Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C972 The Instructor Confiscated Her Love Letter

C972 The Instructor Confiscated Her Love Letter

Gong Moyi got up and went to pick up her clothes. Since she was going out to eat in a car, she did not need to wear the same clothes in school when it was peaceful again.    


Furthermore, she thought about it. She seemed to have always been dejected and dejected in front of Xiyan Cheng. He seemed to have never seen her wearing a skirt before, right?    


Gong Moyi picked out a white skirt from the closet and felt that it was a little monotonous, so she opened the jewelry box.    


Before coming to school, she was used to wearing a jade pendant around her neck. She also knew that it was impossible to wear jewelry in the Air Force Academy, so she did not bring any other jewelry.    


The only bracelet in the box was given to her by Beiming Yumo.    


She didn't take it off when she came to school, so she stayed at the school dormitory.    


Gong Moyi took a long time to put the bracelet on by herself.    


She looked in the mirror and was very satisfied with her current appearance.    


It was still a little early. She tied her dry hair into a high ponytail again and then flipped through the news on her phone to wait for the time.    


After a while, Gong Moyi's phone vibrated.    


She thought it was Xiyan Cheng, but she did not expect it to be a senior from the next department.    


The senior was also from the student union, so they would occasionally interact.    


The other party said that he had something to do with her, so he waited for her downstairs.    


Gong Moyi saw that it was about time, so she changed her shoes and went downstairs to see what the senior was up to.    


Downstairs, after Han Yan sent the message, he stood there nervously.    


Not long after, he saw a white figure walking out from the corridor.    


Instantly, Han Yan's eyes widened.    


This was the first time he saw Gong Moyi wearing a white dress. At this moment, the sun was slanted to the west, and the sun was slanted. She walked out of the light. She was so beautiful that it was unreal.    


Until she walked step by step to stand in front of him and smiled at him. " Senior Han, is it about the student union that you're looking for me for?    


Han Yan shook his head, his palms began to sweat.    


He was usually very calm when doing things. But at this moment, he was extremely nervous.    


He pursed his lips and kept his breathing steady. Then, he handed over the thing that he had been holding in his hand, "Moyi, this is for you."    


Gong Moyi took it in puzzlement.    


It was a map and various introductions about fighter planes.    


This book was very similar. Previously, she wanted to buy it, but the book store was always out of stock and she had not been able to buy it yet.    


Seeing the things she liked, she could not help but smile. "Thank you, Senior Han. Where did you buy it? Do you have it yourself?"    


"I have it." Han Yan said: "Take it and take a good look," Han Yan said. There's something good inside. "    


Gong Moyi nodded. "Yes, I have always wanted to buy this. Thank you, Senior Han! I will transfer the money to you later."    


"No need, no need!" Han Yan hurriedly waved his hand. "Just treat it as a birthday present for you!"    


Gong Moyi smiled. "My birthday is not recent!"    


"Whatever. Anyway, it's a birthday every year. I don't have anything to give you this year." When Han Yan said this, he emphasized again, "Moyi, remember to flip through it properly!"    


Gong Moyi nodded, "Okay, thank you!"    


"I'll be leaving first." As Han Yan spoke, his eyes were somewhat reluctant to move away. His tone became slightly anxious. "You are so beautiful today!"    


After saying this, he really left like a gust of wind.    


Gong Moyi did not know why he felt strange when he came to deliver a book today. She looked down at the time and found that it was time to meet with Xiyan Cheng. So she took the book and went to the side to look.    


Because there were very few majors for training missions, many students had not returned from the holidays, and there were not many people in the dormitory.    


Gong Moyi's gaze turned and saw Xiyan Cheng under a tree.    


She walked over and said to him, "Mr Cheng, when did you arrive?"    


Xiyan Cheng did not answer this question. Instead, he directly took the atlas from Gong Moyi's hands.    


He flipped through it and found a folded letter.    


He took out the letter with his index and middle fingers and looked at Gong Moyi with a smile that was not a smile.    


Gong Moyi was stunned. Now she also understood why Han Yan kept insisting that she flip the book.    


Looking at the color of the letter, she was helpless.    


She really did not expect that the usually aloof senior actually liked her and even gave her a love letter!    


Xiyan Cheng opened the letter and quickly swept his gaze over it.    


Beside him, Gong Moyi wanted to read, but just as she stuck her head out, the letter was put away by Xiyan Cheng.    


She went to snatch it, and he directly raised his hand.    


Gong Moyi tiptoed to reach it, but she simply could not reach it.    


She jumped, but forgot that she was wearing high heels today. She did not stand firm after jumping, and directly pounced forward, and just happened to jump into Xiyan Cheng's arms.    


He held her with one hand, "Moyi is so enthusiastic today."    


Gong Moyi was vexed and pushed Xiyan Cheng. Only then did she stand up and said, "Return the letter to me."    


Xiyan Cheng lowered his head and locked her eyes. "The instructor stipulated that it was forbidden to have a relationship at a young age, so the love letter was confiscated."    


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