Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C985 Mo Yi a Trophy for You

C985 Mo Yi a Trophy for You

Gong Moyi was puzzled and was about to ask when she heard the man speak in a low voice. "Two years ago, when I was carrying out a mission, I lost a car. Later, in order to track him again, one of my comrades died."    


Gong Moyi was stunned. She looked at the man's tough chin line and asked, "What happened in the end?"    


"I practiced driving for three months." Xiyan Cheng said, "Then I tracked that agent again and killed him with my own hands."    


Gong Moyi's heart tightened slightly.    


"I have never driven a car in a peaceful place." Xiyan Cheng said.    


Gong Moyi suddenly did not know what to say. She let him hold her and walked forward quietly.    


"Moyi, I don't want to wait for you anymore." Xiyan Cheng suddenly said.    


Gong Moyi was confused, "What do you mean?"    


"It's too dangerous." Xiyan Cheng tightened his grip on her shoulder. "Even if we are in the same team, I cannot guarantee your safety 100%."    


Gong Moyi shook her head. "But I have decided."    


Her eyes lit up as she met his gaze. "Didn't you say the first time you taught me how to fly a plane that if I die, I die?"    


Xiyan Cheng's pupils constricted. At this moment, he suddenly did not know what to say. He could only tighten his arms and hold Gong Moyi in his arms.    


His movement was a little too big. Gong Moyi bumped into Xiyan Cheng's chest. He only felt stiff muscles and a slight pain in his nose.    


However, the breath of a man soon completely surrounded her. In a noisy audience area, she could clearly hear his steady and powerful heartbeat.    


She felt that the road ahead seemed to be a little afraid, but at the same time, she felt a little relieved.    


It was just like the feeling he gave her. She did not want to get close so quickly, but she was unconsciously attracted to him.    


Lieh Muwan originally walked to the backstage with the two of them, but when she saw Xiyan Cheng suddenly hug Gong Moyi, she was stunned for a moment. She did not know whether she should go and find Gong Moxuan immediately or continue to stand there as a light bulb.    


She rubbed her hair in puzzlement and thought, Then is there no hope for Big Brother Darknorth?    


But very quickly, Xiyan Cheng let go of Gong Moyi, as if he couldn't do anything to her. "Alright, you can go if you want to."    


Gong Moyi said, "Then are you still waiting?"    


"Wait." Xiyan Cheng cast a sidelong glance at her. "What else can I do to you?"    


Gong Moyi smiled and walked down with him.    


Lieh Muwan secretly moved closer to Gong Moyi and pulled her sleeve, "Older sister Moyi, are you dating Brother Cheng?"    


Gong Moyi was asked this question again and gave Xiyan Cheng a somewhat vexed look. She said to Lieh Muwan, "No, how can it be so easy for him!"    


The three of them went down together. At the moment, the medical team was treating the injured contestants, while the other contestants were talking to each other.    


Gong Moxuan was surrounded by several people, and they were all here to talk to him.    


After all, although such a top contestant was their opponent, everyone wanted to get to know each other.    


Beiming Yumo was talking to the coach. The coach seemed to be summarizing his experience in this competition. He nodded seriously.    


Today's award ceremony was also on the scene. It was being set up there. Many reporters were also holding cameras, preparing for the final moment.    


Some reporters directly came over and began to interview the contestants and coaches.    


Gong Moyi saw that her own Second Elder Brother was careless again. The expression on his face was sloppy and simple. If she did not know his background, she would have thought that this guy was completely relying on his talent, and that he was a second generation genius with extraordinary talent.    


Beiming Yumo was also interviewed. Obviously, his expression was much more serious. There was a bit of shyness and calmness on his face. He looked like a typical noble young master.    


Gong Moyi turned her gaze and saw Beiming Shen and Beiming Yubai on the other side.    


It seemed that the two of them had come to cheer Beiming Yumo on today.    


She retracted her gaze and pulled Lieh Muwan along to wait at the award ceremony.    


After a while, the top three contestants arrived at the award ceremony area. After they announced their names, the first place winner stood on the podium, then the second place winner of Ning Country, and finally the champion, Gong Moxuan.    


The three of them looked pretty good. Standing on the podium was a beautiful scene.    


In the cheers below, the organizers began to award the three of them. After that, the national flag was raised, and the national anthem of Hua Country was played.    


At this moment, Gong Moyi suddenly felt proud. She looked at Second Elder Brother with admiration.    


After all, this was a competition in the Asia region, and Second Elder Brother had won glory for his own country.    


After the award ceremony ended, Gong Moxuan raised the trophy in his hand and took a photo with the 23rd person on the stage.    


Under the light, the three of them looked more spirited. After all, they were very young. Two of them were 18 years old, and the other one was 21 years old. They were all at their most passionate ages.    


When he got off the stage, Gong Moxuan took a few steps to stand in front of Lieh Muwan. He handed the trophy of the championship to Lieh Muwan and raised his eyebrows at her. "Little Night, have you fulfilled your promise?"    


At this moment, Lieh Muwan felt her heart beat fast. She felt nervous and sweet at the same time.    


She took the trophy and saw Gong Moxuan's reflection in her eyes. "Thank you, Mr Xuan! I will take good care of your trophy!"    


"Be good." Gong Moxuan rubbed her face.    


Gong Moyi watched from the side. Just as she retracted her gaze, another person appeared in front of her.    


Beiming Yumo held the trophy of third place in his hand and stood in front of him.    


He seemed to be a little nervous. His hand that was holding the trophy tightened slightly and his joints loosened. The color of blood was gone, but he still handed it over. "Moyi, this is for you."    


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