor shower!"    


Gong Lingye looked at the light in her eyes and suddenly felt that he could not look straight at it.    


Yes. Even if he had so much wealth, he couldn't let his sister have a healthy body.    


Gu Tingxue, on the other hand, watched for two seconds and quickly closed her eyes. She put her palms together and made a sincere wish -    


"I hope Mr Ling Ye will be healthy and live a happy life."    


"I hope dad can let go of his hatred and not be sad because of my departure."    


"I hope that in my next life, I will have a healthy body, be able to run under the sun without blushing or gasping. I hope that I can pursue the person I like freely..."    


She raised her head and silently made a wish in her heart.    


The meteor shower in the sky continued to fall, making her face seem to have a bright light.    


It was only after more than ten seconds that the meteor shower finally came to an end in the sky, while Gong Lingye felt a sudden weight on his shoulder.    


He turned his head abruptly and saw the face of the girl next to him, forever frozen on the last smile on her face. ...    


He felt his heart being pulled up and he softly called out to her, "Tingxue?"    


She had already stopped breathing.    


He looked at the last ray of light in the horizon and slowly said, "Tingxue, your wish will come true."    


After saying that, he picked her up and walked to the room.    


The moment Gu Chiyun saw Gong Lingye carrying her back, he knew that everything was already empty.    


His legs gave out and he fell to the ground. Two streams of clear tears rolled down crazily. "Tingxue! Tingxue!"    


"If you leave like this, what will dad do?"    


He choked as he looked at the girl in Gong Lingye's arms. When he saw the last smile on her lips, his heart felt as if it had been cut by a knife.    


In the end, it was Gong Lingye who watched her leave. Was it because Gong Lingye was there that she was so happy?    


Pain and hatred surged in his heart. After a long time, he finally said a complete sentence, "Gong Lingye, you stay behind and send Tingxue off!"    


Gong Lingye nodded. "Yes, I will send her off."    


The two of them did not say anything else. The maids had already started to prepare according to Gu Chiyun's instructions.    


Gu Chiyun did not hold a funeral. He did not like so many people watching his daughter leave. Because that was his daughter alone.    


The body was cremated overnight. A fresh girl was left, leaving only the gray powder in a blue and white porcelain bottle.    


Gu Chiyun, Gong Lingye, Aa Mian, and the others sat on a yacht. Early in the morning, they set off from the port near Imperial City and went straight to the distant sea.    


Gu Tingxue had said before that she did not want to be buried in the cold underground. She only wanted to be scattered in the sea, to be able to float along with the waves and freely go to places she had never been before.    


Therefore, when the boat arrived at the border of Hua Country, Gu Chiyun opened the porcelain bottle and slowly scattered the ashes.    


The fluttering ash quickly turned into bubbles in the blue sea water and disappeared.    


"Goodbye, Tingxue." Gong Lingye looked at the deep sea.    


Gu Chiyun put down the bottle and wiped the tears from his eyes. He slowly turned around and looked at Gong Lingye. "Gong Lingye, now it's time to settle our score!"    


Gong Lingye looked at him calmly, as if he had already guessed his plan. "Okay."    


"I know. I can't deal with you." Gu Chiyun said, "But what if I don't even want my life?"    


As he spoke, his eyes were filled with tears and madness. "Gong Lingye, I want you to die here today! I don't know why you haven't died from the poison yet, but these aren't important anymore! Tingxue loves you the most. "Now that you're dead, it's a good time to accompany her!"    


After Gu Chiyun said that, he suddenly pulled his coat away.    


Instantly, the explosives on his body were reflected in Gong Lingye's eyes.    


Two rows full of explosives were enough to overturn the entire cruise ship!    


"Gong Lingye, you didn't expect this, did you? Do you think I won't be able to get it if you control the channel of explosives in Hua Country?" Gu Chiyun laughed crazily. "You, the Gong Family, have made too many enemies. Someone specially sent it to me. I just want to see how miserable you are!"    


Seeing Gong Lingye's calm expression, Gu Chiyun smiled. "Do you think your men are faster than me? Not only me, but the entire cruise ship is also soaked in gasoline. As long as a little spark lands on the deck..."    


He suddenly took out a lighter and lit it up.    


Next to Gong Lingye, Aa Mian's muscles tensed up. Half of his subordinates rushed towards Gu Chiyun and the other half to protect Gong Lingye.    


Gu Chiyun raised his hand, and the lighter fell onto the deck.    


At the same time, he pulled the fuse of the explosives on his body and laughed crazily.    


On the same day, the fragments of the cruise exploded at the border of Hua Country covered dozens of nautical miles. The news of Hua Country covered the sky and covered the earth about this incident.    


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