Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C973 The Instructor Confiscated Her Bracelet

C973 The Instructor Confiscated Her Bracelet

Gong Moyi pouted. "I'm already 18 years old."    


"Is that so?" Xiyan Cheng's eyes darkened. "You want to date?"    


When she met his gaze, she was shocked and immediately opened her eyes. "I don't want to."    


"Then the instructor will take the letter for you." Xiyan Cheng put the love letter in his pocket without any psychological burden.    


Gong Moyi glanced at his actions and was angry.    


But besides being angry, she also felt like laughing.    


Xiyan Cheng helped her carry the atlas and walked forward. "Let's go. The car is parked over there. Instructor Lin is already waiting for us inside. Let's take the car to eat outside the school."    


Gong Moyi and Xiyan Cheng got into the car together and smiled at Lin Zexuan, who was in the front row.    


When the school saw that it was their car, they obviously let them in.    


Xiyan Cheng chose a local restaurant. The three of them found a private room.    


At this moment, Xiyan Cheng officially introduced Gong Moyi and Lin Zexuan to each other.    


The two shook hands and Gong Moyi smiled. "Instructor Lin, if there is anything I don't understand in the future, I would like to ask you."    


Lin Zexuan, on the other hand, did not put on any airs. He said, "I have known Brother Cheng for more than a year. You can call me Brother if you want to. You don't have to be so polite. If you have any theoretical knowledge that you do not know, you can call me anytime."    


"Alright. Thank you, Brother Xuan!" Gong Moyi was also very straightforward.    


"Zexuan might come here often in the future." Xiyan Cheng said, "Moyi, if I am not around in the future, if he is around, you can look for him if you encounter any difficulties. You can also look for my cousin Xiyan Yi."    


Gong Moyi nodded and asked, "Mr Cheng, why didn't you call Xiyan Yi over for dinner?"    


Xiyan Cheng raised his eyebrows. "What does a young man like him need to reminisce about?"    


Alright! Gong Moyi heard a deep dislike in Xiyan Cheng's tone.    


Along the way, Gong Moyi went to the washroom.    


Outside, Lin Zexuan asked Xiyan Cheng, "Brother Cheng, tell me the truth. Do you purely treat her as a younger sister, or..."    


Xiyan Cheng asked. "When did you see a girl as precious as me who is not related by blood?"    


Lin Zexuan heard this and smiled. He could not help but sigh. "Do you have to pick up a girlfriend when you are young?"    


Very soon, Gong Moyi returned. The two of them had already talked about something else.    


The atmosphere during the meal was pleasant. The two of them also knew that Gong Moyi had a heavy task tomorrow, so after they ate, they sent her back to school.    


As usual, Xiyan Cheng sent Gong Moyi downstairs. At this moment, the sky was completely dark. Under the slightly dark street lights, her face was pretty and quiet.    


Xiyan Cheng opened his mouth and said, "You are very beautiful today."    


This was the second time Gong Moyi was praised as beautiful today, and it was the same place.    


She smiled, "Mr Cheng, you are also very handsome today."    


Xiyan Cheng's lips twitched, and then his expression became serious. "Always being confessed?"    


He had only been in school for a day, but he had already bumped into her twice. He had not counted those who were trying to please him.    


"Not bad." Gong Moyi's tone was calm.    


"There are often people who give you gifts?" Xiyan Cheng asked again.    


Gong Moyi looked up and asked with a smile, "Mr Cheng, is the specialty today delicious?"    


He met her gaze and the color in his eyes deepened. "It's not delicious. It's a little sour."    


Gong Moyi,... ""    


She felt that if she did not leave soon, he would probably say something today.    


"Oh, then next time don't snatch my classmate's gift!" Gong Moyi said and waved at Xiyan Cheng, "Mr Cheng, I'm going upstairs!"    


However, just as she turned around, Xiyan Cheng grabbed her wrist.    


She turned around and looked up at her.    


He had already let go of her wrist and his gaze fell on her bracelet. "It's pretty"    


Gong Moyi said, "I only have this bracelet. You are not allowed to wear jewelry here. This was given to me by my classmate. You have even seen that classmate of mine. "    


"Hmm?" Xiyan Cheng raised his eyebrows.    


Gong Moyi remembered Xiyan Cheng's jealousy in D Country and deliberately said, "It's the one in D Country, Beiming Yumo."    


Xiyan Cheng lifted Gong Moyi's wrist. Under her stunned gaze, he directly took off her bracelet.    


He rubbed her hair. "Little Moyi, the Air Force Academy does not allow students to wear jewelry. The instructor will help you take it."    


Gong Moyi's eyes widened, unable to describe her current mood.    


Xiyan Cheng smiled at her. "Go upstairs and rest early."    


Gong Moyi gritted her teeth with hatred, thinking that she must get back at them later on.    


She snatched the album from Xiyan Cheng and went upstairs.    


Xiyan Cheng watched her disappearing figure with his eyes. He pinched the space between his eyebrows and put the small bracelet in his pocket.    


After that, he got into the car and said to Lin Zexuan, "Zexuan, I want to go to the downtown area."    


"Didn't you just come from there?" Lin Zexuan was puzzled.    


They were the instructors that were invited over, so the school arranged accommodation for the two of them, which was in the west side of the school.    


"Buy something" Xiyan Cheng said, "I'll send you to the dormitory, and then I'll go out."    


Half an hour later, Xiyan Cheng appeared in a high-end jewelry store.    


It was already 9: 30. The shopping mall would be closed in half an hour. The staff did not expect this. There were actually customers at this time.    


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